Mixing Relaxers with Oil or Conditioner

I added 3 tblspoons of oil to my relaxer creme. I used Organic Root stimulator no-lye relaxer. I use 2 tablespns of EVOO and 1 tblspn of sweet almond oil. IMO the oils make it more straighter and provides extra protection to the hair strands.. my hair came out shiny and silky when I did this on my last touch up because of these great results that I got... I will be doing this(adding 3 tblspns of oil to relaxer creme) from here on out;)
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I'm wondering how this will work in conjunction with using the silk amino acids discussed in the other thread...
I'm planning to add a tablespoon of EFA and a teaspoon of protein to my next relaxer. I added the protein last time and it didn't seen to slow the processing time any. :ohwell:
I just finished touching up my hair with Profectiv relaxer and added olive oil for the first time. My hair turned out straight and feels so silky. I will be adding olive oil from now on!!!!!!!!!!!:grin:
I had to check before I replied. i have mixed Queen Helene in my texlax and it was wonderful. It was my "touchup" in my fotki. I loved it bc my hair didnt shed at all directly afterwards. I lost NO hair which is really new for me. I used to have a nice hairball after I texlaxed. This time none of that...I was shocked. I bought some LeKair Cholesterol (the green one) for next time I hope it works just as good.
I mixed my relaxer with 1/4 cp of coconut oil and it came out with just enough texture to do wash and goes but i can easily get it straight with a rollerset. I have thin fine hair but now straight it looks thick and full. I love the results and my hair is so much stronger than when i use to relax bone straight.