How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
So I got my seat on the bus today. My Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder arrived from Amazon. Green is an understatment. I made my daily smoothie of frozen fruit, skim milk, a scoop of protein and flax powder. I put maybe 3/4 of a teaspoon in the mix.
I drank about 10 oz of water afterwards. This was less than 2 hours ago. Even now I am feeling the affects. I wonder did I start out with too much?? My throat feels very warm along with my body, kind of a achy type feeling. I am drinking lots of water to keep things moving, so I guess my body was screaming detox me, detox Any thoughts ladies?
I'm hoping that if i take this (which, by the way I decided to order some 15 mins ago), that it'll increase my appetite; I would like to put on about 5 lbs. Although most people say I'm crazy.
I am back ladies,
I went and brought the Barlean's Greens because I could not stand to take all of those pills

Sea Greens are:
Spirulina 1250 mg
Chlorella 500mg
Chlorophyll (from Chrorella) 10 mg
let me know what you're thoughts are
1 Week Check-in (taking Earthwise Chlorella tablets)

  • I started with 3g last Sunday and upped to 4g on Thursday. I also added Spirulina (Jarrow) tablets today. That dose starts at 2g and I will stick with that for now.

  • I've always had regular bowel movement, so I don't see any change there. My stools are dark green. Should stools be bright green?

  • My skin and whites of my eyes appears to be a little brighter - could be my imagination, but I think they are.

  • My cycle came on after not having one since 9/08 and with light symptoms and extra light flow after the initial gush on the first day.

  • I was very, very tired during the middle of the week, but today after getting some good sleep yesterday, I am very energetic and light. The fatigue could have been as a result of my cycle coming.

  • I have been taking vitamin supplements for several years now (C, B-Complex, Biotin, Calcium, Omega-3 and a multivitamin w/minerals). I will continue to take them along with Chlorella & Spirulina unless I see a need to stop.
I forgot to add that I see a slight decrease in food cravings.

(Bolded) - Curious about this too as the pills are dark green and that is why I figure my "business" was dark green
My 11 year old son is GREEN! My 74 YO dad is so happy, talking about how he doesn't need his naps any more (that used to be a big deal and a planned event) His energy level is through the roof now, the thought of a nap does not eve cross his mind these days!! I am so grateful :cry: I am so happy to give something back to him that is of great value because he has done so much for me in my life. I think I'll send him the Earthrise brand so he can take less tabs and get more CHL in his system. He was happy when I told him the green in his BM is chlorophyll, he knows how important that is for good health.

He's renovating one of his rental properties and he is just the energizer bunny. My grandfather (his dad) died of Alzheimer's, which is believe to be caused by a build up of aluminum in the brain. Well it seems the CHL takes care of that issue by removing heavy metals from the body.

My son is more focused in class and more motivated!! So am I :giggle:

Bless you LuckyD you are going to be a blessed woman for helping so many people.

Thank you AtlantaJJ for your posts and insight. I believe that every post guides others and inspires them so I thank you for being apart of that. I also thank you for your wonderful compliment!

May your father live to a hundred and beyond in excellent health (mental and physical). Viva Chlorella!
Has anyone noticed weight gain? My mom said she thinks she's filling out more.

Jaxhair, get some rest. Keep us posted.

Hey yodie,

Just a thought:
maybe you could tell her to cut back for a while...small dose it. I know I've posted a lot of stuff but a reminder from waaaay earlier in the posts. If there is weight gain you could be detoxing too fast and taking too much. even if she's at a small amount tell her to cut back for a few weeks and then increase slowly. There was a guy on a website who had that problem and when he did this, his weight stabilized, and then he actually started to lose. He then increased slowly and continued to lose weight. If you detox to fast you knock your system out of balance and that includes metabolism. HTH

Another issue, is if shes taking in too much juice, so just make sure she waters it down if she's doing that and that should help!
The Chlorella was suggested to me and after reading several pages of encouraging posts, I decided to order it. It just came today and I put in 3 teaspoons in a big bottle of Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness. I was surprised the Green Goodness was actually good before I put the Chlorella in. I read where some were complaining about the taste, so I thought it would make the Green Goodness nasty. To me it was still good, just definitely thick because I didn't water it down. It's not something to guzzle down when you are thirsty. I'm just going to sip this throughout today and tomorrow. I'll continue for the rest of the week this way with a bottle every couple of days and see how my body handles it.

Great trenise.

try adding a little distilled or spring water it will cut the consistency down to juice like and also get rid of some of the sugar (helping weight if you need it), and will also help you to stretch your juice more!
So I got my seat on the bus today. My Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder arrived from Amazon. Green is an understatment. I made my daily smoothie of frozen fruit, skim milk, a scoop of protein and flax powder. I put maybe 3/4 of a teaspoon in the mix.
I drank about 10 oz of water afterwards. This was less than 2 hours ago. Even now I am feeling the affects. I wonder did I start out with too much?? My throat feels very warm along with my body, kind of a achy type feeling. I am drinking lots of water to keep things moving, so I guess my body was screaming detox me, detox Any thoughts ladies?
Welcome HealthyHair2007!:grin:

Sounds like detox to me! Just ride it out.
I wish I had some sort of way to track my growth because I think it might be tremendous. My hair is noticeably bigger (I'm natural) just since I last washed it a little over a week ago! I'm going to put my hair in cornrows for the next month and wash my hair in them and all so I can try and "see" it. It's fuller and thicker, too. It's a little bit overwhelming so I'm going to braid it up and tuck it under a wig!

It's great being green :grin:... even if a lil scary. lol
Magnesium citrate or Aloe Juice will get you moving right a long. I also take slightly milled flax seeds daily which keeps thing moving if you know what I mean :giggle: Magnesium citrate is a very inexpensive supplement which happens to be the perfect complement to calcium, the two should be taken in equal amounts to make your calcium up take effective.

I keep a product called Peter Gillhanm Natural Calm on hand But I find the capsules to be just as effective but less expensive. This is also good for helping you relax at night. I take a dose at night before bed with a big glass of water on an and the next morning....well you know...

DRINK YOUR WATER (I'm yelling at myself too!) :naughty:

Has anyone noticed weight gain? My mom said she thinks she's filling out more.

Jaxhair, get some rest. Keep us posted.

Thanks peeps, I feel so much better! So, I was constipated.... I attribute it to slacking on my healthy diet on Saturday when I ate with family and had more meat, carbs and cooked food than I've done over the past 7 weeks AND not drinking enough at work on Sunday. Never again! The discomfort I felt has made me even more determined to stick to my guns - won't relent just so i fit in. Lesson learnt! Amazing how the body adapts to change so fast! And I'm so glad my change is for the best.

So, after posting yesterday, I went to the kitchen and mixed up a pint of not very tasty but nutrient dense drink with MSM, aloe vera juice, maca root powder, celery and cucumber juice. Downed that and followed with 4g of chlor and 4g of spir and another pint of veg juice topped up with water. Hang around the house for 3 hours and got my result - PHEW! still green but OMG - I'll keep details to myself. Basically, I had loads to get rid of and I think the toxins there were giving me headaches too as I felt new afterwards - went to the garden and worked like a horse. No hunger at all! All I had whilst gardening for 4.5 hours (hard wor mind you - planted 6kgs of potatoes!) was an avocado, a plum, 2 litres of nettle tea, liquorice tea and water. I was so full of energy and had it not gotten dark i'd have done 2 more hours.

So, bottom line is drink ladies - water, herbal teas, juices (not too much of the sweet stuff though as LD stresses). Constipation whilst your body is detoxing with chlorella and other superfoods is a killer - the toxins hang around and are reabsorbed into the body via the bowels and trust me, you don't want that - the headache I had since Saturday evening was tell tale for me and not going well on Sunday and more headache confirmed. I'll do the same again today, just clear out my system some more. So glad I didn't have to take that Magnesium Citrate stuff (Milk of Magnesia, right? YUCK!!!!!).... gives me nightmares as mum used to give us it as kids.... YUCK!!! I'd rather chew on some chlor and send off with a litre of water. I do have flax..... AJJ, do you add yours to your smoothies? I worry it'll make my smoothies all mucilagious... does it? Might give it a try anyway.

Oh, and may I add... I'm pleased with my hair growth too. Definitely seeing thickness as well. Couldn't credit it all on chlor as I do 000s of other stuff, but I'm sure it's all working together for some good! And my nails? Well, lets just say i've not had a breakage and peeling in weeks, I'm filing down every week and considering all the gardening I'm doing, I'm astounded. I will have to take pics and post just to prove. I love being green and my friends, it is for life!!!!!!

HHG and green health peeps!

ETA - reduced my dose of chlor yesterday. Will go back up to 6g today, see how I tolerate that and if all is well I'll be back to 8-10g by Friday - which are my randomly chosen numbers, lol!
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So I took my first dose of Chlorella today and....... why didn't ya'll tell me this ish taste like fish food smells?!?!?:lachen:I just about threw up in the kitchen sink i was so shocked. I mixed one tbsp with a cup of Naked Juice Green Machine. Please tell me there is something else you guys are mixing this with to mask the taste. Im taking the Source Natural powder
So I took my first dose of Chlorella today and....... why didn't ya'll tell me this ish taste like fish food smells?!?!?:lachen:I just about threw up in the kitchen sink i was so shocked. I mixed one tbsp with a cup of Naked Juice Green Machine. Please tell me there is something else you guys are mixing this with to mask the taste. Im taking the Source Natural powder

You must be super sensitive. Most people say that they can't taste it in the green machine. I know I can't. Maybe you should get the pills, I know earthrise has the bigger doses in larger pills, I think...
Jax - The flaxseeds I use are made by Barleans Forti Flax and I love it in my shake, I have no problems with it, I love the nuttiness of the seeds. I also put it in my Greek yogurt.

I got my Chlorella (Earthrise tablets) yesterday and I started taking them today! I started with 6 tabs! I will be posting my update next week!
I'm loving this Chlorella thread...I just wanted to add, you ladies weren't playing about the "eye boogers"! (sorry, didn't mean to be gross) I can hardly open my eyes in the morning. I think it's due to the deep sleep or something. Another thing I've noticed is that I sleep the entire night. I have not been getting up to use the restroom. Oh, and I've been rising BEFORE the alarm goes off. Yippee!
I just stopped by to say that I am COMPLETELY GREEN I mean, really, really GREEN! :lachen:

I think what kicked it up a notch was adding the Spirulina. I'm only 2 days into my second week! :blush:
Hi Ladies,
I want to my local hfs to purchase my chrollea and spirulina and the guy there told me to get Barlean's green nature's perfect superfid, it's a 15 day supply which contains both
chrollea and spirulina .
Has anyone heard of this and what are your thoughts. I am so constipated and in desperate need of something.

I take the Barlean's flax and I love it. Barlean's is a good brand. This looks like a 1 stop shop. I think a may try it. I was going to order the SN powder online because I havent found it locally. I was taking the Now powder but I ran out. I have been taking the pills and I dont feel my body is digesting the pills as well as the powder. Im going to try the Barlean's green. I will give a progress report later.
Does any one have night sweats?

I used to have them. I'd be sooo hot. It's passed. Maybe it'll pass for you too.

I've also noticed that alot of mucus is coming out in my stool. YAY!! I'm taking Candex as well and either Candex, CHL or both are working to get rid of this yeast/mucus problem. YAY!!!
I have episodes of night sweats 'cause I'm in Peri-menopause.

Are you in the age group that "peri" begins? (can start in your mid-30s).
I read that Chlorella affects hormone levels. This could be the case.

I started in my mid thirties...:ohwell:^^

I'm seriously considering Chlorella once again..(due the glowing results you all reporting!!!):grin:

My first go round, I experienced too many weird sensations to be bothered..

Threw out a huge bottle of Japanese Chlorella...:nono: last year...
I started in my mid thirties...:ohwell:^^

I'm seriously considering Chlorella once again..(due the glowing results you all reporting!!!):grin:

My first go round, I experienced too many weird sensations to be bothered..

Threw out a huge bottle of Japanese Chlorella...:nono: last year...

:blush: :thud: