How long do you think it'll take for you to reach your goal?

How long before you reach your goal?

  • 1-2 years

    Votes: 190 53.5%
  • 3-4 years

    Votes: 108 30.4%
  • 5+ years

    Votes: 24 6.8%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 33 9.3%

  • Total voters
Hmmm...I think another two years. I think. I want to be WL. I am Now BSL or MBL depending on whose doing the judging. Hopefully I will reach it by the time I walk across the stage with my master's degree......My husband will be glad he thinks I'm nuts over hair LOL!
My goal is healthy apl or bsl...I'm guessing it will take 3 to 4 years, I've got a whole lotta bad ends to get rid of...:ohwell:
17 months for Brastrap. I'm currently collarbone with the back half of my hair about collarbone and area in the front and crown at chin length and a little longer. I think I might be over-estimating the amount of time, but I'd rather be a succeed in my hair goals than underestimate.
Im giving myself 3 more years I don't know if i will ever see mbl or wl. But ill just let it grow and see what happens.
If I stay on track and don't run into speed bumps along the way in my hair journey, I would say by the time I graduate in May 2011. I want to be WL by then.
I vote 1-2 years. I'm thinking it will take me 2 years to obtain full bottom of bra strap. Once I reach there in the back, I will continue to trim and maintain.
I think in 1/2 years I will be able to reach my final goal of HL with blunt ends. I am also trying to get rid of some layers and single strand knots so that will take some time.
1-2 years for a healthy afro. My hair would have been longer than bsl now, until that terribly tragic mysterious happening.

But here's to knew goals!:cheers:
I hope to surpass bsl within the next 3-4 years (also coinciding with my professional education). Heck, i want to be wl, but we'll see.

I am so glad I found this forum right at the beginning of this journey.
I want to be tbl overall. But I would like to do my goals in increments. So I'm shooting for apl for now. I would prefer to get here unstretched but whatever comes first.
It will probably take me 3 months to meet my goal of WL. But honestly I will stop there and trim more often, I dont want longer hair than that.
My next goal is full APL with the back just touching BSL. I give myself till May to reach it which will be 7 months. That will be when I graduate too (hopefully).
I made it a little past BSL in September, and I'm giving myself one year from then to meet my WL goal with healthy blunt ends :love:.
I need a different poll because of my hair anorexia. I would have reached my goal months ago if I didn't keep changing the goal LOL For example, I wanted waist length hair and I should be there within the next month or 2. Now I'm looking at my hair saying eh that's not long enough maybe I'll go for tailbone. Blah LOL I hope tailbone length doesn't turn into ankle length
I put 3-4 years because my goal is full BSL stretched. I'm SL stretched now. With locs, it took me 5 years to go from like 1 inch to top of WL, but since my hair is out, I know the process will be different. We'll see. I'm promising myself i'll stop with the monthly trims, so we'll see.
I started consciously growing my hair back in August of '08. My hair was just at BSL. It's been over a year (with a few trims along the way) and I'm just starting to creep up on waist. I've got about 16 months of growing before I hit my final goal of tailbone.
I don't know! When I was little I had long hair. I don't even know if my hair will grow anymore. But my goal is APL. I can't even dream longer than that!
I would like to be at least APL by 2012. Right now I have a texlaxed twa. When I stretch out the hair at my nape, my hair is about an inch from shoulder length. I'm too lazy to blow it out or straighten it at this point. I think it would be fair to say that I'm Ear or neck length. I hope to be fully shoulder length by March 2010 and APL by 2012.