How much do you pay for a Relaxer Touch up?

In Brooklyn, it was 40 and that included a DC and rollerset. When i was in a white area in western NY, it was 90 at Regis Salon for the same.
...105:look: (yeah its expensive but shes the only stylist i trust)
it includes protein treatment,DC,and flat iron

oh and a trim if i need it
it depends. if i go to the dominican salon to get it, its gonna cost me $65 for the touch up, DC, rollerset. i do not allow them to blow dry or flat iron on relaxer day. if i do the relaxer myself, it costs about 24 hours worth of effort and 8 gallons of water. but i also have complete control over the entire process and no one to blame but myself if i look crazy. i usually do a curlformers set afterwards
I pay $60 at a Ghanian salon includes relaxer touch up, DC and rollerset. At the beginning of my hair journey after by BC from dreads, I did my own relaxer at home. It was a disaster. Because I was afraid of over processing, I would end up with under processed hair in some parts and properly processed in others. Took me hours, and I was tired and frustrated at the end of it. Now, I happily pay $60 once every 3 months when I need a relaxer touch up, but I do all my real DC and protein treatments at home.
Ok, I see the price I paid is around the norm. I paid $70 for relaxer touch up and deep condition and trim. I remember back in the day when touch ups use to cost only $45.
^^^ yes. it's $25 for a touch up. $5 for a deep conditioner, another $5 for a blow out (instead of a roller set and doobie).

I've never paid more than $45 and that's with other add-ons (trims, etc).
I used to go to a place downtown (then a guy that used to be downtown) and pay $120 and that was for tu, dc, trim, blow dry, and style. I knew there were cheaper places, but I trusted them and knew they used good products and cared about the health of my hair (even though they were scissor happy:rolleyes:). They were also very conscious of my time, which is just as important to me. After he pissed me off I found a lady right in my suburb who is very good and was prepared to pay the same. She charges $60 (I give her $75) and doesn't cut off all my hair! I also don't have to pay for parking anymore.
I'm ashamed to say how much I've paid for Texlax touchups in the past. Much more than anything mentioned here.

However, it was worth it to pay to keep my hair healthy & on my head until I figured out how to do it myself. Now I can do my own texlaxes & I love it :yep:

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I used to pay $90 for a relaxer and deep condition. for a trim it would cost $15 extra.

My old stylist used top quality products and was gentle with my hair. I only stopped going because I needed to cut back on spending, soon after, I decided to go natural.
I am really thinking of going to a real professional stylist for my next touch up. One that asks about my hair and then offers me the best relaxer to use. My last touch up I went 4 months and used Silk Elements and oddly, it got my hair BONE straight and weakened to the point where I got a lot of breakage the following two weeks. I'm not gonna blame the relaxer but the stylist should have realized that the hair was getting really straight as she was smoothing it. I would like some level of rapport about my hair fr the hairdresser. With that said, I am willing to shell out $100+ for my next touch up to try a new hairdresser. If I like this new hairdresser I will pay the $ for the touch ups since I plan to get them 3-4x a yr.
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Used to pay $40 at the dominican salon near my house, but I hair is too fine and i'm too tendered headed for how rough they were. I found a stylist this year that charges $105 but for the first time ever I was able to use a lye relaxer without a single burn. I had always opted for no lye before this. On that revelation alone i've decided to stick with her. She also just handles my hair with more care in general.
$120 and worth it!

I get my relaxer, properly based scalp, Deep conditioning treatments, rinse, cut and rollerset or blow dry and style & tip. She does and amazing job each time :)
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