Coloring initiation..Who does it?

The Dollar Store sells those non-flamable thick candles. I love them. You don't have to worry about candles getting too close to anything. Get about a dozen of them and put them around the bedroom. They take batteries and can last on the batteries for a long time.

Victora Secrets sells edible creams. You can have that in your nightstand too. If not, a can of Reddi Whip is perfectly fine. Just add a drop on his chest while he is laying down and lick it off. If he likes it on his nipples, well then put a drop there too.

Squirt a little on your boobs and let him lick it off!!:grin:
I could always PM you. I've got lots of tricks. Just don't do them all in one night!!!!
I have to ask, do you guys REALLY do this stuff? It seems like it would be unnecessary to have to "get" your boyfriend to bone you, especially if you live together. It seems to me it would be as simple as rolling over.
I have to ask, do you guys REALLY do this stuff? It seems like it would be unnecessary to have to "get" your boyfriend to bone you, especially if you live together. It seems to me it would be as simple as rolling over.
No, actually, I do things to keep it spicey, exciting and always new and so does he. My husband is usually ready and willing. I just like initiating sometimes. He likes that. Just about a little bit of variety. At least that's all I was adding to it. Not all in one day and not all the time. Sometimes it's exciting to try different things.
While you're watching tv or talking, sit or kneel between his legs give him a kiss while unzipping his pants and put your me you won't have to be there but a few minutes.

Straddle him and playfully grind on him

Whisper in his ear "take your clothes off, I want to look at you"

Stand behind him and take his shirt off then butterfly kiss and/or lightly scratch his back
I have to ask, do you guys REALLY do this stuff? It seems like it would be unnecessary to have to "get" your boyfriend to bone you, especially if you live together. It seems to me it would be as simple as rolling over.

Oh it is absolutely necessary:yep: if you've been married for years or been in a LTR for a long time you need to keep things fresh and spicy. The same ole gets stale and boring after awhile. It's up to the couple to keep their sex lives as healthy, innovative and exciting as they want it to be. Otherwise the resulting boredom as the years go by may lead to a dull sex life :)
Try this, wake him up tomorrow morning with a spectacular BJ:look:.

While he's still sleeping (this is after he's received adequate rest mind you:lol:) quietly sneak underneath the covers and gently wake him up with a nice, juicy hello it's Saturday BJ, i'm sure he'll be your slave for the day:lol:
I think I initiate more than him....seems like I'm always horny...

I do different things like texting him while at work so he knows that as soon as he walks through the door I'll be jumping him.

if we're in bed, my hand wanders to the package

Yesterday I told him "I like you better naked"
Say different things to him. Just start out telling him how good he looks every once in awhile. You like his shirt, nice haircut, etc. Different things to make him feel good. Believe me, men want to feel appreciated too -- just like we do.

For me, I like to talk a little dirty in bed. But you have to know your man. Not every man likes to talk dirty or for a woman to talk that way. Ease into it. Vocalize and tell him what feels good. Also, find out if he likes what you are donig to him. Allow him to direct and show you things that he likes. He'll want to find out what you like. You don't have to feel uncomfortable or do anything you dislike, just try to find out what satisfies him. He'll be just as anxious to please you too.
Text him to let him know how much you want him
Serve him his favourite meal wearing not much clothes
Eat your food sensually, lick your fingers, staring at him
Skip desert
well I initiated coloring yesterday. I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of berries, whip cream, and some Crown and walked out in nothing but a thong. :blush: Needless to say it worked. :)
Lmao sounds fun :look:

you remember when a poster said she woke up and her man was having sex with het?.Folks were split on whether it was hot or rape

Do you have the link? I want to read about this, I have thought about this and questioned it myself. :perplexed
I've never understood how women don't initiate things, they just think looking sexy/cute is 'enough'. Men like to feel wanted/sexy/attractive/lusted after just like we do. Who in the hell would wanna be in a relationship where you're doing ALL the chasing? I dunno. Anywho. :drunk: