How many of you gals go to the salon?

Salon or Home?

  • Home

    Votes: 228 78.4%
  • Salon

    Votes: 63 21.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I go every 2-3 weeks. I try to alternate. I wash my hair one week, and I go to the dominicans the next. There's just something about having somebody else wash your hair... it feels better. :grin:

Thats so true. :yep:

I only go for touch-ups, but Im about to change that and go for a wash and deep condition about every 2 wks or so. Im getting lazy.:ohwell:
you need to find someone whom you can trust. I go to the salon for my wash and sets and touch ups. I love the way my stylist washes and massages my

:bouncegre You're right about that. I trust my stylist, and I've recommended him to others. :clapping: If he decides to move far away, I'll be doing my hair myself--which I know will be a challenge . . . because I've been going to the salon most of my life.
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I go there to relax or get weaves done. I can't rationalise paying someone to wash my hair when I have all the stuff I need to do it myself.
My whole family does their hair at home. There's not many salons around that do black hair, and then when they do it's usually expensive. My mom took me to a salon for my birthday one year, and ended up paying $100 for a relaxer (No DC, didn't get my ends trimmed just a relaxer) I like doing it at home especially now that I know more about what I'm doing.
Selected home. I've never been a salon person-I've only been twice in my life. Once for prom (she did not do a good job-it was cute but she dried out my hair) and once because I was in a mood (she fried my hair-had to dc it the next day).

I don't trust stylists. I like to imagine 90% are not concerned with the health of hair.
I have not been to the salon in over a year. Once I joined the forum I went from going every 5 wks to 4 times a year. Now it's NEVER! I would love the pampering, but I why pay someone to jack my hair up. Going to the salon is what lead me here.:nono:
I've been twice this year. The first time to get my hair pressed so I could do a length check and to get the ends trimmed. The 2nd time to get highlights. I found 2 natural hair salons that I might try out because I'm lazy and I don't feel like twisting my own hair. Other than that, I don't think I will be going back for a while, unless for some reason I want my hair straight. I can do everything myself (except color).

Back in the day when I was relaxed, I went faithfully every 6 weeks for a touch up.
I do everything myself at home and I'm always learning how to do it better. :)

I agree :yep:

As for me, I went to salons for years for everything you can think of....
weaves, perm-relaxers, colors, press, blow-dry, etc. This is what led me to LHCF. Why? Because I relyed too much on other people and they all - yes "all" caused some type of damage. I have more horror stories than one could imagine. It only takes one time to get mega damage. :yep:
I suggest that one not be afraid to take care of what's on their own body. Take the time if you care to learn. Nobody cares as much as you do - right? :yep:
Although, I'm sure there are decent salon operators out there, I would have wl hair right now if I did not go through all of that nonsense. If I can't do something myself - I learn or it doesn't get done. :yep:
Thank goodness I found LHCF.
I have not been to the salon in over a year. Once I joined the forum I went from going every 5 wks to 4 times a year. Now it's NEVER! I would love the pampering, but I why pay someone to jack my hair up. Going to the salon is what lead me here.:nono:

Ditto. And you have beautiful hair now. :yep:
I finally found someone that I trust to flat iron my hair, so I go whenever I feel like it. Usually every 6 months.
dang i havent been there in ages not since i was like 10 everytime i went she cut my hair shorter and shorter giving me a prolonged big chop every other week until i was completly bald thanks im never going back to one unless i own thhe salon and i personally trained the stylists how to do my hair it aint goin down i'd rather stay home!
I really don't go to the salon for washing/DC or anything like that, but I do for protective styles (like individuals or micros) because I just don't know how to do braids with extensions and I feel like I would never have the patience to do that on myself...but I wold looovve to save that $$$
Although I have never been good with styling my own hair, it was only when I found this site that I developed my confidence in doing my own hair.
I haven’t been to the salon recently because I haven’t been able to find a decent stylist since relocating. The salons that I have been to are over booked and the entire process takes HOURS! :nono:

I recently stopped going to the salon altogether. On special occasions I return but it will not be a weekly thing for me again!

I can honestly say that while I do not particularly enjoy doing my own hair can and do wash, and deep condition my hair I am big on protective styling and no heat so after my hair is washed and conditioned I normally put on a wig and keep in moving.

Thanks to the ladies on this board and the information that is shared my hair is as healthy as it has ever been and it is growing! I’m happy with that! :yep:
I go to a natural salon every 6 weeks or so for new cornrows. Other than that its DIY at home.

While I am at the salon I do let them poo and DC .. Its nice every once in a while having someone "do your hair".. especially the men at the shampoo bowl. PURE HEAVEN! Men give the best massages at the shampoo bowl. :cloud9:
I'm going tomorrow for a rollerset and flat ironed roots. Pre LHCF, at one point due to a set back i was going weekly, then dropped to every two weeks to three weeks.
Since starting my journey w. LHCF, I go pretty regularly late fall into winter, but spring through early fall she only sees me once every 1 1/2 to 2 months for check ups during the long part of my stretch to make sure I'm doing ok.
i haven't been to the salon in over a year. not because she did something wrong but because i moved. i loved it and always had good experiences. i just finished washing my hair and just thought, "man, i wish juan was doing this." and, then i blowdried and wished that lisa was doing it...BUT i have learned a lot from this board so i am surviving, even thriving:) but if i go back or find someone i believe they will be washing my hair the majority of the time and doing my relaxers!
I'm a definite do-it-your-self-er. I would only go for relaxer touch-ups, but since I began my transition, there's no need for salon visits anymore.
I only go for cuts/ trims and an occasional black rinse. I used to be a weekly...1st in the chair every week. Now, I'm first on my own appointment book & I am a DIYer!
I'm a salon junkie. I used to go every two weeks to get a press. However, now it's about ever 6 months. I was wasting hundreds of dollars getting a press only for it to curl up 3 days later. So now I'm a DIY except for ya know, weave installs and cornrows. I still need the salon or salon professional for that.
I haven't been to the salon in over a year, mainly because I've been on this long stretch. But evenso, I will visit the salon for touch-ups only. My sister and I share the same stylist, and when I saw the way they were all rough with her hair and how dry her hair looked AFTER her DC- it scared the day lights out of me. I am in no hurry to return to my stylists seat. :(