How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Hi ladies,

For those of you taking your chlorella in the evening/at night, how much time do you leave after your evening meal before taking it?

I usually finish eating dinner around 8:30pm/9:00pm and figure two hours is enough time to leave before taking the chlorella, so having it around 10:30 or 11:00pm.

My only other option would be to consume it before dinner (say around 6pm). If I were to do this how long after consuming the chlorella would I have to wait to eat?

hi everyone! (newbie checkin in)... :grin:

i have been followin this thread as a non-paying lurker:blush: since Feb. & i went out & bought some chlorella & took it faithfully for a few months. didnt stop for any particular reason, just lazy i guess...

anyway i LOVE this product! it did wonders 4 my skin (made it glowy & healthy-lookin, not dry & dull as usual), made my nails stronger/longer, kept me regular, helped me eat healthier which in turn helped me keep off the 40+ lbs i've lost this yr, & so on & so on lol

i even got my dad to take it & he liked it @ 1st but i guess during his detox he broke out in a rash over his stomach & back so he stopped takin it:sad:

of course i kinda let myself go (healthwise) over the holidays & am disappointed by my 5 lb weight gain. i have decided 2 start back w/ the chlorella again (took 3g today!) & keep myself in better shape.

really just wanted 2 send a HUGE THANK YOU!!! to luckiestdestiny 4 introducing this product 2 me & soooo many others. it really changed my body 4 the better & i am going 2 do my best to continue takin it for as long as i can afford it lol:yep:

btw i take the Source Naturals powder & the Earthrise tablets
Hi ladies,

For those of you taking your chlorella in the evening/at night, how much time do you leave after your evening meal before taking it?

I usually finish eating dinner around 8:30pm/9:00pm and figure two hours is enough time to leave before taking the chlorella, so having it around 10:30 or 11:00pm.

My only other option would be to consume it before dinner (say around 6pm). If I were to do this how long after consuming the chlorella would I have to wait to eat?


Can some of the experts please chime in on this question I'm curious, too. I'm still a Newbie to chlorella & I take mine whenever. Sometimes with a meal. Sometimes by itself. Does it really matter? I know LD has said to adjust do the opposite if you it was making you sick but it doesn't matter when I take it, I don't get sick. So since Cairo posted the question I wondered was I doing it wrong. TIA
I think I remember reading it should be taken with food. I take mine either directly before, with or after my food.
Hey ladies I take mine before eating about 30 to 45 mins prior... I dont take it at night as it tends to keep me up at nite... I take SN chlorella powder and earthrise spirulina tablets... Go Green!!
Yesterday I wrote this whole update and Chlorella and lost it. So let me try again.

I have been on it for about 2 weeks. NC Cuite recommended it to me because I have Hashimoto Thyroiditist and have been having trouble losing weight. I did not know it came with additional benefits to hair and nails etc.

I started out with 3 grams (6 500 mg pills) and did not notice much except: I am 7 1/2 weeks post and I m READY for a touch-up. MY NG is out of control. I went to 15 weeks last time and I don't think I can make it this time. I did not really think this was from Chlorella - but that is the only new thing I have introduced.

I tried to increase slowly to 7 grams and I think I increased too fast. I was mild nausea all day long and one day I had a low grade headache all day. On the plus side: at night I was TIRED but in a good day . . . and I slept like a baby!!!!!!!!

I am back down to 4 grams: no nausea or headache but no good energy and sleep. I will slowly increase and let you all know what happens.
Checking in. I'm up to 6g, will increase to 7 on tomorrow. However, no energy! I went to bed the other night @ 8 & didn't wake up until noon the next day. I was battling with breakouts but my skin is actually starting to clear up. Let's pray it'll stay that way.

Also, I'm down 3 pounds. Not losing fast, but losing & not exercising.
Still taking Vitamin Shoppe brand Chlorella (back down to 3 grams, at one time I was up to 9 grams a day). I'm not sure if Chlorella is helping with my hair growth because I'm in braids but I love what it's doing for my skin. Plus, I like the internal cleansing benefits. :yep:
Checking in. I'm up to 6g, will increase to 7 on tomorrow. However, no energy! I went to bed the other night @ 8 & didn't wake up until noon the next day. I was battling with breakouts but my skin is actually starting to clear up. Let's pray it'll stay that way.

Also, I'm down 3 pounds. Not losing fast, but losing & not exercising.

Nakia, how long have you been on Chlorella? Did you decrease recently? I wonder if this sleep thing is is a part of the detox.

The sleep thing happened to me the other night. I decreased my dose because of the side effects . . . the next day I slept until 12:30 pm. When I woke up I was like . . . what?!?!?!?!

I havent checked my weight or anything though.
Checking in. I'm up to 6g, will increase to 7 on tomorrow. However, no energy! I went to bed the other night @ 8 & didn't wake up until noon the next day. I was battling with breakouts but my skin is actually starting to clear up. Let's pray it'll stay that way.

Also, I'm down 3 pounds. Not losing fast, but losing & not exercising.

What's your caffeine intake? If you drink caffeine and then take chlorella around or about the same time, that will send you to sleep. Otherwise I would suspect it's a part of the detox.
Hi ladies!!!! I've been a paid member for a minute, and a lurker even longer. I just want to say thanks so much for this thread. I love this board! And I love chlorella! :grin:
Now for my question. For you ladies that order your Source Natural powder through, how long does it take for you to receive it? I'm tired of bugging my local health food store to order it as sometimes they forget and it takes FOREVER to receive it. So I thought I'd try Amazon.
Thanks again! And happy greening!
You started taking the Source Natural pills and thought it taste worse compared to the Now pills?

Hoping to clarify since I'm currently taking the Source Natural pills 200mg but considering switching to powder... Scared about gagging though, even with the Naked Green Machine juice. Especially since I know my frugal self will stretch it with water
Any thoughts/suggestions?
And where is Lucky? You know I read this entire thread before I went out and bought Chlorella a month ago, and I thought by now there would be mad progress pictures posted. How is everyone doing?

No I take the SN powder now.
I just took 6g of SN powder with 1/2c of Naked GM.
Soooo good, I had to add water to the cup to get the extra out LOL.
It wasnt so bad so I wont worry about buying any pills as long as I have my Naked juice.

I am feeling pretty good. I am holding firm at 4 grams. I know I need more bu I do not want any side effect.

I have put DH on Chlorella too. This is like a real experiment for me . . . because I put him on it without him know exactly what its suppose to do. I told him its a green food and he said OK.

He is on less than I am (3 grams) and already has seen positive effects (unlike me who takes forever to see any results in anything).

Yesterday he asked if he was suppose to go to the bathroom more . . . which of course made me laugh. This morning he told me he feels so awake and bright eyed even though he didn't have any coffee. I know people have said this happens on Chlorella so this is great. I am keeping an ear out for more comments.
I am finally back up to 7 grams. Great sleep. Reduced cravings. Raising SLOWLY is the key. When I got to 7 grams the last time I had headaches and nausea. Nothing this time!

I am getting a touch up a big haircut this weekend - so I will see what the hair progress is after that.
BTW, I'm just getting on this bandwagon...not so much for growth but for health. I have to say, my energy level is great. I will definitely keep taking it.
I am down to 6 grams every OTHER day instead of 6 grams per day. Side effects for 6 grams per day were, other than weight loss, lots of gas & lots of trips to the bathroom plus brittle fingernails. DH mentioned the gas:nono: and my being in the bathroom more often than usual. I noticed the fingernail problem. I cut my nails down very low but am still noticing splitting that I had not noticed prior to October when I started on chlorella.

I do still have lots of energy. I need to drink chlorella in the early morning. I cannot drink chlorella late in the afternoon or I will be up late & unable to sleep, like right now:lachen:
Still taking my CHL. So far this year I have purchased 4 16oz bottles of this stuff and a huge bottle of the pills.. Not really sure what it's done for my hair. But, I like the overall affect it has on my body.
I am down to 6 grams every OTHER day instead of 6 grams per day. Side effects for 6 grams per day were, other than weight loss, lots of gas & lots of trips to the bathroom plus brittle fingernails. DH mentioned the gas:nono: and my being in the bathroom more often than usual. I noticed the fingernail problem. I cut my nails down very low but am still noticing splitting that I had not noticed prior to October when I started on chlorella.

I do still have lots of energy. I need to drink chlorella in the early morning. I cannot drink chlorella late in the afternoon or I will be up late & unable to sleep, like right now:lachen:

Maybe 6 is too much for you. You know our bodies are all different. I am on 7 now and none of those side effects . . . even the good ones :( but I have Hashimoto's disease and it takes sooo much more for my body to do anything. I am taking Chlorella for this - hoping it will help heal my body. How much weight have you lost? I could do with some weight loss. I am getting such good sleep with Chlorella.

DH swears, swears, swears that 15 minutes after taking Chlorella he is heading to the bathroom. I dont believe him because it seems too soon . . . but who knows.
I have a question. I was up to 7g & ran out. I decided to order from Ebay b/c I was able to get 600 pills for what I was paying for 300 pills @ Whole Foods. I've been without the chlorella for 2 or 3 days now & the chlorella probably won't be here until Monday. Can I just pick back up with the 7g I had been taking or should I start lower? What do y'all think?
Hey Chlorella ladies! I am still on the chlorella train. I am taking the Vitamin Shoppe brand. I notice If I run out and start back up I sleep more. But my energy levels are great! Still losing weight despite not going to the gym.
I'm still taking 4 grams of Vitamin Shoppe Chlorella. At one time, I was up to 9 grams a day but I started losing weight. I'm still not sure if it's doing anything to my hair but I love what it does for my skin.:look:
For you ladies who are taking 8+ grams of Chlorella . . . can you tell me how you are taking it throughout the day? Do you take your entire dose at once . . . do you spread it out throughout the day?

Hey ladies-
I started taking chlorella during the summer but I started suffering serious breakouts so I completely stopped until about a month ago when I've only been taking about a teaspoonful of the SN powder brand. I've been fine for the month until today :nono: I took it after breakfast and I gagged and threw it up a little in my mouth. I thought I would be okay. So I went to work and I was fine for about 2 hours and my stomach started to hurt really bad..I felt like something was coming up so I rushed to the bathroom..I threw up. I threw up 4 times after that at work and then they sent me home. What do u think this could be? I still feel nauseous now :barf:
Hey everyone, I'm still green and loving it. As any progress I make is from CHL as well as the WL cocktail, I'm posting my lil yr end update in here too.

My skin: It's doing so well, I'm really happy with the shake and CHL combined. These things and not eating junk are working miracles!! Don't know yet if MSM is having an effect on my skin as some people have reported good and others bad. I've also started using a homemade green tea and ACV toner (Pocahantas posted on her blog about it a while back) after washing my face, and using emu oil. My skin is smooth and I'm pimple free!

My hair: I had to dust approx half an inch of the ends of each of my plaits this weekend
Normally I consider the scissors an enemy, but it really had to be done, I had a lotta tree-branch split ends from too much blowdrying. After I get my hair done, I will start monitoring my NG. I've signed up for Bootcamp next yr to ensure I stay minimal heat and protective styled.

My body: Is toning up nicely, the CHL, cardio and combined is doing it's good work, I got into a size 12 skirt that I have not been able to wear to church for months because it wouldn't have met my standards of modesty... lil sis got some junk in her trunk y'all

I'm excited to reap the benefits of the WL cocktail along with consistent healthful eating and exercise in 2010!!
Hello ladies.
After reading this thread for months, I've decided to become serious about taking Chlorella. I started earlier this year, but I wasn't consistent with it.
Last week I ordered the powdered Chlorella and have been taking 4 grams every day.

So far, I love it. I have energy (I do take this with wheatgrass powder) and overall I'm feeling good.
When I start to exercise next month I am hoping to reap even more benefits.

Thanks so much ladies.
For you ladies who are taking 8+ grams of Chlorella . . . can you tell me how you are taking it throughout the day? Do you take your entire dose at once . . . do you spread it out throughout the day?


I take 12g per day, 4g 3 x's per day.

All is well on my green journey.......:yep: