“wow Your Hair’s Really Grown!” Stories

No one sees my length because I never wear hair stretched but they do tell me when they notice increased fullness in my wash n go.

Anyway, I straightened my hair the other day and went to visit my friend. She opens the door and is surprised. As I walk in, she starts picking some outdoor debris from my hair and says, 'I love it! Wait, is this a new one? When did you get it?' I turn around to face her and I'm like lol, 'This is my hair!' To be fair, she hasn't seen my hair straight since it was a relaxed crop. It's just passed APL now so I'm looking foward to growing and retaining even longer healthy hair. I see more wig/ weave checks in my future:lol:.
I'm wishing you many many weave checks in the future. It's satisfying.