How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Hi everyone, I'm upping to 10g of Source Naturals tabs today. This brand seems superior to Sun, as all last week I suffered a rash which turned into several little spots just underneath my eyebrow. I kept my water intake up, and it seems to be backing off now. I had my first WL shake today too which I added my CHL to, so looking forward to the combined results!
I lost my Green. As of this point in time I'm brown and this morning I came up with a theory. Please let me know if you agree or not.

Currently, I'm taking 0.5tsp (1.5gms) of Source Naturals Yaeyama Chlorella (CHL) and 1tsp (3gms) of Source Naturals Spirulina (SPL) 3 times a day. That's a total of 13.5gms of green a day. Prior to adding SPL I was only taking 4tsp (12gms) of CHL a day. I was Green and loving it.

Lately, I've been feeling a little off. I thought it was a combination of detox then PMS. These feelings occurred shortly after adding SPL which is why I thought detox. My chocolate cravings and coffee cravings came back. Actually, any form of simple carbs was preferable to fruit and veggies. I had to force my self to eat fresh fruit which didn't stop the cravings. My nails didn't seem as strong. My skin didn't seem as glowy and my mood didn't seem as happy and laid back. All of these changes were very subtle. However, I'm still doing better than pre-CHL. This weekend though, my bowels didn't seem as green. Then this morning they were completely brown. There was no green. Sorry about the TMI.

So upon mulling over the possible culprit and thinking about how my body's been reacting this last week, the only change I made to my regimen was lowering my CHL intake and adding SPL. I came to the conclusion that even though I'm taking 1.5gms more green per day, the lowered CHL intake caused my issue. I believe that when I was taking the 4tsp of CHL a day that I should have added 8tsp of SPL a day to my regimen as opposed to lowering my CHL and compensating the lowered CHL with SPL. I also believe that the CHL is giving me something the SPL can not which is why I'm back to brown. The 4.5gms a day of CHL I'm currently taking is not enough for me.

So what I did this morning was switch my CHL:SPL ratio from 1:2 to 2:1. So now I'm taking 1tsp CHL and 0.5tsp SPL 3 times a day. If I'm not green by Friday morning I will increase my CHL by another 0.5 tsp each dosage (1.5tsp per day) and keep the SPL the same amount. I will continue increasing the CHL until I'm green. Once I'm green then I will maintain that CHL dosage and increase my SPL intake to get back to the 1:2 ratio. Hopefully, my Green will stay. If not, then SPL may not be for me.

What do y'all think?

ETA: I forgot to add that as of this point in time I feel a lot better since increasing my CHL intake. My chocolate cravings are almost gone and I stopped craving coffee around lunch time.
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^^ Your theory makes sense to me, but keep in mind, this is coming from a straight-up SPR/CHL newbie.

About 6 weeks ago, I started the 2:1 SPR/CHL, with 1gm/.5gm, which caused me to go green. After several days, I was no longer green at that dosage. So, I rationalized that over time, the body "gets acclimated" to a particular dosage and eventually needs more. Now, I'm up to 4gm/2gm, which is what I need now to be green.
I've been looking on this page for like 3 months now, and think i will finally purchase chlorella soon, i do have a question though. Do y'all think after maybe 4-5 months your body might get used to it and it becomes less effective? So, maybe take it for a while, then stop for a while is best?
I finally ordered my chlorella/spirulina today after reading this thread. I wished I had looked at this thread earlier. I passed it by until one night I decided to get into and read it because I saw the responses. I will let you guys know how it goes. Also, thank you Luckydestiny for answering my questions.
I purchased my chlorella today!! I can't wait, I also bought, garlic pills, Biotin, Mega Tek and coconut oil!! I am determined thanks to you guys!
I am noticing what seems like alot of growth what seems like fairly recently. I need to remeasure. I really think CHL has alot to do with it (Swanson Vitamins Kyoto brand- very high quality and great price for 1500 tablets at $35.. and I swallow 30 of them every afternoon.. I can get 30 down in about 3 swigs very easily...).

I also do a Vatika Oil scalp massage nightly, and take MSM and Biotin as well as MaxiHair daily too. But as soon as those run out I am sticking to just the CHL and will prolly keep the MSM.
Hey ladies. Reporting my recent chl effects...
Well, I am still doing the night chlorella mask every two to three days. I slacked on the application two weeks ago, but I haven't forgotten about the pics I promised you. I will post some pics at the end of the week. Promised! I had several whiteheads last week that just grew literally within hours! :whyme: So I have some new marks and the old ones are practically gone. On a more positive note, I only had two cysts within the past three weeks and my periods were light again this month.
Overall, my body has adjusted well to the powder and I can now drink it without holding my breath! :yay: I even lick the spoon I use to mix it in my OJ...:look:
Hair wise, I got some good growth. I took down my twists a week and a half ago and I had them on for 6 weeks. Well, my new growth is so thick that I can barely comb through it! I also think that I got about 1in. of growth, which is not bad considering the fact that I am highly stressed right now. The shedded hair was about normal for me. But my hair is so difficult to deal with right now, that I am seriously considering locking it... :look: I know it is considered as a style or rather as a commitment for "older" people, but I personally view it as another natural option. I am still researching info about it and the maintenance involved but so far, I think that I will make the jump.
If you have any info on locs, or if there are any members whom I could turn to, please PM me (I don't come here as often as I should). I will keep you posted as to what my final decision will be during the next few weeks.
ETA: I'm taking 10g/day my BMs are still green and virtually scentless (sorry TMI). May 2nd marked my two month chlorella anniversary!
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Hmmm I feel left out...I'm not green...not even brown green...and this is still really weird to tell other people. But I also mixed some chl in my shealoe and put it on my head...I dunno if it'll do anything special but we'll see
Hey there Glamorous Chic, you have the ratio correct for Spr/2 - Chl/1. Fatigue is a detox symptom, and can also be caused from caffeine taken too close to time you took your green supplements. If it is detox only, it will soon pass. If you have caffiene use you need to make sure you don't use it at the same time you take your supplements. I would wait an hour or two. Happy to be GREEN ;0)

Thanks for stepping in with the answers Mariofmagdal!

Loving green too.:grin:
I lost my Green. As of this point in time I'm brown and this morning I came up with a theory. Please let me know if you agree or not.

Currently, I'm taking 0.5tsp (1.5gms) of Source Naturals Yaeyama Chlorella (CHL) and 1tsp (3gms) of Source Naturals Spirulina (SPL) 3 times a day. That's a total of 13.5gms of green a day. Prior to adding SPL I was only taking 4tsp (12gms) of CHL a day. I was Green and loving it.

Lately, I've been feeling a little off. I thought it was a combination of detox then PMS. These feelings occurred shortly after adding SPL which is why I thought detox. My chocolate cravings and coffee cravings came back. Actually, any form of simple carbs was preferable to fruit and veggies. I had to force my self to eat fresh fruit which didn't stop the cravings. My nails didn't seem as strong. My skin didn't seem as glowy and my mood didn't seem as happy and laid back. All of these changes were very subtle. However, I'm still doing better than pre-CHL. This weekend though, my bowels didn't seem as green. Then this morning they were completely brown. There was no green. Sorry about the TMI.

So upon mulling over the possible culprit and thinking about how my body's been reacting this last week, the only change I made to my regimen was lowering my CHL intake and adding SPL. I came to the conclusion that even though I'm taking 1.5gms more green per day, the lowered CHL intake caused my issue. I believe that when I was taking the 4tsp of CHL a day that I should have added 8tsp of SPL a day to my regimen as opposed to lowering my CHL and compensating the lowered CHL with SPL. I also believe that the CHL is giving me something the SPL can not which is why I'm back to brown. The 4.5gms a day of CHL I'm currently taking is not enough for me.

So what I did this morning was switch my CHL:SPL ratio from 1:2 to 2:1. So now I'm taking 1tsp CHL and 0.5tsp SPL 3 times a day. If I'm not green by Friday morning I will increase my CHL by another 0.5 tsp each dosage (1.5tsp per day) and keep the SPL the same amount. I will continue increasing the CHL until I'm green. Once I'm green then I will maintain that CHL dosage and increase my SPL intake to get back to the 1:2 ratio. Hopefully, my Green will stay. If not, then SPL may not be for me.

What do y'all think?

ETA: I forgot to add that as of this point in time I feel a lot better since increasing my CHL intake. My chocolate cravings are almost gone and I stopped craving coffee around lunch time.

I can't speak for spiruling but I think you're right about the lowering thing. CHL helps with cravings. I've read about that a lot. don't get me wrong I've been on it for over 3 months and sometimes I crave chocolate or fries but it's not all the time that I'm craving desserts and carbs which is really a good thing.

I think upping the chl is great. It's a win win situation health wise as it's the one with the cgf that helps the body in other ways. Not that spirulina doesn't have it's benefits too.
Hi ladies, I have been taking Chlorella since March and everything was going well. I have experienced more energy as reported before and everyone has told me I look like I'm losing weight! :woot: I also showed off my new puff in the TWA Grow Out Challenge, so maybe some hair growth? I haven't been using any other growth aids.
I ran out a week ago and wasn't green anymore so I bought another bottle yesterday. I took 6 pills before I went out to eat at a Cuban restaurant. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling very sick and throwing up. I feel much better today but I was wondering if that was as a result of me taking a break from the Chlorella. Do I have to build my doses back up?
I've noticed that when I open a new bottle of Chlorella tabs, they are a deep, dark, rich forest green. By the time I get to the end of the bottle, they aren't nearly as dark green. Has anyone else noticed this? I wonder what causes it. I'm sure it is harmless, but I'm just curious.
I'm so excited, I had my first green BM last night. My energy level is higher than it was and my stomach feels alot lighter. I love this stuff!
Has anyone else noticed serious stomach pain when you overindulge a little? :fat:
I don't mean Thanksgiving diner overindulence, just eat my whole Smartone and a side of Broccoli. Lately, if I eat this much i feel thay I've just "pigged out". Is it the CHL?
maybe oxidation? I noticed this, too.

I've noticed that when I open a new bottle of Chlorella tabs, they are a deep, dark, rich forest green. By the time I get to the end of the bottle, they aren't nearly as dark green. Has anyone else noticed this? I wonder what causes it. I'm sure it is harmless, but I'm just curious.
yep, i have. i can not eat as much. when i do, my stomach is super tight like i've eaten enough for 4!

Has anyone else noticed serious stomach pain when you overindulge a little? :fat:
I don't mean Thanksgiving diner overindulence, just eat my whole Smartone and a side of Broccoli. Lately, if I eat this much i feel thay I've just "pigged out". Is it the CHL?

I hadthe same problem with my stomach getting upset after 2 hours of taking my chl. I have been taking chl since the begining of this thread. I have been taking 10gm of chl & 9gm of Spr.

The last 2 days I have only taken about 4 gm of chl because I have been too busy to make my smoothie.

Tomorrow I will lower my dosage and take 6gm of chl & 2gm of spr. I will up my dosage by 2 gm every other day until I get back to 10gm. I will build my dosage baack up to where I was 2 days ago.
i fell off the chlorella band wagon wasnt feeling too good and couldnt really figure out why so I stopped taking chlorella temporarily hoping to figure out what's wrong. I was sooo tired and couldnt get out of the bed in the morning... so i stopped.. im gonna get back on this weekend but im gonna take it slow this time.
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i fell off the chlorella band wagon wasnt feeling too good and couldnt really figure out why so I stopped taking chlorella temporarily hoping to figure out what's wrong. I was sooo tired and couldnt get out of the bed in the morning... so i stopped.. im gonna get back on this weekend but im gonna take it slow this time.

You know you had to detox right? If it's just detox get back on the wagon! If not take your time it'll be here waiting for you.
Gosh, can't catch up with all the posts here anymore, lol!

Well, I'm living on fresh juices, water, non caffeinated herbal teas, chlorella and spirulina at the moment and I'm stunned I've no detox symptoms? Last time I fasted i was pretty much bed bound. This time I'm full of energy, working as normal, walking even more (hit 20,000 steps on my pedometer yesterday! 8.7 miles!) and just generally buzzing! Starting day 4 today and I feel I could go on and on and on! I think the chlor and spir are sustaining me! Plus I'm getting so much nutrients from my veg and fruit juices, and my cravings for junk foods are pretty much gone. All I want is a pineapple - I'll gift myself with a piece today.

Green for life, that's for sure! Never felt this healthy in my life before. Never! haircare led me to this and i'm thankful. So happy and on top of the world. Usual stressors aren't stressing me any more - I just go - 'ah well' and move on being positive. Work this week has been so busy, yet so easy!

Anyway, TGIF - looking forward to tomorrow off, so i better get ready for work, lol!
Gosh, can't catch up with all the posts here anymore, lol!

Well, I'm living on fresh juices, water, non caffeinated herbal teas, chlorella and spirulina at the moment and I'm stunned I've no detox symptoms? Last time I fasted i was pretty much bed bound. This time I'm full of energy, working as normal, walking even more (hit 20,000 steps on my pedometer yesterday! 8.7 miles!) and just generally buzzing! Starting day 4 today and I feel I could go on and on and on! I think the chlor and spir are sustaining me! Plus I'm getting so much nutrients from my veg and fruit juices, and my cravings for junk foods are pretty much gone. All I want is a pineapple - I'll gift myself with a piece today.

Green for life, that's for sure! Never felt this healthy in my life before. Never! haircare led me to this and i'm thankful. So happy and on top of the world. Usual stressors aren't stressing me any more - I just go - 'ah well' and move on being positive. Work this week has been so busy, yet so easy!

Anyway, TGIF - looking forward to tomorrow off, so i better get ready for work, lol!

aaawh, thnx for sharing Jaxhair. This post is so positive and inspiring
Gosh, can't catch up with all the posts here anymore, lol!

Well, I'm living on fresh juices, water, non caffeinated herbal teas, chlorella and spirulina at the moment and I'm stunned I've no detox symptoms? Last time I fasted i was pretty much bed bound. This time I'm full of energy, working as normal, walking even more (hit 20,000 steps on my pedometer yesterday! 8.7 miles!) and just generally buzzing! Starting day 4 today and I feel I could go on and on and on! I think the chlor and spir are sustaining me! Plus I'm getting so much nutrients from my veg and fruit juices, and my cravings for junk foods are pretty much gone. All I want is a pineapple - I'll gift myself with a piece today.

Green for life, that's for sure! Never felt this healthy in my life before. Never! haircare led me to this and i'm thankful. So happy and on top of the world. Usual stressors aren't stressing me any more - I just go - 'ah well' and move on being positive. Work this week has been so busy, yet so easy!

Anyway, TGIF - looking forward to tomorrow off, so i better get ready for work, lol!

Thanks for this post, it is very motivational! Glad to be green for life!
Gosh, can't catch up with all the posts here anymore, lol!

Well, I'm living on fresh juices, water, non caffeinated herbal teas, chlorella and spirulina at the moment and I'm stunned I've no detox symptoms? Last time I fasted i was pretty much bed bound. This time I'm full of energy, working as normal, walking even more (hit 20,000 steps on my pedometer yesterday! 8.7 miles!) and just generally buzzing! Starting day 4 today and I feel I could go on and on and on! I think the chlor and spir are sustaining me! Plus I'm getting so much nutrients from my veg and fruit juices, and my cravings for junk foods are pretty much gone. All I want is a pineapple - I'll gift myself with a piece today.

Green for life, that's for sure! Never felt this healthy in my life before. Never! haircare led me to this and i'm thankful. So happy and on top of the world. Usual stressors aren't stressing me any more - I just go - 'ah well' and move on being positive. Work this week has been so busy, yet so easy!

Anyway, TGIF - looking forward to tomorrow off, so i better get ready for work, lol!

Thanks for checking in Jaxhair! haven't seen you around in awhile. Don't let the thread overwhelm you as I love your posts!