How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
People finished all the juice in the house!! So I have to take my chlorella with water today :S .... I'm getting used to the taste though ... it's not so bad. But the spirullina!! Man!! And it sticks to my teeth too!

lol, i know!! greeeen teeeth:lachen::lachen:this happened to me the first time i drank it in water,it did not want to move, no matter how much i brushed them!:drunk:
Is anyone else's apetite totally gone? I have no cravings whatsoever and almost forget to eat... is this normal?

I've been experiencing this the last few days. This is unbelievable for me as I love to eat.:look: My nails are whiter and yesterday I looked in the mirror and noticed my eyelashes have gotten longer. That made my day!!!!!:yep:
I know what you mean, the juice does not last in my house either. :blush:

We are 4 adults at home on chlorella and juice doesn't last either!

I'm still holding steady at 12g. I'm doing great!

Let's recap what I've been through in the last 2 months or so of being on chlorella:

-real detox symptoms around 5g: cold like symptoms, a lot of mucus production (nose, throat, even vaginal, thank you whoever said that it could happen down there as well:drunk:)

I recovered from that quickly and moved on to green odorless poo, stronger whiter nails, longer eyelashes, softer skin.

As for my hair, I've noticed that my growth is much softer, almost like a different texture from the rest of my hair. What I mean is that my growth is not coming as tightly coiled as before. It's easier to detangle. I wonder in the long run if my texture will really change. I love that I can detangle my hair easily, but I also love my microscopic coils, I hope they don't disapear.

What I've been truly enjoying is that feeling of well being from the inside out and reading about everyone's progress!

I don't want to bring the soy subject again, but I just needed to say that I was consuming a lot of soy. I found a lump on my breast and got it checked. Thank God it was not cancerous. Upon reading further on soy, I noticed that in was in a lot of things I was eating, without even realizing it (ex: soy lethicin) on top of eating tofu, drinking soy milk in my ceral, shakes, tea, miso soup, edemame, etc. I reduced my soy consumption and the lump went away! My breast were not as full anymore, but that's ok, I'd rather be healthy than have bigger boobs!
Is anyone else's apetite totally gone? I have no cravings whatsoever and almost forget to eat... is this normal? I don't want to lose any weight.

Well, I could stand to lose a few pounds, need for speed. :grin:

I have noticed the same, lately I have to remember to take my GREENS! :blush::blush:
Ok, I have been taking chlorella for about a month and my hair already looks noticeably longer!!! My husband even commented about it when I came home from the salon. I think it grew 1 inch or more this month.

I have also noticed less appetite. I think I have loss a little weight around my stomach area.

My eyes are whiter and my skin is clear and bright.
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Those who reported longer eyelashes. Have they gotten even longer since you first noticed the growth?
Can't say for certain yet, this is my first day noticing longer eyelashes. When I have my chlorella this evening, this will be day 10 for me (I skipped 1 day by mistake). Can't wait to see what else is to come beside my regularity, energy, restful sleep & long eyelashes!
Is anyone else's apetite totally gone? I have no cravings whatsoever and almost forget to eat... is this normal? I don't want to lose any weight.

I've been this way for many years. It sounds like a good thing, but it's not. At first you will lose weight, but after some time, you'll start GAINING weight.
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my surgery incisions have gotten so soft. they healed and went hard but since i started chlorella the incisions are softening and beginning to look like my normal skin which i'm very happy with, the incisions were only very small but are fading/blending with my skin :)
Congrats, that is good to know, must have some tremendous healing properties!
Ok, I have been taking chlorella for about a month and my hair already looks noticeably longer!!! My husband even commented about it when I came home from the salon. I think it grew 1 inch or more this month.

I have also noticed less appetite. I think I have loss a little weight around my stomach area.

My eyes are whiter and my skin is clear and bright.
My brother just told me that my eyes look whiter, gotta luv chlorella!
Checking in....Since Chlorella one month ago (or more):

- Skin is completely acne free, brighter, remaining scars are almost gone...clear skin is so sexy
- Hair is definitely longer, I did a trim (1-2inches)before I started and its back to its starting point plus the sides growing so fast
- Nails are strong...they always used to tear at the corner or flake (weird i know) more
- Up to 9gr on powder and Naked GM
- Sound sleep and I wake up earlier and alert
- Very regular...I take the drink at night before bed...I wake up to fading scars and a good dark green BM (TMI)
- Less appetite which is bad for me so gonna start being more conscious to eat just because
- Got my mom on it
- God is Good --- not because of CHL
:dance7: my hair is growing!! Its so funny, it grows faster in the back than the front so when I stretched out a curl in the back I was like :shocked: :lol:

I'm so happy!! I'm eating more fish and I am going to incorporate more eggs in my diet that I can boost my hair growth even further. :superbanana:
I've been taking 6 grams of Chlorella now. I have more energy than I did a few weeks ago. The only thing I don't like is that my eyes aren't getting whiter, it's almost like it's doing the opposite. I hope I'm still detoxing. I'm enjoying smoother skin and stronger nails though. :grin:
I've been this way for many years. It sounds like a good thing, but it's not. At first you will lose weight, but after some time, you'll start GAINING weight.

Not if you continue to eat. I've been on chlorella for two months and was over 160 and am now in the early 140's (weight fluctuates a pound or two here and there but I don't sweat it. I was originally up to 229 after radioactive iodine so I don't worry about fluctuations as long as I'm going down). I'll probably be posting pics of me before and after some time this summer after I get to my ideal weight. Chlorella has helped. So anyways, if you continue to eat you won't have that problem. If anyone does not eat of course the body will think it's starving itself and then it will hold on to anything you eat thus making you gain.

So the solution is to continue eating even if you're not hungry. You can reduce the amount if you want but just remember to eat.

Also I should add chlorella only balances the body and metabolism. If you're already skinny you're not going to lose because your metabolism is already working efficiently. It's only going to aid those whose bodies are unbalanced and overweight in that way.
Ok, I have been taking chlorella for about a month and my hair already looks noticeably longer!!! My husband even commented about it when I came home from the salon. I think it grew 1 inch or more this month.

I have also noticed less appetite. I think I have loss a little weight around my stomach area.

My eyes are whiter and my skin is clear and bright.

Sounds like excellent results to me.
Checking in....Since Chlorella one month ago (or more):

- Skin is completely acne free, brighter, remaining scars are almost gone...clear skin is so sexy
- Hair is definitely longer, I did a trim (1-2inches)before I started and its back to its starting point plus the sides growing so fast
- Nails are strong...they always used to tear at the corner or flake (weird i know) more
- Up to 9gr on powder and Naked GM
- Sound sleep and I wake up earlier and alert
- Very regular...I take the drink at night before bed...I wake up to fading scars and a good dark green BM (TMI)
- Less appetite which is bad for me so gonna start being more conscious to eat just because
- Got my mom on it
- God is Good --- not because of CHL

Thanks so much for the update. Sounds like things are going well.
:dance7: my hair is growing!! Its so funny, it grows faster in the back than the front so when I stretched out a curl in the back I was like :shocked: :lol:

I'm so happy!! I'm eating more fish and I am going to incorporate more eggs in my diet that I can boost my hair growth even further. :superbanana:

Atlanta that sounds wonderful. You'll also notice even more luster in your skin too from the fish and perhaps hair growth too!

Congrats on the hair growth!
I know CHL and SPR are the great green combo...

But do I have to do them both? Why should I do them both?

In the short sum of things, no real reason to do them both. They really go hand in hand and do very similar things in the body. For the most part, Spirulina is a Blue/Green Algae, and Chlorella is a Green Algae. Both are known as micro-algae and are rich in Chlorophyll which has the therapeutic actions. Because Spirulina/Chlorella contain plentiful supplies of chlorophyll, they can be considered blood-building foods. Chlorella has more Chlorophyll than Spirulina and Spirulina has more protein. You would actually have to take more Spirulina to get the same effects of Chlorella, the ratio is 2:1 Spirulina:Chlorella.

Briefly I will list the properties of Chlorophyll:

Inhibits the growth of bacteria in aerobic yeasts and fungal infections, wounds, and in the digestive tract.

Deodorizes and sanitizes the body, is effective against bad breath and a toxic colon as well.

Can help to decrease tooth decay and gum disease when used orally.

Works as a natural anti-inflammatory in conditions such as arthritis, skin inflammations, sore throat, pancreatitis, gingivitis and stomach and intestinal irritation.

Builds the blood and nutritionally supports the body, especially if in a weakened condition.

Helps to stimulate the regeneration of tissue.

Promotes friendly intestinal flora which helps to ensure proper elimination and disease resistance.

Has the ability to enrich the blood and treat anemia. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is quite similar to hemoglobin (red blood cells).

Chlorophyll is sometimes called the "blood of plant life."

Specifically, Spirulina is the highest plant source of beta-carotene, vitamin B 12, and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). It contains more beta-carotene than carrot sources and 250% more vitamin B12 than liver. Spirulina is comprised of 65 to 70% of protein and provides all eight essential proteins. While beef is comprised of 18% protein, Spirulina is at least 65% protein. In addition, 80% of the protein content of Spirulina is assimilated by the body as compared to 20% for beef. The calcium content of Spirulina is 26 times that of milk.

There is so much more to this, but I tried to be very basic as to not overwhelm. You could very well do just one. Chlorella would be the less expensive option because you can take less and get the same results for the most part. Spirulina is not for everyone, so do additional research and make an informed decision. We know that persons with thyroid diseases may not be able to take Spirulina, it depends upon the individual, some can while others can't.

GREEN is GREAT, I am happy to be GREEN.
Everything GREEN is great! Sorry to say, I had to cut 10 beautiful nails, they were too long! :blush:

I could not get the camera man to work with me today, so I will try for a pic update on the hair growth by midweek, when I co-wash. I know I have had some serious growth, I can see it. No rollerset this week, I can't hang with that just yet. (the idea makes me crazy) :ohwell: So, my pic will be one of stretched hair.

Otherwise, everything is great! I have a more busy schedule than normal due to outside of work activities, the good news is I have the energy needed to complete so many tasks. Two months ago, I could not say the same. Going GREEN has made a significant difference in my energy level and overall well being. I have even lost some pounds. I am happy about.

For those of you feeling you are not yet getting the full benefits, hang in there, once you get there, I promise you won't want to ever turn back. GREEN for LIFE! :yep:
Hey guys, can anyone tell me why the Chinese chlorella isn't good? My roommate just bought some after I told her about it and she got Chinese chlorella from Vitamin World.
Hey guys, can anyone tell me why the Chinese chlorella isn't good? My roommate just bought some after I told her about it and she got Chinese chlorella from Vitamin World.

If I am not mistaken, I believe it had something to do with the manufacturing/processing of chinese chlorella. Vitamin World, however states that they carefully manufacture their own chinese chlorella according to it's label. She might be okay if she indeed got the Vitamin World brand.

Because Blue/Green algae usually grows among water that may appear to be stagnant or unclean, it has been, on occasion, associated wth bacterial contamination. If it is purchased from a reliable source, it should be one of the most naturally sterile foods found in nature.

Also, she wants it to be the kind where the cell wall has been cracked/broken, otherwise it's absorbtion/digestive properties will be poor. I believe it has been reported that this extra step/processing is not done by all manufactuers.

Pehaps if others have more info, they will chime in.

It's great to be GREEN.
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When do you think it is best to start increasing the dosages of chrollea and spirulina. I started taking ti on Friday, April 3. I am taking 2g chrollea and 3g of spirullina. I was thinking every week, or is that too soon? Also, I am going to start incorparating kelp soon. I am not "green" yet, but I hope to be soon. Am I behind? :blush: (no pun entended)

Sorry for so many questions...YEAH GREEN!
When do you think it is best to start increasing the dosages of chrollea and spirulina. I started taking ti on Friday, April 3. I am taking 2g chrollea and 3g of spirullina. I was thinking every week, or is that too soon? Also, I am going to start incorparating kelp soon. I am not "green" yet, but I hope to be soon. Am I behind? :blush: (no pun entended)

Sorry for so many questions...YEAH GREEN!

I increased mine weekly, but your body will tell you. No, you are not behind. If you start to detox, make sure you increase your water intake, this can't be stressed enough, as it will make your detox easier to bear, and pass quickly.

It's great being GREEN for sure! :yep:
Hi everyone I am another newbie thats been lurking around and peeking, I was reading up about a month ago on this ran out and got me some SN brand and did good for about 3wks and then got really sick. I started vomiting and really feeling sick to my stomach, that really scared me and I backed off, I was taking about 6g I think because I was trying to increase slowly. Could it be I am allergic to it? This is my first post so I feel a lil weird asking questions but reading about all this progress with you all I just had to say something.
Hi everyone I am another newbie thats been lurking around and peeking, I was reading up about a month ago on this ran out and got me some SN brand and did good for about 3wks and then got really sick. I started vomiting and really feeling sick to my stomach, that really scared me and I backed off, I was taking about 6g I think because I was trying to increase slowly. Could it be I am allergic to it? This is my first post so I feel a lil weird asking questions but reading about all this progress with you all I just had to say something.

Others had this problem and weren't allergic just sensitive. But monitor. What you should do is cut to the lowest amount you can and stay there for a couple of weeks (only if you don't continue vomiting of course) and increase your water intake. If you take it w/ food do the opposite. If you don't take it w/ food, take it w/ food. Each person's body is different and you need to find what works for you. If you can tolerate that amount for a couple weeks, then increase, really slowly! It may take you a few months to get to 6g whereas someone else can easily go there. That's okay though because slow and steady still wins the race. If you're taking tablets, only take one or two and go up from there in a couple weeks. And I mean, don't increase for at least that long as your body rests and adjusts. You will continue to increase just as slowly. If you're on powder take 1/8th a teaspon or the tiniest amount you can.

You'll get back to six, just slowly. HTh

If you are still vomiting after taking the lower dose and doing the suggestions above for a couple days discontinue use as you are probably allergic.