How many weeks post relaxer are you?

I'm 9 weeks. I usually relax by now. But I have been scratching so It's getting pushed back. I'm gonna probably try and retouch this weekend.
I'm 6 weeks post. I stretched for 10 weeks the last time and am aiming to go 11-12 weeks this time. My stylist has always encouraged me to go as long as I can between relaxers, so he will be happy!

However, my new growth has started coming in really strong and since I don't use heat, it's beginning to become harder for me this time around. I am not sure, but I think it is because of the SURGE Plus 14 and the MSM supplements (2000 mg) which I have been using consistently for the past 2 months.

This is a good thing!:)
I am 10 weeks post. I am trying to make it 14 more weeks:p . Its getting easier the more I learn how to take care of my new growth and my permed ends, so that both their needs are satisfied
nadine1977canada said:
Im 13 weeks post. I wanted to get a touch up this month...But i just used a shampoo with henna extract. So i have to wait a month before i get it done

Why is that. What does henna extact do with with touching up. I ask because I just use a conditioner iwh henna. TIA
I'm at 11 weeks and still looking good. I'm worried I'm not getting any growth especially on top. :(

I'm aiming for 24 weeks and see how things are. I might not even want another relaxer.
I was 7 until I got a relaxer on new year's eve. For some reason my hair started shedding like crazy about two weeks after my last relaxer!! It looks like I'm not shedding as much any more.