Help! Long Hair Ladies-How did you style Ear Length Hair w/ lots of new growth?

I used to do rod sets or curly roller sets with the green magnetic rollers. I love headbands too so your sets can get more mileage. Honestly I think that length is the easiest to deal with wet sets.......GOOD LUCK.

The pink rods can give you a small frow or you can use orange for a looser curl.
I did twistouts when I cut my hair to EL last year. I did it from EL to SL and it helped me retain a lot of length.
cosign on Shasha (sp?)'s blog! i love your blog, honey!:grin:
honestly, queen nefi-i pretty much think that what you're doing is just fine-it already seems to have given you some progress, if you went from ear length to almost shoulder length.:yep:
i would agree with solitude suggested-try to perfect your rollersets, so you can get to the point that you don't have to iron your ends, just the roots.
just make sure you minimize manipulation (pin curls or flexirods instead of wrapping perhaps), treat it gently, Deep condition, and do protein treatments every once in a while since you're using heat.
you're on the right track:yep:

sidenote: i'm not relaxed, so i can't pretend to know much about that, but i've heard many shorter haired relaxed ladies say they don't really bother to stretch that long because of styling difficulties. something to consider.