How important is it for you to like your SO's family?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
1. Or for them to like you?
2. Does their relationship with you impact your decision to take the relationship to the next level? Meaning marriage?

Married are the in-laws? Does the relationship help or hurt your marriage?
For me after awhile it became less important. At the beginning of my relationship it was extremely important to me for his parents to like me cause...who wants to be hated. But now dont really give a *insert word that would express my anger*...I can't stand his mother. I've been with him for 3 yrs and his mother went from pleasent to showing her true colors.
And I dont care what she thinks about me. But I am always respectful.

To answer your other It does not/would not impact my decision om marriage. But I have yrs before I have to worry about that.

Hope this helps?
It depends on how close he is to his family and what role he wants me to play in his family dynamic.

If he's not that close them, I don't care if they like me. If he's close to them and wants me to interact with them and attend family functions, I may shy away from that relationship.

ETA: I'm not close with my family so I don't care if they don't like who I date.
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For me, yes! I am extremely close to my family. I have seen the stress it can cause when the two don't get along. Honestly, it would affect my decision to marry...especially if he is close to his family. SO and I are both extremely close to our would be difficult to continue if we didn't get along. That's just me... For some people it doesn't...not one bit.
Well, if this is my SO and I see marriage in the future.... extremely.

When you marry someone, you are marrying their family. If they hate you before you get married, they will hate you after. If they dont get along with your SO, then you wont have a relationship with them. If thats what you want for your kids... then welp.

My mom went through this - my dads family treated her like ish and made her life hell. My bff's mother married her husband, and his family treated her like ish. Now we are sorta realizing that HE is a major source of the problems, but still.

Its just bad news.

Plus, I think that someone's family says a lot about them. After all, they are the one's who raised them.
I guess it would matter if your younger. I find the older you get the less one is depending on the approval of family. Also for my situation I find I don't respect my family in the sense of what they would think is good so I wouldn't be so inclined if my mother liked him. I would like to be liked but at least respected.
It didn't really bother me too much. I mean his mom isn't the warmest person and I knew going in that she was a tough cookie, so I just figured we'll connect when we connect. Nine married years later she is now starting to call the house asking to speak with me. Sometimes it take a little time for people to adjust.

DH and my mom get along great, like mother and son. But my mom embraced him as such, which is something his mom never really took the initiative (until now) to do with me.

Either way, it didn't matter because I was still going to marry him. She wasn't going to stop me from getting a good man. :lol:

Your post made me think about something. I have never been married but when I was in a long term relationship my mother and family welcomed my ex so with open arms while his mother had reservations about us and told him he did not need a girlfriend. She felt he needed to focus on college. Irony in that is that I ended up completing school while he is still trying to finish.

But the point I am trying to make is, I wonder why some mothers seem to be so protective over their sons.....

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It matters to me! I have dated a lot of guys and I could not stand family or their lifestyle. :nono:
The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. So if his family acts a certain way, later on he will too.

I adore my current BF's family. They are accepting of me. It is only a bonus that they like me. If they didn't, it would make things harder in the future, but it wouldn't deter how I feel about him.