How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Well I have been taking 3g of Chlorella everyday for one full week and yesterday I just upped to 1 tablespoon (?g) per day. My little (18 yo) cousin started drinking Chlorella yesterday because I told him it will freshen his breath (dude has the worst halitosis which I believe is due to sinuses or something internal)
I hope chlorella helps with that and his health as well.:yep:
It was the powder, cant remember the brand (cant access ebay at work). It did say that 1 teaspoon was 2grams.

So I guess, if I take 6 grams a day that will last me just over 16 days? I brought two so in total will last me just over a month for £23 inc shipping.

This is gonna get expensive :ohwell:

UK Ladies where are you guys ordering from and how much do you all pay? and for how much grams?
Try ordering source naturals from Amazon. I'm sure some other ladies will chime in for UK because I KNOW they aren't paying that much! Please chime in and help ladies.
Hey ya'll just want to stop by and let you know about my progress. I started taking chl around the end of March(don't remember when). I have hypothyroidism and I'm pre-diabetic. I take synthroid and metformin. well about March time frame I went in to the doctor and he did my blood work and told me I needed to make some changes in my life or I would have type II diabetices by the end of the year.:badgirl:
I got lazy and stopped taking the meds he gave me and I was still taking the chl daily. today when I went back to the doc. my blood sugar was 80!!!!! and my Thyroid was working in the normal range!!! He kept saying "amazing" my bp was 109/60 my Cholesterol in his words beyond excellent. I didn't tell him that I quit taking my meds I just smiled.
I'm still overweight I'm 5"7 182lbs but my health is getting so much better. I'm going to start eating right and working out and see how much weight I can lose.
Just think I started taking chl for hair growth. which I haven't seen much of, but my lashes and skin are like BAM! My Girlfriends are so jelli.
Disclaimer: DO NOT GO OFF YOUR MEDS. I forgot to take them for weeks on end I would never have stopped them to take chl.

:sad: I hate not being able to take my chlorella after reading all of these testimonies. Well, I'm able to, but I'm scared because after three weeks, the chlorella made me sick so bad that I thought I was pregnant. Thank God that's not the case. But, the night I vomitted, I was never able to take chlorella again w/o feeling a little nauseous.

Make sure to take a lot of water. In addition you may need to lower your dose. I understand that we all want the maximum benefits but shouldn't make ourselves sick on the way to getting there. We have to listen to our bodies and if they say slow down, then that's what we need to do.:yep:
Hey Ladies, I've been MIA.... Lots of things going on... Just wanted to check in and let you all know how I've been doing...

I haven't noticed incredible growth in my hair, but my hair generally grows slow in the winter.... What I have noticed is severe thickness... I think my hair has almost doubled in thickness, and lots of areas that needed filling in have filled in well.... It is healthy and doing well....

For the past month I've not been too consistent with taking it regularly because of moving and all, but I"m jumping back on this week.

Since beginning taking CHL in January, I've lost 20 lbs... And dont get it twisted, I've worked for it, but without CHL, I wouldn't have been able to balance my diet and eat the right portions... .HOnestly, despite set backs here and there, and sometimes upset because my expectations were greater than what my body was doing, I feel this time of losing weight has been easier than any I've ever done before and that I certainly can make my new eating habits a lifestyle with the aide of CHL>..... I have another 20 to go and I'm done....

My body odor is very mild and on the regular, I dont wear deoderant anymore... This is quite amazing.. Also, I dont have morning breath anymore... So yea for that,..

I had some serious skin allergy issues last week going to my mom's house... Dont know what she got up in there but I came home with skin lookin like raw steak (I have eczema)... Needless to say, back to the drawing board, taking my CHL and flax oil daily to see if that will help... Probably will start using my CHL moisturizing lotion again as welll to help with all the scarring....

Other than that, I'm still here and still going strong... I certainly know that this will be a lifestyle for me... It's the first thing I do every morning... I hope this summer my hair will start sprouting uncontrollably! We'll see!

Yall take care... I"ll be around...
Belle Reveuse good to hear from you! I'm glad chlorella is doing you well. Please get back on it consistently. It is in the third month that I personally started noticing huge hair growth spurts. However, I know others had some in the beginning and others may have them later even than that. My hair was definitely growing well in the beginning with chlorella and thickening up but man oh man lately it's just a weed I tell you. Welcome back again.:yep:
ive been taking chlorella for 3 weeks now and im breaking out on my face and on my neck! ive been drinking water like crazy and still breaking out. the only thing that has stopped me from breaking out is drinking a tablespoon of ACV. any1 else have this problem?
If the ACV is helping go with it. THat just may be your way of detoxing. Once it clears, you should be fine. If you're taking too much too fast, which seems to be the case with a few lately, lower your dose and increase slowly. YOu could be super sensitive to it. If that is the case, lowering your dose and drinking tons of water can help. Stay at that dose for a couple weeks before slowly increasing, allowing your body to adjust. If you're already at a low dose, up your water and you can take the ACV if it helps. In addition try to eat mostly clean foods (healthy foods). I realize that for most it's impossible all the time, but for the majority try to eat healthy so that chlorella does not have to constantly detox your body.HTH

(1/25/09) (5/19/09)

Okay so I tried! I can't get any help around this house. :nono: At anyrate, here is a pic of my wet/shrinking pony. The first pic, wet stretched hair, is 2 days before my green journey, the second is since going green. I will post again next month when I get my rollerset, there is more length to see. :yep:

I can't say how many inches of growth, I don't measure. Eating right and going GREEN is an awesome Combo!

Wow I see TONS of growth because your second comparison is so much longer, w/o you even stretching the ponytail and you're a natural so I kNOW shrinkage isn't a joke for us! Congratulations Mariofmagdal it really is good to be green.:grin:
Hey ya'll just want to stop by and let you know about my progress. I started taking chl around the end of March(don't remember when). I have hypothyroidism and I'm pre-diabetic. I take synthroid and metformin. well about March time frame I went in to the doctor and he did my blood work and told me I needed to make some changes in my life or I would have type II diabetices by the end of the year.:badgirl:
I got lazy and stopped taking the meds he gave me and I was still taking the chl daily. today when I went back to the doc. my blood sugar was 80!!!!! and my Thyroid was working in the normal range!!! He kept saying "amazing" my bp was 109/60 my Cholesterol in his words beyond excellent. I didn't tell him that I quit taking my meds I just smiled.
I'm still overweight I'm 5"7 182lbs but my health is getting so much better. I'm going to start eating right and working out and see how much weight I can lose.
Just think I started taking chl for hair growth. which I haven't seen much of, but my lashes and skin are like BAM! My Girlfriends are so jelli.
Disclaimer: DO NOT GO OFF YOUR MEDS. I forgot to take them for weeks on end I would never have stopped them to take chl.

I'm glad you added that disclaimer but I'm also glad that you received excellent results. Not everyone can go off their meds, even if they're hypo. In my case I was hyper and given radioactive iodine and my thyroid was destroyed completely so it's like an organ that's dead, it's no longer working because of my listening to the docs. So in my case it would be fatal to go off the medicine. I actually spent about a month in the hospital before because I didn't have enough thyroid hormone in my body. So everyone should definitely stay on their medicine until their docs take them off or monitor them while they are stopping.

I realize most don't have that extreme a situation but it's still good to be monitored before leaving any medication. In your case, your thyroid was still working albeit ineffectively so it appears the chlorella corrected the problem. Because your thyroid is still alive and active, chlorella was able to "adjust your system" so to speak.

This is wonderful news! I kept reading about chlorella healing health issues so it's good to know that it's happening on this board as well.

As for the blood sugar and cholesterol :drunk: there are no words. THAT is AMAZING:yep: IT is sooo good to be Green (quoting Mariofmagdal because it just is!!!)
Wow I see TONS of growth because your second comparison is so much longer, w/o you even stretching the ponytail and you're a natural so I kNOW shrinkage isn't a joke for us! Congratulations Mariofmagdal it really is good to be green.:grin:

My daughter is the one that got me to get this pic the best way I could. It was Monday night when I was conditioning my hair in sections, and when I flipped one to the back, she jumped off the bed and said DANG, mom your hair grew super long! I couldn't see what she saw, and she came and stretched it, and kept saying wow, hopefully the rollerset will give me an eye-full, I am going to get the lady at the shop to take pics for me next time.

Going green is the only thing I have done differently. See my sig, I may be doing more greens than others, but with so many on the green drinks and smoothies, we may come out the same. Happy Hair Growing EVERYBODY!
I'm so sick of taking these pills.
I love that they keep me regular, but I take 2 in the am and 2 in the pm and am just annoyed by them. (cuz i also take a bc pill, a multivitamin and a ALA)
I'm going to get some powder form and try just gulping it down with orange juice in the mornings when I take my ALA and see how that goes.
I'm so sick of taking these pills.
I love that they keep me regular, but I take 2 in the am and 2 in the pm and am just annoyed by them. (cuz i also take a bc pill, a multivitamin and a ALA)
I'm going to get some powder form and try just gulping it down with orange juice in the mornings when I take my ALA and see how that goes.
maybe try the green goodness or another drink of that type. I know some have not liked orange juice with it.

A don't have to gulp down an 8 ounce glass. 2-4 ounces is enough. That's how I take it, like a shot, and move on!
Okay so... is anyone experiencing more sensitive skin?

I noticed your post earlier but haven't experienced that. As long as you are NOT violently throwing up, just consider it a detox symptom, drink water and move on. Some have had their skin itch, or get rashes so it's entirely possible to have the other "sensitive" skin stuff.
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I noticed your post earlier but haven't experienced that. As long as you are violently throwing up, just consider it a detox symptom, drink water and move on. Some have had their skin itch, or get rashes so it's entirely possible to have the other "sensitive" skin stuff.

You mean as long as im NOT violently throwing up right? :perplexed

Ive experienced weakness & skin(nerve?) sensitivity. My skin is decent right now.

I need to work on raising my blood pressure.
You mean as long as im NOT violently throwing up right? :perplexed

Ive experienced weakness & skin(nerve?) sensitivity. My skin is decent right now.

I need to work on raising my blood pressure.

Excuse my typo. I'll go correct it. That would be correct. NOT throwing up. Read post one and two for more info. Yes Violent throwing up is NOT good. It could mean that you are raising your dose TOO fast, or that you are ALLERGIC. Post one and two in the quick start tells you what to do incase of that which is reduce, drink water, monitor, and tells you how to do it to determine if you need to quit.

It does not sound like you're allergic to me. Only that you are detoxing. You and everyone should still drink more water to help your detox run smoother.
6 pills equals 3g with Earthrise, 500mg tablets. Not sure if that's the brand you take, seems like I recall you saying you picked those up. Can't help with the WL hair shake. I am only GREEN ;0)


Yes, I have Earthrise/500 mg. Coool, sweet then, if I'm on 3g already. Was just kidding with the omelet question.

I'll have to look and see if I'm "green".
I'm so sick of taking these pills.
I love that they keep me regular, but I take 2 in the am and 2 in the pm and am just annoyed by them. (cuz i also take a bc pill, a multivitamin and a ALA)
I'm going to get some powder form and try just gulping it down with orange juice in the mornings when I take my ALA and see how that goes.

I personally mix my chorella/spirulina mix with orange juice, some frozen fruit and yogurt as a smoothie at night or morning and it goes down fine.
Excuse my typo. I'll go correct it. That would be correct. NOT throwing up. Read post one and two for more info. Yes Violent throwing up is NOT good. It could mean that you are raising your dose TOO fast, or that you are ALLERGIC. Post one and two in the quick start tells you what to do incase of that which is reduce, drink water, monitor, and tells you how to do it to determine if you need to quit.

It does not sound like you're allergic to me. Only that you are detoxing. You and everyone should still drink more water to help your detox run smoother.

Im trying to get up to 64 oz a day :sad: Its hard.
OK I got some Jarrow Yaeyama Powder....let's see how I fare.
I think it'll be easier to take more grams at once this way, I'm just going to down it like a gross green shot and see what happens.

Anyone with Jarrow's brand have any reviews?
OK I got some Jarrow Yaeyama Powder....let's see how I fare.
I think it'll be easier to take more grams at once this way, I'm just going to down it like a gross green shot and see what happens.

Anyone with Jarrow's brand have any reviews?
I take it andI love it.
Hi luckiestdestiny..., I have been lurking in and out for a while and wanted to give you praise for the way you've handled this thread. You are always there to answer questions and giving feedback - you are awesome!
Hi luckiestdestiny..., I have been lurking in and out for a while and wanted to give you praise for the way you've handled this thread. You are always there to answer questions and giving feedback - you are awesome!

Thank you for that wonderful compliment. Much appreciated.:yep: How's chlorella treating you?
Got mine today, it is jarrow and is actually 2grams every half teaspoon. Will start at that. do you guys take it all at once or throughout the day?
I recently purchased Liquid chlorophyll and Spirulina. Anyone have experience with either of these?
chlorophyll is IN both spirulina and chlorella. If you want extra detoxing power, then getting chlorophyll will do wonders. It is in both foods too, however. For spirulina advice, hope Mariofmagdal will chime in for ya.:yep:
Got mine today, it is jarrow and is actually 2grams every half teaspoon. Will start at that. do you guys take it all at once or throughout the day?

I take mine at once and have had great results, but I know that others have distributed it throughout the day. I do once so that I remember it. If I had multiple times I'd probably forget knowing me. So in this case I recommend doing what's right for you.
Got mine today, it is jarrow and is actually 2grams every half teaspoon. Will start at that. do you guys take it all at once or throughout the day?

That's the one I have.
I took a massive amount last night (2 tbsp) in orange juice, in an attempt to "jump start" my digestive system HAHHAHA :spinning:

This morning I took a regular teaspoonfull of it in orange juice. It tastes like a flintstone vitamin, with a seaweed chaser! I plan on taking that once or twice a day depending on if I remember to or not.
I have been taking it consistently since February. Initially, I got so much energy - I could move mountain, lol. Now, my body may have gotten used to it over time because I am not getting the same feeling but I know I am maintaining optimally and that's OK. At least I know my body will continue to remain healthy. I take it every morning in my shake and during the day I take wheatgrass and other greens. I intend to continue using these green powder for a long long time - thanks for starting this thread.

Thank you for that wonderful compliment. Much appreciated.:yep: How's chlorella treating you?[/quote]