How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
I had the biggest pain in my neck and shoulder area which used to give me pain when I was stressed. It was strange as if I had injured it. I just appeared suddenly, and then after a few days it went away and has not come back since even though I've been under a great deal of pressure at work. It would have normally flared up during the high stressed time. I think the CHL healed what ever was going on in that area.

My acne has subsided and now my hair is growing. I'm on my 3rd month of the CHL. I think it's been working on other things in my body and now it can focus on cellular regrowth. My nails are growing super fast now too!

Thanks for chiming in AJJ.
See, I'm just in my 4th week and at 5g. I'm hoping to see some improvement in my issues most certainly by Month 4!
Sorry to re-post, but I'm still wondering if anyone here has stopped taking CHL for a few days and started up again? I've been off for 3 days now(besides drinking the bolthouse green juice) and wondering if I'm gonna get those symptoms back once I start again...
Sorry to re-post, but I'm still wondering if anyone here has stopped taking CHL for a few days and started up again? I've been off for 3 days now(besides drinking the bolthouse green juice) and wondering if I'm gonna get those symptoms back once I start again...
IndianAngel22 did over her Spring Break and I remember her mentioning detox symptoms. She'd have to come give more details or you can pm her if you don't want to wait. HTH
So I need you alls help. I have been taking 6 grams of chlorella and i dont think I have experienced any detox symptoms. My bm is dark green. I had a break out the other day but im acne prone. But no cool detox symptoms. No changes really...anybody experiencing this?

What should I do different?
And im drinking water
(I take my 6 grams in a little cup of water)
It might take a little while for your body to metabolize the chlorella and for you to notice any detox symptoms or you probably won't experience the usual obvious one. Your detox might manifest itself in different forms such as aches and pains, slight changes in your sleeping patterns or more BMs or peeing.
When I first started chl the only symptom I had was peeing up to three times every hour (sorry TMI) and now it has subsided. I haven't had many detox symptoms myself except for the excessive peeing and fatigue.
It'll come, don't worry too much, because every body reacts differently. HTH
Sorry to re-post, but I'm still wondering if anyone here has stopped taking CHL for a few days and started up again? I've been off for 3 days now(besides drinking the bolthouse green juice) and wondering if I'm gonna get those symptoms back once I start again...
It seems like you shouldn't have any marked detox symptoms because hopefully you went through a good bit of detox already and you shouldn't have re-built the levels of toxins you had when you first started the CHL.

I think most of the detox symptoms we experience are in direct correlation with the amount of toxins in our bodies. Some of us have really bad detox symptoms because we have a lot the body is trying to get rid of. Some of us have less symptoms because their immune system are strong and their body is relatively toxin free. That's just my theory...
Thanks for the encouragement. I've been on it for two weeks so I expected a lot of drastic things. I also had excessive peeing but I was also drinking 2 liters of water a day. It may have been both though cus I went like crazy lol
Just checking in.
Im still green. My cravings are coming and going. I think when they are mostly mental or an old habit now. I am taking 6g chl and 4 spr.
This week end I measured my hair and wrote it down. I am going to measure on the same day every month to start tracking my growth. I do have some growth but I havent been tracking it so I dont know how much it has actually grown.
Since I've been taking CHL, I've had virtually no appetite. I forgot to mention that. When I am hungry, I have no cravings or taste for anything specific.
Okay, so I thought it was just me! :nono: I feel like such an oinker. I hope that this subsides. I don't want to have to stop taking my greens. I just increased my dose. I'll give it alittle more time.

Thanks for responding. I refuse to give up my greens. I've been on Chl for almost 6 weeks and I love it. So that's not an option. I am keeping healthy snacks around. I'm losing weight so it really reminds me of when I was in my 20's.

Good luck.
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Hi My green friends, I wasn't going to share this experience but I thought I should share; I started this green journey about 2 weeks ago, I don't know exaclty how much I take but I put in my daily fruit juice 1 table spoon of CHl and 1 table spoon of SPI and a table spoon of flax seed;

I started this journey in the hopes that Chl would help ease my horificaly painful mentral cramps, so when aunt flo showed up this past saturday i figure chl would make this one better, well there were changes, it's been two day and my flow is definitely lighter to the point where I forgot it was here but oh boy the cramps were so bad I thought I would die, it was 14 hours of nonstop pain, vomiting, cold sweets; FYI this happens every month except that it's not as long as this month and my flow is usually heaveir at the beginning.

I'm sharing this not to complian about Chl, infact I just finished my daily shake with a nice table spoon of chl and spl this morning, I truly believe that chl will continue to modify my monthly cycle for the better, it already has;
OK, contrary to my previously giddy and over-optimistic post as above, my skin did eventually revolt over my chocolate/sugar intake last week. My skin has taken about 3 steps back. A warning to those ladies pursuing clear skin, you still have to keep up with your good eating habits - CHL will not be your skin's knight in shining armour if you eat carelessly. Found out the hard way... :nono:

I too had this problem! My skin was doing so great and then I had to mess around and eat tons of chocolate for my birthday. It was all over lol. LD is right when she says that you have to do your part while taking chlorella...Eating bad is now out the door for me.

Just checking in.
Im still green. My cravings are coming and going. I think when they are mostly mental or an old habit now. I am taking 6g chl and 4 spr.
This week end I measured my hair and wrote it down. I am going to measure on the same day every month to start tracking my growth. I do have some growth but I havent been tracking it so I dont know how much it has actually grown.

My cravings are coming and going too...some days I have no appetite at all and other days I'm extremely hungry. My weight seems to have stabilized which is good because I'm not gaining anything. I plan start working out on a regular basis to promote weight loss.
Sorry to re-post, but I'm still wondering if anyone here has stopped taking CHL for a few days and started up again? I've been off for 3 days now(besides drinking the bolthouse green juice) and wondering if I'm gonna get those symptoms back once I start again...

I stopped for about a week because I ran out. I didn't go through detox again.
I upped my gms yesterday. I now take 5 daily and I have yet to experience any detox effects. Could be b/c I always detox my body. I did get really tried for a day or two but that was it.
You don't want that much juice anyways with all that sugar. If you could do 40z of green goddess and 4 0z of distilled water (it still tastes good) and then the chlorella. HTH! I sometimes do 2 oz and 2 oz as I just need enough to down the chlorella and I like to stretch out the juice and continue losing weight.

Fab idea. I did notice all of the sugar. I will stretch it out with water. Maybe I can get 6 days out of it....LOL. Also the water will help with all of the Chlorella residue that's left in the cup. Thanks bunches.....:grin:
I'm on day 2 of the chlorella, ladies... and I have jumped in with both feet! Yesterday, I made a green smoothie, threw about 2g per serving in along with some other good green stuff. It was my first green smoothie, so it wasn't too appetizing - I got about half a glass down. Today I just mixed 2/3gs chlorella with OJ - that was better - still tough (the smell bothers me), but I finished it.:lachen:

I also mixed some Chlorella with water and used it as a mask. My face was so tight after half and hour, I added some of my moisturizer, and will wear it to bed, hope my pillowcase isn't green tomorrow, lol

I'm taking it for general health, to replace any other supplements and to hopefully help with my acne. Anyone had results with acne?

I hope to get up to 10g/day, but I need to figure out a better way to drink it so that it's :lick:
I'm on day 2 of the chlorella, ladies... and I have jumped in with both feet! Yesterday, I made a green smoothie, threw about 2g per serving in along with some other good green stuff. It was my first green smoothie, so it wasn't too appetizing - I got about half a glass down. Today I just mixed 2/3gs chlorella with OJ - that was better - still tough (the smell bothers me), but I finished it.:lachen:

I also mixed some Chlorella with water and used it as a mask. My face was so tight after half and hour, I added some of my moisturizer, and will wear it to bed, hope my pillowcase isn't green tomorrow, lol

I'm taking it for general health, to replace any other supplements and to hopefully help with my acne. Anyone had results with acne?

I hope to get up to 10g/day, but I need to figure out a better way to drink it so that it's :lick:

I've now been taking the Spirulina (3g) alongside CHL (6g) for 2 days. May I just sympathise with every SPR user who's taking the powder cause it smells naaasty!! Plus I'm only taking the tabs so I can't imagine what the powder must be like, ewww :nono:

Also I was PMing a fellow greenie (absent from this thread for a little while now - you know who you are :wave:), and she mentioned some changes in her nails. This made me remember when clipping my toenails, I had a very clear demarcation line in each toenail, it was like an elevated ridge. I am excited to see the difference when my virgin CHL-nourished toenails are all thats left.
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For those of you that are using the SPR powder, maybe you could get some empty gel caps and a capsule filler? The capsule filler is like $10; I bought my cap-m-quick online. And you can get 1000 caps from Vitacost for just over $10. I used it for the first time last night and I was able to fill 150 caps while watching my fav tv show. It was a breeze! I used it for chlorella, since I sometimes don't feel like tasting it.

My bf was looking at me make my own caps like :look: :lachen:
I started my fourth week on Chlorella yesterday. My tablets were running low, so I visited the health food store and decided to try the powder. I was getting tired of swallowing six pills each day anyway. This morning I put a tsp. (3g) of chlorella powder in a little bolthouse juice diluted with water. Oh my. As I was drinking, I was trying block out the odd smell, but I could feel my gag reflex starting to kick in. Fortunately I didn't gag, but was unable to drink every last drop. I figured that this is normal, especially the first time and that I'll eventually get used to it. I was the same way when I started taking psyllium husk, now I drink that stuff with no problems at all!

I have noticed that I'm sleeping more soundly and waking up much easier. One thing I did notice was that when I started getting sleeping at night, if I close my eyes, even for a minute during a commercial, I'm out for the night! I'm not complaining, but this new deep sleep has made me miss quite a few tv shows lately! :lachen: I'm not complaining though. TV shows are more important than sleep.

My hunger comes and goes. One day, I'm barely hungry and then the next I'm eating as though I've been starving for two months.

I am much more alert, but right now I feel like I could take a nap. I don't know if that's from the chlorella or due to the fact that I'm bored here at work. ;)
Hi My green friends, I wasn't going to share this experience but I thought I should share; I started this green journey about 2 weeks ago, I don't know exaclty how much I take but I put in my daily fruit juice 1 table spoon of CHl and 1 table spoon of SPI and a table spoon of flax seed;

I started this journey in the hopes that Chl would help ease my horificaly painful mentral cramps, so when aunt flo showed up this past saturday i figure chl would make this one better, well there were changes, it's been two day and my flow is definitely lighter to the point where I forgot it was here but oh boy the cramps were so bad I thought I would die, it was 14 hours of nonstop pain, vomiting, cold sweets; FYI this happens every month except that it's not as long as this month and my flow is usually heaveir at the beginning.

I'm sharing this not to complian about Chl, infact I just finished my daily shake with a nice table spoon of chl and spl this morning, I truly believe that chl will continue to modify my monthly cycle for the better, it already has;

My cycle started a few days earlier and was super heavy the first was also BRIGHT RED!!! (I know, tmi but someone may benefit from reading that :look:). Also, the second day was remarkably lighter. I think my cycle will be over in 3 days instead of 5-6). YAY!!!

This drives me nuts.... I always ending up eating fruit... which is more sugar...:ohwell:

But those are good carbs right?

For those of you that are using the SPR powder, maybe you could get some empty gel caps and a capsule filler? The capsule filler is like $10; I bought my cap-m-quick online. And you can get 1000 caps from Vitacost for just over $10. I used it for the first time last night and I was able to fill 150 caps while watching my fav tv show. It was a breeze! I used it for chlorella, since I sometimes don't feel like tasting it.

My bf was looking at me make my own caps like :look: :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I can just um, baby is this legal?

I started my fourth week on Chlorella yesterday. My tablets were running low, so I visited the health food store and decided to try the powder. I was getting tired of swallowing six pills each day anyway. This morning I put a tsp. (3g) of chlorella powder in a little bolthouse juice diluted with water. Oh my. As I was drinking, I was trying block out the odd smell, but I could feel my gag reflex starting to kick in. Fortunately I didn't gag, but was unable to drink every last drop. I figured that this is normal, especially the first time and that I'll eventually get used to it. I was the same way when I started taking psyllium husk, now I drink that stuff with no problems at all!

I have noticed that I'm sleeping more soundly and waking up much easier. One thing I did notice was that when I started getting sleeping at night, if I close my eyes, even for a minute during a commercial, I'm out for the night! I'm not complaining, but this new deep sleep has made me miss quite a few tv shows lately! :lachen: I'm not complaining though. TV shows are more important than sleep.

My hunger comes and goes. One day, I'm barely hungry and then the next I'm eating as though I've been starving for two months.

I am much more alert, but right now I feel like I could take a nap. I don't know if that's from the chlorella or due to the fact that I'm bored here at work. ;)

I noticed this too. I am sleeping like a rock, waking up easier and more alert as well. The changes in such a short time are unbelievable.
I can't wait for my powder to arrive and by the looks of it, I'm gonna run out of tablets before I receive it... I think I'm going to lower the dosage for a few days, so that I can have some left for my trip.
I have an idea of mask for the ladies who want to apply it topically. I already use that mask on a regular basis (2x/a week) so I'll just add the chlorella powder to it. Some of you probably know it already... Honey, mixed w/ some lemon juice and cinnamon. (I don't have nutmeg, but I will add it as soon as I can get my hands on some)
I found about this mask in this thread:
Now I actually leave it on overnight and wake up to smooth skin free of any pimples and lightened scars. (Thank you Pokahontas for the info!)

You're welcome. I'm glad it worked out good for you. It is still my favorite mask ever!

Girl how in the world do you leave it on overnight? I would have cinnamon honey goo everywhere!:lachen: I try to leave it on for at least an hour though. It seems the longer you leave it on the better.
You're welcome. I'm glad it worked out good for you. It is still my favorite mask ever!

Girl how in the world do you leave it on overnight? I would have cinnamon honey goo everywhere!:lachen: I try to leave it on for at least an hour though. It seems the longer you leave it on the better.
:rofl2: The first time I did it my sheets and pillows were all sticky and brown. But I did that on purpose because I was doing my laundry the next day. Now I just know while I am sleeping that I have to lay on my back. I looooove to sleep on the side for my back, but I just know it in my sleep. I just have goo on my hands now, lol. Yesterday I had some itchy pimples and two cysts that were driving me nuts! I popped the honey mask on the problem areas (in the middle of the day) and left it on for a few hours. The itching was gone and those babies were getting riper by the minute (sorry TMI) which is when they pop by themselves.
On another note, I forgot to tell you guys about my periods. (To think that this word used to make me shudder :look: and now I'm talking about it to e-friends...) Last month was weird. First of all, I didn't have any of my usual PMS symptoms except for moodiness. I didn't have breast tenderness, no water retention and even the usual incapacitating fatigue was no issue this time.
When my friends did come, I had some mild cramping which receded by the second day and that is usually when it gets stronger. I also had less blue water (like in the commercial, u know) than usual and it ended a day earlier than usual. Now that was just during the first month of taking I can't wait to see what this month brings!

ETA: I just received my powdered CHL! :yay: It is a dark, dark shade of green! It smells the same as my tablets. I switched to the powdered form because 40 pills/day was getting overwhelming. I should've done that earlier!
I mixed it w/ some OJ and it dissolves pretty well. At first when I saw how little 3g/1tsp was, I thought it wasn't much, but that stuff quickly takes over in the cup! I don't know how to explain it, but it's as if the powder had multiplied and soaked in the liquid like a sponge... Do you understand what I'm trying to say??? Anyway, the taste wasn't as bad as I expected and the smell is almost nonexistent to me. I'm used to drink the weirdest, bitterest teas from my mom, so I guess I'm immune to this kind of stuff. However, I think I'll be better off just drinking it w/ some water, bcoz it was too thick to my taste... Anyway, I've already taken 6g and so far I'm not feeling any bad effects.
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for those who use spirulina did u guys notice a "tanning" effect? I notice since I have been taking it, my skin is glowing and looks tanned and I love it. It looks so rich!
I've now been taking the Spirulina (3g) alongside CHL (6g) for 2 days. May I just sympathise with every SPR user who's taking the powder cause it smells naaasty!! Plus I'm only taking the tabs so I can't imagine what the powder must be like, ewww :nono:

Also I was PMing a fellow greenie (absent from this thread for a little while now - you know who you are :wave:), and she mentioned some changes in her nails. This made me remember when clipping my toenails, I had a very clear demarcation line in each toenail, it was like an elevated ridge. I am excited to see the difference when my virgin CHL-nourished toenails are all thats left.

Hello :wave:Pookiwah,

I'm absent but still lurking, still green and still happy!!:grin:

My cousin came from the states and bought 2 tubs of Source Naturals Chlorella with her per my request.
It tastes exactly the same as my CHL powder the only thing I have noticed is feeling a little sleepy,:yawn: So maybe I am re-detoxing??
I had five hours xtra sleep today already!!

Like I said in the PM, My nails are crazy.
There is the elevated ridge, the demarcation line is so strange. I always thought I had perfect nails but the "Chlorella nails" are rock hard extra white, shiny and look fake!!

My cousins were telling me it is not fair that they have to buy nails like mines:lachen:

My newgrowth (hair) is still extra soft, thick and strong.
I'm still cornrowed up but cant resist touching the newgrowth.

Still on the green train and loving the results :yay: