How long before your hair really took off in length?


Active Member
For those that started with messed up, damaged, shorter hair, how long before you saw real results in the LENGTH of your hair.

Its been 5 months now that I have been bunning / deep cond 2x per week etc and I can def say my hair is 100% much thicker and healthier than it has been for years. However, as for length goes I can't say its really long yet, its still lurking around the shoulder length mark.

From what I have seen in other peoples albums (Babygurl, Ajamerican diva for example )it looks like it takes about 7-9 months of healthy hair care / protective styling etc before the hair looks REALLY long am I correct?

What have been your experiences? I would love to know as this will give me hope as I am going crazy right now waiting to see length!!
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I feel you on this...

Im not sure how long it takes, but I have been caring for my hair since October it is alot thicker, and shorter parts are catching up but i dont feel as though I retained that much length!
Yes, I would say about 9 months, thats when people started to really notice my hair had grown (although I didnt)...Actually I would say that my hair really didnt FEEL long until after about a year. I always wore it in a bun and only wore it down to take pictures then I put it back up. If you look in my year 2 album (first progress picture), thats when I really felt like my hair had length to it. So depending on what you consider long I guess it varies. Patience is key, bunning my hair kept me from worrying about it so much.
Babygurl said:
Yes, I would say about 9 months, thats when people started to really notice my hair had grown (although I didnt)...Actually I would say that my hair really didnt FEEL long until after about a year. I always wore it in a bun and only wore it down to take pictures then I put it back up. If you look in my year 2 album (first progress picture), thats when I really felt like my hair had length to it. So depending on what you consider long I guess it varies. Patience is key, bunning my hair kept me from worrying about it so much.

Hi BG, thanks for replying. I frequently stalk your album love love love your hair!! It gives me hope... Did u not ever have times when u were fed up / frustrated with the whole hair growing thing though?

By the way have you changed your password? I tried to look at your latest maxiglide pics but couldn't get in (I can still get into the old ones though) and I also wanted to see your turtle! lol
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DangerouslyShy said:
I feel you on this...

Im not sure how long it takes, but I have been caring for my hair since October it is alot thicker, and shorter parts are catching up but i dont feel as though I retained that much length!

Hey I started around October too! I haven't posted any pics yet coz I'm waiting to see a big jump in growth first then I will. Maybe we should both check with each other in a couple of months to see how we doing? It will be good when we look back on this thread and remember how were wondering if we ever see length!

*Sigh* its like watching paint dry.. :ohwell:
HairQueen said:
Hey I started around October too! I haven't posted any pics yet coz I'm waiting to see a big jump in growth first then I will. Maybe we should both check with each other in a couple of months to see how we doing? It will be good when we look back on this thread and remember how were wondering if we ever see length!

*Sigh* its like watching paint dry.. :ohwell:
Thats a good idea girly!! it is like watching paint dry tho...
I know how you feel! You only don't see anything now cuz you're watching it constantly... so it seems like it's not growing fast enough for you... I started *wanting* to grow my hair out last May... You would think that I'm at brastrap now, huh? But no, scissor happy stylists and I hadnt yet discovered LHCF, so I had MANY chops till I joined in March 2005. But now that I think about it, looking back at pictures I took in July 2004 for my birthday, after I had a haircut, and another one I took in October, the one that's in my album, my hair had grown at 3 inches! But I wasn't really paying attention at the time... what a shame! It kept growing, the stylist kept cutting, so i'm back at my October length, and I'm DYING to see longer hair!!! I know I won't see some great progress till I get my next relaxer, in about THREE-FOUR MONTHS! but I'm REALLY trying to be patient.... and wait... wait.. and pray for growth spurts so I can get to brastrap length! I wish you luck ladies, let's be patient!
I think it differs for everyone, depending on their growth rate. :yep: Also, consistency is very important. :yep:
It took me about seven months to see a real length difference. But I have hair anorexia so I don't know if that is really true. :look:
anky said:
It took me about seven months to see a real length difference. But I have hair anorexia so I don't know if that is really true. :look:
Really... I think your hair is mad thick... :look:
anky said:
It took me about seven months to see a real length difference. But I have hair anorexia so I don't know if that is really true. :look:

I think I have hair anorexia also, when I wore it down the other day at work for like the first time in months, my colleagues were like wow your hair has grown but I just could not see it at all, all I could see was thickness and maybe a tiny increase in length.

Well I am marching towards the 7 month mark now (June) so I can't wait to see how it looks when I get my relaxer.
Every time I look at my hair in the mirror, it stares right back at me like, "What?" *shrugging shoulders* My hair seems to be growing outwards as opposed to downwards (down my back). I am going to relax it on Thursday and see if I feel any differently. My hair definitely has an attitude and dislikes this whole long hair journey. It is, however much healthier. Maybe length beyond my earlobes is too much to ask for . . .
chellee said:
Every time I look at my hair in the mirror, it stares right back at me like, "What?" *shrugging shoulders* My hair seems to be growing outwards as opposed to downwards (down my back). I am going to relax it on Thursday and see if I feel any differently. My hair definitely has an attitude and dislikes this whole long hair journey. It is, however much healthier. Maybe length beyond my earlobes is too much to ask for . . .

Not to laugh at you but I noticed that same thing about our hair, it grows out like a bush. The only way it appears that its growing down now is because of my Lye perm after a touch-up that is. My hair has new growth right now and girl if I don't get a comb and a brush it will still stick out like a straight afro :lol: Thats the beauty of our hair, its our Crown and Glory! It Rises Up, not bow down. Beautiful isn't it?
California said:
Thats the beauty of our hair, its our Crown and Glory! It Rises Up, not bow down. Beautiful isn't it?

I LOVE the way you put that. I will think of that when I am rocking my relaxed bush! Thanks for the encouragement!
I guess it depends on how you look at it. My hair was severely damaged and looked a hot mess prior to my March 18th chop. After my chop, my hair was significantly shorter, but it looked soo much healthier. With the healthier head of hair I can see the process better because my ends are very blunt.

March 18th, the front of my hair was grazing the top of my eyebrows. Now, May 3, the front is reaching my bottom eyelid. The back of my head must contain so type of super grow because I've never had a problem growing the back, the back is very close to the length it was prior to cutting.

I would say, the rate my hair has been growing, in about 3 months I should see a significant difference.
Another person's album I frequently stalk but forgot to mention - Cowgirl, your hair looks great girl!!

Its funny how it took 7 months to start to look long and only 2 months later - at 9 months, it looked really long!

I find it amazing how hair is weird like that. If I hadn't seen inspirational pictures from other ladies I would probably have given up by now thinking that my hair wasn't ever going to get past shoulder length!
my hair wasnt damaged I was just ready to go natural right away :) But my hair took off right way and I saw a lot of growth by my fifth month. Now I really dont see much cuz my hair spirals inward as it gets longer so its going to take another year to see any length progress in its curly state unfortunately.
I have a TWA right now and can't wait to see length results after several months! Can someone PLEASE give me some PATIENCE!?!?!!?!?
Poohbear said:
I have a TWA right now and can't wait to see length results after several months! Can someone PLEASE give me some PATIENCE!?!?!!?!?

Dear Lord,

Please give Pooh some patience for her hair. Amen ;)
I need some patience as well! I am hoping for armpit length by my birthday (December 19)!!!!!! Which is 7 months!!! I will try not to get it trimmed until then!! But my stylists ( I have more than one) try to cut my hair all the time but I told them I don't want my hair cut for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time! I will get a trim for my birthday! I had my last trim about two weeks ago so I think I will be ok!!!!
sweetpeadst said:
I need some patience as well! I am hoping for armpit length by my birthday (December 19)!!!!!! Which is 7 months!!! I will try not to get it trimmed until then!! But my stylists ( I have more than one) try to cut my hair all the time but I told them I don't want my hair cut for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time! I will get a trim for my birthday! I had my last trim about two weeks ago so I think I will be ok!!!!

Dear Lord, please give sweedpeadst some patience for her hair. Amen :)
I would say about a year.

I think I have hair anorexia too. I wore my hair down one day last month for Bible meeting and people seriously didn't recognize me! We they finally pulled their jaws off the floor, everyone was like, 'I didn't know your hair was so long (it's only shoulder-length), Gigi, you should wear is down all the time. Wow!' Go figure. I did't notice until that day.