How many weeks post relaxer are you?

Going on 14 weeks. I was very close to relaxin or Texlaxin but adding AVC and Baking Soda to my coniditioner has help me decide to keep going as far as i can. Thanks Justkyia!!

3months, 2 weeks and 3 days lol
i'm trying to transition.. seems like WAY longer than that.. geez

14 weeks 2 days :perplexed
7 weeks, trying to go to 24 weeks.

ETA ^^^ Wow Beans4reezy you must be so excited to relax you may go to bra strap with all your new growth!
As of yesterday, I'm 23 weeks post. Next week will be my 6 month milestone. I've never stretched this long before. Used to get to 16 weeks...but never 24 weeks. Half wigs have made this feat possible for me. I would not have wanted to do this without.

I don't know when I'm going to relax. I'd love to have the cojones to just outright transition and never relax again...but, I'm still keeping my options open.
11 or 12 I think. I'm relaxing this weekend. I don't like to strech too far past 12 weeks. Too many tangles.