How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Thanks so much, tigerlily,for answering my question. I am already taking 400 mgs. magnesium citrate and 2 gs. of Vitamin D3. I stopped the calcium citrate because I was having constipation issues when I began CHL, even while drinking 90-100 oz. of water a day. But now, I'm going to ease back into my calcium, maybe start at 400 mgs. and work myself back up to 800 mgs.

In the second post, I posted mineral and vitamin composition of chlorella. Chlorella already inherently has calcium in it. The more chlorella you take, the more you up your calcium too. You can go there and then check out the link for more details.:yep:

Calcium203.0 mg/100g
How long before you all noticed the detox and hair growth process taking place?

I bought the Yaeyama Chlorella 200 mg tablets from Whole Foods Friday and took them for the first time yesterday. I'm starting by taking two tablets daily to get my system acclimated.
Thanks so much, tigerlily,for answering my question. I am already taking 400 mgs. magnesium citrate and 2 gs. of Vitamin D3. I stopped the calcium citrate because I was having constipation issues when I began CHL, even while drinking 90-100 oz. of water a day. But now, I'm going to ease back into my calcium, maybe start at 400 mgs. and work myself back up to 800 mgs.

No problem!

LD is right about chlorella already containing calcium, but if you still want to take an additional supplement like I do, try one with the vitamin d and magnesium already in it.
Calcium needs the correct ratio of vitamin d + magnesium for ultimate absorption and supplements that contain all 3 have the correct ratio. Also the magnesium will help you stay regualr through anything! I have never had any problems with irregualrity or being backed up like I did before I started taking it.

Hope that helps a little:wiggle:
In the second post, I posted mineral and vitamin composition of chlorella. Chlorella already inherently has calcium in it. The more chlorella you take, the more you up your calcium too. You can go there and then check out the link for more details.:yep:

Calcium203.0 mg/100g

Thanks luckiestdestiny! I read the beginning posts and saw that CHL contained calcium, but since I'm only taking 2-3 grams, I'm getting a very small amount of it. So, that's why I asked if anyone was taking additional calcium. Thanks for responding ladies!
No problem!

LD is right about chlorella already containing calcium, but if you still want to take an additional supplement like I do, try one with the vitamin d and magnesium already in it.
Calcium needs the correct ratio of vitamin d + magnesium for ultimate absorption and supplements that contain all 3 have the correct ratio. Also the magnesium will help you stay regualr through anything! I have never had any problems with irregualrity or being backed up like I did before I started taking it.

Hope that helps a little:wiggle:

You've helped a lot, thank you.
You know...I have noticed better concentration. Anyone else?

I have also noticed better concentration! I think it's truly amazing.

I would think so. I can't speak for swine flu but I CAN speak for the flu. It was probably somewhere in the middle of the thread when I reported a cold coming on: Sore throat, mucus, cough. The next day slightly sore throat less mucus , ocassional cough. Third day GONE. I think it makes the immune system work better. I know I was getting a cold because it was one of those hot warm days in NY where I dressed for hot weather only to leave class and it was super cold. I was freezing by the time I got home as it was this icy rain mush coming down (mixture of snow and rain) and my throat was already sore. So I was like OH Boy here we go. When I get sick that's usually a 2 week thing for me (probably becaus I'm auto immune with Graves who knows?) anyways it only last 2 days really.

I agree with this as well. There have been two times now when I felt like I was about to get sick but I never had a full blown cold. This has never happened to me before. Normally when I feel sick, it's over-and I'm sick for at least a week.

On another note, my hair has not gained an excessive amount of length since taking chlorella, but it has definitely gotten thicker. (I'd say my growth rate is still about average) Anyways, I can't wait to see the results 6 months from now!
I have also noticed better concentration! I think it's truly amazing.

I agree with this as well. There have been two times now when I felt like I was about to get sick but I never had a full blown cold. This has never happened to me before. Normally when I feel sick, it's over-and I'm sick for at least a week.

On another note, my hair has not gained an excessive amount of length since taking chlorella, but it has definitely gotten thicker. (I'd say my growth rate is still about average) Anyways, I can't wait to see the results 6 months from now!

At least it's getting thicker.:yep: I can't wait to see your results in 6 months either. Everyone is different and it works on us in our own time.
How long before you all noticed the detox and hair growth process taking place?

I bought the Yaeyama Chlorella 200 mg tablets from Whole Foods Friday and took them for the first time yesterday. I'm starting by taking two tablets daily to get my system acclimated.

Hey Nyssa28 everyone is different in that category. I didn't have much detox but I eat organically and had a detox program back in September. My hair growth was good the first month and off the charts by the 3rd (this month). Everyone's different as chlorella works on the body different. Some notice longer lashes, or thicker hair, and then hair growth so I don't want to give a specific time. Try to commit for chlorella for at least four months or more and then assess.
I just tried 1g of Chlorella after my 3 days of feeling sick, and within 1 hour I vomited. Help me please I don't want to stop this Cholrella is awesome...
I just tried 1g of Chlorella after my 3 days of feeling sick, and within 1 hour I vomited. Help me please I don't want to stop this Cholrella is awesome...

Can you take even less? What's the smallest amount you can take? Take the TINIEST amount. Take it and drink tons of water. Do the opposite (If you've taken it with food take it without food. If you've taken it previously without take it with food). If this does not work you probably have an allergy and should discontinue. There are a small amount of people with allergies. Also make sure you have a japanese, and NOT a chinese chlorella. They can sometimes be corrupted during the process.
I am going on 6 weeks on Sunday and I'm up to 12g and have been for a week. I am so focused and excited about Chlorella and what it's doing. My concentration level is up and it's been paying off at work. My energy is up and I am like an energizer rabbit. I am accomplishing so many things around the house and at work. I keep going and going and going. :)

Tonight I purchased a masticating juicer so I can make my own fresh juices. I love the Bolthouse juices, but I love beets and celery mixed with carrots. :lick: I can make my own green juices too. I can't wait.

You know...I have noticed better concentration. Anyone else?

Me too which is why I have my DS take it. He's border-line ADD.
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I made a miscalculation in reporting my SPL and CHL intake. I'm actually taking 13.5 gms per day with a 9:4.5 ratio of SPL:CHL. I originally reported 12gms per day.

My SO up'd his intake to 3gms per day yesterday late morning and he started feeling the chills in the early evening at about 8:00pm. This morning he woke up with severe cramping and diarrhea. Even now his stomach is tender. I told him to take the second 1.5gms before bed since he took the 1st dose early in the morning. He didn't take my advice. I warned him the second dose may cause another detox phase and he should space them out. But, what do I know!?! I believe he took the second dose too close to the first one which caused the reaction. However, I bit my tongue and didn't say, "I told you so!" when I got ready for work this morning - but I sure wanted to. I realized he's hard-headed and he had to learn on his own.
:wave: LuckieDestiny - question.

How long have you been taking Chlorella?
Who has taken it the longest so far if it's not you?

Over three months now. I know babydollhair was taking it years before me and always says she gets great growth from it. She takes 3 grams.

I think it's definitely right (the article) about four months to notice huge differences. Around now, I have eyelashes that don't need mascara (not that I wore it before lol as I don't like makeup but now I could compete with falsies). In addition I keep having bursts of hair growth so I think I'll get to my goal of cutting off layer faster.

Also I started in the 160 pd range (weight. I think it was like 162-163) and now I weigh 137.

In addition my skin is also really glowy.

How's that for results so far. I have started noticing lots of improvements around this last stretch.
I dunno if this will help anyone. But I wasn't really able to take the 3 grams a day because it was backing me up. But I've found if I take it right before I go to sleep that it solves that problem. Plus I felt as though I was gaining weight because it was bloating me so badly and taking it before I go to sleep has helped that problem also!
I dunno if this will help anyone. But I wasn't really able to take the 3 grams a day because it was backing me up. But I've found if I take it right before I go to sleep that it solves that problem. Plus I felt as though I was gaining weight because it was bloating me so badly and taking it before I go to sleep has helped that problem also!

Thanks for that tip Beyond Blessed. It can help someone who has a similar problem.:grin:
I'm going to try taking this again. Last time I took it for a couple weeks at night. I think it just made me feel really tired so I stopped. I want my mom to take it she had hyperthyroidism and has been having problems controlling and maintaining her weight for years. Is it safe to take for people with thyroid disease?
anybody get symptoms when they miss a dose? I've been taking it for about two weeks now, and I'm slowly increasing the dosage up to 6 grams. I usually take mine at home after work (so i'm near the bathroom if needed....**Cough**) and I find if I don't take it about a certain time, I get a headache.
I'm going to try taking this again. Last time I took it for a couple weeks at night. I think it just made me feel really tired so I stopped. I want my mom to take it she had hyperthyroidism and has been having problems controlling and maintaining her weight for years. Is it safe to take for people with thyroid disease?

I have thyroid disease. Chlorella is a food so it's safe for anyone as long as you're not allergic. Is broccoli safe for thyroid disease? It would be like asking that question. As it's not man made, there isn't a problem. Chlorella whether powder or not is dried chlorella that has had it's cell wall broken for nutrient absorption and that's all. So it's in it's pure form.

If you're tired, that's just a detox symptom and you should ride it out.
So this is my 2nd week of taking Chlorella and I increased from 1 to 2 grams this week. My fatigue is fading. I have increased energy,my overall mood is better, and I'm sleeping soundly. I'm not sure how it effects the mood but mine is better for sure. :yep:
anybody get symptoms when they miss a dose? I've been taking it for about two weeks now, and I'm slowly increasing the dosage up to 6 grams. I usually take mine at home after work (so i'm near the bathroom if needed....**Cough**) and I find if I don't take it about a certain time, I get a headache.

I missed and few doses and I started breaking out. :sad:
Hi ladies! I've been taking chlorella for the last month or so and lurking this thread in the meantime. I'm just going to jump right in with a couple questions, if anyone cares to answer:

-Does anyone suffer from seasonal allergies? Have you found the chlorella to be of any help? Or did it worsen your allergies?
-When you ladies mention "going green"...exactly how green? I've been going sort of an olive green the last two days (I'm up to 3 grams, plus I'm drinking at least 4 ounces or more of green drink from Trader Joe's or Bolthouse Farms daily). Is that green enough, or do I want a super dark green?

Thanks for this thread. I am really looking forward to the overall results that come with long term usage of this supplement/food. Already my skin looks fresher and healthier--sort of an internal glow.
So this is my 2nd week of taking Chlorella and I increased from 1 to 2 grams this week. My fatigue is fading. I have increased energy,my overall mood is better, and I'm sleeping soundly. I'm not sure how it effects the mood but mine is better for sure. :yep:

Glad your fatigue is fading.:yep:
Hi ladies! I've been taking chlorella for the last month or so and lurking this thread in the meantime. I'm just going to jump right in with a couple questions, if anyone cares to answer:

-Does anyone suffer from seasonal allergies? Have you found the chlorella to be of any help? Or did it worsen your allergies?
-When you ladies mention "going green"...exactly how green? I've been going sort of an olive green the last two days (I'm up to 3 grams, plus I'm drinking at least 4 ounces or more of green drink from Trader Joe's or Bolthouse Farms daily). Is that green enough, or do I want a super dark green?

Thanks for this thread. I am really looking forward to the overall results that come with long term usage of this supplement/food. Already my skin looks fresher and healthier--sort of an internal glow.

If you're green you're green! Read post #1 and #2 quick start to determine how much you'll want to take as 3 g is not even the maintanence dose suggested (though some have stayed there with good results).

I love glowy skin. Congrats:grin:
i've been taking it for close to 3 weeks now. i need to chart my progress in journal. i started out at 3gm, and and am now at 4gm. after the 1st day i was green. i have ibd (irritiable bowl disease) tmi i'm sure. lol but noticed that i've actually have had more solid bowel movements since taking chlorella. anyways, i was concerned, b/c i didn't experience any of the "detox" symptoms that others were experiencing, and was wondering if maybe i'd started too low of a dose. i did notice that as soon as i take it (although i'm taking a million and one vitamins now), i get really really tired. i'm not sure if the chlorella or the other medical foods or vitamins, i'm taking kelp, silica, msm, b complex, nac, and biotin. but noticed others listing fatigue as a detox symptoms. hopefully this will start to fade soon, b/c i find i have to take it as soon as i'm ready for sleep, otherwise, i get sooo tired, and the weird vivid dreams that msm produce don't make it any better. lolol anyways, i didn't really put the pieces together that my sleepiness was probably a detox symptoms until coming back in this thread. also, just for clarification, the chlorella:spirullina ratio should be 1:2, right? thanks.
i've been taking it for close to 3 weeks now. i need to chart my progress in journal. i started out at 3gm, and and am now at 4gm. after the 1st day i was green. i have ibd (irritiable bowl disease) tmi i'm sure. lol but noticed that i've actually have had more solid bowel movements since taking chlorella. anyways, i was concerned, b/c i didn't experience any of the "detox" symptoms that others were experiencing, and was wondering if maybe i'd started too low of a dose. i did notice that as soon as i take it (although i'm taking a million and one vitamins now), i get really really tired. i'm not sure if the chlorella or the other medical foods or vitamins, i'm taking kelp, silica, msm, b complex, nac, and biotin. but noticed others listing fatigue as a detox symptoms. hopefully this will start to fade soon, b/c i find i have to take it as soon as i'm ready for sleep, otherwise, i get sooo tired, and the weird vivid dreams that msm produce don't make it any better. lolol anyways, i didn't really put the pieces together that my sleepiness was probably a detox symptoms until coming back in this thread. also, just for clarification, the chlorella:spirullina ratio should be 1:2, right? thanks.

Hopefully Mariofmagdal or one of the others can chime in on the ratio as I'm not taking spirulina because of Grave's disease. As for the fatigue it will pass but you've got to go through it. Give it time.:yep:
Hey there Glamorous Chic, you have the ratio correct for Spr/2 - Chl/1. Fatigue is a detox symptom, and can also be caused from caffeine taken too close to time you took your green supplements. If it is detox only, it will soon pass. If you have caffiene use you need to make sure you don't use it at the same time you take your supplements. I would wait an hour or two. Happy to be GREEN ;0)
I'm thinking of switching from the powder to the tablets since the powder made me sick. I'm really weird about vomitting, so I'm actually scared to try the powder again; but I don't want to miss out on all the benefits of "going green".

Has anyone reported getting sick after taking chlorella in pill form? Do the pills smell as strongly as the powder form?

If I do make the switch...I'm going to want to get rid of the powdered stuff, so there may be some dirt cheap chlorella on the market soon. :lachen: