How long is too long to....


New Member
Be with someone when you know its not going anywhere? When is it considered wasting your time? I know many people who are with someone just to not be alone or while they "get themselves together" before looking for the "one" but how long is too long to stay in a relationship like this?
It's wasting your time as soon as you know it's wasting your time.

No good can come out of relationship where you're there only to "not be alone" or "get yourself together".

It's actually a quite contradictory to say "I'm working on myself" in this meaningless relationship, that I'm not happy with, while waiting for the "right one." I think it's also selfish to the other person involved who may actually be invested.

Long story short, break it off as soon as you know and do the real work (on yourself) alone.
I stayed years with someone as a test relationship! Big mistake.
I was growing my hair then lol