How many weeks post relaxer are you?

I'm 11 weeks post. I'm relaxing on Saturday. This is my first stretch; previously, I relaxed every 6 weeks. My hair is a lot easier to manage than I thought it would be! If I weren't going out of town for Christmas soon, I would probably stretch until the new year.
Wow...I could never go for more than three months...well who knows? Maybe when I find the right detangling product, I could do it!:D
6 weeks in 3 days. I usually go for 8 weeks since I tried longer and it wasn't too pretty but do to finances I'll be going to about 12 weeks. :(
I'm 11 weeks and I'll be relaxing next week at 12. This is the longest I've gone and it wasn't that bad until about 9 1/2 weeks.
Week 21, and I am getting a touch up next week. I was shooting for 24 weeks, but I decided to get my hair done for christmas. Two weeks shy aint bad!
I'm at 14 weeks and so far so good. I'm getting braids next week and I'll try to keep them in for 2 months.
I'm 11 weeks post and I've reached my stretching goal. I will be relaxing this week, so I can prepare for the Hide your hair until Christmas challenge :yay:
I'm only about 5 weeks but if you include my last two underprocessed relaxer episodes, it looks and feels like much longer!! I'm trying to hold out until January to do a retouch and get everything corrected.
Currently, I am 6 wks post. I am shotting for 12 wks right now, but I access the NG to see how much it is and can I handle that much every 2 weeks. So far I have about 1 inch NG. Which is definitely not enough for me to want to get a retouch. I think I need at least 2 inches for a retouch. But my ultimate goal is every 6 months. I am working up to it.
I'm 8 weeks post tomorrow. Its not as bad as I thought it would be. This is my second "on purpose" first was when I was 13 about 6 years ago. My mother wouldn't let me get a touch-up my entire 8 grade year until graduation (about 7 or 8 months)....I hated it (mostly because I was 13 and I wanted to wear my hear down and straight like everyone else)!!! But my hair grew a lot. I don't have a set week where I relax, just whenever my new growth gets so thick that its hard to manage. My first goal is to get to January 17th which would be 3 months but I might end up stretching longer if I can manage it.
This is my first time stretching. I am 6 weeks post. I usually get it every four months. I am hoping to stretch till the the first week of March. That will make it 20 weeks. Hopefully it can be done. Right now, its not that bad.
I'm 8 weeks... I'm trying to stretch until the end of this month and hopefully beyond.

i started flatironing; i hope that's the stretching secret
I'll be 21 weeks this friday:D This will be the longest stretch that I've ever done.Last week I blowdried my hair and it sure did a number on me:mad: Hopefully it didn't do too much damage....That blowdryer is the debil!!
This is my first stretch. I used to go only 6 weeks between touchups. Now I am 8 weeks post and the new growth is very manageable, so I'm not getting one just yet. I'm going to see where I'm at one month from now.