How come my money has been taken without my consent

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New Member
for a renewal of registration? i did not select any direct debit or authorise this payment...a warning would have been nice! i am not impressed. can somebody wh odeals with this sorta thing send me an email as i want my money back asap. i am a student and am broke, that cudda been my last $5 u know what i mean? if i had a warning or anything it would've been more appropriate. to be honest i dont even want 2 renew my registration until i feel,so it wuda been nice 2 have the oppurtunity!.
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I am in agreement with you. I joined a few months ago and when recently my debit card was renewed I was contacted by the site owner or whoever saying that my card had now expired and that I should give my new details asap or else my membership wold be cancelled. I could not believe the cheek!

I have no intention of taking up the annual membership again when this one runs out so why should I give them my new card details when they have already taken the fees for the year I am in.

I did not bother to reply.
this thread will probabley get deleted in a minute! but i'm angry..some other stuff has been happening with lhcf users and stuff 2 do with registration. its getting to be a joke. and theres also u britfem27 and probabley more.

half of this bloomin year the site has been down ANYWAY! psh, i am NOT paying for another year..duno why we gotta pay anyway but thats a different story...even if i did somehow select direct debit (which i have no recolection of doing so) then how come i didnt get at least a 48hr warnin that my bank was gona be debited. well if worst comes to worst (i dont want to) i'll file a complaint even tho its only $5 it cudda been $0.01 i'd do it same way..
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umm not for nothing, but when i registered i saw the disclaimer that clearly indicated that it was a recurring/automatic renewal. So although I"m still many months shy of that, I know its going to happen. I understand that a "warning" would have been nice, but most pay sites that i'm a member of don't do it either.
SummerRain said:
umm not for nothing, but when i registered i saw the disclaimer that clearly indicated that it was a recurring/automatic renewal. So although I"m still many months shy of that, I know its going to happen. I understand that a "warning" would have been nice, but most pay sites that i'm a member of don't do it either.

oh i see. did the disclaimer mention i have a right to also cancel it and get my money back though?
I didn't remember seeing the renewal thing either, but I love autodraft and didn't care about the $5. The problem was when I came to log in my account was disabled so I paid them and logged on. A couple of days later I saw they had already taken their $5. So, basically they got paid twice. I didn't complain because I camp out on here. :look:
HI candy! This happened to me earlier this year. You have to go to paypal and change the options from automatic renewal. Theres an option there.
I'm assuming you used pay pal HTH
Candy_C said:
oh i see. did the disclaimer mention i have a right to also cancel it and get my money back though?

I can't speak to that end, because I honestly don't recall. But Candy, understanding you're upset and I don't mean to patronize... but is it really that serious that you'd want to cancel and leave the boards?
Candy_C said:
oh i see. did the disclaimer mention i have a right to also cancel it and get my money back though?

Girl Bev ain't hurting for yo 5 dolla's so I'm sure you can get it back asap. :lachen: :lachen: Then you can resume using the nonpaying portion of the board.

I wasn't aware of it being a recurring charge either but I know I get renewed automatically and it ain't gon hurt my pockets. Now those damn AOL scoundrels are a whole nother ****. :lachen:

All you had to do was pm a mod or utilize the contact us section below but I guess you needed to vent:lachen: :lachen: . You funny man!
There was another thread like this awhile back and I think I remember Bev saying that an email is sent out when you are upon renewal time-- but it usually gets sent into people's bulk mail folder. Your notification might be in there, candy.
SummerRain said:
I can't speak to that end, because I honestly don't recall. But Candy, understanding you're upset and I don't mean to patronize... but is it really that serious that you'd want to cancel and leave the boards?

:lachen: :lachen: Girl let her *** go:lachen: Every year around renewal time some folks feel the need to beyotch, moan and complain about all that ain't right about this place and about the five wonderous measly 5 bucks:lachen: .

I always get a kick out of it. So Candy go ahead get it out:lachen: before your 5 dolla rebate expires. I'm gon contact the powers that be fo yo ***:look:
There has been several threads about this. As the previous posters explained, the subscriptions automatically renew and this can be changed in your paypal options. To discuss a refund, submit a trouble ticket from the contact us link at the top of the forum. I'm sorry it caused you any problems. I know a debit to the acct I use for paypal on the wrong day can mess my acct up too.

<moved to proper forum>
SummerRain said:
I can't speak to that end, because I honestly don't recall. But Candy, understanding you're upset and I don't mean to patronize... but is it really that serious that you'd want to cancel and leave the boards?

no its not about the money that am leavin the boards, i was planning on leavin when my sub runs out anyway. - my personal preference

lol summerrain ur funny. i do not see any option in my paypal, i clicked funding options and it said that i do NOT HAVE ANY subscriptions or annual payments going on so i do not know how 2 change this.
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Enchantmt said:
There has been several threads about this. As the previous posters explained, the subscriptions automatically renew and this can be changed in your paypal options. To discuss a refund, submit a trouble ticket from the contact us link at the top of the forum. I'm sorry it caused you any problems. I know a debit to the acct I use for paypal on the wrong day can mess my acct up too.

<moved to proper forum>

ok thanks but i'm having trouble cancelling this?

i will send that trouble ticket soon.. it not the amount i already stated that i would be peed if it was a penny. its the fact. :)
Candy_C said:
ok thanks but i'm having trouble cancelling this?

i will send that trouble ticket soon.. it not the amount i already stated that i would be peed if it was a penny. its the fact. :)

I agree with you, I don't like money being taken out without my consent either, I love it here but we should have more payment options besides automatic renewals :( I don't care if its 2 cents it's mine, I would like to have the option to pay on my own without someone going into my acct. There should be a option for that beside automatic renewals, I really don't care for that. I hope they could change that soon and get a warning email out or something before our acct expires, so that we can decide for ourselves if we want to renew. Moderators do you think that is something you could consider and pass along to beverly???
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SummerRain said:
umm not for nothing, but when i registered i saw the disclaimer that clearly indicated that it was a recurring/automatic renewal. So although I"m still many months shy of that, I know its going to happen. I understand that a "warning" would have been nice, but most pay sites that i'm a member of don't do it either.

Im a member of a pay site and they at least give me that option of joining again and they send a email a few days before it expires. I don't want to be here if this doesn't change, because I don't want anything coming out of my acct unless I ok'ed it :(
firecracker said:
Girl Bev ain't hurting for yo 5 dolla's so I'm sure you can get it back asap. :lachen: :lachen: Then you can resume using the nonpaying portion of the board.

I wasn't aware of it being a recurring charge either but I know I get renewed automatically and it ain't gon hurt my pockets. Now those damn AOL scoundrels are a whole nother ****. :lachen:

All you had to do was pm a mod or utilize the contact us section below but I guess you needed to vent:lachen: :lachen: . You funny man!

LOLOLOL! :lol:
JOI said:
I agree with you, I don't like money being taken out without my consent either, I love it here but we should have more payment options besides automatic renewals :( I don't care if its 2 cents it's mine, I would like to have the option to pay on my own without someone going into my acct. There should be a option for that beside automatic renewals, I really don't care for that. I hope they could change that soon and get a warning email out or something before our acct expires, so that we can decide for ourselves if we want to renew. Moderators do you think that is something you could consider and pass along to beverly???

I got a renewl letter from paypal when my subscription was up for renewel. I dont know what would have caused you not to receive one.
Enchantmt said:
I got a renewl letter from paypal when my subscription was up for renewel. I dont know what would have caused you not to receive one.

I have no Ideal, But I never received a renewal letter. When I signed up for the membership I used my Visa check card the money was debited from my acct. I just think it would be nice to have some type of notification sent to the email we signed up with before the transaction takes place just to put some people minds at ease, That way we can decide if we want to renew or not thats how most sites work. I will send a trouble ticket about it before my membership expires, I love it here and I just think the option would be nice to have because when I signed up in 2003 I don't remember ever seeing anything about automatic renewals, If I saw that I would have never agreed to it.
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To cancel a subscription, go to Paypal:

Click on My Account
Select the History Tab
Go to Search heading
Go to Show field
Select Subscriptions

It's self-explanatory from there.
JOI said:
I agree with you, I don't like money being taken out without my consent either, I love it here but we should have more payment options besides automatic renewals :( I don't care if its 2 cents it's mine, I would like to have the option to pay on my own without someone going into my acct. There should be a option for that beside automatic renewals, I really don't care for that. I hope they could change that soon and get a warning email out or something before our acct expires, so that we can decide for ourselves if we want to renew. Moderators do you think that is something you could consider and pass along to beverly???

I don't understand how you think it was not consent. When you paid the first time, it clearly stated that this was a subscription payment. Now if you did not pay any attention and assumed that it was a one time payment, that's you. You gave consent when you clicked the pay button. Like someone mentioned you do have the option to cancel the subscription so it would not re-occur.
Joi ain't nobody changin da game fo yo *** ok:lachen: Helz the powers that be shol ain't thanking by my stupid ***.:perplexed
So come on get ova it and cancel that subscription. I double triple dare ya.:lol: The way CandyC is posted up in this piece I doubt if she will cancel either. :lachen: :lachen:
Keen said:
I don't understand how you think it was not consent. When you paid the first time, it clearly stated that this was a subscription payment. Now if you did not pay any attention and assumed that it was a one time payment, that's you. You gave consent when you clicked the pay button. Like someone mentioned you do have the option to cancel the subscription so it would not re-occur.

Sorry, but I never saw anything about automatic renewals. it doesn't matter anyway because I have a new card, I am just going to pay with giftcard next time.
firecracker said:
Joi ain't nobody changin da game fo yo *** ok:lachen: Helz the powers that be shol ain't thanking by my stupid ***.:perplexed
So come on get ova it and cancel that subscription. I double triple dare ya.:lol: The way CandyC is posted up in this piece I doubt if she will cancel either. :lachen: :lachen:

Firecracker who says I want someone to change FOR ME, apparently there are others here who feel the same way I do, Im going to remain here but I will be paying by giftcard, of course I love it here :lachen:
JOI said:
Firecracker who says I want someone to change FOR ME, apparently there are others here who feel the same way I do, Im going to remain here but I will be paying by giftcard, of course I love it here :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: Helz I want them to change some ish up in dis piece just fo lil silly me. Chile ya'll hipped me cuz I wasn't aware I was subscribing I thought I was just paying and playing.

I feel tha love glowing from ya girly.:grin: Ya know I gotta clown folks and ish. :p
firecracker said:
:lachen: :lachen: Helz I want them to change some ish up in dis piece just fo lil silly me. Chile ya'll hipped me cuz I wasn't aware I was subscribing I thought I was just paying and playing.

I feel tha love glowing from ya girly.:grin: Ya know I gotta clown folks and ish. :p

Girl you are crazy lol :lachen:
If there are any billing errors, I encourage everyone to submit a ticket which is at the bottom of my signature, and the tickets are always resolved within 24 hours when submitted Sunday-Thursday! Sareca I sent you a PM, I want no one to pay twice, please if this happens to anyone, let me know when it occurred and I will send you a refund ASAP!

Thank you also Summerrain and to the others who READ the disclaimer that you checked before paying the subscription stating that the payment is automatically renewed every 365 days via paypal, if you do not want that to occcur you need to login to paypal and see where the subscription was created and cancel it..

Making this thread a sticky!
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The thing is you get an email and 2 days later the money comes out. I don't read my email every single day. 2 days is not sufficient. I haven't been up in this piece since I paid last year. It took me a minute to even remember. By the time I checked my email. I had the warning and the paypal confirmation 2 days apart.
SummerRain said:
umm not for nothing, but when i registered i saw the disclaimer that clearly indicated that it was a recurring/automatic renewal. So although I"m still many months shy of that, I know its going to happen. I understand that a "warning" would have been nice, but most pay sites that i'm a member of don't do it either.

That's funny because mine didn't automatically renew and that was earlier this year in July. I had to go and renew my membership manually. That is weird.
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