How do you get out of the dinner part of a date?


New Member
So this guy invited me to dinner and a comedy thingie... the comedy thing is free but I can't afford to eat out at all. Idk if he goes dutch or not but just in case he does I want to avoid the "Oh, I thought YOU were paying... I can't afford my share" awkwardness at the end.

So how can I weasel out of the dinner (I already said yes to... don't know what I was thinking xD) and what excuse should I use that doesn't reveal me being broke? >.<
If he asked for the date (I assume this is a first date), then HE should be paying without question imo. :look:

Now call me old-fashioned, but don't men in general pay for the first date at least?? I mean, you're the one allowing him to be entertained and graced by YOUR presence. :giggle:

If he wants to go dutch on the date, just stare at him blankly and blink your eyes like you've never heard of such a thing. Let him know that when a man asks for a date, you assume that he's the one paying. Now, if you two are in a relationship and have been dating for a while, then of course you two can go dutch, or you can offer to pay for the tip, etc. But if this is the first date??? HE should be paying.

And if he makes a big to-do about it, just say: "NEXT!!" :nono2:
If you want to be real with this guy from jump then tell him the truth right now it is not economically feasible and you did not want to make the assumption he was paying.

Give some options say lets meet for a coffee before the comedy or have dinner some other time.

Get it real and simple right from jump street. If he is a real kinda of guy he will get it. If not no loss on your part.
So this guy invited me to dinner and a comedy thingie... the comedy thing is free but I can't afford to eat out at all. Idk if he goes dutch or not but just in case he does I want to avoid the "Oh, I thought YOU were paying... I can't afford my share" awkwardness at the end.

So how can I weasel out of the dinner (I already said yes to... don't know what I was thinking xD) and what excuse should I use that doesn't reveal me being broke? >.<

Doesn't make sense. He invited you so I would assume he's paying.
I would go, and give him a real stupid look if he expected me to pay. REAL stupid. For a FIRST date? Come'on now, son! And let's be clear - I've got nothing against paying my way. But not the first, second, or third time out. :lol:
And even if he expected y'all to go dutch, a heads-up on that would be the gracious thing to do, on his part.
Don't you know that's the great part of being a woman?
You can be broke or a millionaire and you never have to pay either way. :grin:

Just go and have a nice time, I'm sure he will pay.
First, I need to be clear on if this is a date or two friends going out. In my experience, I have never had to pay either way :perplexed:

However, if you are uncomfortable going out without any money that's another issue. I would politely decline altogether. (like my mama says "a girls always needs to have a quarter to call and car fare home"
My sister told me she goes dutch with her boyfriend on all dates. It's the weirst thing to me.:nono:

Alot of times when my friends and I go to lunch a gentleman will pick up our tab.

BUT now that I think about it, he's normally an older dude.
Even if I go with a friend and her husband, he will pay for all of us.

Most regular men would die of shame otherwise...
sounds like he invited u and intends to pay for BOTH, BUT of coure if u dont feel hes going to treat BOTH... ask him if hes treating u to dinner shoot! dont decline and miss out on a free dinner LOL
Even if I go with a friend and her husband, he will pay for all of us.

Most regular men would die of shame otherwise...

Yea, this is what I normally experience.

When Dh mentions paying for some woman lunch at work I give him the kindalike side-eye:perplexed. But if he didn't pay for a womans lunch he was on a business lucheon with and would give him the serious side eye.
I'm glad I have you ladies! :) I didn't say a word and he paid for both of us. And yep, it was a first date. Went well. ^.^
So this guy invited me to dinner and a comedy thingie... the comedy thing is free but I can't afford to eat out at all. Idk if he goes dutch or not but just in case he does I want to avoid the "Oh, I thought YOU were paying... I can't afford my share" awkwardness at the end.

So how can I weasel out of the dinner (I already said yes to... don't know what I was thinking xD) and what excuse should I use that doesn't reveal me being broke? >.<

Vinyl, I'm not even going at you when I say this, but Dayyummm has dating gotten so bad that you can't be sure if a brother ( or maybe an other) is even paying for the date? For real? For real..For real??? He's just a "Friend" as in brotherly, not romantically- right?

Wow. I must be getting old.

Girl, you betta go on that date and only take enough to catch a cab home in case he trips. You are a lady. What about this guy that you would even question this?
I went and asked a mans point of view for you on this and he said: "That shouldn't even come up in the converstaion at all ( of who's paying). Have it squared away before it even start. If he is taking you out then apparantly he is taking care of everything. If I ask a girl out on a date I'm paying. Its an investement, meaning I'm investing into a girl I really like and want to be with."