How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
I know that probiotics can help prevent diarrhea... and perhaps constipation, depending on the type of probiotic. I don't think digestive upset is necessarily common with chlorella though, from what I've read. I've used probiotics before starting chlorella with no effect. I may start eating more yogurt, just to see if that makes any difference.
I know that probiotics can help prevent diarrhea... and perhaps constipation, depending on the type of probiotic. I don't think digestive upset is necessarily common with chlorella though, from what I've read. I've used probiotics before starting chlorella with no effect. I may start eating more yogurt, just to see if that makes any difference.
Really? re the bold. I thought it was only good for putting back the "healthy" bacteria that we loose when detoxing.
I need to get back on track, I have fallen off the wagon just a little, I should be on a smaller maintenance dose.

I know my body benefited from the 4 months solid that I was on track!
Great Thread!

Is anybody taking Probiotics along with Chlorella? I hear that this is very important to take in addition to when you are detoxing.

Also, is anyone taking "Green Vibrance brand"? I was told by The Vitamin Shoppe that this is the best one to take because it has the Probiotics added. No need for additiona pills.

I occasionally take a probiotic.
Well Ladies, I am I'm NY with MOM and purchased her a box of Chlorenergy Chlorella. I chose this one because the detailed descriptive packaging and it will be easy for her to replace, and of course all the other benefits of this brand. The plan is to start with the 3g's as directed on the box. My mom watches too much TV in her tender years and has her green detox stories all a muck! (too funny!) Her health is great, so we shall see. I am excited though. Wish us well.

UPDATE: I have to keep my nails cut low! They are way too strong and I have had several bad breaks. I am not one who noramally wears long nails. It's all good.

My GREEN journey continues to be the BEST!
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Well just thought i would chime in. I am bk taking my protein shake daily which includes the chlorella 3 grams, then i bought some wheat germ and add that as well, and the emerald green powder, so i hope to have some hair touching the top of my waist by oct.

I feel great on this shake and my face is clear and glowing! ;0)
Well just thought i would chime in. I am bk taking my protein shake daily which includes the chlorella 3 grams, then i bought some wheat germ and add that as well, and the emerald green powder, so i hope to have some hair touching the top of my waist by oct.

I feel great on this shake and my face is clear and glowing! ;0)

Sounds like a plan, hope you reach your goal! Me, been sick most of the summer, hair suffering from various meds, not sure if it is shedding or breaking. Continuing with regi and baggying, hoping that by the time of my next length check in the fall all will be well. Have not lost any length, just hair all over the place! It's all good though.
Sounds like a plan, hope you reach your goal! Me, been sick most of the summer, hair suffering from various meds, not sure if it is shedding or breaking. Continuing with regi and baggying, hoping that by the time of my next length check in the fall all will be well. Have not lost any length, just hair all over the place! It's all good though.

Thanks girlie, i hope all will be well for you and your hair! I have to go bk through this thread to see what has been going on. I have been so busy with school and work.
okay this explains why I got a rash on the 3rd or so day.. I mean like I was allergic to something!! Its going away, I guess I was detoxing through the skin.. It was itchy too!!!
Same thing happen to me and I have eczema with LD suggestion I decrease the doses and now I'm fine.
My mom took her first dose of Chlorenergy Chlorella on yesterday! I am so happy! I am going to make sure she has a good supply before I leave. Just gotta love being GREEN!
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Got my Yaeyama Chlorella today!!!!!

I am going to start off (tonight) taking 1/2 teaspoon for the week then next week (Sun) I will go up to 1 teaspoon.

Wish me LUCK!!!

Question, I plan on taking my Chlorella at night. Do you think it will be ok to take my Super Green Food in the morning as well? I would like to take the both of them. I don't want my Green Food to go to waste.

Update: I am taking a quarter tsp. twice daily. Slow and steady goes this race because I am also taking MSM (2g) and I can't do a major detox at the moment.

-I had a patch of eczema behind my left ear for days and used Triamcinolone 0.025% to clear it up.
-The gummy eyes problem is gone.
-No change in weight, but I can still skip a meal.
-Energy level has pick up some.
-It looks like my pores are taking turns in detoxing in patches. The bumps are small, thankfully, not like those boil-like monsters I got the first time I took MSM. Is the chlorella keeping the MSM detox symptoms in check?
I'm doing okay with the Chlorella and added in Spirulina (Whole Foods Brand). Three days after I started I had a terrible detox day and felt like I had the flu. I drank extra water that day and ended up having to take an Aleeve to get the headache I had to go away so I could drive home. After that day things have been going really well. I did have a few days of tiredness but I just pushed myself thru the days and went to bed early at night.

I have increased to 1.5grams of Chlorella this week and haven't had any problems at this point. I've increased my Spirulina in an equal proportion to the Chlorella as LD indicated. I plan to increase by .5gm each week as long as I can tolerate it and try to get to 5-7grams/day. I saw the green drinks at whole foods but I can't afford to do that right now and I find pills easier to take then powder. I'm happy to Go Green and be healthy the rest is just an added bonus.
I'm doing okay with the Chlorella and added in Spirulina (Whole Foods Brand). Three days after I started I had a terrible detox day and felt like I had the flu. I drank extra water that day and ended up having to take an Aleeve to get the headache I had to go away so I could drive home. After that day things have been going really well. I did have a few days of tiredness but I just pushed myself thru the days and went to bed early at night.

I have increased to 1.5grams of Chlorella this week and haven't had any problems at this point. I've increased my Spirulina in an equal proportion to the Chlorella as LD indicated. I plan to increase by .5gm each week as long as I can tolerate it and try to get to 5-7grams/day. I saw the green drinks at whole foods but I can't afford to do that right now and I find pills easier to take then powder. I'm happy to Go Green and be healthy the rest is just an added bonus.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience! Especially happy about your attitude towards increasing/detoxing. Welcome to the life of GREEN!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience! Especially happy about your attitude towards increasing/detoxing. Welcome to the life of GREEN!

You are so very welcomed. :grin: I love the support of this thread and the LHCF in general so I feel no shame in sharing my triumphs and my setbacks. I have been living an unhealthy lifestyle for the last year because of my job and I am so happy to get back to the healthy lifestyle I had when I was in Vet school. The Green Life is a big part and help in easing back into that lifestyle. I love being a Greenie!!!
Got my Yaeyama Chlorella today!!!!!

I am going to start off (tonight) taking 1/2 teaspoon for the week then next week (Sun) I will go up to 1 teaspoon.

Wish me LUCK!!!

Question, I plan on taking my Chlorella at night. Do you think it will be ok to take my Super Green Food in the morning as well? I would like to take the both of them. I don't want my Green Food to go to waste.

Why not. Go for it. Super greens are great! Take them both.
Update: I am taking a quarter tsp. twice daily. Slow and steady goes this race because I am also taking MSM (2g) and I can't do a major detox at the moment.

-I had a patch of eczema behind my left ear for days and used Triamcinolone 0.025% to clear it up.
-The gummy eyes problem is gone.
-No change in weight, but I can still skip a meal.
-Energy level has pick up some.
-It looks like my pores are taking turns in detoxing in patches. The bumps are small, thankfully, not like those boil-like monsters I got the first time I took MSM. Is the chlorella keeping the MSM detox symptoms in check?[/quote]
??? Hopefully some one else can tell. I'm glad you aren't getting the boils from msm anymore.

I had gummy eyes (eye boogers) for a while, and after that I noticed longer lashes. I'm not sure the correlation. Maybe it was a detox symptom..who knows. But I thought that was interesting to observe.
hiya, i've been stalking this thread for the looongest time but i only joined yesterday :drunk: i loooove chlorella, i've been taking it since April 30th. i'm always on and off green, it depends on how well i'm eating. the main benefit is my skin. i have always had pimply, patchy skin with a very uneven skin tone then about 2 months into taking chlorella i saw my mum and she asked me if i was wearing foundation...i was so estatic :grin: my mum isn't really a false flatterer and she aaalways knows when i am wearing makeup so i guess my skin is really clearing up.
oh yea i take 3 grams of optimum source pills.
hiya, i've been stalking this thread for the looongest time but i only joined yesterday :drunk: i loooove chlorella, i've been taking it since April 30th. i'm always on and off green, it depends on how well i'm eating. the main benefit is my skin. i have always had pimply, patchy skin with a very uneven skin tone then about 2 months into taking chlorella i saw my mum and she asked me if i was wearing foundation...i was so estatic :grin: my mum isn't really a false flatterer and she aaalways knows when i am wearing makeup so i guess my skin is really clearing up.
oh yea i take 3 grams of optimum source pills.

That's great news! Welcome. I am hoping to see some positive results with my mom. She just began her GREEN Journey.

It's GREAT to be GREEN ;0)

I have been for the most part consistent with taking my CHL every night. I mix with Naked Green Machine or Blue Machine, water, stir, sip. Very simple. Taste good too! My skin has its moments but overall it remains pimple free and, if I do get a little something, the mark clears up fast. I take 9gr and have been consistent with that for 4mths. My body handles it well. My eye lashes are crazy long and curved. A little mascara and I am good to go. My menstrual cycles are very inconsistent. They come VERY late ALL the time. But I am not doing anything so I know I am not preggers. :rolleyes: My hormones seem a bit off during the time of the month so I am hoping my Maca supplements will fix that. If I get a bigger booty in the process than....:look: Nails are long and stronger than usually. They do not break so easy like before and this is after all the weak nails have grown out. What grow isnt as dry as usual and very soft and cottony like. White eyes, white teeth, and breath isnt bad. I think thats about it.

I just wanted to make an update on taking CHL.

I am happy with this and this will be a life long staple of mine. Some people know that I was using BodyBalance by LifeForce to get my daily sea veggies. Well, no more. It got too expensive and this has been an excellent replacement. I went from almost $200 a month to $20+ a month. Thanks LHCF!

I have been taking Source Naturals tablets and Sun Chlorella Granules (or powder) everyday for a week and a half with Naked Green Machine (for the spirulina) taste great too. Thats 5g a day. I also take ALA (200mg) and MSM (1000mg) daily. I havent had any breakouts since (except one that was already coming in but its leaving now and healing well). The remainder of my acne scarring is healing and my skin glowing. I will say BodyBalance didnt do this for me this fast and it didnt prevent breakouts but minimized the severity. Could it be that this combo is healing my scars from inside and reducing my blood sugar preventing breakouts????? Maybe!

Last year was a bad skin year. I was breaking out like never before. I have been using the regimen for a while and it works fabulous. Except for a couple here or there, it keeps the acne at bay. The benzyol peroxide however bleaches my bed sheets and I really liked them too. But since taking CHL, I am slowing but surely cutting down the usuage of it to once instead of twice a day. Usually if I get inconsistent with the reggie, more pimples come. But I do the benzoyl in the morning and AHA+ at night. Much better for me. I still want to use BP though. I makes my skin matte/glowy and I have oily skin.

I also find I actually like the taste of the CHL powder. Weird. I couldnt take it without Naked but I really enjoy the grass-veggie taste.

Anyway, this is my progress report.
I have been taking the Vitamin Shoppe brand for two months now and have experienced stronger & longer nails. I can't remember the last time my nails were this long and strong (maybe hs). I know this is a result of the Chlorella because they were so dry and brittle before. I wasn't even taking that much -I was afraid of the detox symptoms.

Anyhoo, I just ran out and started a new brand- Chlorenergy so we will see if I experience anything else. Really hoping for beautiful glowing skin :yep:
I've been taking Chinese Chlorella (PP) & Chlorophyll (Kal) 1x a day. Since taking them I can't fall asleep & my eyes water some. Maybe as my body adjust it will stop.
Happy Hair Growing!
I've been taking Chinese Chlorella (PP) & Chlorophyll (Kal) 1x a day. Since taking them I can't fall asleep & my eyes water some. Maybe as my body adjust it will stop.
Happy Hair Growing!
Hey Lita. I'm happy you're taking chlorella but you might want to rethink chinese chlorella for yaeyama such as source naturals, Earthrise, or other japanese like sun chlorella. Make sure to read post #1 and #2 as it provides a quick start there that will really help you through the process and even talks about the different types of chlorella. The chinese isn't regulated as well and as such isn't recommended. Welcome!
I've been taking Chinese Chlorella (PP) & Chlorophyll (Kal) 1x a day. Since taking them I can't fall asleep & my eyes water some. Maybe as my body adjust it will stop.
Happy Hair Growing!

I can't sleep either...I think I went to bed last night at 2am:wallbash: and I'm only taking 1 pill three times per day. Today I didn't take one before dinner because I wanted to see if that would help...
Well, I have a friend who started her GREEN journey tonite, alongside her teenage son! I am so excited! It's so great to share the wealth of being GREEN!