How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Hey all just chiming in too. ChinaBlack, Your post made me :lachen: but :yep: too as I have much the same success as yours.

I have been on Chlorella/Spirulina for 2 months. My skin is bare (slang in US too?) soft and clear! No thirty splashes or any real regiment yet ( a whole other thread) My hair has grooown! First month not much, this month 1 whole inch - this is good for me as my hair grows at 1/4" normally and reached 3/4" with ovation.:nono:(stopped that poison now) and my fine thin hair looks now looks a whole let healthier and thicker than a rats tail.

Doing other things too. chlorella, rosemary and aloe vera gel as topical growth aid, also AvoCoco moisutizer with my own addition of Baldwins sulphur powder. No other vitamins but will start adding WheatGerm to my meals like LD.

Gotta go will post some more soon. xx

i see you've been lurking my threads huh?:giggle::lol:

happy chlorella'ing :)
hey ladies:wave:

i fel off the wagon this past mont as i have had three deaths in my family and have been feeling very low.

i am back on track as of from today.

my skin broke out several times, (i've never suffered from acne in my whole life!)
i now have a few dark marks on my chin (i'm considering getting a peel)
i have gained weight :(
I feel tired and lazy:lol:

If this does not keep me on track with my chlorella- i do not know what will!!!

i felt so great those several months i was on my greens,i guess life got in the way...

Three deaths - I am so sorry - life does test us at times - but be easy on yourself and nurse your body and emotions back to health carefully. You are right - Chlorella is a good way to go right now.

Yes, I've been stalking your threads - still haven't started 30 splashes yet - chlorella still doing its magic! but bought the book - thank you so much for all your advice and useful posts. God bless. xxx
I hope you start recovering from your losses soon blaque*angel, im sending some e-love :)
i'm so frustrated, why cant i stay green for more than 2 days in a row before going brown again :s
my so says my eyelashes are getting sooo long and i've never had eyelashes before, well i used to have very short ones. i almost had the so taking chlorella until he noticed thE eyelash growth you see his eyelashes are goooorrrgeously long...but i suppose thats not something a man wants hmmmpft!
I can't sleep either...I think I went to bed last night at 2am:wallbash: and I'm only taking 1 pill three times per day. Today I didn't take one before dinner because I wanted to see if that would help...

You can split them through the day or just take them once. Try taking them all in the morning if it gives too much energy.:yep:
hey ladies:wave:

i fel off the wagon this past mont as i have had three deaths in my family and have been feeling very low.

i am back on track as of from today.

my skin broke out several times, (i've never suffered from acne in my whole life!)
i now have a few dark marks on my chin (i'm considering getting a peel)
i have gained weight :(
I feel tired and lazy:lol:

If this does not keep me on track with my chlorella- i do not know what will!!!

i felt so great those several months i was on my greens,i guess life got in the way...

Welcome back:rosebud:
Bless you and your family. It seems like you've been through a lot lately.
Three deaths - I am so sorry - life does test us at times - but be easy on yourself and nurse your body and emotions back to health carefully. You are right - Chlorella is a good way to go right now.

Yes, I've been stalking your threads - still haven't started 30 splashes yet - chlorella still doing its magic! but bought the book - thank you so much for all your advice and useful posts. God bless. xxx

Aw, your welcome dear

Thank you for your condolences :rosebud:

Do tell us your Chlorella experiences :yep:
I hope you start recovering from your losses soon blaque*angel, im sending some e-love :)
i'm so frustrated, why cant i stay green for more than 2 days in a row before going brown again :s
my so says my eyelashes are getting sooo long and i've never had eyelashes before, well i used to have very short ones. i almost had the so taking chlorella until he noticed thE eyelash growth you see his eyelashes are goooorrrgeously long...but i suppose thats not something a man wants hmmmpft!

Thank you for your condolences dear :rosebud:

maybe you can slightly increase your dose so your BM's can remain green?
You can split them through the day or just take them once. Try taking them all in the morning if it gives too much energy.:yep:

Thanks I will start tomorrow taking all the pills in the morning:lick:

Off Topic: My skin is glowing, and I've only been doing this for two weeks. I don't care if my hair doesn't grow an inch CHLORELLA is a keeper forever:bouncegre... my skin has gone GREEN!!!
Still going strong. I love my chlorella. I trimmed a few inches, and will continue to do so over this year, so that I can get rid of most of these layers. I then braided back up. I'm confident chlorella will get those inches back in no time.
I love it but, If I keep drinking water like this (my body will become the OCEAN) ha,ha
I also take Chyawanprash: Ayurvedic Herbal Jam.Its a powerful antioxidant providing energy & vitality to all cells of the body.
Still going strong. I love my chlorella. I trimmed a few inches, and will continue to do so over this year, so that I can get rid of most of these layers. I then braided back up. I'm confident chlorella will get those inches back in no time.

When are we going to see those pics, LD? :grin::grin::grin:

Still on the chlorella train - taking 3 grams or so, recently added spirulina.
Today is my 21st week (5.25 months)

I started taking Chlorella on 3/22/09
@ 2g and quickly increased to 6g then went straight to 12g after a week at 6g.

I cracked open my 3rd 16oz container of Source Naturals Powder AND still on 12g per day. I've also gone through 2 boxes of the Source Naturals pills.

I try not to think about the time that has elapsed and just keep going.

  1. I haven't had a breakout in several weeks now and my skin looks good. I even stopped using foundation, just my Erno Laszlo Shake-it to control shine. I gave my Proactive to my SO and I had been using that more than 10 yrs (it worked when nothing else did for me).
  2. As for hair growth, it appears to be the same, but overall the health of my hair is great, but that may be because I'm a member of LHCF. :grin:
  3. My nails grow fast but in a weird way and I rarely have breaks - the nail is more flexible, yet strong. I have to file them often to keep them nice especially since I only wear nail polish for special occasions.
  4. Detox symptoms (or what I think are detox symptoms) are surprising. My arms ache like I have arthritis and this weekend I have an irritated eye. The eye discharged this one glob of stuff and hasn't done it since and my eye was red. This morning it's cleared up a bit and now it's no longer irritated. I thought it was pink eye, but it's not. It may just be from my contacts so I'm wearing my glasses for the rest of the week to see. My arms are not as achy as they were a week or so ago too, but still do when I lift heavy objects.
  5. My BMs are not deep, deep green every single day, but for the most part I'm solidly green unless I drink my carrot and beet juice combo.
So that's my report for now. :grin:
I had to stop taking my Chlorella and Spirulina this week and now I feel all out of wack. I've been traveling a lot and taking my pills with me but one day I left them in the car for a few hours and they spoiled. I found this out the hard way 2x, but I do have some killer abdominal muscle strength from all that happened. So right now I'm about to see if Whole Foods will exchange the bottle of Spirulina or just pick up another one. I'm placing an order with Vitacost for more Chlorella and using the bottle I had intended to send back.

I will not stop being a Greenie because my health has benefitted greatly from it.
When are we going to see those pics, LD? :grin::grin::grin:

Still on the chlorella train - taking 3 grams or so, recently added spirulina.

I haven't taken any lately as I'm still doing the whole low/no manipulation braided thing. It's just corn rows, nothing special. I really want to mix it up a little but I'm trying to commit to little manipulation. I want to do twists and stuff but I know I'll be doing more manipulation than if I just do cornrows every couple of weeks). I don't want to use heat unless I'm cutting it. The last time I cut it was in March and I did a couple inches then, so I've cut a good five inches total!:look: But seeing how fast it's catching up, I was brave enough to take it off (in march two and now three inches). Didn't think of taking any pics as it was a hair cut. But I guess I should do some to document.

I will take pics at my next hair cut which will be Nov (I'm doing the whole cut by moon cycle fertile thing too). As I have to flat iron, I'll do some more then. As I have lots of layers that I'm trying to catch up, I hope I'll be happier with my progress by then, and most of it will be caught up but we'll see!

I will say my hair is a lot thicker (or rather denser. I did a test for thickness and though my strands are fine I have tons of them!). Also my hair grows really fast I've found with top nutrition. I'm throughly satisfied with chlorella. I think something that could've taken two years or more, will probably take less than a year to a year(catching up layers) so I'm quite pleased. And that will include my nape which was already shorter than the rest of the hair and catching up. :dance7:
I'll keep you all in the loop and also when I post pics again.:yep:
Today is my 21st week (5.25 months)

I started taking Chlorella on 3/22/09 @ 2g and quickly increased to 6g then went straight to 12g after a week at 6g.

I cracked open my 3rd 16oz container of Source Naturals Powder AND still on 12g per day. I've also gone through 2 boxes of the Source Naturals pills.

I try not to think about the time that has elapsed and just keep going.

  1. I haven't had a breakout in several weeks now and my skin looks good. I even stopped using foundation, just my Erno Laszlo Shake-it to control shine. I gave my Proactive to my SO and I had been using that more than 10 yrs (it worked when nothing else did for me).
  2. As for hair growth, it appears to be the same, but overall the health of my hair is great, but that may be because I'm a member of LHCF. :grin:
  3. My nails grow fast but in a weird way and I rarely have breaks - the nail is more flexible, yet strong. I have to file them often to keep them nice especially since I only wear nail polish for special occasions.
  4. Detox symptoms (or what I think are detox symptoms) are surprising. My arms ache like I have arthritis and this weekend I have an irritated eye. The eye discharged this one glob of stuff and hasn't done it since and my eye was red. This morning it's cleared up a bit and now it's no longer irritated. I thought it was pink eye, but it's not. It may just be from my contacts so I'm wearing my glasses for the rest of the week to see. My arms are not as achy as they were a week or so ago too, but still do when I lift heavy objects.
  5. My BMs are not deep, deep green every single day, but for the most part I'm solidly green unless I drink my carrot and beet juice combo.
So that's my report for now. :grin:

That seems like an excellent report to me. My mom and I noticed growth faster but I have a friend who didn't jump on the bandwagon until April and is now just noticing extra growth but her skin is AMAZING. There are just so many benefits to this stuff that its worth taking.

And no foundation? That's fabulous. Congratulations!:thumbsup:
i've been taking this since may, my eyelashes and nails definitely grew and my face was glowy. my supply ran out so i stopped for about 3 weeks but i just bought it again last week and am back to it!!!! you know i really took for granted that my poo stopped smelling during thse months lol whe it started smelling again i was like omg i need that chlorella. anyway happy to be back on it and if taking it for 2 months had the result it did , i cant wait to see what prolonged usage will do!!!!
Short update

I'm on week seven and I have been maintaining one tsp (2g) for the past two weeks. I will up it to 1.5 tsp when I receive my 1k container from Vitacost. I ran out of the Jarrow's and had to use my children's Chlorenergy yesterday. :badidea: Ugh, instead of going green, I ran green! Whatever you do, don't mix brands! *shudder*

-I'm clipping my nails a week sooner than I usually have to.
-My taste towards vegetables has improved.
-I wake up before the alarm.
-Acne has decreased.

-No weight loss yet.
-A small amount of junk food makes my tummy rebel against it.
-The patch of eczema is threatening to return meaning I really need to detox.

I am also taking MSM (3g) daily and will increase to 4-5g soon. I do think the chlorella is keeping the drastic detox symptoms from the MSM in check.

I'm not going to check my hair growth for a while. I lost half my length from a bad cut and correction. :perplexed
This thread popped back up right on time for me. I was having all types of problems with my digestion. I use to be very regular but about a month ago I started having some type of nerve damage in my right leg. It started with the toe next to the pinky toe and slowly spread up my leg over the course of a month. I went to the doctor and was told my b12 count was extremely low so I had to start talking shots but it is too expensive so I got the drops instead. My leg is still numb in places but I guess it is recovering.

I read this thread and starting taking 3g a day. I could tell it wad doing something good for ne but I was still backed up. I get a colonic once a month but when I went in I could tell I was backed up. Really really badly. I started to panic because I know it has something to do with the problem I'm having with my leg. I started getting hip baths at the spa and I took some smooth move tea. It helped but looking at my stomach I could tell something was still wrong. I read some more of the thread and added more fiber to my diet. Brown rice and lentil soup. It's very tasty and filling.

I ordered the kilogram of chlorella and got it Friday. I uped my intake to 9 grams by adding if to my naked green juice or the trader joes brand. The next day, whoosh! I felt like everything that was causing me pain and discomfort was flushed out! I still have sone numbness in my leg but nothing like before. I think once I'm regular again my nerve function will return. Thank God for this thread.

I will keep you all updated as I see changes. Oh and a bonus, my eyelashes are getting thicker. I can wait until I have lashes like Bambi's mother. My nails were already hard but now they are indestructable!
Ladies in the UK may want to stock up!

Chlorella: the superfood that helps fight disease

Chlorella is an oriental algae that should be a stock item in our medicine cabinets.

By Victoria Lambert
Published: 7:00AM BST 17 Aug 2009

New research from Japan suggests that this green algae could be effective in fighting major lifestyle diseases Photo: GETTY

You wouldn't exactly call chlorella an overnight success. The health benefits of the green algae that grows in freshwater ponds in the Far East have so far been limited to those in the know, and its progress to British medicine cabinets has been slow. Since it became available in tablet form in the UK three years ago, it has achieved an almost cultish appreciation as a superfood, but now scientific research could catapult it into the mainstream

New research from Japan suggests that this green algae could be effective in fighting major lifestyle diseases. It has been shown to reduce body-fat percentage and blood-glucose levels and help those suffering from Type 2 diabetes, obesity or heart disease. Its benefits include boosting energy, aiding digestion and fighting depression.

What excited the scientists, including the notable Carnegie Institute in Washington DC, was that this green algae proved to be almost a dream food. It is packed with protein – twice as much as spinach – and about 38 times the quantity of soybeans, and 55 times that of rice. It also contains nine essential amino acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.

These are the latest in a long line of health claims – ranging from boosting the immune system in cancer patients to improving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Chlorella is a tiny, unicellular green algae, three to eight micrometres in diameter, which when grown in large quantities in South East Asia and Australia gives lakes and rivers a green tint. Before being used as a supplement, it must be gathered, dried to a paste, crushed to a fine emerald green powder, and converted to tiny, soft, crumbly tablets, which smell vaguely of the sea.

Although chlorella was discovered by a Dutch microbiologist in 1890 and studied as a potential protein source by German scientists, it wasn't until after the Second World War that the reality of food shortages, combined with the expectation of a population boom, led to bureaucrats globally examining chlorella in the hope that it could be used to feed the masses cheaply – this proved uneconomic. Later, NASA studied it with a view to feeding it to astronauts, and perhaps growing it on space stations.

It is currently being used in the UK to help cancer patients. Nadia Brydon, senior therapist in complementary medicine at Breast Cancer Haven, the charity that supplies integrated health care to support women with breast cancer, is convinced it is an important food source with many health benefits.

"So many of us eat a calorie-dense, nutritionally-deficient diet that it is no wonder we're all getting sick and tired all the time," she says.

Nadia says chlorella is a great way of taking on magnesium, which can be found in green vegetables. "Magnesium is one of nature's antidepressants and helps us cope with stress. One of our best sources is from chlorophyll in green plants – and chlorella is bursting with that," she says.

Nadia also believes chlorella is highly protective against toxins. "We are bombarded with chemicals in pesticides and fungicides; chlorella helps to get them out of the body. It is a fantastic detoxifier and deodorant."

Tests have shown that chlorella stimulates the growth of probiotic or friendly bacteria, and its cell walls absorb toxins within the intestine and encourage peristalsis – the muscular contraction that moves material through the bowels – preventing constipation and toxic material in the stool being reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

As it is a natural food, chlorella is safe for most people to take; but one exception seems to be those who are prescribed warfarin. This is because chlorella contains vitamin K1, which is important in helping blood clotting – the very opposite of warfarin, which acts as an anticoagulant.

But it's not just the alternative medicine fraternity who are fans. Prof Randall Merchant, professor of Neurosurgery and Anatomy at Virginia Commonwealth University, in the US, has been involved in research into brain tumours, traumatic brain injury, and stroke. In 1986, he began clinical trials, funded by chlorella producer Sun Chlorella 'A', into whether the algae might boost a patient's immune system.

"Fascinating," is how he describes the results. "It didn't make brain tumours go away or shrink, so it didn't cure the cancer, but it did help the patients by boosting their immune system so that they resisted opportunistic infections."

Since then, Prof Merchant has performed clinical trials to test whether chlorella could be useful in helping with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis and hypertension. In the first two trials, his team found that "patients' symptoms diminished quite nicely". For hypertension, the results were more dramatic; while it lowered blood pressure in about 50 per cent of cases, which was promising, the studies showed that it also significantly lowered serum cholesterol.

In 2008, he examined the effects chlorella has on those with metabolic syndrome – the collection of symptoms that often lead to the cells in our bodies becoming less sensitive to insulin, and therefore a precursor to diabetes.

Prof Merchant says: "It seems that chlorella turns on the genes that control the way insulin is normally used by the cells in the body. This research shows that chlorella could in theory help correct the problems of metabolic syndrome. It is not a magic bullet, but taking it is one other preventive thing you can do, like exercise or watching your diet."

Wakasa Gold costs £89.95 per litre (about 30 days' supply); Sun Chlorella 'A' costs £19.95 for 300 tablets (20 to 30 days' supply). Both are available from
I love chlorella! With it, my insomnia has disappeared! I sleep thru the night and wake up refreshed! I take the VS super chlorella. I will never run out! When I didn't take it, I did not sleep soundly as I do. I only take one pill. It is 1000 MG. I have no side effects other than energy to burn and being able to sleep thru my hubby's snoring!:lachen:
UK ladies! We've now got Yaeyama chlorella here, and there's a fabby discount code! Just saved myself nearly £60 buying both chlorella and spirulina to last me the next 5-6 months!!!!

Spirulina. Use discount code at check out:eb25silverbox
Are there any powders or tablets that come with Chlorella AND Spirulina together?
If they work so well together why can't I find any that already come with them both?
I was being lazy and hoping I wouldn't have to buy and mix up more than one ingredient :look:
I know, I know.....I need to stop being lazy.

I found some pills here:
but they're a 50/50 mix and I heard the ratio should be 2:1, using twice as much spirulina than chlorella..... or does that not matter so much?
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