How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Am I the only one whose appetite is raging?!? I'm hungry ALL the time!!!! I eat and my body says ok now what? I'm not gaining weight, it's almost like when I was a kid. I ate like a horse but did not look like it. When I do eat, I am careful of what I eat but it's exhausting.

Okay, so I thought it was just me! :nono: I feel like such an oinker. I hope that this subsides. I don't want to have to stop taking my greens. I just increased my dose. I'll give it alittle more time.
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lol...yes I know..I am working on that patience thingy. I also have been drinking nettle tea faithfully every day for about two months. I think I have been stuck at about an inch above APL forever-could be just my imagination....:ohwell: Thanks for your reply...

Hey hon,
Try it as a tea rinse too. It really speeds things up. You use it after your wash and dc and you leave it in your hair focusing on your scalp. HTH
Okay, so I thought it was just me! :nono: I feel like such an oinker. I hope that this subsides. I don't want to have to stop taking my greens. I just increased my dose. I'll give it alittle more time.

Your appetite will go back to normal. Others had this problem on chlorella too.
I bought one! I haven't used it yet because I ended up liking the taste of chlorella. But I have it and the empty capsules, just in case I get tired of the taste.

I bought my capsules from vitacost here and the capsule filler I bought is here. Each 5 capsules holds 4 gams of my Jarrow chlorella powder.

i would like to hear how that works out when you try it.
I've been able to drink the CHL with just water as I run into problems when I take in too much sugar. DD on the other hand is complaining about the tetxure/taste.
Still green and feeling great. I notice that I started having more energy when I started taking iron. Anyone else taking iron now?
:hiya: I'm here! I missed you guys so much! I have been MIA for the past three weeks because I've been busy and I'm going through a rough patch, but I've been consistent with my chlorella! Never missed a day!
I am now taking 8g a day w/ 3g of spirulina. Spirulina really helped me with the energy and surprisingly also helped with digestion and BM movements. I still have 1 BM per day, but after 3 weeks on chl it had started to get "dry". Since I started taking spirulina it is now "smooth" (sorry TMI). I ordered the SN chl powder...yes, 40+ pills a day is starting to get overwhelming, and it takes time to swallow all of theses pills. Hopefully it won't make me gag. I'll try to drink it w/ some juice first then if I can with water...
My skin was getting better only to get bad again...which is due to some stress and an unbelievably stressful week... Without going into too much details, I have to deal with my sister telling me I am selfish because I cannot contribute to the house bills when I barely make enough to pay my bills and being in the middle of a recession, jobs don't pour out by the 100s... Then my job didn't pay for an assignment from last week, which they are not going to pay me for until they confirm with the client/school that I was there AFTER the Easter break... :whyme:
So far, I'm having the worst week since the beginning of this year. I have to move out and fast, but I will not be able to stay in NYC, not with the exorbitant rent and insufficient pay... :nono:
I'm thinking of moving to MA, but I need to make sure that I have a job waiting for me first. I was afraid to make the big move closer to my boyfriend (not with him...I'm old school, we need to get engaged first) because my family (my brother, my sister and their kids) all live here, but after my sister's humiliating rant about how I am selfish and jealous of her I don't see any point in staying here... My life is simply getting worse in NYC so I really need to leave. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers, please!

Just noticed this. I wish you luck and I hope things work out. Don't do anything rash even if your sis went on a rant. Maybe you can turn things around if you really want to stay with the family. Or maybe not if the situation is just unsalvageable. Either way best wishes and good to hear from you.
what s the best way to ingest the powder without tasting it?

Any of the green drinks listed on post #1 and #2 will help. Mix them with water so you're not intaking so much juice. It tastes just as good and changes the consistency to that of juice instead of smoothie. You can adjust for taste but I always try to put in more spring water than juice, then mix in my chlorella.
Still green and feeling great. I notice that I started having more energy when I started taking iron. Anyone else taking iron now?

If you have special needs, I think it's a good bet. However chlorella does have iron in it and at higher doses it can give you your daily requirement. In post #1 or #2 (don't remember which one) I put a breakdown of all the vits and mins and aminos in chlorella and how much.

Don't be scurred gurl! I felt a noticeable difference the first two days I took it, and yesterday when I restarted after a 2 day break. I came home from my 3 hrs driving and started cleaning my room like the energiser bunny's bigger badder big sista, LOL!

I'm almost afraid to claim how much energy I've been feeling in only a few days on CHL.:look:

I put some in my green smoothie this morning, and whoa-saaa...:grin:

Plus, I'm headed to the Vitamin Store after my workout to load up on my Green Kombucha drink...(just in case):blush:

loving the updates, ladies...:yep:
I am currently up to 3 grams and yeah!! I am green! However I do not feel any different energywise, but I hope that will come soon. I haven't experienced any changes except being a deeper green now(I was already green from green vegetable juicing). But I will patiently wait to see if I notice any further changes.
I am currently up to 3 grams and yeah!! I am green! However I do not feel any different energywise, but I hope that will come soon. I haven't experienced any changes except being a deeper green now(I was already green from green vegetable juicing). But I will patiently wait to see if I notice any further changes.

YAY Chicagodiva congrats on going green!:grin:
Has anyone stopped taking chlorella for a few days? If you have/do, when you start again do you get symptoms like when you started from the beginning? I was only up to 2g of it daily.

I ask because I took my last daily dose on Friday and that was the last of my pills...I ordered from vitacost earlier in the week but it was on backorder(the powder) so it didn't ship until today. I suppose it will get here in a few days...but I'm wondering if I stop for a few days what will it be like when I start again? Do I need to gradually start again, or can I just start off where I left off. I'm still taking my spirulina(4g) and I bought some of the bolthouse "green" juice to try with the powder I just ordered...but I drank a cup of that yesterday and today just so that there was some chlorella still in my system...

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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1 Week Check-in (taking Earthwise Chlorella tablets)

  • I started with 3g last Sunday and upped to 4g on Thursday. I also added Spirulina (Jarrow) tablets today. That dose starts at 2g and I will stick with that for now.

  • I've always had regular bowel movement, so I don't see any change there. My stools are dark green. Should stools be bright green?

  • My skin and whites of my eyes appears to be a little brighter - could be my imagination, but I think they are.

  • My cycle came on after not having one since 9/08 and with light symptoms and extra light flow after the initial gush on the first day.

  • I was very, very tired during the middle of the week, but today after getting some good sleep yesterday, I am very energetic and light. The fatigue could have been as a result of my cycle coming.

  • I have been taking vitamin supplements for several years now (C, B-Complex, Biotin, Calcium, Omega-3 and a multivitamin w/minerals). I will continue to take them along with Chlorella & Spirulina unless I see a need to stop.
I forgot to add that I see a slight decrease in food cravings.

3 Week Check-in

  • I'm up to 5g of Chlorella and 2g Spirulina

  • Energy is great - I don't want to go to bed either. I've been up cleaning my place like I was putting it on the market! :grin: I am more focused at work too (may have something to do with needing my job really bad so no goofing off :look:)

  • When I do go to sleep, I sleep very well.

  • I have regular daily elimination, but today it's more than usual (3x's this morning) :blush: and I didn't eat a lot yesterday.

  • I have a breakout, but I can't say it's unusual. I get breakouts on occasion, so I can't say if it's the Chlorella or Spirulina.

  • I have a little rash on my lip, but it's going away.

  • I am 11 weeks post and my hair is dying for a touch up; new growth is very bushy and reaching for the sky and I love it being a thin/fine head. I plan to see my stylist next week. The back of my hair was just above APL at my last touchup (my sides and crown are chin and shoulder length).

  • 3 1/2 weeks ago my cat got spooked and when I picked her up she clawed me badly trying to get away. I had injuries on my hand that perhaps should have been stitched up, but I didn't bother. Nasty. The wounds are healing really fast and today they only look like mosquito bites.

  • I have achy ankles and feet :look: and it hurts when I walk every now and then ever since I broke my right ankle :sad: rollerblading in 1999. That ankle been really hurting this past week but today I noticed the aching has stopped. I'm glad because my treadmill workout warm ups have been bad.

  • My cravings come and go. Sometimes I am really ravenous and other times I don't have a desire to eat.
3 Week Check-in

  • I'm up to 5g of Chlorella and 2g Spirulina
  • Energy is great - I don't want to go to bed either. I've been up cleaning my place like I was putting it on the market! :grin: I am more focused at work too (may have something to do with needing my job really bad so no goofing off :look:)
  • When I do go to sleep, I sleep very well.
  • I have regular daily elimination, but today it's more than usual (3x's this morning) :blush: and I didn't eat a lot yesterday.
  • I have a breakout, but I can't say it's unusual. I get breakouts on occasion, so I can't say if it's the Chlorella or Spirulina.
  • I have a little rash on my lip, but it's going away.
  • I am 11 weeks post and my hair is dying for a touch up; new growth is very bushy and reaching for the sky and I love it being a thin/fine head. I plan to see my stylist next week. The back of my hair was just above APL at my last touchup (my sides and crown are chin and shoulder length).
  • 3 1/2 weeks ago my cat got spooked and when I picked her up she clawed me badly trying to get away. I had injuries on my hand that perhaps should have been stitched up, but I didn't bother. Nasty. The wounds are healing really fast and today they only look like mosquito bites.
  • I have achy ankles and feet :look: and it hurts when I walk every now and then ever since I broke my right ankle :sad: rollerblading in 1999. That ankle been really hurting this past week but today I noticed the aching has stopped. I'm glad because my treadmill workout warm ups have been bad.
  • My cravings come and go. Sometimes I am really ravenous and other times I don't have a desire to eat.

This is a great review. It shows people the good in chlorella, and the detox stuff. I had a rash, but it went away. So others can see that and know that this stuff does go away and the benefits far outweigh the detox. Once my hand was aching at the spot where I had a surgery (about a month into chlorella). I knew chlorella was going to work on it as it hadn't ached like that since the surgery a couple years ago. Well not only did it stop aching, but my scalpel scar there is almost gone (after topical chlorella and internal). The ravenous, vs not hungry thing has happened to me too. I just listen to my body. If you do, chlorella works wonders.:yep:

I am really excited for you and your journey. Thanks for checking in and keeping us informed!
This is a great review. It shows people the good in chlorella, and the detox stuff. I had a rash, but it went away. So others can see that and know that this stuff does go away and the benefits far outweigh the detox. Once my hand was aching at the spot where I had a surgery (about a month into chlorella). I knew chlorella was going to work on it as it hadn't ached like that since the surgery a couple years ago. Well not only did it stop aching, but my scalpel scar there is almost gone (after topical chlorella and internal). The ravenous, vs not hungry thing has happened to me too. I just listen to my body. If you do, chlorella works wonders.:yep:

I am really excited for you and your journey. Thanks for checking in and keeping us informed!

How did you use chlorella topically?
How did you use chlorella topically?

First just a dab of chlorella with distilled water but as it was too runny I started adding it to lotion. I just put it over the scar and let it absorb into the skin. It's made it very small (way less noticeable) and the color has come back to it, and also the scar feels more like real skin then a scar made from a scapel/razor. It's flat and feels like my regular skin instead of slightly raised and too smooth the way it was before without color. Now it's almost normal. I can barely notice it.
Ok, adding the Chlorella powder to the Bolthouse Green Goddess juice(I think that is the name) isn't that bad. I brought a large bottle. I figure I can get four days out of it drinking 8 oz's a day. Only problem is it doesn't mix well, so you may get clumps of It seems better than the protein smoothies but the only down side is I don't get as full as I do with the smoothies. But it's good to have options depending on how busy your day is....
I did notice with the Spirulina, it gives you a buzz. LOL. Still sitting at 5grams CLH and 3grams Sp....
I can't wait for my powder to arrive and by the looks of it, I'm gonna run out of tablets before I receive it... I think I'm going to lower the dosage for a few days, so that I can have some left for my trip.
I have an idea of mask for the ladies who want to apply it topically. I already use that mask on a regular basis (2x/a week) so I'll just add the chlorella powder to it. Some of you probably know it already... Honey, mixed w/ some lemon juice and cinnamon. (I don't have nutmeg, but I will add it as soon as I can get my hands on some)
I found about this mask in this thread:
Now I actually leave it on overnight and wake up to smooth skin free of any pimples and lightened scars. (Thank you Pokahontas for the info!)
Ok, adding the Chlorella powder to the Bolthouse Green Goddess juice(I think that is the name) isn't that bad. I brought a large bottle. I figure I can get four days out of it drinking 8 oz's a day. Only problem is it doesn't mix well, so you may get clumps of It seems better than the protein smoothies but the only down side is I don't get as full as I do with the smoothies. But it's good to have options depending on how busy your day is....
I did notice with the Spirulina, it gives you a buzz. LOL. Still sitting at 5grams CLH and 3grams Sp....

You don't want that much juice anyways with all that sugar. If you could do 40z of green goddess and 4 0z of distilled water (it still tastes good) and then the chlorella. HTH! I sometimes do 2 oz and 2 oz as I just need enough to down the chlorella and I like to stretch out the juice and continue losing weight.
I woke up this morning and man!!!! My body is aching all over! :perplexed Arms, back, shoulder and my ankle is hurting again too. :sad:

Is this the detox or is it because I was cleaning like a fiend this weekend? :look:
I also noticed spotting last night as well.

I will monitor this development and keep you all posted.
Has body aches been problematic for others?
Some symptoms of detoxing are various body aches, fatigue, headaches, sweating, skin abnormalities, diarrhea/constipation, fevers and negative mentalities. Some people might not even notice any visible differences whatsoever. All a person can do is help the cleansing process along by continuing to drink more PURE CLEAN water and eating more natural foods. It'll pass and you'll feel much healthier afterwards.

Aha! This makes me feel a little better. I knew that detox can cause aches and pains, but reading this makes me feel better. My lip rash speaks to the skin abnormalities.
So I need you alls help. I have been taking 6 grams of chlorella and i dont think I have experienced any detox symptoms. My bm is dark green. I had a break out the other day but im acne prone. But no cool detox symptoms. No changes really...anybody experiencing this?

What should I do different?
And im drinking water
(I take my 6 grams in a little cup of water)
So I need you alls help. I have been taking 6 grams of chlorella and i dont think I have experienced any detox symptoms. My bm is dark green. I had a break out the other day but im acne prone. But no cool detox symptoms. No changes really...anybody experiencing this?

What should I do different?
And im drinking water
(I take my 6 grams in a little cup of water)

How long have you been taking your Chlorella?
I woke up this morning and man!!!! My body is aching all over! :perplexed Arms, back, shoulder and my ankle is hurting again too. :sad:

Is this the detox or is it because I was cleaning like a fiend this weekend? :look:
I also noticed spotting last night as well.

I will monitor this development and keep you all posted.
Has body aches been problematic for others?

I had the biggest pain in my neck and shoulder area which used to give me pain when I was stressed. It was strange as if I had injured it. I just appeared suddenly, and then after a few days it went away and has not come back since even though I've been under a great deal of pressure at work. It would have normally flared up during the high stressed time. I think the CHL healed what ever was going on in that area.

My acne has subsided and now my hair is growing. I'm on my 3rd month of the CHL. I think it's been working on other things in my body and now it can focus on cellular regrowth. My nails are growing super fast now too!