How do you feel about your SO during that TOM?


New Member
It's about to be that TOM, and my boyfriend is getting on my nerves. Everything he does annoys me, from leaving his clothes around room, to hogging the TV, to wanting to cuddle at night. I'm even starting to question why we are together. Am I the only one? I know my hormones are raging, but geez!!!
You are not the only one. Today I wanted to punch my boyfriend in the face for no reason :swearing:...but he got me those sugar wafers that I like so he's safe for the night:grin:
I agree with all the ladies... not weird at all! The guy i'm dating says he notices how irritated I am at that TOM. And he gives me a pass cause he knows it's all hormones! :grin:
I look at him like:

I hate you because you don't have uterus, ovaries and don't understand the pain, emotions and problems that come along with being able to reproduce.

Thaat's why YOUR FUN BOX IS CLOSED!!!!

Bring me some food, before I bite you head off like a praying mantis after mating.

But, now since we live together he seems to be more understand and knows to stock up on my treats that week. If not he knows he's going down. I just recently noticed that candy bar magical appear one to two days before and he doesn't touch not a one...then when I tell him "back up!" He go get the bar like "Look what I got for you!":blush:

He also knows that about 1-2 days before I'll get a burst of energy and go on a cleaning spree so he'll just stay on the couch and look at me like :look:
My new friend just had to go through this (poor thing :sad:) as I came on a week early. Fortunately, I warned him in advance of my Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde switcheroo so he had fair notice. However, I don't think he really believed me so now he knows for sure :yep::drunk: I think he'll be more careful about how to approach me during that time next month :look::yep:
I agree with the bolded!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look at him like:

I hate you because you don't have uterus, ovaries and don't understand the pain, emotions and problems that come along with being able to reproduce.

Thaat's why YOUR FUN BOX IS CLOSED!!!!

Bring me some food, before I bite you head off like a praying mantis after mating.

But, now since we live together he seems to be more understand and knows to stock up on my treats that week. If not he knows he's going down. I just recently noticed that candy bar magical appear one to two days before and he doesn't touch not a one...then when I tell him "back up!" He go get the bar like "Look what I got for you!":blush:

He also knows that about 1-2 days before I'll get a burst of energy and go on a cleaning spree so he'll just stay on the couch and look at me like :look:
Every month we end up in a terrible argument...I have told him over and over that I am moody during my TOM and to just ignore me...he claims that I am using that as an excuse....but we never ever argue any other time... :rolleyes: