How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Yes. Chlorella binds mercury, other metals, and other toxins and removes them from your system. That's why in post #1 and #2 which is the quick start guide, it explains that you have to go through detox symptoms. Your body is slowly detoxing from toxins and metals.

Here's a little on that:
Chlorella has a fibrous outer shell that actually binds with the heavy metals in the bloodstream and assists in pulling them out of tissues. Chlorella's cleansing action on the bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of the liver, helps keep the blood clean. Clean blood insures that metabolic wastes are efficiently carried away from the tissues


I'll post more later on tonight. I've been slacking and have to get back to my research project.

Sorry forgot to post these.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Can Chlorella Be Given To Children?[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Absolutely. In fact, chlorella has been shown to promote rapid growth in children, as well as build in them superior immune systems. Children can take 1/2 to 1/4 the adult dose described above. [/SIZE][/FONT]
This is just in general...proves how it takes out metals

Alzheimer – One of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be aluminium present in cooking utensils and deodorants. Regular long term use of chlorella cleanses the system from such heavy metals. A greater supply of oxygen to the brain promotes more alertness and mental function in Alzheimer’s' patients and those suffering from dementia and other mental disorders
Helping children with adhd

Chlorella is used industrially to bind heavy metals (Hammouda et al., 1995), and might have anticancer activity (Negishi et al., 1997). The diatoms are pulverized into small fractions to increase surface area and enhance membrane passage. Real-time digital EEG was used to evaluate the brain effects of pulverized Chlorella in four documented heavy metal patients, and were found to have statistical change over each patient's repeated baseline readings beginning at 20 minutes. Urine and fecal analysis correlated with heavy metal mobilization and excretion (Christman, 2001).
The child was placed on one drop per day sublingually for 5 days a month after the last medication trial. No allergic responses were noted. He was then increased slowly up to 5 drops per day in an 8 ounce glass of water over 6 days. Treatment continued for 24 weeks. Clinical changes were noted after 8 days. His unprovoked assaultiveness towards peers decreased from 4-7 incidents per day to 1-2 per week. His eccentric and unexplained crying stopped. After two weeks he was playing games he had abandoned. In three weeks he was affectionate with family and relatives. In three weeks he was considered "himself again" by his teacher and getting marks in the top 15% of the class.
I agree with the energy boost. I've been taking it for one day and I definitely feel more energy. I like it! Thanks ladies for the information.
Hey ladies,
Checking in, I fell off the wagon for a lil while (the stressors of school:perplexed). I recently went back on a month ago and added spirulina to my little mix. I'm green and up to 6gms of chlorella and 12 gms of spirulina.
These are the things i have noticed:
More energy( i'm up till late at night get maybe 5 hrs
of sleep then up at the crack of dawn
before the alarm ready to take on
clearer skin( i've been asked several times if i'm
wearing make-up without a stitch on)
younger appearance(I was at dinner with
my SO the other night and I
ordered a cocktail. They would
not give it to me cause i didnt
have my idea to prove i was of
legal drinking age. I'm 30 ya'll
:rolleyes:. They had no problem
serving him an alcoholic
beverage and he is younger
than i am!!!!!
decreased appetite( I normally have a huge
appetite for all sweets and
and carbs, now i look more to
fruits and veggies and i'm def.
drinking more water. so far i've
lost 5 lbs:grin:
That's all for now, will be checkin in periodically as i notice more benefits. Thanks to Luckiest Destiny for the abundance of info that started me on my journey and everyone who has contributed to this thread I owe it all to you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:
Great progress Nai, I've noticed everything except for clear skin....I still dont know what do because I don't want to stop Chlorella especially with his flu scare.
I will admit that I have always struggled with acne but breakouts increased since taking it. I understand the toxin flashings etc but I'm getting very impatient.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Wow! I haven't come back here in a while....maybe six months?? I don't know really! Sowwwyyyyyyyyyyy!! A lot has been going on in my life (all +, Thank u Lord!) and I had to stop taking chlorella due to financial hardship. I'm gonna try to get back to it in a month or so!
Still being faithful to CHL. Can't really say I've noticed any difference in my hair, but my overall health has been better since taking this. I am off to Amazon to order more.....
Question....have any of u ladies experienced heavy BMs. Like usually they float but no anymore they go straight to the bottom. They have been this way since I have been taking Chlorella.
Question....have any of u ladies experienced heavy BMs. Like usually they float but no anymore they go straight to the bottom. They have been this way since I have been taking Chlorella.

Good for you! Your BM's should not be floating, that is a problem. There are several reasons why stools float. I am no expert so I will not advise. You could google floating bowel movements and compare, best advice, seek medical attention. If the chlorella has stopped it, you might be good.

BM's should be smooth, long and bananna shaped, and not rock hard. Not sure of your status or connection to children, but they generally have ideal BM's. Generally they are the color of what you eat. Ours is green because of Chlorella.
Just finished my 8 oz powder today (taking it nearly daily since 10/14). My 16 oz powder arrives on Saturday so I will be off for a few days.

The only side effect that I have noticed is unexplained weight loss. I don't know if my hair is growing faster (weaved in curly twists) and I have not noticed any change in my skin. I will take it for a while longer though to see if anything happens.

DH is just happy that I'm taking a supplement at all.
Good for you! Your BM's should not be floating, that is a problem. There are several reasons why stools float. I am no expert so I will not advise. You could google floating bowel movements and compare, best advice, seek medical attention. If the chlorella has stopped it, you might be good.

BM's should be smooth, long and bananna shaped, and not rock hard. Not sure of your status or connection to children, but they generally have ideal BM's. Generally they are the color of what you eat. Ours is green because of Chlorella.
:look: Thanks for telling me about to go search!

I read that if it floats its too much fat or fiber
Protein will make it sink....
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Hey all just checking in...

Been taking chlorella for 6 months now. Been mixing it with my egg cocktail for the last 3 months.

I love love love chlorella, I know it cleanses my body inside as no more morning breath or any-other-time-of-the-day-breath ! which is a symptom of what is going on in the stomach. I now take 1 heaped tablespoon but lots of this gets caught up in the blender so not really sure what dosage I am on.

My hair has grown in thick and strong but think this is a combination of chlorella, spirulina and egg cocktail. Whatever, I am extremely happy:drunk:
Great progress Nai, I've noticed everything except for clear skin....I still dont know what do because I don't want to stop Chlorella especially with his flu scare.
I will admit that I have always struggled with acne but breakouts increased since taking it. I understand the toxin flashings etc but I'm getting very impatient.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Whew! I'm finally through this thread. I've been reading this thread for 17 long days. First & foremost, thank you LD for making me aware. I used to take spirulina years ago & stopped & never even thought of it again until this thread. I'm :wallbash: that I did not read this months ago when I 1st saw it. Honestly I've been trying to stay away from bandwagons & I thought this was just that. How wrong was I!

I purchased my chlorella from Whole Foods on the 14th. I purchased the SN brand 200mg tablets. I jumped in at the recommended 3g (15 pills) and I was fine for the 1st week so I then upped my dosage to 4g. Tommorow will be 2 weeks for me so I will again up my dosage 1g to 5g. Right now I'm on a budget & probably won't be able to order the powder for a few weeks. I will probably go a little faster than 1g per week once I have the powder.

Right now, DH is taking it & DS (13 years old) started today with 1g. I convinced him by telling him it may help him get taller faster. See, as a baby he was off the growth charts so they predicted he'd be very tall. But it never happened. Then he was late with puberty & the doctor said that "his testicles hadn't dropped." Maybe TMI but he said that was another indicator that he would be very tall. Well to make a long story short, he's 5'5", which is still pretty short for his age but his shoe size is a men's 10.5 - 11. Hopefully chlorella will help his body catch up with his feet.

I really don't have any miraculous stories to tell. Nothing has happened. I went green after the 1st day. I'm still eating junk food, just not as much. My hair is in cornrows because I'm wearing wigs & my hair already grows pretty fast when I'm on a low-mani regi. I am 4 inches away from BSL. Normally that would take me 6-8 months to achieve. So if I get there sooner I will be able to attribute it to the chlorella.

I'm sooo looking forward to decreasing my supplements. On a normal day I take:
  • Nature's Way Foti Root (2 pills once a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine HSN (3 pills twice a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine L-Lysine (1 pill 2-3 times a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine N-Cysteine (1 pill twice a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine Greenzone (4 pills 1-3 times a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine Calcium with Vit D & Magnesium (2 pills twice a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine LBSII for regularity (2 pills once a day)
  • Nature's Sunshine Probiotics (2 pills once a day)
  • Liquid Sublingual B-12 drops - can't think of the brand name & too lazy to get up & check
  • MSM powder (1 tbsp twice a day)
I will keep the MSM, foti root, calcium, LBSII & probiotics. I also started taking the spirulina in the 2:1 ratio and Udo's Omega's 3-6-9 Oil with DHA. At 1st I bought the Whole Foods brand 500mg tablets of the spirulina but that was way too many tablets & they were going too fast. So today I purchased the Earthrise powder from Whole Foods. I had a tsp in some Green Machine & then another tsp & a half in some diluted Red Machine. Those juices are soooo good.

As for the skin issue, Lebiya, I too am a prior acne sufferer & until I can get my sugar addiction under control it will not go away without chemicals. What has worked for me in the past but is too expensive right now b/c I'm unemployed is: microderms infused with a bleaching agent as well as daily use of prescription 8% hydroquinone pads & nightly use of Retin-A. After about 2 microderm treatments(along with the other stuff) my skin is GAWJUS! However, I have to contine getting the microderms at least once every 6-8 weeks for my skin to stay in tact & keep using the expensive prescriptions. If the chlorella doesn't clear my acne up then I'll have to go back to this regimine when my finances permit.
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I just ran out of the NOW pills and started taking the SN. OMG that crap was nasty and since I ran out out pills (4g) I took only 3g of the powder. I will try and go buy more pills until I reach taking 6g then I just can take 2 tsp of powder.
I havent taken Chlorella in 2-3 days and I am no longer green. Kinda sad, but I will start up again today matter fact right NOW, brb!
I finally ran out of my Chlorella, so I have just uped the Spirulina until I can reorder. I went green for the first week and a half; I don't know what happened, but I haven't been green since, and I didn't seem to have detox signs until like 3 weeks after I started to take them. I may need to increase the dose of Chorella I was taking SN tablets only 10 a day 2g, and GNC Organic Spirulina 4 capsules 2g. I have read 2:1 ratio is the Spirulina to Chlorella?
I need to start taking this again. I have a whole jar full of the SN powder because I couldn't stand the taste. I will buy the empty capsules and capsule filler so hopefully that will work.
I finally ran out of my Chlorella, so I have just uped the Spirulina until I can reorder. I went green for the first week and a half; I don't know what happened, but I haven't been green since, and I didn't seem to have detox signs until like 3 weeks after I started to take them. I may need to increase the dose of Chorella I was taking SN tablets only 10 a day 2g, and GNC Organic Spirulina 4 capsules 2g. I have read 2:1 ratio is the Spirulina to Chlorella?

Yes, you have the ratio correct.
Question: I've been taking CHL 3 grams since March. I just added 3grams Spirulina during the summer. I forgot about the 2:1 ratio. :wallbash: Anyway, I am contemplating uping my dose to 6 grams each. Any suggestions on timing. I get up for work at 4:30 am. I'm afraid about not being able to sleep. At this point I try to stop CHL/SPR by 3:30/4:00pm so that I can sleep at night.

Also note: I just started with the SPR powder. The smell is intense. Wow!!! I will switch to SN pills once this is done. OMG!!!!!!!!

Thanks Ladies.
Question: I've been taking CHL 3 grams since March. I just added 3grams Spirulina during the summer. I forgot about the 2:1 ratio. :wallbash: Anyway, I am contemplating uping my dose to 6 grams each. Any suggestions on timing. I get up for work at 4:30 am. I'm afraid about not being able to sleep. At this point I try to stop CHL/SPR by 3:30/4:00pm so that I can sleep at night.

Also note: I just started with the SPR powder. The smell is intense. Wow!!! I will switch to SN pills once this is done. OMG!!!!!!!!

Thanks Ladies.

I have to be at work at that time as well. I dont have any problems. I eat breakfast and then take my chlorella and spirulina(pill form). I have energy for the rest of the day.
OMG ladies I must had choked on that dang Chlorella today when I took it with my apple sauce. I was throwing up in my mouth and all, but im trying to be strong and take it like a G LOL.
I went to Wally World and got some Naked Juice maybe I can mix it in there and take it.
Question: I've been taking CHL 3 grams since March. I just added 3grams Spirulina during the summer. I forgot about the 2:1 ratio. :wallbash: Anyway, I am contemplating uping my dose to 6 grams each. Any suggestions on timing. I get up for work at 4:30 am. I'm afraid about not being able to sleep. At this point I try to stop CHL/SPR by 3:30/4:00pm so that I can sleep at night.

Also note: I just started with the SPR powder. The smell is intense. Wow!!! I will switch to SN pills once this is done. OMG!!!!!!!!

Thanks Ladies.

I thought I had a high tolerance for nasty until Spirulina. I tried to take some with some applesauce the other day & I was gagging & came very close to throwing up. Then it doesn't help that it sticks to the root of your mouth. That stuff is so nasty. I can chew chlorella tabs all day but that Spirulina is something terrible.

I just put three teaspoons in some diluted Minute Maid Berry Punch. I could still taste it a little bit but not nearly as nasty as the applesauce episode. I've been thinking about just getting rid of the powder & going back to the pills but with the 2:1 ratio, 10g of spirulina is a lot of pills. And they're not small like the chlorella tabs.

Anyone got any ideas?
I just ran out of the NOW pills and started taking the SN. OMG that crap was nasty and since I ran out out pills (4g) I took only 3g of the powder. I will try and go buy more pills until I reach taking 6g then I just can take 2 tsp of powder.

You started taking the Source Natural pills and thought it taste worse compared to the Now pills?

Hoping to clarify since I'm currently taking the Source Natural pills 200mg but considering switching to powder... Scared about gagging though, even with the Naked Green Machine juice. Especially since I know my frugal self will stretch it with water
Any thoughts/suggestions?
And where is Lucky? You know I read this entire thread before I went out and bought Chlorella a month ago, and I thought by now there would be mad progress pictures posted. How is everyone doing?
Well I upped my SPR portion. Horrible. I'm working on making it taste better. I usuall use a packet of lemon "True Lemon". I think I will need two. The only benefit to using the 2:1 ratio is that I will finish the SPR faster and can then go back to the pills. WOW!!!! Horrible.