How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Good to know. My green powder should be here in over a week. I'm taking note until it's arrival so I know what to do. Need a way to force more water anyhow. :grin:

I started out doing protein shakes and frankly all of that blending and washing dishes was for the birds. The Naked Juice and the Bolthouse Green Goodness is the bomb. I pour 1/4 cup juice and 3/4 cups of water. Toss in the powder, stir and drink. Super Duper easy. Afterwards, I usually drink two full glasses of water.

You are going to love it....:spinning:
I started out doing protein shakes and frankly all of that blending and washing dishes was for the birds. The Naked Juice and the Bolthouse Green Goodness is the bomb. I pour 1/4 cup juice and 3/4 cups of water. Toss in the powder, stir and drink. Super Duper easy. Afterwards, I usually drink two full glasses of water.

You are going to love it....:spinning:

Yay!:yay:I am glad that you are taking the advice to mix it with water. It really doesn't take away from the taste, and it is a way to stretch the juice longer. In addition, it lessens the sugar intake on a daily basis. So it's a win win situation.:grin:
Most of you are taking chlorella powder, I'm taking the pills. I take 10 pills (at night). How many pills are you taking?
I have the Source Naturals Yaeyama, and I've been taking 10 pills with breakfast (2 grams). I want to stay here for a few weeks before going up to 3 grams.

Ok, I feel kinda weird putting this out there on an internet forum, but here goes. I got my chlorella on Wednesday afternoon, and I have not, um...gone to the bathroom since then. :nono: I went Wednesday morning as usual, then took my first dose that afternoon, and since then, nothing. :blush:

I'm ashamed to admit that I hadn't been drinking nearly enough water, but I've been doing the full 64 ounces since Thursday. The funny thing is that I don't feel uncomfortable like I usually do when I get constipated--I feel fine, I just know that three days in a row with no activity is not good.

Is this normal??
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I'm happy to report that I'm back on the chlorella train! I ordered the pills because as I posted about 3,000 pages ago, the powder was making me violently ill. I'lve been taking the pills for about a week and a half (i'm up to 2 grams) and i'm very happy to report that I haven't been sick at all. I haven't "gone green" yet, but here's hoping it happens soon!
Last year I started breaking out--even worse than when I went through puberty! It was horrible. I kept trying different acne remedies and it seemed my skin just got worse.

One of the many reasons I wanted to take chlorella was to benefit my skin. I was still breaking out when I started it in February. Then I read Sheba1's post about exfoliating with vinegar and baking soda, using cetaphil, etc. To my delight, my face cleared right up. I thought it was a fluke but even when my period came, my skin stayed pretty clear.

Anyway, its worth a try if you haven't already. Btw, chlorella masks did NOT work for me--gave me rashes and zits. Maybe if you cut down on them, you would see even more improvement... A little may go a long way with chlorella.

I used to do the baking soda w/ vinegar every 2-3 days, but I decreased it because my skin was just getting drier and the marks are even more pronounced when my skin is dry. I also stopped the chl masks and I think it was a great idea. My skin is a bit clearer now and so far (knock on wood) it's looking better.

I see an improvement. Have you ever tried tea tree oil soap? I use it and it has worked wonders on my skin.

I haven't tried that yet. I must say that I am trying to stay on a budget and only purchase items that I really need, so when I'm done w/ my Proactiv Cleanser, I'll purchase the Desert Essence Tea Tree face wash.

This is not chlorella related but I feel your pain about acne. I was gonna buy this for my sister- juice beauty--one of the LCHF ladies recommend it she talks about it on her blog here is the link
Yes, I saw her mentionning it in one of her videos and I'll give it a try whenever I can purchase it.

Thanks for the support ladies! I removed the pics, because they reminded me of my teen years and I can't believe that I have been battling with acne for almost half of my life...:nono:
I'm still taking chl, 9g/day, but I stopped the Spirulina. Also, I'm not tracking my hair growth anymore because I started locs and I don't want to frustrate myself over length or comparing my progress to others, but my new growth is definitely thicker. My nails grow like weed and they are as though as when I used to take biotin and msm.
Is it only me or has anyone else noticed the price of Chlorella has shot up like crazy? I paid $28.00 on Amazon for the 16oz Soruce Natural Powder last month. Checked yesterday and it's $33.00. The same with Mega Tek. It's up $4.........:ohwell:
Okay I have a two part question and don't know if it has been answered somewhere in this thread. Here it goes:
1) Most of you are taking chlorella powder, I'm taking the pills. I take 10 pills (at night). How many pills are you taking?
2) The nettle tea I drink, is it better to drink, rinse with or both?
Sorry if this has been answered but I just can't find the answer.
1) Depends on what your pills are, how many gs or mg are in your pills. YOU need to take what works for your body.

2) I drink and rinse with it. (Nettle)

I have the Source Naturals Yaeyama, and I've been taking 10 pills with breakfast (2 grams). I want to stay here for a few weeks before going up to 3 grams.

Ok, I feel kinda weird putting this out there on an internet forum, but here goes. I got my chlorella on Wednesday afternoon, and I have not, um...gone to the bathroom since then. :nono: I went Wednesday morning as usual, then took my first dose that afternoon, and since then, nothing. :blush:

I'm ashamed to admit that I hadn't been drinking nearly enough water, but I've been doing the full 64 ounces since Thursday. The funny thing is that I don't feel uncomfortable like I usually do when I get constipated--I feel fine, I just know that three days in a row with no activity is not good.

Is this normal??

You need to get it moving. Drink more water or you'l have to cut your dose.
Humph, I mentioned this to babycakes yesterday.:yep: Mine seem to be also; can't be chl; just started taking them what - last week. Is it? :rolleyes: Actually gave myself a french manicure last night. :yep:

It's possible. I noticed growth within the first week and my nails were ALWAYS short because I cut them down because I type so much. And the next week, there they were.
Told ya that Nettle tea works wonders. It also takes two seconds to use it as a rinse after you finish conditioning your hair. It really does help w/ thickness. That's my one two punch nettle rinse, chlorella drink...I guess I should say one, two , three punch: nettle rinse, chlorella drink, eating organic whole veggies w/ mostly fish and some chicken.

Yes, but I ignored it cuz I didn't think that was helping me when I did use it. And I was just trying to get rid of the 2 pounds of nettle I had. But I'm going back to a lot of things since I quit everything I was doing to my hair
Is it only me or has anyone else noticed the price of Chlorella has shot up like crazy? I paid $28.00 on Amazon for the 16oz Soruce Natural Powder last month. Checked yesterday and it's $33.00. The same with Mega Tek. It's up $4.........:ohwell:

I noticed too. The price is now $49 on Amazon w/free shipping. I swear just two days ago it was $41. I was planning to order it when it was $33 and then it just went up from there. I'm so disappointed.:nono:
I noticed too. The price is now $49 on Amazon w/free shipping. I swear just two days ago it was $41. I was planning to order it when it was $33 and then it just went up from there. I'm so disappointed.:nono:

I think they are stalking us. All of the products we use or recommend seem to jump in price. I got mines on I paid $33 and 20 for the powder Spriulina. Shipping on that site is $4.99, but I brought some other stuff also to balance it out. This should last me another two months, so who know's what the price will be
You need to get it moving. Drink more water or you'l have to cut your dose.
It finally happened today...woo-hoo!

I figured that water would help get things moving, but my real question was about the fact that I felt no discomfort (sorry I wasn't clear). Usually when I'm constipated, I feel so horrible and bloated, it's just awful. This time, I really felt discomfort at all, even though I had gone four days without using it. I was wondering if that was a normal benefit of chlorella.
my pain free cycle started today!!!

it is so weird but great not to have "painful periods"

i missed my chlorella yesterday :eek: so drinking a huge glass of it now :lick:
Ackee Walk try to read post one and two for the highlights. We created a quick start guide with the help of some of the earlier members, in order to help aid new comers.
Yay ! I can participate in this thread.

Well, I have had a dull headache since yesterday, I woke up w/ it yesterday morning and couldn't figure out why I had it. I had started taking the Chlorella powder on Friday afternoon. Last night the headache subsided (it wasn't bad). This morning, I have the dull headache again, it's not unbearable, just a pain. It just dawned on me that it's the chlorella, b/c around 9pm last night I drank some (about 3/4 teaspoon).
This may be TMI, but I just passed gas at work and it smelt TERRIBLE :blush: :perplexed.
I woke up the other day with flu symptoms and I noticed I hadn't been taking my CHL for a few days... After 4 months of taking it, IJust got lazy all of a sudden... But I'm trying to pick back up as I should.... Anyways, I'm hoping that getting back started today will help get rid of these "germs" i got that are making me feel sick. Has this worked for anyone else that's felt like they were coming down with something? It's been like a year since I've had a cold or anything... TIA
I am still taking Chlorella pills and Sea kelp. Aside from clear skin I have nothing else to report. LOL I am not straightening for awhile...I am "going" green...super reg...and thats about it. No weight loss or loss of appetitie. Period is still painful. I take three pills.
Hello Ladies,

Where do I start? Well I just got back from the states, I went home for my son's graduation and to visit my family so that is where I have been for the past few weeks. Anyway, I did start my mom and sister on CHL. I came home to find my mom in pitiful condition and my sister not that much better and each of them had gained tons of weight.

I began by just giving them the shake using Bolthouse juice because my mom has lupus and my sister has neurological seizures. My mom's lupus was really acting up, this was the first time it was really noticeable..or either she was unable to hide it as much. So, the first week with just the bolthouse juice was rough for my mother, she had so many aches and pains. The second week was more of the same but she began noticing that she no longer had gas attacks..every so often she gets these attacks where gas gets lodged in her joints and underneath her shoulder blades (it is so weird). You basically have to "pump" it out of her.

The third week my mom noticed that she had more energy, she had basically been laying around in the bed for most of the time I was at home but this week she got up and around and was able to take weight on her legs. I was so happy you all, by the end of the third week, my mom was up cleaning her house and getting so much stronger. At the beginning of the third week, I started her on chlorella tablets, just 1 gram but it seems to be having a positive effect on her. Yall, my mom is so desperate to get better she believes in chlorella and takes it faithfully everyday! I thought that I would have a problem with her taking it but she beats me to the bottle! So over the next few weeks I will be calling her and checking on her to see if she will maintain this regimen and I am praying for the best!

As for me, my entire family noticed how "illuminated" I looked when I arrived home. I had a nice figure because the chl seemed to be shaping me in some strange way, I just glowed and looked so healthy and happy. I guess you could say that my family really would like a piece of whatever I have got going on because both my mom and sister have been totally game! My sister is getting stronger also, she has had some skin breakouts but virtually no other detox symptoms. So I am hanging in there and staying the course and praying that chl can work wonders for my family as it has for me. Sorry so long but I just wanted to catch you all up on my little chlorella saga. Be blessed!

To get my Chlorella I drink "Green Machine" by Naked Juice. Besides having apples, bananas, kiwi fruit, mango and pineapple it has:

Spirulina 1300 mg
Chlorella 400 mg
Broccoli 100 mg
Spinach 100 mg
Blue Green Algae 50mg
Garlic 50 mg
Barley Grass 75mg
Wheat Grass 75 mg
Ginger 50mg
Parsley 50mg

It looks nasty but tastes Good!!!

Hopefully these amounts are good for the body.
Hello Ladies,

Where do I start? Well I just got back from the states, I went home for my son's graduation and to visit my family so that is where I have been for the past few weeks. Anyway, I did start my mom and sister on CHL. I came home to find my mom in pitiful condition and my sister not that much better and each of them had gained tons of weight.

I began by just giving them the shake using Bolthouse juice because my mom has lupus and my sister has neurological seizures. My mom's lupus was really acting up, this was the first time it was really noticeable..or either she was unable to hide it as much. So, the first week with just the bolthouse juice was rough for my mother, she had so many aches and pains. The second week was more of the same but she began noticing that she no longer had gas attacks..every so often she gets these attacks where gas gets lodged in her joints and underneath her shoulder blades (it is so weird). You basically have to "pump" it out of her.

The third week my mom noticed that she had more energy, she had basically been laying around in the bed for most of the time I was at home but this week she got up and around and was able to take weight on her legs. I was so happy you all, by the end of the third week, my mom was up cleaning her house and getting so much stronger. At the beginning of the third week, I started her on chlorella tablets, just 1 gram but it seems to be having a positive effect on her. Yall, my mom is so desperate to get better she believes in chlorella and takes it faithfully everyday! I thought that I would have a problem with her taking it but she beats me to the bottle! So over the next few weeks I will be calling her and checking on her to see if she will maintain this regimen and I am praying for the best!

As for me, my entire family noticed how "illuminated" I looked when I arrived home. I had a nice figure because the chl seemed to be shaping me in some strange way, I just glowed and looked so healthy and happy. I guess you could say that my family really would like a piece of whatever I have got going on because both my mom and sister have been totally game! My sister is getting stronger also, she has had some skin breakouts but virtually no other detox symptoms. So I am hanging in there and staying the course and praying that chl can work wonders for my family as it has for me. Sorry so long but I just wanted to catch you all up on my little chlorella saga. Be blessed!


I'm glad to hear that your mom and sister are benefitting from taking Chl. Thanks for your update. THIS IS AN AWESOME STORY!!!!