Hi everyone I am another newbie thats been lurking around and peeking, I was reading up about a month ago on this ran out and got me some SN brand and did good for about 3wks and then got really sick. I started vomiting and really feeling sick to my stomach, that really scared me and I backed off, I was taking about 6g I think because I was trying to increase slowly. Could it be I am allergic to it? This is my first post so I feel a lil weird asking questions but reading about all this progress with you all I just had to say something.
I'm so glad you posted this, because I've been so sick today. Mostly feeling really nauseous and lethargic nono:. The only thing that's changed is I took the chlorella with nothing but water. Normally it's mixed with juice and spirullina. I think I'll skip my dose for today because I have a test in the morning. I'll start again tomorrow, making sure it's mixed...