How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
HI ladies!

I have not posted in about two months!!:blush:

I started taking Source Naturals powder brand last week. I take 3g of that in the morning and 3g of Vitamin World brand pills at night. I mix my powder with either Naked Juice or Bolthouse. I actually like the taste! So far there has not been any extra detox since I started the powder which is good.


When I first started chlorella a few months ago I completely lost my appetite. For the last week or so, I have been having cravings for sugar: cake, ice cream. My appetite is also coming back with a vengence.

My period finally came on time after being about a week early for the first 2 months. It is extremely light and only lasted about 2.5 days

My hair seems to be coming in curlier and softer. Trying not to use heat so I can't length check but I was just grazing APL a few weeks ago so I know progress is being made.

Eyelashes are longer, and I have not changed mascara so this must be it.

I can work out without even breaking a sweat, so I need to up my workouts! I have much more stamina now.

No body odor, I have not used deodorant since January! And I hardly sweat either. No morning breath at all.

Alcohol tolerance is normal after dropping when I first started, but I have no desire to drink at all anymore, which has my friends looking at me crazy when we go out but oh well!

Nails are still breaking and skin has not changed but those are the least of my worries. I'll see if anything changes more after being on the Source Naturals a little longer.

:wave: Bye!
@Hairhustla: Your daughter's hair is improving tremendously. How is she taking the chlorella, pills or powder? Please keep her on it, I wish my mom had this wealth of knowledge when I was little.

@ BeyondBlessed
: I take mine with Bolthouse green juice or Naked Green Machine juice, both of which already have Chlorella and Spirulina in it. I was scared, but I like the taste. Of course I am wierd and already chew my pills so I may be used to it. I'm sure some other ladies may have more inventive methoods of getting it down!
Ok ladies,

If you want to see a true testimony before your eyes, go to my profile and look at my picture album of my daughters hair. Her hair was so damaged in February of this year I almost scalped her and was going to start all over but then I found this thread and the waistlength hair shake thread and began both in March. Here it is April and my daughter's hair is shoulder length AFTER a major trim and her sides and temple have completely grown in and you will just have to see for yourself. Click on the pictures and I have explained in detail what occured. Give me some feedback is unbelievable!


wow :eek: the proof is in the pudding,your daughters hair has done a complete turn around in this short space of time!!

YOU'VE done a great job momma :yay:

please tell us your daughters full regime, and how did twists manage to break off her hair like that?:(
Glad mom and dad are going green too!

As for the animal....I am already on board. I read that somewhere too. I need to start posting everything I'm doing but sometimes I forget. My mom has two dogs (a mini dauschund and a beagle hound) and I have one (a minidauschund). I suggested she give them chlorella daily after reading about it and I make sure Cookie gets hers too (she's my dauschund). I have to hide Cookie's really good in cheese or she'll spit it out. (As you have a cat, she probably loves the taste) Mom says her dogs love the taste (go figure). One of them, smidget, is really Green Mile Mr.Jingles old (If you saw the movie you'll get the reference. The one with Tom Hanks:lachen::lachen:). Anyways, my mom every year insists he's ten. She's done that for ten years. I know she knows better but she says she doesn't want him to HEAR his real age:spinning:. Technically it's working because that dog is 20 and he's still going strong. So I told her to give him Chlorella and then I decided that her other dog and mine should also get it.

He's walking around like a middle aged dog now from what she tells me.:look: She says there's more pep in his step.

Cookie who is already the energizer bunny has even more energy to get into stuff. She's constantly doing stuff and running a round getting into "situations"! I swear I love that dog but she's exhausting (she's three so she has ample energy to get stuck in the bathroom...the door closes and then she barks madly at it, but then she'll go in and do it AGAIN. I mean come on! Take a hint and leave the bathroom alone. I have to make sure to close it because there she'll go and inevitably she'll close the door some how and then get hysterical and start barking. And of course I don't always remember so I run down thinking she's hurt, but no she's just in that darn bathroom That's only the tip of the iceburg.:rolleyes:)

You can tell I love animals.:yep:

Go chlorella!
I love my animals too! I will try chlorella for my doggies
How much are you giving them?
Does chlorella still tast bad to anyone that's been takin? I'm finally trying to get consistent but it just tastes so weird/bad. I have to hold my nose while I take it. Also how is everyone taking it? I've bee using apple sauce...maybe I should try it in juice?

I could drink it straight w/ water now. I'm on autopilot at almost three months:grin: Then again I think it's the kind. I think different kinds have different tastes. I can only attest for source naturals personally.
I love my animals too! I will try chlorella for my doggies
How much are you giving them?

Ah! Fellow animal lover. I just love animals they crack me up and keep me happy and are so loving. Anyways as for my dogs (mine and my moms) we give them one source naturals tablet at 200 mg. Maybe if you have the powder you can also try to put a tiny 1/8 teaspoon and mix it in some dog food. I had tablets left over so one a day is no big deal (I save the powder for me unless I'm on the run). I put Cookie's in a cube of cheese (her favorite she just loves cheese) and press it all the way in the middle. Otherwise she'll spit it out cause she's not having it!
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HI ladies!

I have not posted in about two months!!:blush:

I started taking Source Naturals powder brand last week. I take 3g of that in the morning and 3g of Vitamin World brand pills at night. I mix my powder with either Naked Juice or Bolthouse. I actually like the taste! So far there has not been any extra detox since I started the powder which is good.


When I first started chlorella a few months ago I completely lost my appetite. For the last week or so, I have been having cravings for sugar: cake, ice cream. My appetite is also coming back with a vengence.

My period finally came on time after being about a week early for the first 2 months. It is extremely light and only lasted about 2.5 days

My hair seems to be coming in curlier and softer. Trying not to use heat so I can't length check but I was just grazing APL a few weeks ago so I know progress is being made.

Eyelashes are longer, and I have not changed mascara so this must be it.

I can work out without even breaking a sweat, so I need to up my workouts! I have much more stamina now.

No body odor, I have not used deodorant since January! And I hardly sweat either. No morning breath at all.

Alcohol tolerance is normal after dropping when I first started, but I have no desire to drink at all anymore, which has my friends looking at me crazy when we go out but oh well!

Nails are still breaking and skin has not changed but those are the least of my worries. I'll see if anything changes more after being on the Source Naturals a little longer.

:wave: Bye!

Hey TigerLily21 thanks for checking in. Yeah the appetite will go up and down. I think it makes you more aware of your body. I don't think chlorella kills sweets forever but helps you cut them down. I still sometimes crave them but don't eat as much of them as I used to because I just lose interest midway (I know! I would have normally rolled my eyes if someone said this to me, but it's true). Seems like you're getting some good benefits in the hair department and energy dept. I'm sure even more's to come!:yep:
Forgot to add my only update:

Everything else is the same and going well. I'm loosing weight, I'm feeling better, and my hair and skin are thriving.

I just wanted to share a story. I tend to forget to say something, but I want to give you all the details. I have been carded lately from everything to entering a lounge, or getting a lottery ticket (I only bought two in the past what five years, but they've all been recently and both times I was carded to see if I was eighteen and I'm nearing thirty lol!)

Anyways a few people were making me paranoid lately. I'd catch a woman stare here or there, in the elevator. Someone would be looking dead in my face. As I'm braided up I know they weren't looking at my hair, so I was like what gives? Am I just being overly defensive. Do I have something on my face? I brushed it off but it's happened several times. Finally today I was in yet another elevator and this lady just came out with it. She was like...I'm probably paraphrasing as I don't have exact words but it went something like this

Okay I have to apologize for staring.

No problem.

It's just that your face looks soooo smooth. What kind of makeup do you use?

I don't have any on. I don't wear makeup. Hate it.


Yeah. I have to force myself to wear lip gloss or mascara if I want to dress up. Otherwise it's lipbalm.

Wow. It's not like you look like it...but your skin is so flawless, it's gorgeous.


(Elevator opens)




So anyways I was smiling and a little relieved because I was starting to think why am I so defensive and why are women getting so close to my face. Like at counters and stuff they just move in a little. And of course not all the time but really recently there's been a few of those encounters and it's good to know it's not in my head. I am pretty excited about this cause I used to have amazing skin when I was younger to the point as a teenager that people would touch my face. I had a hairstylist who kept saying she didn't want to mess up my makeup with the water, and I'd be like I DON'T have any on. Finally one day, I think she couldn't stand that, and she was insisting I did, she swiped my face with one of those white towels saying she was adjusting it for me. She looked at the towel and was like "Oh I guess you don't wear makeup". So I am glad my skin is back because every since grave's disease it's been dull and dry. Now it's seems like it's back to normal and back in it's glowy even shape. And actually better than before if I do say so myself.

Another story:

Boyfriend touches face. We have a long distance thing because he's in medschool at University of Connecticut and I'm at NYU (not in med school master's program lol!) Anyways he's only a few hours away so I'll see him every couple of weeks. But everytime he sees me he keeps commenting that I look even younger than before. And this time.

Your face is so soft.

(He he!:grin: That just made my day)
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Ok ladies,

If you want to see a true testimony before your eyes, go to my profile and look at my picture album of my daughters hair. Her hair was so damaged in February of this year I almost scalped her and was going to start all over but then I found this thread and the waistlength hair shake thread and began both in March. Here it is April and my daughter's hair is shoulder length AFTER a major trim and her sides and temple have completely grown in and you will just have to see for yourself. Click on the pictures and I have explained in detail what occured. Give me some feedback is unbelievable!


:wow: That's amazing HairHustla, well done Mommy! :clapping:
I'm @ 9gm for 21 days now! My menstrual cycle was light enough for panty liner (TMI) & my eyelashes are off the hook! Wearing hair in it's natural state, don't know if any hair progress has occured yet! I'm praying for growth!
I could drink it straight w/ water now. I'm on autopilot at almost three months:grin: Then again I think it's the kind. I think different kinds have different tastes. I can only attest for source naturals personally.

Spirullina, that's a different story - woo!

But I still take it :giggle:

Spirullina, that's a different story - woo!

But I still take it :giggle:
You guys have me worried about the taste of the chlorella and spirullina...LOL! I have read through the beginnings of this thread and printed out a bunch of info. I am going to look through it this weekend and see if this is something I want to start taking. I know for sure that I could definitely stand to be "detoxed."
You guys have me worried about the taste of the chlorella and spirullina...LOL! I have read through the beginnings of this thread and printed out a bunch of info. I am going to look through it this weekend and see if this is something I want to start taking. I know for sure that I could definitely stand to be "detoxed."
I wouldn't worry too much about the taste, I currently use both powerdered SP and CHL in my breakfast drinks, be creative, this morning I'm drinking (CHL, SPL, soy milk, peanut butter, yogart,blue berries and black berries) all blended into a smoothie, it's soooooooooo good; my advise to anyone who can do it, get a juicer and or blender and juice fruits and vegetables, throw the juice in your blender add your powered SPL and CHL, oh don't forget flax seed and wheat grass and mix it all up; makes a really good breakfast drink and you never encounter the taste of SPL or CHL; HHG
I wouldn't worry too much about the taste, I currently use both powerdered SP and CHL in my breakfast drinks, be creative, this morning I'm drinking (CHL, SPL, soy milk, peanut butter, yogart,blue berries and black berries) all blended into a smoothie, it's soooooooooo good; my advise to anyone who can do it, get a juicer and or blender and juice fruits and vegetables, throw the juice in your blender add your powered SPL and CHL, oh don't forget flax seed and wheat grass and mix it all up; makes a really good breakfast drink and you never encounter the taste of SPL or CHL; HHG
I will definitely have to keep this is mind. :yep:
I gave up spirulina, the smell was so disgusting, I couldn't deal. I'm still hard on the chlorella though! :yep:
You guys have me worried about the taste of the chlorella and spirullina...LOL! I have read through the beginnings of this thread and printed out a bunch of info. I am going to look through it this weekend and see if this is something I want to start taking. I know for sure that I could definitely stand to be "detoxed."

I mix 1 TBS jarrow pdw with about 4 oz of water. it does not taste great but i figure if i can get it down within 10 seconds and it's good for my hair and health I can make it work.

my 13 year old on the other hand will not keep it down so I'm off to look for some of those green drinks for her. I just like to avoid any sugar we don't need.

I would have to say the egg drink was MUCH harder for me.
Hey there,

Some of you asked what regimen did I enact for my daughters hair well this is what I did..first I cried when I saw all that damage...but let me fast forward. Her regimen looked like this:

Detangled the hair with conditioner and oils
Washed hair with Creme of Nature Shampoo green label
Conditioned her hair with Aubrey Organics honeysuckle rose.
This was to get her out of the woods.

On a weekly basis I

Co-washed 1x per wk with a variety of conditioners including Ojon
DC'd 1x per wk using coconut oil and a deep conditioner
Applied a light protein such as Ovation to the damaged spot 1x per wk
Kept her hair moisturized each day with the nettle hair lotion that I make.
Finally, started her on a supplementation with Chlorella/Spirullina and Waistlength Shake in the mornings 3grams each day.

Her hair actually did reach armpit length for real you all but it was so damaged that I had to cut a little bit off. Then I took her to a hair salon and they finished trimming her. Even with all the cutting, her hair is still shoulder length...and quickly!

She does not take any other vitamins or anything else although I had her on omega 3, 6, 9 fish oil for children before I started the CHL/SPL combo.

Also, I don't mean to be so long but her height has shot up dramatically, I had resigned myself to the fact that she was just short but now she is about to stand over me and I am 5'5. So those of you with kiddo's don't be afraid of this stuff, it really helps the little ones in many ways.

Also to answer some of you about what happened with the twists, well basically, I think our hair does not like twists or braids. Its so funny that she would get tremendous growth but by the time we would finish taking it down, half her hair would just break off. I would try to keep it moisturized but it just doesn't work for our hair...same thing with me even with weaves.

I would not leave the twists in for longer than about 2 months but I think with our hair only one month would probably have been better off but she is so tender headed I would try my best to make it 2 months. So I don't think twists or braids would be a problem for most people, it just does not work well for our hair.

I want to thank all of you for the tremendous compliments and support, it really helps us keep on fighting the good fight so God Bless you all!
Also to answer some of you about what happened with the twists, well basically, I think our hair does not like twists or braids. Its so funny that she would get tremendous growth but by the time we would finish taking it down, half her hair would just break off. I would try to keep it moisturized but it just doesn't work for our hair...same thing with me even with weaves.

I would not leave the twists in for longer than about 2 months but I think with our hair only one month would probably have been better off but she is so tender headed I would try my best to make it 2 months. So I don't think twists or braids would be a problem for most people, it just does not work well for our hair.

I want to thank all of you for the tremendous compliments and support, it really helps us keep on fighting the good fight so God Bless you all!

Hi there! Congrats to you and your daughter! That is sooo awesome!!! I am happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!:yep:
Also to answer some of you about what happened with the twists, well basically, I think our hair does not like twists or braids. Its so funny that she would get tremendous growth but by the time we would finish taking it down, half her hair would just break off. I would try to keep it moisturized but it just doesn't work for our hair...same thing with me even with weaves.

I would not leave the twists in for longer than about 2 months but I think with our hair only one month would probably have been better off but she is so tender headed I would try my best to make it 2 months. So I don't think twists or braids would be a problem for most people, it just does not work well for our hair.

I want to thank all of you for the tremendous compliments and support, it really helps us keep on fighting the good fight so God Bless you all!

Congratulations! You have done an awesome job with your daughter's hair.:yay::clap:

I'm still taking 6 gm of Chlorella but I think I'm going to move up to 9 gm on Sunday. I love what it's doing for my skin and nails. I finally took my braids down last weekend so I'm anxious to see what kind of growth I can get with Chlorella.
Congratulations! You have done an awesome job with your daughter's hair.:yay::clap:

I'm still taking 6 gm of Chlorella but I think I'm going to move up to 9 gm on Sunday. I love what it's doing for my skin and nails. I finally took my braids down last weekend so I'm anxious to see what kind of growth I can get with Chlorella.

Hey there Platinum Girl!

I am so glad you are hanging in there with CHL! Thank you for the compliments too! I think we have not even reached the tip of the iceburg yet, we are all "waiting to exhale"!!! Keep up the good work and we will too. :yep:
so, I've been taking chlorella consistently for the past 10 days, and so far, no detox. I'm only at 2 grams now. But boy do I want to hurry up and go to 6g. But i know its probably best to introduce this stuff to my body slow. Starting Sunday I'm going to start taking a full 3g and see the difference. I don't know if I see much of a difference yet with anything, except my poop is more green in color. Its like a "doo doo green". LOL. LOL. So, I will keep everyone posted in another two weeks, or before that if I notice something drastic.
BTW i am using the Sun Natural Powder. And I'm drinking it with just water. Surprisingly its not the worst thing in the world. I just chug it down.
Just wanted to peek back into this thread and say, "I miss you ladies."
I've discontinued my CHL, MT and MSM use until I find out what's going on with my hair.
Just another setback that I don't want to post here because this is such a great thread with alot of positive info.

You ladies are my "green buddies."

:bighug: I'm sorry to hear about your setback, Yodie. Keep your head up and remember, we're here for you.
Just another setback that I don't want to post here because this is such a great thread with alot of positive info.

You ladies are my "green buddies."
awww! hope your hair gets back on track soon and thanks for all your helpful posts, I have learned so much about something I probably would have ignored.:yep: