How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
I had a pm requesting info about how chlorella helps lupus. I am posting the same info for others. Although, keep in mind chlorella alkanizes the system thus helping all forms of diseases. In the case of lupus there is more than one kind. My mom's is systemic which attacks all the organs, whereas others may have the milder form that attacks the skin but is still painful and makes the person tired and worn out. Either way, chlorella or any all natural food can not claim to cure anything, and so I am just hoping it will help heal my mother and my body (I have Grave's and they're checking because they think I may have another auto so I'm having tests and being monitored), or cure us. Anyways for others who may be interested heres there information.

Testimony of how Chlorella changed a persons Life!

As per our telephone conversation yesterday, I am forwarding you the email that gives testament to the wonderful benefits that our family has experienced since taking the Chlorella.
Suffering from symptoms of lupus and a very advance candida overgrowth, the search was ongoing for supplements that would help the condition of my body. I had changed my eating habits and lifestyle several years earlier and was on a pretty intensive regiment of natural supplements in hope of regaining the state of health and well being that had been robbed from me. Although I had some results from the supplements that I was taking, nothing came close to comparing what happened when I began to take the Chlorella.

I am not exaggerating, the day that I began taking the Chlorella, I had instantaneous results. The lupus symptoms virtually walked out the door! Energy to last throughout the day, no mid-afternoon fatigue that usually wiped me out.


Product Description:

Chlorella-has been called the world’s most powerful food. Given the proper
nutritional support the body is extremely capable of healing itself. Chlorella has such a wide range and diverse group of nutrients that makes it one of the most powerful nutrient providers there is.

It contains all of the essential amino acids of protein, nucleic acid, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. It contains Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, panothentic acid, folic acid, biotin, choline, inositol, PABA, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Some of the minerals it contains are phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, and cobalt. It also is a source of lipoic acid, and important microbial growth factor. It contains natural digestive and other enzymes, such as chlorophelase and pepsin.

Chlorella helps promote cardiovascular health as well as being helpful in fighting cancer. It aids digestion, bad breath, constipation, and is known as a detoxifier of heavy metals. It has been shown to be helpful in the fight against Alzheimer's, Dementia, and ADD.

Chlorella is an alkalizer and helps balance the body's pH. It has an abundance of RNA and DNA that are associated with anti-aging. It also promotes growth in young people and has the capacity to stimulate the healing process in the body and stifle many diseases.

Most users begin to feel the energy benefits of Chlorella almost immediately; and full benefits after daily use for two or three months. A small number of new users may experience a "healing crisis" as their bodies adjust to Chlorella and begin to shed toxins. Examples of the "detox feeling" may be mild headaches, nausea (flu like), skin blemishes or bowel irregularity. These symptoms will usually diminish or disappear in several days-sometimes a little longer.

Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), unique to Chlorella, causes the benign lactobacillus, which is crucial to digestion to multiply at four times the normal rate and also accelerates the regrowth of damaged tissue.

What Should I Expect?

The first thing is better digestion, especially if you have bad breath or constipation. Both these are readily handled by taking small doses of chlorella. However, may of the benefits of chlorella are subtle and not easily determine by how a person feels. For instance, chlorella has been demonstrated to remove heavy metals and other synthetics from teh body by actually binding with them so they may be pulled from the bloodstream. However, this result can only be measured if the level of heavy metals in the bloodstream are known before and after a person starts taking chlorella.
It is approximately 3-6 months once starting chlorella for heavy metals to begin to be removed from the blood depending on the amount of chlorella taken. If it has been determined that a person does have heavy metals in their body, they should begin by taking 15-20 grams per day depending on the level of heavy metals that are present. Remember that chlorella is a food and as such is very safe.
First of all I want to say that I love the way that I feel since I have started taking chlorella but my problem is much bigger than my results. I'm not sure if its the chlorella or the Essure but I have been spotting for about a week after I got the Essure put in and I hate spotting and since someone else has problems with spotting I have been wondering if its the chlorella. I will miss some days just to see if that is the problem but If the spotting stops I will have to dismiss chlorella just as I did MSM because of the same problem. I know that everything has to run its course but I just cant take it and it is affecting my lifestyle:sad:
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First of all I want to say that I love the way that I feel since I have started taking chlorella but my problem is much bigger than my results. I'm not sure if its the chlorella or the Essure but I have been spotting for about a week after I got the Essure put in and I hate spotting and since someone else has problems with spotting I have been wondering if its the chlorella. I will miss some days just to see if that is the problem but If the spotting stops I will have to dismiss chlorella just as I did MSM because of the same problem. I know that everything has to run its course but I just cant take it and it is affecting my lifestyle:sad:
Whoa! I was the one who mentioned problems with spotting and that was with eating SOY. I have fibroids but who knows why it happens but it did. Once I eliminated soy it went away. I've never had those problems with chlorella and have been taking it for over 2 months.
Caramela, trust me the Pros out weigh the cons here. Both MSM and Chlorella are blood builders. I would hate to see you pass up on this, the spotting will pass, but the benefits of Chlorella are greater. I had problems too, it is your body re-adjusting. This side affect is normal.
Everything is going great. I am feeling overall wonderful. On yesterday I added 3g of Spirulina to the mix and I up'ed my Chlorella to 5g. So far so good......
Cheers Ladies.... keep the updates coming....
I'm just checking in. I'm still drinking one glass of bolthouse per day. I will be adding Sun Chlorella next wed and will keep y'all posted.

LD, WOW re you're mom's hair! I'll pray her health continues to improve.

Off to do more reading about Chlorella...
I'm amazed that some people can start out at such high first dose was 1g and I was all jacked up! :lachen: I'm down to .5g a day. I wish I could take more. :ohwell: It will probably take months for me to build up to 3g.

It's great that you took the time to post this. Others need to know, as this proves everyones experience really is different. Great things are worth the wait, and the benefits of Chlorella are worth waiting for! Happy to be GREEN!
Thanks Girls. I really do think that it is the ESSURE but I just dont know for sure thats why I said that I will miss CHl for a few days just to see whats really going on and I will update on monday
I only have about 7 CHL tabs left! I ordered from Iherb a few days ago but its not here yet. I decided to stock up on Green Machine drinks last night cause I wanna save my last few tabs.

I know I'm gonna end up in a health food store today...
After a week, I am finally GREEN! Strike up the :band2: and lets :dance7:! I am now going to start increasing my dosage of the chlorella and spirulina. I didn't even realize that the "green machine" drinks had these two ingredients in them. I often drink them at work, just because they were YUMMY! I am going to buy some for home too. I :love4: being GREEN!

YEAH ME :woohoo2:
I only have about 7 CHL tabs left! I ordered from Iherb a few days ago but its not here yet. I decided to stock up on Green Machine drinks last night cause I wanna save my last few tabs.

I know I'm gonna end up in a health food store today...

I hate when this happens and I have mine on auto-ship. The local stores charge way too much. I have to check on my next auto-ship right now, I am about out of Chlorella too. :sad:
After a week, I am finally GREEN! Strike up the :band2: and lets :dance7:! I am now going to start increasing my dosage of the chlorella and spirulina. I didn't even realize that the "green machine" drinks had these two ingredients in them. I often drink them at work, just because they were YUMMY! I am going to buy some for home too. I :love4: being GREEN!

YEAH ME :woohoo2:

It's so great to be GREEN!
I did it! Three hours driving round on a little bit of a wild goose chase for a store that no longer existed, then going halfway across town, but I came back with enough Sun CHL to keep me til my Source Naturals Yaeyama comes from I also got some spirulina so I'm gonna give the dynamic duo a go together!

Have a lovely holiday weekend chlorella bellas! (Hey, where's perlenoire83 at?)
I finally got the chance to update my siggy and take a picture of my progress. I'm not sure I'm getting the progress I should be getting? I've been out of my weaves for almost 7 months or so now. I really want to get another one because I'm not really seeing much of a big difference. What do you all think from looking at my siggy and these photos? The first is January, the second is April. I feel like I should be growing more though???

And for the Chlorella thread, I've been taking Chlorella sense february but after my spring break I've been having trouble keeping it up regular I might miss a day in between and then go back green but I do think the Chlorella has been helping. Any thoughts?


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    January 17, 2009.JPG
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  • April 9, 2009.jpg
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Am I the only one whose appetite is raging?!? I'm hungry ALL the time!!!! I eat and my body says ok now what? I'm not gaining weight, it's almost like when I was a kid. I ate like a horse but did not look like it. When I do eat, I am careful of what I eat but it's exhausting.

Post #3798, pg. 380
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Hey ladies!! I have been taking Chlorella for two weeks today and Spirulina for three weeks. How long before any one has seen a growth spurt? I'm kinda impatient and I think I have hair .. TIA
Have a lovely holiday weekend chlorella bellas! (Hey, where's perlenoire83 at?)
:hiya: I'm here! I missed you guys so much! I have been MIA for the past three weeks because I've been busy and I'm going through a rough patch, but I've been consistent with my chlorella! Never missed a day!
I am now taking 8g a day w/ 3g of spirulina. Spirulina really helped me with the energy and surprisingly also helped with digestion and BM movements. I still have 1 BM per day, but after 3 weeks on chl it had started to get "dry". Since I started taking spirulina it is now "smooth" (sorry TMI). I ordered the SN chl powder...yes, 40+ pills a day is starting to get overwhelming, and it takes time to swallow all of theses pills. Hopefully it won't make me gag. I'll try to drink it w/ some juice first then if I can with water...
My skin was getting better only to get bad again...which is due to some stress and an unbelievably stressful week... Without going into too much details, I have to deal with my sister telling me I am selfish because I cannot contribute to the house bills when I barely make enough to pay my bills and being in the middle of a recession, jobs don't pour out by the 100s... Then my job didn't pay for an assignment from last week, which they are not going to pay me for until they confirm with the client/school that I was there AFTER the Easter break... :whyme:
So far, I'm having the worst week since the beginning of this year. I have to move out and fast, but I will not be able to stay in NYC, not with the exorbitant rent and insufficient pay... :nono:
I'm thinking of moving to MA, but I need to make sure that I have a job waiting for me first. I was afraid to make the big move closer to my boyfriend (not with him...I'm old school, we need to get engaged first) because my family (my brother, my sister and their kids) all live here, but after my sister's humiliating rant about how I am selfish and jealous of her I don't see any point in staying here... My life is simply getting worse in NYC so I really need to leave. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers, please!

My skin on the other hand is not improving as much as I would like it too. It seems like it is going back to normal. I am having breakouts again. I am eating healthier so I just don't know what the culprit is...
I'm sorry to hear that! :hug2: I hope it'll get better and that you'll find a solution. How's your diet? Is there anything that could be blamed for that regression?

ETA: Warning: Do not view page 27 !!

And ignore some of the food suggestions he make in this document. The heart of the message is good, just please don't look at page 27. :nono:
I did! :lachen: Don't say "do not view page 27" twice, because that's how I get tempted to go and check what's wrong with it. Let's just say I was :thud:

OMG that's what's up with the whole soy thing. I knew my body does not do well with it. Not only do I feel bad but I spot EVERYTIME. And I started to dissect my diet and found only on the days I was eating soy did I start spotting like my period was starting but it wasn't time. I even mimicked it, I purposely went to one of my fav vegetarian restaurants and upped the soy and viola spotting again.:nono:

Hard headed, I was in denial, so I waited a few days and then ate soy AGAIN because I wanted to be certain. I mean I tested out this theory about five times before I had to just admit it was not for me.

So I couldn't explain it but I just new it was NOT for me.

Now it makes sense because I do have fibroids (heredetary).

Oh well I'm glad I listen to my body. I didn't have all the science behind it. I just knew something wrong happened evertime I consumed it despite people telling me how wonderful it was for me.
No I can tolerate fermented soy a little better, but I just try to avoid.

So anyways that's why I switched to almond milk.

More power to those who can use it. I certainly can not.

I guess everyone's body is different because I don't have any problems with Soy. I guess we all have to know our bodies and what they like and don't like. I have read conflicting reports on the benefits and / or harming effects of soy. I know the Japanese women consume large amounts of soy and they are healthier as a culture in general. I switch up to rice milk and sometimes almond milk, so it's all good if you ask me. Just depends on how your body reacts to things.
I was all scared after reading the reports but I must say that soymilk hasn't affected me in any way. I don't have any of the symptoms mentioned but I'll keep an eye out for them. I have yet to try the almond milk, but I am determined to get some now, so I can have another alternative.

Hi Ladies,

I'm sad to say that I have to take a hiatus from chlorella right now. My hair is doing something totally different and I need to go through the process of elimination. I am so sad!!

I try so hard with my hair and another setback. I stopped a few other things as well. So, we'll see.

Oh, I think my cycle is finally appearing. I had to go searching for it and I see some "happenings."

Wishing you ladies all the best chlorella has to offer. I'll post again sometime in June or July.
Sorry Yodie! I hope you're ok. :hug2: Keep us posted on your progress. I hope it is temporary and that your hair will get back on track. Could this setback be due to stress? Or any dietary change apart from the chl?
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I'm almost afraid to claim how much energy I've been feeling in only a few days on CHL.:look:

I put some in my green smoothie this morning, and whoa-saaa...:grin:

Plus, I'm headed to the Vitamin Store after my workout to load up on my Green Kombucha drink...(just in case):blush:

loving the updates, ladies...:yep:
So I've been taking the Source Naturals supplements (10 daily) but I want to up my dose to get the full benefits. I'm thinking of getting the powder from Amazon and filling my own gelatin capsules but I have no idea how to fill them. I guess I'd have to get a capsule filler?
I finally got the chance to update my siggy and take a picture of my progress. I'm not sure I'm getting the progress I should be getting? I've been out of my weaves for almost 7 months or so now. I really want to get another one because I'm not really seeing much of a big difference. What do you all think from looking at my siggy and these photos? The first is January, the second is April. I feel like I should be growing more though???

And for the Chlorella thread, I've been taking Chlorella sense february but after my spring break I've been having trouble keeping it up regular I might miss a day in between and then go back green but I do think the Chlorella has been helping. Any thoughts?

First Feb to March and april is just starting so you've been on them roughly a month and a half and not consistently (chlorella). Get consistent with it! I know you can.:yep:

Second I remember reading somewhere you were saying your hair grew slowly normally like 1/4 is that correct? If so I am seeing more growth, especially on the sides. It seems like your hair is catching up so to speak first.

Third, how are you taking out the weave,, how are you instilling strength in your hair during? Do you know if you're RETAINING which is most important.

My suggestions would be to be consistent with the chlorella, and find a way to retain the length of the weaves. Once like four years ago I did the weave thing for a year and I retained because I was a drill sergant. I made sure to comb out my own hair, and told them if it was too tight, and made sure to wash and condition. So that's important too. HTH
So I've been taking the Source Naturals supplements (10 daily) but I want to up my dose to get the full benefits. I'm thinking of getting the powder from Amazon and filling my own gelatin capsules but I have no idea how to fill them. I guess I'd have to get a capsule filler?

Anyone can jump in on this one? I know that some were thinking of doing this, did you have to get a capsule filler or how does it work?
Anyone can jump in on this one? I know that some were thinking of doing this, did you have to get a capsule filler or how does it work?
Yeah, I got the idea from somewhere in this thread but I can't remember who it was. I don't think anyone followed up on it so any help would be appreciated.

I really want to keep taking this. My skin is looking great and I know that if I up my dose I will really see more benefits. Even with the low dose I'm taking I think I'm noticing added weight loss. I've been slipping with my diet but still managing to loose/not gain anything.....I hope this is what it is. I'm really excited to start taking more g's.
So I've been taking the Source Naturals supplements (10 daily) but I want to up my dose to get the full benefits. I'm thinking of getting the powder from Amazon and filling my own gelatin capsules but I have no idea how to fill them. I guess I'd have to get a capsule filler?

I bought one! I haven't used it yet because I ended up liking the taste of chlorella. But I have it and the empty capsules, just in case I get tired of the taste.

I bought my capsules from vitacost here and the capsule filler I bought is here. Each 5 capsules holds 4 gams of my Jarrow chlorella powder.
I bought one! I haven't used it yet because I ended up liking the taste of chlorella. But I have it and the empty capsules, just in case I get tired of the taste.

I bought my capsules from vitacost here and the capsule filler I bought is here. Each 5 capsules holds 4 gams of my Jarrow chlorella powder.
Thanks! I'm really weird about strange tastes so I don't want to chance it.:grin: I know I won't take it if I can't stomach the taste so it's probably best I go with the capsules.
Hey, have any of you tried mixing it in lemonade? I've been mixing mine in lemonade and wonder is lemonade "healthy enough" for this chlorella. BTW, its pretty decent this way.
Hey ladies!! I have been taking Chlorella for two weeks today and Spirulina for three weeks. How long before any one has seen a growth spurt? I'm kinda impatient and I think I have hair .. TIA

I just had a growth spurt. But I've been on chlorella consistently for over two months and I also eat mostly fish and veggies organic. In addition I drink nettle tea and use it as a rinse. I think patience is necessary. It can take up to four months to see some genuine effects of chlorella. Some will get it faster, some slower, as it also works on other stuff in the body!

You need to :orders::arguing::spank::swearing: your anorexia lol!
I just had a growth spurt. But I've been on chlorella consistently for over two months and I also eat mostly fish and veggies organic. In addition I drink nettle tea and use it as a rinse. I think patience is necessary. It can take up to four months to see some genuine effects of chlorella. Some will get it faster, some slower, as it also works on other stuff in the body!

You need to :orders::arguing::spank::swearing: your anorexia lol!
Way to grow!
lol...yes I know..I am working on that patience thingy. I also have been drinking nettle tea faithfully every day for about two months. I think I have been stuck at about an inch above APL forever-could be just my imagination....:ohwell: Thanks for your reply...
First Feb to March and april is just starting so you've been on them roughly a month and a half and not consistently (chlorella). Get consistent with it! I know you can.:yep:

Second I remember reading somewhere you were saying your hair grew slowly normally like 1/4 is that correct? If so I am seeing more growth, especially on the sides. It seems like your hair is catching up so to speak first.

Third, how are you taking out the weave,, how are you instilling strength in your hair during? Do you know if you're RETAINING which is most important.

My suggestions would be to be consistent with the chlorella, and find a way to retain the length of the weaves. Once like four years ago I did the weave thing for a year and I retained because I was a drill sergant. I made sure to comb out my own hair, and told them if it was too tight, and made sure to wash and condition. So that's important too. HTH

Yes you are correct about my old growth. I definatly grew WAY faster while on the Chlorella. I was taking at least 6g consistently for a month or more and then when spring break came I fell off. But the entire time I KNEW my hair was growing. It's just hard for me to see the progress. I've been stuck at the same length for same long. I had weaves for so long I'm not sure if I was retaining length or not. I know I went from ear length back to shoulder length with the weaves but I was afraid to continue so now I use clip ins. I really want a sew in again but I'm afraid. While they were in I deep conditioned maybe ever 2-3 weeks. I tried to do every week but it was too much to me because it loosened up my weave. I always left them in for at least 3 months but that's because I was trying to get my money out of them! Which is probably what contributed to any hair loss. There's just so many factors I'm still trying to figure out in terms of my hair growth. I guess the only way for me to know if I was retaining is to try it again, and if I come out worse than before to just stop getting them. I don't know I'm togglying back and forth between the decisions.