How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Hey ladies-
I started taking chlorella during the summer but I started suffering serious breakouts so I completely stopped until about a month ago when I've only been taking about a teaspoonful of the SN powder brand. I've been fine for the month until today :nono: I took it after breakfast and I gagged and threw it up a little in my mouth. I thought I would be okay. So I went to work and I was fine for about 2 hours and my stomach started to hurt really bad..I felt like something was coming up so I rushed to the bathroom..I threw up. I threw up 4 times after that at work and then they sent me home. What do u think this could be? I still feel nauseous now :barf:

Adaoba - it could be one of two things: 1) You took too much to start. I did and I suffered from nausea and headache until I lowered the dose and slowly increased it when I did this I had no side effects. 2) You might be allergic to it. If you are - even a little bit will make you feel sick. I would start at 1/2 gram and if that has a negative effect I would say you are allergic to it.

Good luck!
Is anyone looking to buy the SN powder?
I have only used it maybe 10 times at 1 tsp each.
If so please PM me, TIA!
Okay just some quick questions as this thread is enormous:

1. Does this stuff taste bitter?
2. Can it be added to breakfast Veggie smoothies?
3. Is this a good source of protein and chlorophy?
4. What does it mean by if it aint green you aint taking enough?
Okay just some quick questions as this thread is enormous:

1. Does this stuff taste bitter?
2. Can it be added to breakfast Veggie smoothies?
3. Is this a good source of protein and chlorophy?
4. What does it mean by if it aint green you aint taking enough?

1. Bitter aint the word, lets say SCUM, and its if your taking the powder/
2. IDK if the veggies can overpower the taste, I know some fruit can.
3. IDK
4. If your poop aint green.....LOL:rolleyes:
I started taking spirulina about a week ago (trader joes brand). I will be adding the vitamin shop super chlorella tomorrow. I'm going to start with 1 pill which is 1000mg and build it up slowly. I'm taking these for general health but hair growth, weight loss and more energy would be GREAT:yep:
Wow this post is serious business. Just ordered 4 oz powder from amazon ($9) just to test. I'm looking forward to the results. Even the green poop. Thanks to everyone!
Okay just some quick questions as this thread is enormous:

1. Does this stuff taste bitter?
2. Can it be added to breakfast Veggie smoothies?
3. Is this a good source of protein and chlorophy?
4. What does it mean by if it aint green you aint taking enough?

#3 Yes, excellent source for both.:yep:
Okay just some quick questions as this thread is enormous:

1. Does this stuff taste bitter?
2. Can it be added to breakfast Veggie smoothies?
3. Is this a good source of protein and chlorophy?
4. What does it mean by if it aint green you aint taking enough?

1. Depends on the brand. I bought from Vitacost, Yarrow, Earthrise, and from Mountain Rose Herbs. I find that the Yarrow brand tastes the least like swamp water. I take a level teaspoon (3g) with 1 level teaspoon Bulk Herb Store Spirulina in applesauce daily M-W-F, twice daily T-R. The combination of both tends to be synergistic.

2. Yes it can. An apple can mask anything.

3. Yes, it is a food; and there is a decent amount of plant based protein. There is a great deal of chlorophyll involved.

Here is some information.
Chlorella's Nutritional Analysis

Chlorella is the highest-known source of chlorophyll, with nearly 10 times the amount of chlorophyll found in alfalfa, from which most commercial chlorophyll is extracted.

Broken cell-wall chlorella, is nearly twice as digestible as other chlorella.

Chlorophyll Nature's Greatest Cleanser

One of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems, the liver and the blood is chlorophyll, as found in all green vegetables, especially the green, leafy vegetables. The problem we find here is that food greens contain less than half of one percent chlorophyll. Alfalfa, from which chlorophyll is commercially extracted, has only 8 or 9 pounds per ton, about 0.2% when extracted, and alfalfa is one of the plants highest in chlorophyll. Commercial liquid chlorophyll often contains only about 1% chlorophyll.

Green algae are the highest sources of chlorophyll in the plant world; and, of all the green algae studied so far, chlorella is the highest, often ranging from 3 to 5% chlorophyll.' Chlorella supplements can speed up the rate of cleansing of the bowel, bloodstream and liver, by supplying plenty of chlorophyll. In addition, the mysterious Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) speeds up the healing rate of any damaged tissue.

Chlorella Protects the Liver

Several experiments have shown that chlorella stimulates a protective effect on the liver, as shown by its resistance to damage by toxins such as ethionine. In one German study, the liver was protected from the kind of damage caused by malnutrition. Chlorella lowers blood cholesterol and triglycerides, the levels of which are associated with liver metabolism as well as fat intake. We can see how the protective and cleansing effects of chlorella on the liver support the natural defenses of the body.

Since the 1930s, experiments with ethionine, a chemical toxic to the liver, had been done on laboratory animals, because ethionine caused liver malfunctions similar to those caused in humans from malnutrition, alcoholism, disturbed sugar storage, interference with protein and fat metabolism and so forth. In the 1970s, a group of Chinese scientists at Taipei Medical College and National Taiwan University decided to see if chlorella added to the diet would protect the liver from ethionine damage.

In their first experiments, Wang, Lin and Tung found that feeding chlorella to rats before giving them the ethionine helped protect the liver from damage and produced faster recovery times. Following up on these studies, the Formosan scientists designed another experiment to see how 5% chlorella supplementation of the diet would affect more specific liver functions. Rats fed the chlorella supplement had lower levels of total liver fats, triglycerides and glycogen (stored sugar), and less liver damage, than rats fed the same diet without chlorella, after ethionine was given to both groups. The chlorella fed rats also recovered more rapidly. Earlier experiments showed that malnutrition caused abnormally high levels of glycogen in the liver and high levels of triglycerides due to liver malfunction. The authors of the study concluded that chlorella protects the liver from damage due to malnutrition or toxins when used at a relatively low level (5%) of supplementation.

Chlorella and the Channels of Elimination

One of the first things we find out about chlorella is that it stimulates and normalizes an under-active bowel. Dr. Motomichi Kobayashi, director of a hospital in Takamatsu, Japan, prescribes chlorella for all his patients who are troubled with constipation. A US Army medical facility in Colorado found that scenedesmus, an alga similar to chlorella, combined with chlorella and fed to volunteers, increased the amount of waste eliminated by the bowel.' Secondly, in 1957, Dr. Takechi and his associates in Japan found out that chlorella promoted rapid growth of lactobacillus, one of the bacteria that promotes colon health. The chlorophyll in chlorella helps keep the bowel clean, while the tough cellulose membrane of chlorella (which is not digested) binds to cadmium, lead and other heavy metals and carries them out of the body. The CGF stimulates repair of tissue damage. To summarize, chlorella restores bowel regularity, normalizes beneficial bowel flora, assists in detoxifying the bowel and stimulates repair of damaged tissue.

The main point is, chlorella improves elimination in all four elimination channels, which is the key to detoxification of the body. This allows the rebuilding and rejuvenation of the natural defense system as a whole and the immune system, in particular.

Chlorella Helps to Clean the Bloodstream

A clean bloodstream, with an abundance of red blood cells to carry oxygen, is necessary to a strong natural defense system. Chlorella's cleansing action on the bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of the liver, helps keep the blood clean.

Clean blood assures that metabolic wastes are efficiently carried away from the tissues. My experience has shown that the buildup of metabolic wastes in the body is probably as serious a problem as the accumulation of toxic materials from undesirable foods, pollution and exposure to chemicals on the job.

Chlorella Helps to Balance Blood Sugar

Experiments have shown that chlorella tends to normalize blood sugar in cases of hypoglycemia while numerous personal testimonies show that it also helps take care of diabetes. In hypoglycemia, blood sugar is too low, while in diabetes, blood sugar is too high. Proper levels of blood sugar are necessary for normal brain function, heart function and energy metabolism, all of which are crucial in sustaining good health and preventing disease. The liver and pancreas are involved in the regulation of blood sugar, particularly the Islands of Langerhans in the pancreas. So, we find that chlorella supports and balances pancreatic functions as well as the other organs we have discussed.

Chlorella Helps to Normalize Blood Pressure

For many years now, chlorella has been known to normalize blood pressure in many documented cases, High blood pressure is one of the major risk factors in heart attack and stroke, which account for more fatalities in the US than any other disease.

Laboratory experiments have shown that regular use of chlorella reduces high blood pressure and prevents strokes in rats. Cases of low blood pressure are not as numerous, but when chlorella has been used consistently over a period of months, the low blood pressure often increases to normal.

Chlorella Helps to Build Up the Immune Factors

Science considers the trillions of white blood cells (leukocytes) and antibodies that circulate in the blood and lymph as the body's main defense system against disease. A protein called interferon protects cells against harmful viruses. Leukocytes of various types not only circulate, but cluster together in lymph nodes and in lymphatic tissue such as the tonsils, spleen and appendix. They line the walls of liver passages, where they are known as Kupffer cells, and portions of the small intestine where they are called Peyer's patches.

These "soldiers" of the immune system are said to patrol the blood and lymph, or stand on guard in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, small intestine and so forth, destroying harmful bacteria, removing foreign matter and taking old blood cells out of circulation. The great scientist Metchnikoff won a Nobel prize for his discoveries about the immune system in 1908.

Cells and antibodies of the immune system can be destroyed by radiation and chemotherapy. Research has shown a significant loss of white blood cells from sunburn alone, since the white blood cells moving through the skin capillaries are destroyed by the ultraviolet light in sunlight. White blood cells (leukocytes) and antibodies both require a balance of nutrients and high-quality proteins. If we are not eating properly, the immune system is harmed along with other parts of the body.

4. My herbalist said it best, "If your poop is not green, you are not taking enough."

Adaoba - it could be one of two things: 1) You took too much to start. I did and I suffered from nausea and headache until I lowered the dose and slowly increased it when I did this I had no side effects. 2) You might be allergic to it. If you are - even a little bit will make you feel sick. I would start at 1/2 gram and if that has a negative effect I would say you are allergic to it.

Good luck!

Thanks...I took it again yesterday morning just to make sure it wasn't something else that made me sick...I even took 1/2 a teaspoon this time and 2 hours later I was throwing up again. I love the benefits of chlorella but I don't think its worth it for me..I must be allergic to it or something :ohwell: thanks for your suggestion though
Thanks...I took it again yesterday morning just to make sure it wasn't something else that made me sick...I even took 1/2 a teaspoon this time and 2 hours later I was throwing up again. I love the benefits of chlorella but I don't think its worth it for me..I must be allergic to it or something :ohwell: thanks for your suggestion though

Awww . . . I am really sorry to hear that. Listen to your body . . . maybe there is something better out there for you.

I am the same way with most multi-vitamins . . . I think some type of combination in multis make me sick.

As an update: I am on 12 grams a day and in the "green" zone. My skin is purty. I noticed it yesterday when I put some powder on when I was going out to dinner. My skin has suffered a lot due to my thyroid illness and I am so happy to see it on the mend.

I got a touch up last week - so I wont be able to tell the effects on hair. It should be clear since I got a pretty big hair cut with my touch-up so we'll see.

My energy is good. I am not dragging or anything. I am going to test the energy thing this week with getting consistent exercise since we've been traveling and had no consistent exercise.

I have only been on 12 for a week so I don't know about weight loss. Since its Christmas - that might be too much to expect. Will keep you updated.

One downside is that my nails seem to be more brittle. Odd!
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Hey ladies everyone still chuggin along??? Its a new year and many blessings to all... Still on the chlorella train, and spirulina too...
Hey ladies everyone still chuggin along??? Its a new year and many blessings to all... Still on the chlorella train, and spirulina too...

I am. It's been 9 months. I currently take 9 gms/day. Just an FYI that I discovered and posted about in the Natural Living forum. Chlorella can increase fertility. My family was complete (or so I thought) but 6 1/2 years after the birth of my last child I am pregnant. Is it a coincidence that 6 months after starting chlorella we conceived? Maybe, but just wanted to give you guys a heads up.
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Well its been 2 weeks since my touch up and I have a TON of new growth in the middle of my head but less so at the front. But I can see signs of new growth (different texture).

The one thing I have noticed is: my hair is noticeably thicker. I mean THICK. To the point where at one point I was slightly annoyed putting it in a ponytail.

I got over it really quickly because I spent the last 2 years trying to thicken up my hair because of all the hair I've lost from my thyroid issue. As I mentioned before I am not taking chlorella for my hair but this is a nice side effect.

With the new hair cut its slightly below APL but I know when it gets to BSL and beyond I will LOVE the thickness. I am very excited.

I am 50/50 with the health effects. OK that is not true . . . . . I have not noticed any weight loss which I am VERY disappointed about. I am on 12 gram/day. This might because I am on steroids. But I have "nice" energy . . . I feel almost normal. Now if you've ever suffered from a hypothyroid problem you know this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!

Also my skin all pretty and glowy. It's not 100% but the improvement is amazing. If weight loss happens then I would be 1000% percent satisfied.

I wish I'd discovered this before.
A happy, prosperous and blessed new year to you all.

I am still chlorella-ing and spirullina-ing. Am on one heaped tablespoon a day of both. Hve noticed good growth and hair is definitely thicker but not sure if that is chlorella, spirullina or egg cocktail but whatever, I will not be giving chlorella up for sure - I love this stuff. For UK ladies, I used to use source naturals but found yaeyama brand sold by £34.99 for 450g. Seems just as good to me.
I'm taking 4 grams of vitamin shop super chlorella and 3 grams of earthrise spirulina, is this the right ratio? So far so good. I haven't gotten the energy levels that people speak of but I am sleeping better and thats a bonus for me because I have insomnia. Is anyone taking maca also, I was taking maca but stopped when I started chlorella/spirulina.
Still green at 4 grams of Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella. I don't plan to take anymore than that amount. I started losing weight when I took 9 grams a day.:nono:
I noticed brittle nails too, and stopped taking 6 grams per day. I am at 6 grams every OTHER day.

Awww . . . I am really sorry to hear that. Listen to your body . . . maybe there is something better out there for you.

I am the same way with most multi-vitamins . . . I think some type of combination in multis make me sick.

As an update: I am on 12 grams a day and in the "green" zone. My skin is purty. I noticed it yesterday when I put some powder on when I was going out to dinner. My skin has suffered a lot due to my thyroid illness and I am so happy to see it on the mend.

I got a touch up last week - so I wont be able to tell the effects on hair. It should be clear since I got a pretty big hair cut with my touch-up so we'll see.

My energy is good. I am not dragging or anything. I am going to test the energy thing this week with getting consistent exercise since we've been traveling and had no consistent exercise.

I have only been on 12 for a week so I don't know about weight loss. Since its Christmas - that might be too much to expect. Will keep you updated.

One downside is that my nails seem to be more brittle. Odd!
I noticed brittle nails too, and stopped taking 6 grams per day. I am at 6 grams every OTHER day.

Since this the only "negative" side effects for me its not worth taking less. I think the problem with me is my nails were strong before I started chlorella - so this might have pushed it over the edge. Since everything was weak and getting stronger its worth it.
I'm doing btwn 9-12 grams. I'm waiting on the weight loss and lord knows I need some energy. My skin is doing well, I really like that part. I got tired of mixing it in smoothies, so I just take the powder straight and wash it down with water. Cutting out the middle man for quicker results. (hopefully).
I'm taking the NOW brand tablets- they're tough to swallow
but it decreases my appetite so I'll continue until they run out
then I'll try the powder.
I'm doing btwn 9-12 grams. I'm waiting on the weight loss and lord knows I need some energy. My skin is doing well, I really like that part. I got tired of mixing it in smoothies, so I just take the powder straight and wash it down with water. Cutting out the middle man for quicker results. (hopefully).

For me the energy is subtle. No bouncing off the walls. I just feel good. I have been playing wii non-stop since Christmas. Usually I would be exhausted and not want to do anything - but I feel good. But I am praying the weight loss hurries up.
I've said it a few times but I am sticking to it for 2010 going forward. Taking Chlorella in the afternoon is horrible for me. It keeps me up all night, like right now. I finished my chlorella drink around 4:30 p.m. and now I cannot sleep. I am only taking it in the morning from now own, before 10 a.m.
I am going to Whole Foods for some chlorella and chlorophyll as soon as I get off! There are some good tips in this thread. :)