How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Still VERY green. I have found I am able to go all day without hunger painges if I drink my green juice in the morning with extra chlorella mixed in it. I was mixing it in Naked green machine, but then it became too sweet to me so I changed to Bolthouse green juice. I like it much better. I mix 3 teaspoon of powdered chlorella in a 32 oz bottle and drink it all day. I finally make myself eat around 6 or so and then I get full very quickly. I had a few really red pimples on my face which is very unusual for me. I rarely get them so this was a really big deal. I think this only happened because I am doing Infrared treatments as well for detox purposes. I'm so glad I opened this post and started incorporating this into my diet.
had to stop. Was making me gain too much weight, even at extremely low levels (2g) and taking it for many months. Since I stopped, I lost five pounds and have not done anything to intentionally lose weight than what I was doing while I taking chlorella. I think maybe my body doesn't like supplements. The only thing I can take without blowing up is biotin with b complex and EFA's (EPO). I can take those without excessive bloating and weight gain.
Hey all, - just a quick update - I have been taking Chlorella for 4 months now. I have changed the way I take Chlorella I take it as part of my egg shake, I blend:

1 cup rice/oat milk
2 scoops Solgar lecithin granules
heap of omega sprinkle seeds
3 Tbsp raw wheat germ
1 raw organic egg
12g chlorella
1/2 banana
1/2 pear or apple (with pips)

I have this for breakfast everyday. I usually don't need to eat until lunch time which allows all the vitamins and minerals in the egg shake to do its thing in my body. Now all I need to do is take biotin regularly ( to counteract the negative effect on hair of egg whites)

I stopped taking spirulina - I couldn't take the odour or taste - may start again but with the tablets.

What I love about Chlorella and I know is down to Chlorella and nothing else - the lovely skin, the fact I have eyelashes and eyebrows, the clean mouth and body feeling in the morning - before washing. Waking up early and not feeling tired. Easier BM and lack of stinky odour!

Mind you I am vegetarian, I avoid sugar and white flour (diabetes prevalent in my family) and caffeine and try to eat as healthy as I can throughout the day.

My 3c/4a natural hair is still only about 7" (2" - 7" in one year) but I'm not worried - my hair will grow just need to look after my ends to keep the length. I got a growth spurt when I first started taking Chlorella but it has since calmed down. Chlorella for me is much more than growing my hair, I am healthier, slimmer and more beautiful as a result - APL will happen.:yep:
Hey ladies just bumping our thread!!!! Still green, still taking yaeyama chlorella pills and earthrise spirulina (thanks mario)... My skin is so amazing I cannot believe the texture and clearness of the skin on my face... My hair is hanging in too hoping to make mbl by next summer woot-woot...Keep up the good health ladies!!
Hey ladies just bumping our thread!!!! Still green, still taking yaeyama chlorella pills and earthrise spirulina (thanks mario)... My skin is so amazing I cannot believe the texture and clearness of the skin on my face... My hair is hanging in too hoping to make mbl by next summer woot-woot...Keep up the good health ladies!!
Oh yea, my weight has finally gotten down to my desired level.. Im sorry no changes ladies it has to be the chlorella/spriulina as I have done nothing else.. and of course a lot of water. Blessings!!
Still GREEN and loving it! Weight up and down due to meds, but I should be able to get back to norm soon. Hair is back on track, I think the meds were causing a little disruption. I have had some growth, I contribute it to being green and baggying.

Hope everyone is well being GREEN!
ok, so i fell off the wagon for some time, about 4 weeks or 5 weeks. i was just being lazy i suppose. then my skin started looking HORRIBLE. i actually wasn't taking ANY supplements at the time. so i started back on my game about a week and a half ago. this time, no beginning or detoxing breakouts. needless to say, i did start with 1.5g per day with either carrot juice or a naked green. upped to 3g this week (drink in the morn, drink in the eve). skin is clearing up, and i went ahead and ordered more of the yaemeya powder from iherb two days ago, cuz the 8oz container is about gone now, and i don't want a lapse. BMs are back to normal and slightly green already.

also, since i started back, i've noticed that my watch that i wear daily, is loose on my wrist and sometimes i find the face of the watch turned around to the front of my wrist, as opposed to the back where watches normally sit. this never happens. i hope this means i am losing weight. anyway, that's the status. not noticing anything significant with my hair, as i have been in cornrows and twists since june. so i can't really tell anyway.

wish me luck!
Hey just an update. I am now on 5 grams of chlorella again. I had lowered my dosage. I am now taking vitamin D,B12 ,spirulina and hair skin and nails from walmart. My pants are falling off. I had a minor setback--fiboid and thyroid trouble this summer-but I am back on track.Just Happy to be green again.
I haven't taken any lately as I'm still doing the whole low/no manipulation braided thing. It's just corn rows, nothing special. I really want to mix it up a little but I'm trying to commit to little manipulation. I want to do twists and stuff but I know I'll be doing more manipulation than if I just do cornrows every couple of weeks). I don't want to use heat unless I'm cutting it. The last time I cut it was in March and I did a couple inches then, so I've cut a good five inches total!:look: But seeing how fast it's catching up, I was brave enough to take it off (in march two and now three inches). Didn't think of taking any pics as it was a hair cut. But I guess I should do some to document.

I will take pics at my next hair cut which will be Nov (I'm doing the whole cut by moon cycle fertile thing too). As I have to flat iron, I'll do some more then. As I have lots of layers that I'm trying to catch up, I hope I'll be happier with my progress by then, and most of it will be caught up but we'll see!

I will say my hair is a lot thicker (or rather denser. I did a test for thickness and though my strands are fine I have tons of them!). Also my hair grows really fast I've found with top nutrition. I'm throughly satisfied with chlorella. I think something that could've taken two years or more, will probably take less than a year to a year(catching up layers) so I'm quite pleased. And that will include my nape which was already shorter than the rest of the hair and catching up. :dance7:
I'll keep you all in the loop and also when I post pics again.:yep:

Sorry to be so late responding. It seems I can never get this thread to load.

I think CHL has helped with growth as well, but it's impossible to really tell b/c I use topicals and haven't straigthened since March - started CHL in April.

I'm sure those layers will be gone in no time, LD. I do think nutrition makes a huge difference. I need to start buying veggies, instead of relying on the Naked Juice/Odwalla green drinks, lol.

What's the cut by the moon cycle thing? Do tell.
I fell off of Chlorella big time.:sad: I noticed that my NG isn't growing in as fast now. So I'm back on Chlorella. I'll probably start with 2 grams and go up from there.
Sorry to be so late responding. It seems I can never get this thread to load.

I think CHL has helped with growth as well, but it's impossible to really tell b/c I use topicals and haven't straigthened since March - started CHL in April.

I'm sure those layers will be gone in no time, LD. I do think nutrition makes a huge difference. I need to start buying veggies, instead of relying on the Naked Juice/Odwalla green drinks, lol.

What's the cut by the moon cycle thing? Do tell.

Oh it's just the phases of the moon. There are some threas on it. There is no scientific breakthrough with it or anything like that. It's more superstition but I notice those who follow it have long thick hair. Lucia does here in the forum for one. The next fertile is the new moon in scorpio. You can find out about that in the farmer's almanac.

I just figured why not? What harm will it do? I'll do it by the phase of the moon only when it needs to be cut, though. But I'm just doing it for fun and as an experiment.
I really don't know how I missed this gigantic and positive thread :-).

I want to start taking right away.

Anyone use korean chlorella?
In the UK we have a supplier of korean chlorella but I don't know if it's as good as the japanese.
It claims that vulgaris is a better strain compared to Pyrenoidosa and Spirulina. Can anyone back this up?

I'm hoping to convert my whole family. We already take ACV so I can only imagine the added benefits of the miracle green stuff.

Thanks OP for the wonderful information and ladies thank you for posting your results and experiences
I'm still consistent on the Chlorella route, I aint neva giving up..CHL 4 Life!

Not only WILL I make waist next, I also want to fight the swine flu so I'm increasing my dosage and water in take to 64oz. I also take Spirulina and a greens mix - and after hearing about how wonderful honey and cinnamon is, I started adding cinnamon and will add the honey soon. I drink this blend first thing in the morning. I will also be adding 120g of protein daily to my diet and try to exercise more.
I could literally only get through the first 24 pages... the chlorella is brand new to me, I did another search on chlorella and the side effects it was giving some women and I think i may have to pass on that. I can't remember the name of the thread but I was all excited to try it until....
... and I definitely don't want to have an episode like many chlorella ex-users.
restarted chlorella again lol hopefully the last time i'll temporarily stop. my skin gets soooo bad when i stop chlorella..can't wait for it to clear up :):)
I could literally only get through the first 24 pages... the chlorella is brand new to me, I did another search on chlorella and the side effects it was giving some women and I think i may have to pass on that. I can't remember the name of the thread but I was all excited to try it until....
... and I definitely don't want to have an episode like many chlorella ex-users.
Interesting. This is a HUGE thread. There are tons of people taking it, and only a small amount with side effects. Just like there are allergies to don't rule out eggs do you unless you have an allergy? You should at least give it a try. If you follow the rules on post #1 and #2 in the quick start guide you will rule out some of those episodes so to speak. Alot of people try to JUMP in, instead of taking a lower recommended amount and building up. If you follow the guide, you should be in excellent shape. If you have an allergy, would be the only time that chlorella wouldn't work for you and of course you should discontinue. Hopefully you'll give it a try.
I really don't know how I missed this gigantic and positive thread :-).

I want to start taking right away.

Anyone use korean chlorella?
In the UK we have a supplier of korean chlorella but I don't know if it's as good as the japanese.
It claims that vulgaris is a better strain compared to Pyrenoidosa and Spirulina. Can anyone back this up?

I'm hoping to convert my whole family. We already take ACV so I can only imagine the added benefits of the miracle green stuff.

Thanks OP for the wonderful information and ladies thank you for posting your results and experiences should read post #1 and #2 as it is a quick start guide that we made for those new to chlorella. I would say NO because Japanese is recommended. I know that some chinese can be tainted and so that is a no no. I would not risk could be okay, or could not why risk it? There is a poll at the top that shows the common ones to use, and post #1 and #2 should get you started. HTH!
Interesting. This is a HUGE thread. There are tons of people taking it, and only a small amount with side effects. Just like there are allergies to don't rule out eggs do you unless you have an allergy? You should at least give it a try. If you follow the rules on post #1 and #2 in the quick start guide you will rule out some of those episodes so to speak. Alot of people try to JUMP in, instead of taking a lower recommended amount and building up. If you follow the guide, you should be in excellent shape. If you have an allergy, would be the only time that chlorella wouldn't work for you and of course you should discontinue. Hopefully you'll give it a try.

Right LD. Some ex-users were not willing to allow the detox to happen. Some took those affects as allergic reactions and scared off quite a few. If you read the entry threads as LD said and google the benefits of Chlorella, you may have great results like the majority of us. GREEN is great!
Still taking Chlorella! Gone green and loving it!

The only problem is that I am STILL having problems doing #2. :-/ So I have to drink Smooth Move tea to get going. Sad.
Right LD. Some ex-users were not willing to allow the detox to happen. Some took those affects as allergic reactions and scared off quite a few. If you read the entry threads as LD said and google the benefits of Chlorella, you may have great results like the majority of us. GREEN is great!

Hey there was a great source as well for me.. Chlorella and Spirulina have such great benefits, please give them a try before you decide... Good luck...
Oh it's just the phases of the moon. There are some threas on it. There is no scientific breakthrough with it or anything like that. It's more superstition but I notice those who follow it have long thick hair. Lucia does here in the forum for one. The next fertile is the new moon in scorpio. You can find out about that in the farmer's almanac.

I just figured why not? What harm will it do? I'll do it by the phase of the moon only when it needs to be cut, though. But I'm just doing it for fun and as an experiment.

Interesting, will have to look into it...
I think that I'm going to buy some Chlorella today! I've been looking at the thread for a while, but I just didn't make a move. I know that it has been giving people great results with their hair, but I'm looking for it to help me with my energy levels and general health. I used to take SuperFoods Green Foods. That stuff was great, but so dang expensive...I even think that it is up to $60.00 now. To add insult to injury, the package wasn't completely full....ugh.

Alright ladies, wish me luck!

Thanks for this thread LD!
Ok I am going to give it a try, I jotted down the website iherb to order from but if any one has a recommended brand:yep:... on a recommended site:yep:... with a recommended DISCOUNT!:lick: just holla! should read post #1 and #2 as it is a quick start guide that we made for those new to chlorella. I would say NO because Japanese is recommended. I know that some chinese can be tainted and so that is a no no. I would not risk could be okay, or could not why risk it? There is a poll at the top that shows the common ones to use, and post #1 and #2 should get you started. HTH!

Yes I read the guide and that brought me to my question about korean chlorella. I'm in the UK and unfortunately we do not have the brands mentioned in the poll. I ordered chlorella by optimum source after reading another UK poster was using this (free delivery too :grin:).

I will report back with my progress. I can't wait to get started (slowly :yep:) the winter season is coming up.

The rainforest brand (uk brand) sounds good too (it's yaeyama).
You're right. It's best not to risk it with korean.

I found a european supplier for euro LHCFers

Thanks for your help LD
I'm still on my Chlorella and taking MORE than 12g per day. It's probably more like 15-18g per day.

What I've changed a week ago is that I no longer use the Bolt House Green Goodness or Naked juices. I just use plain water - 16oz.

I don't know why I thought it needed the juice. It goes down much better actually than with the thick juice.
I'm still on my Chlorella and taking MORE than 12g per day. It's probably more like 15-18g per day.

What I've changed a week ago is that I no longer use the Bolt House Green Goodness or Naked juices. I just use plain water - 16oz.

I don't know why I thought it needed the juice. It goes down much better actually than with the thick juice.

OOOh January, doesn't it taste nasty w/o some type of juice?
After following this thread for while, I broke down and went to vitamin shoppe and got some Chlorella and Spirulina. I could not find powder I got the 1000mg pills instead I took my first dose a few minutes ago. I pray this works for me.