How is your romantic life going?


Well-Known Member
How are you and your hunnies (SO/DH/partners) doing?

Any new updates?

What about my single ladies how are you feeling? Any recent dates you want to share?

Me...I have been single for about a week and a half maybe. I still hear the ex far too often:rolleyes:. I am focused on school so singledom has not hit me fully yet.
Its not going.

Dates with the same person quite often but I dont know why. We will never work. But for some reason we continue to "date". I guess I could at least enjoy the free dinners. :lol:
It's going well. We've been getting the engagement news out to family members and we're working on moving in together in the next couple of weeks.

This past weekend, I helped him get rid of the carpeting (pinpointed his allergies) in the master bdrm in preparation for hardwood floors. We sweat our asses off gettin that sucker down the stairs!! We're gonna paint next week, he wants me to be comfortable bc he says I'm not a guest anymore! :D
Going pretty good.

After 16+ years of marriage we don't let small issues get in the way of our relationship. Life is too short, we're getting older and want to enjoy the rest of our lives together without unnecessary stress.
Romantic life? What's that? :lol: j/k. I was introduced to a guy that is at another university 1.5 hours away. We had a great conversation and he is convinced that he wants to be with me. :look: Since our meeting he has called me every day, just to see how I'm doing. i think it's cute but he knows that I don't date so he's coming up with all kinds of events to come down here for. :look:
So far so good... then again, we are both in the romantic infatuation stage... no arguments or disagreements at all yet... we really just enjoy each other's company. We don't look forward to arguing....
Going pretty good.

After 16+ years of marriage we don't let small issues get in the way of our relationship. Life is too short, we're getting older and want to enjoy the rest of our lives together without unnecessary stress.

same here

Married life is good better than it was in the begining.
Nothing is happening. I'm interested in someone, but he hasn't made a move yet. A lot of other guys have showed interest/asked me out but I'm not attracted to any of them.
I had a really good date on Friday. Other than that there are several guys fishing around, but they aren't the type to take seriously.
All is well w/SO & I. We are coming up on 3yrs and have been doing a lot of marriage talk lately. It's so awesome how he is growing into a better man and I just get to sit, watch and reap the benefits. :grin:

Our relationship has come a long way and I'm so happy. Hopefully I'll have engagement news this year!
No romantic life here, not really looking, trying to finish college and find that set career before I find a DH.....but I'm open to male friends....
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I am for once in my life very happy!! And guess what !! I'm single with no prospects...'s so liberating..which surprised me. My best friend is like.."Don't you get anxious for male company? ". The answer is no...I was in and out of relationships for 8 years...because I was "so anxious"...and it never brought me any happiness...

Being by such a freeing feeling..I can't even describe it to you ladies!!

Do I want to date/ get married? I don't even think about it or stress it.

If it happens...then it happens..BUT RIGHT NOW I AM TRULY ENJOYING LIFE!!
Well, I'm single (as in I have no one, LOL!)

I do have a crush on one of my classmates. I love having crushes. They are so fun and your feelings don't get hurt:yep:.

Sometimes I think that he feels the same way, but I can't tell. I do not want to put myself out there, so I'll just sit and wait.

I'm not like a lot of women who say that need to make 200,000, drive a BMW, and own a house before they look for love. Who knows when that will happen.

I'm 24, but sometimes I worry that I will never meet someone who truely loves me and wants to be with me. I come on the Relationship Forum, just to hear about other people's glory. It gives me hope that it is possible.

Sorry to be Debbie downer, but I really want to have a family and I just don't know. Oh, I don't tell men this by the way! You guys were probably thinking "Well that's why ur single h*effa!!", LOL.

I'm by myself. Maybe I can ask him on a "friend-date"...hmmm.
It's...going. LOL.

I don't have any prospects (even though I think one guy is trying to become one. I'm not interested in him like that at this time).

Mainly I've been working, studying and trying to go out more. I'm still trying to rediscover me so that I can pinpoint the things I like and want so that I can be a better person...both in and out of a relationship. :yep:
I have an SO who takes pride in massaging my feet with shea butter every night. If I try to do it myself he says, "Please don't take my joy away!" He is very sweet.

I was told last night that he would like to get married by the end of the year.
SO and I are doing great.. We recently purchased a house together, we'll be moving in later this month and the engagement is right around the corner, hopefully before this year is out :crossfingers:... We are just enjoying life together :grin:..
I am in love! It's much better the second time around. I feel very comfortable talking to him and he is truly one of my best friends :yep:

The other day he asked me "What would it take for you to marry me?". Wow....
Nice to hear how your relationships are going.

Mine online romance is going well. He's coming to Canada for Easter for 5 days. I'm looking forward to it.

We talk daily every morning and night from the day we met. I pray on this relationship.

i was dating someone else prior but there was no spark there at all. free dinners are cool but if you not into the person it don't make no sense.

Good Luck to EVERYONE!
The white guy I have been dating I fine real boring sparks
I have an ex who thinks I should be his official booty call even though he has a girlfriend
I was be pursued by a midget man...he is a certified stalker
I think my personal trainer is hot...boy oh boy!
I am in love! It's much better the second time around. I feel very comfortable talking to him and he is truly one of my best friends :yep:

The other day he asked me "What would it take for you to marry me?". Wow....

love is so beautiful...congrats
I was willing to walk away (and I did) because I felt like I wanted more than he was willing to give. He wasn't willing to let me go (forever). He launched an incredible campaign to win me back.

It worked.

I'm happy. :grin: