How do you NOT talk about....coloring....


New Member
From I can 6th grade I always talk about ..."coloring" with my friend guys at an early stage of our relationship. I want these guys to get to know me, not my adventureous freaky side just so soon. How do you remember to not talk about "coloring" so early in the game
I'll admit, I'll talk about sex anytime, anyplace, and I don't think that's a bad thing. I think a more interesting question would be - are you showing your sexy side so much that it overshadows the rest of who you are, and if so, why? Or, are the men you are dealing with more interested in your sexy side than in you as a whole woman, and if so, why?

I don't know that muting yourself is the right answer.... but if you feel like it is - then just don't talk about it. *lol* It'll be a process, of learning to keep your mouth shut when it comes to sex, but you can do it. Maybe come up with a couple of sly/coy/smartarse responses to various 'lead-ins' into sexual discussion, so that you don't have to think in the moment about how to change the direction of the conversation.

From I can 6th grade I always talk about ..."coloring" with my friend guys at an early stage of our relationship. I want these guys to get to know me, not my adventureous freaky side just so soon. How do you remember to not talk about "coloring" so early in the game

I suggest you keep your "heart and mind on AKA" (as your siggie says). Enjoy college, enjoy your new line sisters, and think less about...coloring. Since 6th grade??? Really... WOW!

I don't want to sound like an old lady, but you should be having a ball right now. You have your whole life to...color. Don't waste yourself on a bunch of guys. I'm not trying to preach abstinence, but if you have to talk about...coloring with every guy you meet (and really soon at that), it appears as though you have very little else to talk about. You are worth way more than just...coloring!:yep:
Hmmm, I don't really have this problem, but maybe you should start by asking yourself the real reason why you bring up the topic so early even though you're not 100% comfortable with doing so.

In the meantime, I'm sure you have lots more to talk about than just sex. :yep: Every time you feel the urge to talk about it change the topic or even end the convo gracefully.
LOOOOL no typo....I dunno why! But I've been such a freak since I was really young. i used to cry home everyday after school cuz the kids at school thought I was a "freak"...My ma jsut laughed...I think I got it from her. I'm just glad I waited til i was at least 19 to have sex

And yeah I'm scared that a man doesn't see the entire package of Krissie because they get introduced to my sexual side before they know the whole me...AND i dun wanna b a tease. I'm celibate heck!
I suggest you keep your "heart and mind on AKA" (as your siggie says). Enjoy college, enjoy your new line sisters, and think less about...coloring. Since 6th grade??? Really... WOW!

I don't want to sound like an old lady, but you should be having a ball right now. You have your whole life to...color. Don't waste yourself on a bunch of guys. I'm not trying to preach abstinence, but if you have to talk about...coloring with every guy you meet (and really soon at that), it appears as though you have very little else to talk about. You are worth way more than just...coloring!:yep:

True. Thanx for your reply! I am really enjoying my college life. I have sooo much on my plate. I'm not even thinking about "coloring" anytime soon, but my convo gravitates there when all I really wanna do is date. I guess Ill just b e mroe conscious of it
LOOOOL no typo....I dunno why! But I've been such a freak since I was really young. i used to cry home everyday after school cuz the kids at school thought I was a "freak"...My ma jsut laughed...I think I got it from her. I'm just glad I waited til i was at least 19 to have sex

And yeah I'm scared that a man doesn't see the entire package of Krissie because they get introduced to my sexual side before they know the whole me...AND i dun wanna b a tease. I'm celibate heck!

:lachen::lachen: This is so funny to me.

But seriously, it is very hard not to talk about "coloring" on the first date especially when you are constantly thinking about it. My suggestion is to try and control every conversation topic so you control what is being said and carefully choose your words. If necessay, make a list of questions that are important to you and carry it with you. Also, remember, not everyone is worthy enough to show your creative coloring to; some just needs the basic coloring.
True. Thanx for your reply! I am really enjoying my college life. I have sooo much on my plate. I'm not even thinking about "coloring" anytime soon, but my convo gravitates there when all I really wanna do is date. I guess Ill just b e mroe conscious of it

Do you sometimes feel like it takes that type of conversation to keep their attention? Do you like building up the chase? What's really going on?:poke: Let's go deeper. There's probably something going on, even if it's subconscious.
From I can 6th grade I always talk about ..."coloring" with my friend guys at an early stage of our relationship. I want these guys to get to know me, not my adventureous freaky side just so soon. How do you remember to not talk about "coloring" so early in the game
Here we go again. Sigh. PLEASE keep the details clean. We do have members under the age of 18 here.
True. Thanx for your reply! I am really enjoying my college life. I have sooo much on my plate. I'm not even thinking about "coloring" anytime soon, but my convo gravitates there when all I really wanna do is date. I guess Ill just b e mroe conscious of it

A part of me would have to ask, are you quick to "go there" and talk about "coloring" because you think it's what guys want to hear, or will make you somehow more appealing in their eyes?

I dunno...I've never found it hard to steer the conversation away from "coloring" if it's not something I feel like talking about or I'm not trying to go there with that particular person.

...and I've got no problem taking the conversation there if that's where my mind is at. :giggle:
Nowadays 6th grade isn't even that surprising cuz when I was in NY I used to hear elementary school kids on the train talking about "coloring" all the time.

I think you may be talking about it so much because you think about it a lot. Or maybe you feel it may be the only thing that keeps the conversation flowing. I can't really tell you what it is cuz I'm not you, but if that isn't something you want to bring up so early then try your best to talk about other things that you find interesting. Try to find something else you're passionate about, or something you have in common.
Do you sometimes feel like it takes that type of conversation to keep their attention? Do you like building up the chase? What's really going on?:poke: Let's go deeper. There's probably something going on, even if it's subconscious.

I too believe that there is something deeper than this and would love to help her. Also I could feel the genuine concern in her posts.
Here we go again. Sigh. PLEASE keep the details clean. We do have members under the age of 18 here.

Sowwie Allandra!! :spinning: Yes Mam!!

Nowadays 6th grade isn't even that surprising cuz when I was in NY I used to hear elementary school kids on the train talking about "coloring" all the time.
LOL I guess I was fascinated. I was a late bloomer I learned what coloring was in the 6th grade seriously. And after that I was enthused:lachen:

I think you may be talking about it so much because you think about it a lot. (DOOO) Or maybe you feel it may be the only thing that keeps the conversation flowing. (Nahh I gotta a lot to talk about but it just always comes back to coloring) I can't really tell you what it is cuz I'm not you, but if that isn't something you want to bring up so early then try your best to talk about other things that you find interesting. Try to find something else you're passionate about, or something you have in common.

I too believe that there is something deeper than this and would love to help her. Also I could feel the genuine concern in her posts.
It might be. I don't think so. But fareal, I do wanna change it up a lil. I dun wanna talk about coloring when I have nooo intention of sharing my crayons with them!! I used to think that it was the only thing I thought I could offer to the opposite sex...Nah...I dun feel like that at all. It's just to talk about...crayons
You can still be "freaky" in mindset... but just because your mind might "go there" doesn't mean you have to talk about it all the time.

I mean, what do you usually talk about in general with friends? What are your interests? Even if you're feeling a dude in special way :lol:, you still need to talk to him like a regular person and get to know him... the other talk can come later if it gets to that point.

You seem like a cool and interesting person... surely you must have other things to talk about in your daily life besides sex, right? Talk to men about that!
Sowwie Allandra!! :spinning: Yes Mam!!

It might be. I don't think so. But fareal, I do wanna change it up a lil. I dun wanna talk about coloring when I have nooo intention of sharing my crayons with them!! I used to think that it was the only thing I thought I could offer to the opposite sex...Nah...I dun feel like that at all. It's just to talk about...crayons
I talk about it with men I have no intention of having it need to learn what its really about....I have dudes callin just to inquire about the subject and we discuss it not as in "we" are gonna get it on because I am to the point of who im feeling and who Im not and will make it clearly known if I want to share my body with him, but i won't pass up opportunities to discuss it, and the way I talk about it, men want to know about it....the convos can be very engaging, enlightening and when men can come out and truthfully discuss their real feelings on it as well, its beneficial to both of us without it having to turn into a physical act between us
I talk about it with men I have no intention of having it need to learn what its really about....I have dudes callin just to inquire about the subject and we discuss it not as in "we" are gonna get it on because I am to the point of who im feeling and who Im not and will make it clearly known if I want to share my body with him, but i won't pass up opportunities to discuss it, and the way I talk about it, men want to know about it....the convos can be very engaging, enlightening and when men can come out and truthfully discuss their real feelings on it as well, its beneficial to both of us without it having to turn into a physical act between us

I'm 100% with you on this, but somehow I get the feeling that you two are in very different places and are coming from different angles when discussing your sexuality. :look:
What were you doing talking about coloring in 6th grade? Just change the subject when it comes up. If I don't know you like that nor am I interested in coloring with you, there will be no talk about it.
What were you doing talking about coloring in 6th grade? Just change the subject when it comes up. If I don't know you like that nor am I interested in coloring with you, there will be no talk about it.

That does work. I have to do that now with an sorta ex now friend when he wants to reminisce and it kinda works for me.

And why are people so surprised by her talking about coloring in the 6th grade? Most of the girls I knew when I was 12 were experienced and talking about positions by then. And the boys I've known were talking about coloring since I was in at least first grade. I was a very late bloomer because I wasn't into coloring like that when I was younger. Now that Im a parent and have a 1st grader I'm not surprised when she hears other kids talk about it. Because already it has came up :nono:
^^^I guess the thing is that I did discuss this with my girls (we were all curious, even though most of use weren't even thinking about actually doint that). The difference was, our conversations with BOYS weren't about it.

I do think that it's normal for young people to discuss with each other out of curiosity and the general giddiness that comes with learning this "secret" information. But the impression I got is that all of the OP's conversations since sixth grade with boys that she liked involved "coloring." (i hate that word, btw...)

Maybe I'm wrong and the OP can clarify... but I think there is a concern for most of us that the OP has admitted to difficulty having a general conversation with a boy/man that didn't somehow get into that subject.
I'm 100% with you on this, but somehow I get the feeling that you two are in very different places and are coming from different angles when discussing your sexuality. :look:

I would say so to..if I could talk to krayzie solo, Im sure she's more on a page of where I am than she realizes....just probably doesn't really understand where she's at