how many years to grow brastrap hair from a twa

Oh ok...I was just wondering since everyone starts off at a different length at BC...trying to see where to set my sites :grin:

yea i know what you mean....i read where some women bc and still have 6 inches of hair left and they reach brastap in two years and i m sitting here with a twa hoping i can do that too:nono:
hang in there it will come... this coming from a person as a little girl who had twigs for ponytails.... It took me 3 years yall it will happen, dont forget to protective style and watch the heat...
From a close croppped baldie to BSL takes me 3 years...yeah, I have experience :) just see my fotki...twice :LOL
I went from a Nia Long short cut when I was 17 to 2" past APL at 18 1/2 yrs old. I am unsure if it grew so fast because of my age, but I used only 4 products the whole time. I used a cheap Suave Shampoo and Conditioner. I washed my hair maybe once in between relaxers; which was every 6-8 weeks. The only two other products I used were 911 leave in conditioner, and some BB super gro hair grease. Other than that I wore a bun.
I'd say 3-4 years of consistent LHCF-style hair care to achieve full brastrap length.
I am not BSL but I can say it took me one year to get from TWA to SL (pic below: Aug 07- Aug 08). So I would say I need another 6 months to get to BSL. So I would say 1 year and a half.
Well, I'm not at BSL, yet, but it took me a little over a year to grow from a less than an inch TWA to a little past shoulder length (and I have a long neck). So, I'm guesstimating maybe about 2.5 to 3 years (this is just based on my growth, YMMV)?
I guess it really depends on how fast your hair grows. my hair only grows 1/4 in a month. Thats about 3.5 inches a year. I have 5 months to go to complete out my third year and I am still not armpit length I am very very close but not full armpit.

I am at 8.5 inches. It would have taken me 3 years to grow out from less then 1/4 inches on my head to 10 inches. I will just be making full armpit by April 2009 that will be a total of 3 full years. Megatek helps but I stopped using it because my scalp got to sensitive. So I use nothing but oils and essential oils. My hair just gets stronger which keeps it on my head. Vitamins help so much as well. I just don't take them regularly so I don't get mad that my hair is not growing as fast as i would like. Water increases your growth as well as fresh fruit and vegs. Its all about how you take care of yourself and your hair that will determine how fast your hair will grow.
About 3 years since you're tall. Looking at my pictures it's probably going to take me another year and a half to make APL. Damn this long neck! :lol:
I finally made APL; BC in '05. So it will take me 4 years to get to BSL. I am hoping that it is easier to go from APL to BSL, because it took for ever to go from SL to APL.
Good question op. If I had to guess & with the rate at which my hair grows, it would probably take me 2-3 years to go from twa to bsl.
I'm 5"7 and I'm at the start of my awkward stage heading towards APL and dang, it's taking forever. I can only imagine what you're going through. Patience be with you!!
whats the defintion of shoulder length? cuz i pressed my hair and the back was shoulder length but the rest wasnt. does ALL your hair have to be shoulder length? are we saying shoulder/apl curly, wet, straight/pulled? im confused :-(
I'm hoping it takes me 3 years. I am at my 2 year natural hair growing mark and I am about 1 inch beyond shoulder length. I need another 5 inches to be at bsl, which will be 3 years total.
I'm 5'7" and it took me about 2 years +/- a couple months to hit BSL and that was with proteictive styling (half wig) everyday.