Ladies who didn't think they could many weeks are you up to?


New Member
Hi Ladies,

This thread is to encourage those ladies who don't think they can stretch their relaxers.

I personally didn't think I could stretch my relaxer up until mid last year (even though I've been a member of LHCF since 2003). I have gone from relaxing my hair every 5 weeks to my current stretch which is 15 weeks (ending next week because of my birthday). :bouncy:

I really think stretching your relaxer takes changing your thinking about your hair. Instead of thinking "I have to get a relaxer", I now think "what can I do to stay away from the relaxer this week." It takes being creative with your products, and styles, and being willing to not have "swanging" hair all the time.

After having done this last stretch I'm pretty sure I could make it 20 weeks, this was impossible for me to even imagine before.

I've taken it in steps I went from relaxing every 5-6 weeks, to 8 weeks, to 10 weeks, to 12 weeks, and now 15 weeks.

So ladies how many weeks have you gone from relaxing your hair on a regular basis to now stretching?
I used to relax every 5 weeks to the day and I definitely didn't think I could stretch longer than that. My last relaxer I stretched to 9 weeks which was huge for me. Now I am currently at 5 weeks and trying to go to 12 weeks. We'll see, wish me luck!
I used to relax every 6 weeks, and then I stretched to 13 (once), but my last stretch was 22 weeks, which I would've never believed was possible for me.
I used to relax every 6-8 weeks (usually every 8 weeks), and right now I have stretched to 13 weeks!! Whoo hoo! ;)

The longest I have ever gone is 15 weeks, and I swore I would never do that again, but this time I'm tweaking my regimen and trying to stretch to 16 weeks! Just 3 more weeks to go! Wish me well! :D
I use to relax every 6 weeks before finding LHCF. Since then I have been stretching every 11 weeks. Now I'm on my way to seventeen weeks next week. :grin: I'm relaxing next week because I'm going on vacation. If I wasn't going anywhere I would have tried for 20 weeks. I think my next stretch will be for 20 since my birthday is in October. Wish me luck.:)
I use to relax every 12 weeks now I go for 24 weeks and my hair is not long which makes it even harder. It is manageable though.
msbrown76 said:
I used to relax every 6 weeks, and then I stretched to 13 (once), but my last stretch was 22 weeks, which I would've never believed was possible for me.
you're giving me hope :) I'm at 13 weeks now stretching to 16. We'll see how it goes, if all goes well, I hope to join the Halloween stretch club.
I love this thread! I've always been an advocate of stretching relaxers, and I used to try, but I could never do it successfully. My hairdresser and friends constantly verbally bashed me for waiting too long to relax etc, etc. Since coming to this board, I've learned that the theory was on point, however, I had no clue how to maintain my NG and alas I suffered breakage as a result. If only I had discovered LHCF 3 years ago, I'd be at BSL by now...Oh well:ohwell: Anyway, I set a goal of 10 weeks and I'm currently at 13 weeks and counting (hoping to get to 15).

Good luck to all my fellow novice stretchers - it's the way to go IMO.
I am on week 14, trying to stretch to May. This will take me to 20 weeks post. It is hard, but i'm hanging in there.
This time I stretched to 13 weeks, as of Saturday. I've stretched 10 and 11 weeks before. The longest I stretched was 34 weeks. I would not do that again to my hair, b/c I think it did more harm than good. To achieve that though, I used braids for 10 of those 34 weeks. Actually my hair was healthy when I removed the braids, but I relaxed too soon after removing them, and it was underprocessed, so breakage city!
It`s my first stretch since I take care for my hair,before I used to stretch 3,4,5 months without problem but because I did not care/knew about the damage I was doing.
Now I`am in week 13 and may go up till week 16:D
I used to go every 4-5 weeks like clockwork. Now, I'm at week 13 of a 16 week stretch! :eek:

And I'm luvin my cute little coils so much that I'm starting to consider myself a Transitioner! WOO freakin' HOO!!

I never would have considered going natural before, but stretching got me thinking like the prev poster said: "what can I do to stay away from relaxers this week?"
I used to get a relaxer every 6 to 8 weeks. Then I started stretching to 12 for about a year. My last stretch was about 15. And now I'm on week 20. I plan to relax for graduation next month so I think I have another 6 weeks to go.
This actually my first ever post to the forum. I have been a lurker for about 3 months or so. Anyways, I have managed to stretch for 13 weeks so far. It hasnt been as hard as I thought it would. My new growth is thicker and very curly 3C hair. I may decide to transition, maybe not.
I am 12 weeks post, and this has been the longest I have ever stretched (this is also my first time of stretching). I'm getting a relaxer tomorrow. I was going to try to hold out until June, but my hair has got so thick, that washing it has become a job in itself, and I dont want to do more harm than good. Not to mention I start a new job on Monday so I want to look good for it. :D
I use to relax every 4-5 weeks.:eek: I started stretching my relaxers for 10 weeks, then 11 weeks, and now my next goal is 12 weeks. I figured I would take baby steps during the process.
I just relaxed today after 13 weeks! I used to get a touch up every six weeks like clockwork! It's really done wonders for my nape and edges. I probably could have gone longer, but I'm getting married in a couple of weeks and I need to try some hairstyles before the big day. I'll definitely go at least another 13 weeks. I'll try and hold out until the first week in August (17 weeks).
I love this thread! I remember the first time I stretched 9 weeks! then 3 months, then 6 months! Wow! You can do it, but you don't have to be an olympic track star and wait forever. Listen to your hair!
Yeah I was also every 6 weeks:mad: , then I did my first stretch to 12 weeks:) now I'm aiming for 16 weeks. My ultimate goal is 20 weeks that way I will only relax on average twice a year. Can't wait to get to that point. Keep stretching ladies!!!!!!!!!!!:D
I relax/texturize every 4 weeks :eek:. Now I'm on week 8 without one. I don't plan to do it again until 5/20/06 that is if I even do it then. I currently have a sew in but I leave the top out.
Well, it varies with me. Right now, it's a "slight" relaxer every 12-14 weeks. I am really considering not relaxing anymore or at least not for a long time.
The longest I stretch without the help of a sewn-in, was 15 weeks. I would like to stetch to 20 weeks. I am currently 8 weeks, but I know I am plan to relax after May 13th, but maybe after that I can stretch to 20 weeks.
My healthy hair journey just started in January; this was my first stretch and I'm at 19 weeks. I'm starting to notice a little bit a breakage, but I'm taking a swim class right now and can't do much until it's over in three weeks. So far I've managed to increase moisture and elasticity, and my hair has never been this long before. I plan to do extra conditioning and protein to get my hair ready for my relaxer next month.

I used to relax every 6-8 weeks, but after this stretch, I plan to relax every 16 weeks. I'll be able to train my hair better after the relaxer and I'll know how to properly care for my hair from the beginning.
I stretched my last two relaxers to 12 weeks. It felt like the longest 12 weeks of my life. I usually relax every 6-8 weeks. I must admit that my hair has thickened a great deal since I've stretched my relaxers.
tbanae said:
This actually my first ever post to the forum. I have been a lurker for about 3 months or so. Anyways, I have managed to stretch for 13 weeks so far. It hasnt been as hard as I thought it would. My new growth is thicker and very curly 3C hair. I may decide to transition, maybe not.

Welcome to the forum!!!
In the past...b4 hair forums...I would relax every 4 I stretch my relaxers to 13-14 weeks...i've come a long way.:)