How do you keep the passion in a marriage?

Great thread! Will be back to check it out later. :yep: As a newleywed this is already something that I worry about....
Originally Posted by dlewis

Dh says "why because we do this and that.." but it's different in my mind. I don't even eat behind my kids or let them eat off my plate. Never have. Kids are nasty. Husbands too.

I agree..I don't eat or drink after my kids or my husband..he cannot understand why I'm like that..then he throws in.."did u forget what we did lastnight!" LOL..don't matter..

DH and I will be celebrating 20 years next month..I'll never forget I had spent all day with my DS who was only a month old..worked on homework with my other two daughters..cooked dinner but didn't get a chance to eat yet because I was nursing DS.. I fixed everyone's plate and decided I wanted to use the leftovers from the night before to make tacos..DH and the girls had already had chicken, rice and gravy, veggies and a salad.. By the time I came down to get my food..DH had eaten it ALL!!! I was so done, because by the time i had a chance to eat it was 9:00pm..DH knew it was MY food..he apologized and asked if i wanted him to make me a sandwhich??!!! I was too mad to eat anything.
You ladies have made my day..I can co-sign on just about everything you and kbragg have spoken about..pure ladies have made my day, i've been in bed for a couple of days trying to fight off whatever i was coming down with..