How many weeks post are you right now?

1 day post :grin: just completed my first stretch of 11 was tough, but i'm gonna try to stretch it out to 12-14 weeks this time!
Congrats Medmunky.

JustMeSteph 36 weeks yesterday (June 29, 2007) if I am counting right.

Congrats JustMeSteph also. I can't wait to get to 6 months.

Thanks ma. 6 months was hard for me too bc before I came here I was an every 2-3 months girl. You will do it though. The winter was actually easier for me bc I am wearing my hair up a lot anyway.
15 now..I will relax at 17. Rollersetting and pin curling have gotten me through. I actually go a while longer, but I am afraid of breakage. Next time I think I will go 6 mths. 4 w/rollersetting then the last 2 in braids..We'll see though...:look:
i'm 15 weeks post and don't know when I relax

My sister used to do my relaxers, but since i moved I don't know who will do it, I have to find a good hairdresser here in Paris, it's going to be hard
I'm pushing 7 weeks right now and it's not pretty right about now where my NG is kicking in.:nono:
I was thinking about giving up stretching after my last relaxer experience. (I had self-relaxed a month before and it hadn't come out that great so I had someone else relax it for me again but the tangles were a mess)
I'm hoping to strecth to maybe 4 months. Sounds possible now but at 10 weeks I'll be crying.
My last texlax date was the date in my siggy, so however many weeks from there...16 weeks maybe? I quit trying to count.