How do you say "no"?


formerly known as "keyawarren"
I realized that when guys are tryna holla, I don't know how to forcefully turn them down. I usually say "no, thank you" or "no, not interested", but I say it in a nice polite way....Which causes men to keep talking (2 dudes asked me to take their number just in case I changed my mind :lachen:). Should I just be mean and walk away? I need a line to use or something :ohwell:
GURRRRRRRRRRRRL! I'm mean as hell. You are a good one. After you said your peace, don't take the paper and walk off!
A simple smile and a "no thank you" generally serves me well, if I walk away. However, turning someone down after numbers have been exchanged...NOTHING seems to work for me.
I usually lie and say I have a man. 99% of the time, it actually does work.

If they're coming at me in a disrespectful mannner, I'll shoot them the mean mug and keep walking.
What kinds (LE, UE) of areas are you walking through when these men try to holla and can't take no for an answer? If it's the former, I would try to avoid these type of areas if possible.
A simple smile and a "no thank you" generally serves me well, if I walk away. However, turning someone down after numbers have been exchanged...NOTHING seems to work for me.

I did this exact smaething once! Ole boy, was steaming mad! As I nonchalantly walked off he yelled " I should have robbed yo a**":perplexed. I started wearing a cheap ring on my left ring finger. I just claim I'm married and walk off. When I'm out of sight, I switch it to my right hand. :lol: It works.
^ Whaaaa? Should of robbed you?

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BEAUTYU2U Yes, you meet all types of crazies in downtown Miami. I was walking towards a food vendor when he tried to "spit game'. He claimed he was a music producer, knew celebrities and had a clever tongue:perplexed etc. But he looked unkempt/smelled and was on a bike..:ohwell::nono: I learned to politely turn down advances than to argue with random guys that try to holla.
What kinds (LE, UE) of areas are you walking through when these men try to holla and can't take no for an answer? If it's the former, I would try to avoid these type of areas if possible.

Mixed areas. One time was at the club.

I did this exact smaething once! Ole boy, was steaming mad! As I nonchalantly walked off he yelled " I should have robbed yo a**":perplexed. I started wearing a cheap ring on my left ring finger. I just claim I'm married and walk off. When I'm out of sight, I switch it to my right hand. :lol: It works.

Dudes are wildin' out
That's why I love my MP3 Player. If they keeping talking after I've said no and I've said that I'm married (some of them truly have no respect), then I just turn up my MP3 Player and let them talk to themselves.
What kinds (LE, UE) of areas are you walking through when these men try to holla and can't take no for an answer? If it's the former, I would try to avoid these type of areas if possible.

I was at school once and this dude wouldn't leave me alone. Actually its happened three times...all at school.

Like nicely doesn't work. Mean is the only thing they understand.

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I just say no I'm married. You will get some me who will then ask, "are you happy?" If I say yes, then they usually say well tell your man he better not mess up. WTF, like you have a chance or something.
keyawarren, I showed you. :lol: Normally, I start with a polite 'No, thank you.' If they persist, I tell them the truth: I have a man.

When they get ignorant, I start with the logic, ie, 'No, you don't understand. It's not *you.* I don't take numbers in the street/ at the club/ etc because I WILL NOT CALL. I never have, I never will, and I'm not starting today... but I appreciate your interest. Thanks again.' :lovely smile::deuces:

They're usually very polite after that, smiling, wishing me a good day, saying my man is so lucky. Sometimes I get an escort out of it, like if I'm in a neighborhood I don't know, they'll walk me where I'm going... all very respectfully. :shrug:
I just say no I'm married. You will get some me who will then ask, "are you happy?" If I say yes, then they usually say well tell your man he better not mess up. WTF, like you have a chance or something.

That line never ceases to make me go :nono:. As if I'm supposed to say "no" so that they can have an easy opening.
Once a police officer was trying to get my attention. We were both in our cars. I held my hand up to show him my wedding ring. Then he did the same as if to say so, I'm married too. I just shook my head. Some men are just trifling.
I just walk really fast and say something confusing like "I gotta go buy some corned beef." It throws them off and by the time they regain their composure, I'm gone.
It depends on what type of vibe the guy gives me and what mood I'm in. If he seems like a nice, shy guy, I'll just say "No, I'm in a relationship."
If I'm with a female friend, I'll grab her hand and tell him that it's rude to ask me that in front of my woman.
I use the fact that I can pass for a young teen as an advantage. "I'm only 15 and I'm not allowed to talk to strangers."
If he seems like he might be crazy, I'll hit him with the three piece: "I'm married. We have two kids and we're expecting babies #3 and 4." *as I touch my belly affectionately.

I had a friend who would scratch the crotch part of her pants as if she had a rash (or something :look: ) and she'd excitedly say, "Really! Oh my goodness! A lot of guys don't really ask me out and I don't understand why." The whole time she talked, she'd be scratching and then when she was done, she'd smell her hands. It was sooooo hard to keep a straight face.
keyawarren, I showed you. :lol: Normally, I start with a polite 'No, thank you.' If they persist, I tell them the truth: I have a man.

When they get ignorant, I start with the logic, ie, 'No, you don't understand. It's not *you.* I don't take numbers in the street/ at the club/ etc because I WILL NOT CALL. I never have, I never will, and I'm not starting today... but I appreciate your interest. Thanks again.' :lovely smile::deuces:

They're usually very polite after that, smiling, wishing me a good day, saying my man is so lucky. Sometimes I get an escort out of it, like if I'm in a neighborhood I don't know, they'll walk me where I'm going... all very respectfully. :shrug:

You did show me. But somehow I'm slippin' :nono:

Yall are funny tho. I don't know about all the theatrics...I just need to get away, lol.
I smile, say no thank you and walk away even if their in the middle of they little speech. Sometimes I can't help but laugh though. Some of the lines are crazy. I remember the little high school boy who asked he we could share my yogurt. :lick: Mind you I'm at least 10 years older than him.

It's funny when you express your dislike and they call you a name as you walk away. It's like you holla'd at me like 30 seconds ago but now I'm ugly with a flat booty :lachen:
I just smile and say that I am not interested. If they are persistent and want my number I offer to take theirs and just don't save it in my phone and KIM

No need to be mean, lol.

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When I was 8 months pregnant this man asked for my number in the grocery store. When I said I'm married he said that he was too.

I said shame on you and walked away. He followed me and said he knew he was wrong but that wrong things feel so right. Then his friend finally pulled him away and apologized.
a line or something, eh?

"Brotha man, can you spare $20? I spent the last dollar on diapers for the twins and I need another box of Depends because my kidneys aint gone make it to the dialysis center. Syphillis aint like it used to be ... "
a line or something, eh?

"Brotha man, can you spare $20? I spent the last dollar on diapers for the twins and I need another box of Depends because my kidneys aint gone make it to the dialysis center. Syphillis aint like it used to be ... "

a line or something, eh?

"Brotha man, can you spare $20? I spent the last dollar on diapers for the twins and I need another box of Depends because my kidneys aint gone make it to the dialysis center. Syphillis aint like it used to be ... "

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