How far from brastrap are you....Really??

My hair is an inch below the bottom of my shoulderblades, which is brastrap for most of my bras. In the pic in my siggy my ends are bumped under. I want my hair to reach brastrap even if the ends are slightly curled. Then I'll consider myself fully brastrap. Now, like the other "well endowed" women, if I want to reach the bottom of brastrap I have another 3 inches beyond that..
Well if I measured with my VS bra, then I am a thumb length away which is about 2 inches. I have been stuck at this point for sometime. I had to trim early last month an inch but I have gained that back. 2 inches away seem to be my threshold point so hopefully by june.

But I can cut corners and just wear my new bra which is higher. :sekret:
About 4 inches. Now that is because I have long legs and a shorter torso I guess, this suits me just fine of course because that means bra strap is a lot closer. :)
Sings and clicks fingers *oh happy day, oh happy dayyyyyyyy*:dance7:
Mariaat40 said:
My hair is an inch below the bottom of my shoulderblades, which is brastrap for most of my bras. In the pic in my siggy my ends are bumped under. I want my hair to reach brastrap even if the ends are slightly curled. Then I'll consider myself fully brastrap. Now, like the other "well endowed" women, if I want to reach the bottom of brastrap I have another 3 inches beyond that..

Me too!! :) Me too!!:)
dontspeakdefeat said:
I am glad to see so many ladies so close to brastrap?? I am curious to know, how many of you are going to go beyond there??

For ME, brastrap is a little too long but, I want to have armpit length hair. I figure if I can grow my hair to brastrap, then I can cut it even accross to armpit length (to get rid of most but not all of the layers).
I'll grow how ever long it will grow until I bump my head and bc *lol* Any length, as long as it is healthy, is fine with me :)

dontspeakdefeat said:
I am glad to see so many ladies so close to brastrap?? I am curious to know, how many of you are going to go beyond there??
Well with my bras, Im right at bra strap, but Im also due for a dusting of my ends, so Ill say with a trim and my next relaxer Ill be officially bra strap!


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I'm honestly not depends on what bra I have on. I have pics in my album, and when I took them in one bra at the beginning of the year, I'm about an inch or two away. But I updated this morning in a tank top where the back comes to about where I thought my bra does, and I'm a couple of inches past it. Who knows :confused:
I have roughly six to seven inches to go before I hit bsl...hopefully I will get there in a year. I think I have gained around 6 inches from April to now. So maybe my hair grows a little faster than 1/2" per month. I'm also anti trim. So maybe if I stick with my no heat minimal style routine I won't have any set backs.

:think: I think it's time to start taking some supplments. Maybe I even need to start surging again.
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I have about 7 more inches until BSL and my length is currently 8-10 inches. However I would just be happy reaching armpit length. My hair has never been so long in my life, so I am happy about how it is now too.
*yeah....I bumped it...cause I feel a million miles away from it...*:cool:


eta - now that I've touched up, I have a better idea...a solid 7-8 inches to go for official BSL, 6 inches to get into the neighborhood.
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About 3 - 4 inches. If all goes according to plan, I should be there by December. Then again, does anythig ever go to plan?? Just gotta keep positive.