How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Hi All,
Still keeping up with the CHL and Spirulina (Source Naturals) powder and tablets but I am dealing with fatigue it seems on the regular now. I am up to 5 g but the funny thing is, the fatigue is off and on. This week has not been a good one because I am too tired to work out, but at work I seem just as energized as all get out. Last week I was able to work out every single day! The fatigue just comes and goes. Also, my stomach feels sluggish and funny all the time. Any suggestions? As for improvements, they are as follows:

I can't believe I still have fingernails, they usually break off. They are not that long but they are thickening up and slightly whiter.

I have not put on deoderant in 2 weeks! I was using and organic deoderant prior to CHL but it seemed to bring out the funk so I quit using it but now I don't need anything!

Skin is getting clearer and clearer and clearer, I love the CHL mask!
Hair definitely has a looser curl definition and is soooo very soft like cat fur.

Had a lingering toothache that mysteriously dissappeared!

Appetite is definitely decreasing in spurts that is, some days I eat normally, other days I don't want anything but still very slow weight loss. Also, I am happiest about the cellulite on my thighs, it is definitely going out the door!
Daughters hair went from shoulder length in January to Armpit length as of this last weekend after only 3 weeks on the product plus nettle hair cream that I make. Her hair is so dense and thick I am scared of it! Also, her skin looks like a porcelain doll! No joke only just a tad darker of course, she is very light skinned.

That is my report for now, I hope I don't sound like it is not working for me, that would be far from the truth. :yep:

Give up the goods on your nettle cream HairHustla, we're waiting on ya!
Hmmm, I agree and she loves her coffee. She recently complained that CHL was destroying her enjoyment of it. That it tasted different. I will run this by her and let her know to drink coffee hours after CHL. Thanks.

I love coffee, I drink it very first thing in the morning like at 5:30 am and then I don't have my CHL and goodies shake until like 8:30 am. I don't want the coffee to interfere with the assimilation of my supplements / CHL
Looking forward to seeing what happens with the increased did increase in increments or did you make a big leap all at once to the 12 ?

I'm making the big leap from 4 g to 12 g. I think that I can handle it though since I've been taking it for so long. So far I haven't had any adverse effects.
Hi ladies, just checking in and updating my status. I think I have been going strong for a little over a month with Chlorella. I increased to 9 grams this week and all is well, no adverse affects. I think I may be one of those people who won't see the true benefit until 3-6 months down the road. The best thing I've seen is that I am regular and that is a big plus. I haven't noticed any other significant changes. Maybe I'll start to see some now that I have increased the dosage.

I am taking the powder with the Naked juice or boathouse farms. This week I am going to take a step further and start juicing on my own...very interested in making over half of my diet raw foods.

I have not noticed any weight loss but I eat out entirely too much so I am definitely cutting back on that as well...I have given up caffiene, I now drink 2-3 liters of water a day, no sodas and I have stopped eating anything out of the vending machines at work.

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.

Staying Green!!!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ladies, I am changing my sign-on name to Chia Pet. My bald spot is completely filling in. I keep thinking I'm losing it. I'm cleaning the mirror, checking angles and yes, it reall filled in. My hair grows fast but NOT this fast. Especially, the top and crown area. I just braided my hair in six braids so I can really check this out. WOW. Also, texture is soft. This is crazy, not my normal crispy, crunchy new growth.

Energy level is still wonderfully high and nails still growing hard and strong.
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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ladies, I am changing my sign-on name to Chia Pet. My bald spot is completely filling in. I keep thinking I'm losing it. I'm cleaning the mirror, checking angles and yes, it reall filled in. My hair grows fast but NOT this fast. Especially, the top and crown area. I just braided my hair in six braids so I can really check this out. WOW.

Energy level is still wonderfully high and nails still growing hard and strong.

Congratulations on the new growth, that must be an awesome feeling. It's great to be GREEN indeed!
Started with 5 instead of 10 tablets today...I have PCOS and deal with all of the usual symptoms. Does it help with balancing hormones and everything else that PCOS brings along. I have been taking Spirulina since last FRI. It has done wonders with my painful Ovarian Cysts.

Hey Ebaby, wat cured my PCOS is by going low carb and losing ~30lbs! I am no longer considered PCOS, no acne, facial hairs minimum and have normal periods!
PGirl checking in after over 3 weeks of Chlor/Spir. I am taking 9 grams of Chlorella powder with Naked Juice Green Machine (LOVE this). And I take about 4gs of Spirulina tablets (I'm gonna try the powder so I can pray for me). I am regular, green, energetic, with a consistent decrease in neck and back pain. Oh and I have found some very LONG hairs randomly throughout my hair. It is soooo strange ya'll. I don't understand it, but I can find some hairs that are APL in random spots. I don't get it. These hairs are "out of place" and who knows if it's because I'm green. is the best news. Mom and Dad are green too. Dad is taking 3gs of CHL tabs and loves it because he is regular now. Mom has fibromyaglia and she has noticed a decrease in pain in her legs! She is only taking about 4gs of CHL and 3gs of Spirulina.

I am still happy to be green. And at this rate...I will happily be this way for life. This post was right on time people. Thank you again Lucky D and I will keep ya'll posted.
^^Sweet...Congrats!!! ..It's testimonies like that which keeps me coming back to this thread: )-This thread is my treat for the day!
Okay, I'm taking the powder form. I thought I was supposed to go to the bathroom more often. Not experiencing extra energy or anything. For those who do the powder, how may teaspoons do you mix in your drinks?

If you're just starting, start with the lowest amount and build up from ther.e so you want to take one half or one teaspoon just to start and see how your body adjust before going up. I'm assuming each teaspoon equals 3 grams? My source naturals is that way.
PGirl checking in after over 3 weeks of Chlor/Spir. I am taking 9 grams of Chlorella powder with Naked Juice Green Machine (LOVE this). And I take about 4gs of Spirulina tablets (I'm gonna try the powder so I can pray for me). I am regular, green, energetic, with a consistent decrease in neck and back pain. Oh and I have found some very LONG hairs randomly throughout my hair. It is soooo strange ya'll. I don't understand it, but I can find some hairs that are APL in random spots. I don't get it. These hairs are "out of place" and who knows if it's because I'm green. is the best news. Mom and Dad are green too. Dad is taking 3gs of CHL tabs and loves it because he is regular now. Mom has fibromyaglia and she has noticed a decrease in pain in her legs! She is only taking about 4gs of CHL and 3gs of Spirulina.

I am still happy to be green. And at this rate...I will happily be this way for life. This post was right on time people. Thank you again Lucky D and I will keep ya'll posted.

So glad you were able to get your parents on board, that is really great news! Green is Good!
Hi ladies, just checking in and updating my status. I think I have been going strong for a little over a month with Chlorella. I increased to 9 grams this week and all is well, no adverse affects. I think I may be one of those people who won't see the true benefit until 3-6 months down the road. The best thing I've seen is that I am regular and that is a big plus. I haven't noticed any other significant changes. Maybe I'll start to see some now that I have increased the dosage.

I am taking the powder with the Naked juice or boathouse farms. This week I am going to take a step further and start juicing on my own...very interested in making over half of my diet raw foods.

I have not noticed any weight loss but I eat out entirely too much so I am definitely cutting back on that as well...I have given up caffiene, I now drink 2-3 liters of water a day, no sodas and I have stopped eating anything out of the vending machines at work.

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.

Staying Green!!!

The sounds great. The only other thing I would suggest is.... I'm sure you're going to guess from all my typing about this: water down your naked juice. It will have consistency of juice instead of a smoothie but taste the same. Use distilled or spring water. that way your intake of juice is less. Juice is good but only in moderation. Too much juice =too many fruits. So I know that when people go healthy they think smoothies and then intake like 9 fruitsor more a day via those smoothies and juice, and wonder why the weight isn't coming off. That's just too much. HTH
Just put her at 1/8th if you can and see how it works out for a week or so then increase to 1/4th a teaspoon. then after another week she can go up from there to 1/3 a teaspoon which will be like 1 gram. It doesn't matter if she gets there fast or slow as long as she gets there! She will have gotten to 1 gram in 3 weeks, and then you can increase in increments from there. Make sure she's at no more than 3 grams by the end of the second month, because she's probably super sensitive and her system should adjust slowly. I have suggested the slower method to others sensitive online and a friend of mine that I converted to chlorella who had the same problem. The goal is just to keep tiny amounts being intorduced in the body slowly. Once the safety time is over, she can go up as she feels she should until she gets to the dose she wants to take. Also again, if she's still having this reaction she needs to discontinue. Health and safety first. HTH!

Ok, my mother is on a much lower dosage and we will see how it goes from there. I'm glad she is still willing to keep it going.
I love coffee, I drink it very first thing in the morning like at 5:30 am and then I don't have my CHL and goodies shake until like 8:30 am. I don't want the coffee to interfere with the assimilation of my supplements / CHL

I love my black tea and now I make sure that I drink it hours before or after CHL.
Hi All,
Still keeping up with the CHL and Spirulina (Source Naturals) powder and tablets but I am dealing with fatigue it seems on the regular now. I am up to 5 g but the funny thing is, the fatigue is off and on. This week has not been a good one because I am too tired to work out, but at work I seem just as energized as all get out. Last week I was able to work out every single day! The fatigue just comes and goes. Also, my stomach feels sluggish and funny all the time. Any suggestions? As for improvements, they are as follows:

I can't believe I still have fingernails, they usually break off. They are not that long but they are thickening up and slightly whiter.

I have not put on deoderant in 2 weeks! I was using and organic deoderant prior to CHL but it seemed to bring out the funk so I quit using it but now I don't need anything!

Skin is getting clearer and clearer and clearer, I love the CHL mask!
Hair definitely has a looser curl definition and is soooo very soft like cat fur.

Had a lingering toothache that mysteriously dissappeared!

Appetite is definitely decreasing in spurts that is, some days I eat normally, other days I don't want anything but still very slow weight loss. Also, I am happiest about the cellulite on my thighs, it is definitely going out the door!
Daughters hair went from shoulder length in January to Armpit length as of this last weekend after only 3 weeks on the product plus nettle hair cream that I make. Her hair is so dense and thick I am scared of it! Also, her skin looks like a porcelain doll! No joke only just a tad darker of course, she is very light skinned.

That is my report for now, I hope I don't sound like it is not working for me, that would be far from the truth. :yep:

Okay, HairHustla give up the goods on everything. How old is your daughter? How much chlorella is she taking? How do you make nettle cream? :grin: I have to get my baby's hair growing. She barely has any :nono:
The sounds great. The only other thing I would suggest is.... I'm sure you're going to guess from all my typing about this: water down your naked juice. It will have consistency of juice instead of a smoothie but taste the same. Use distilled or spring water. that way your intake of juice is less. Juice is good but only in moderation. Too much juice =too many fruits. So I know that when people go healthy they think smoothies and then intake like 9 fruitsor more a day via those smoothies and juice, and wonder why the weight isn't coming off. That's just too much. HTH
I will definitely do this starting tomorrow...thanks for the tidbit! I'll keep you posted on how it works out. LD, I know you are doing a mostly raw you juice your veggies and fruit or do you just eat them prepared in meals/alone?

I noticed that in January when I completed a Daniel Fast-no caffiene, processed foods, meat, dairy, bread for 10 days - my body felt at its absolute best. My ezcema cleared up, I lost 7 pounds and I just felt wonderful.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I did not get back quicker, we have a time difference between us. My daughter is 12 and her hair was extremely damaged from twists in January. Her temples have filled in completely and she has phenomenal hair growth. I took pictures of the damage in January and I will try to take pictures again when I flat iron her hair this weekend so you all can see what I am talking about. As for the nettle cream, it is not nettle cream per se, it is a hair moisturizing cream with large amounts of nettle and other ingredients and I have been trying to make the perfect moisturizer for over a year and finally this one works in more ways than one. Here is the recipe: (be patient and be sure to keep mixing until it is a thick liquid)


Distilled Water 6 oz
Rose water 4 oz
Aloe Juice 4 oz
Honeyquat 4 oz
Glycerin 2 oz
Silk Amino Acid 1 oz
Essential oils of
Rosemary 20 drops
Sweet Orange 20 drops
Basil 10 drops
Nettle 50 drops
Cedar wood 15 drops
Wheat Protein (optional)


Coconut 4 oz
Jojoba 2 oz
Olive Oil 2 oz
Shea Butter 4 oz
Avocado Oil 2 oz
Xanthum Gum or Guar Gum 1 to 3 teaspoon depending on desired thickness
Germall or preservative 10 drops

Place oils and waxes in double boiler or pot with water with another pot containing the oils on stovetop and gently warm for 15 to 20 mins.

Place waters, liquids like aloe, and glycerin in pot and gently warm for 5 to 10 mins. Do not add essential oils, germ all or silk amino acid at this time.

Once oils have melted, place to the side and add the floral water mixture in with the oil. Stir with a spoon or whisk then add 1 teaspoon of xanthum gum and begin mixing with a blender, stick mixer or mixer until desired thickness. Add more xanthum gum until your consistency is reached.

Once you have reached your desired thickness, add in your essential oils, silk amino acid and stir once more. Add in your preservative last and give it a final stir and place in bottle. It is ready to use but best if allowed to sit overnight in its container. Any extra can be refrigerated in a container until ready to use.
Thanks HairHustla!! Do you use this as a moisturiser and sealant in one, or do you use this on your daughter's hair and then seal with oil? Also with what frequency are you using this? I doubt I would have time to do this now, but I would love to know for future reference.
Thanks HairHustla!! Do you use this as a moisturiser and sealant in one, or do you use this on your daughter's hair and then seal with oil? Also with what frequency are you using this? I doubt I would have time to do this now, but I would love to know for future reference.

Hey pookiwah,

I use this as a daily moisturizer and I seal with...guess what??? My own hair butter that I make. The hair butter also contains nettle and red palm oil and was inspired by Sareca. Also, about once a month I make this so it lasts all month to save time. The recipe will give you more than enough for atleast a month depending on your hair length, I am using it on 2 heads and it still lasts. Hope you have good luck with it if you try it, it is the ONLY thing that has worked so far for our hair to keep it soft, moisturized and apparently growing like a weed! The CHL may be contributing as well but this is only our 3rd week on it.
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I just had my first cup of nettle leaf tea. That stuff is strong! I immediately felt a sharp cramp/contraction go through my uterus after I drank it and I'm not scheduled to get that visitor until next Wednesday. I read that it is also good for fertility so maybe it's working down there too. It sure felt like it was. Anyhow, I'm hoping that it will give me a good hair growth spurt. I am going to apply is to my scalp as well.

Now back to Chlorella...I started my 12g dosage this week. On Sunday I bought the Sun Chlorella powder ($32.00 for 20 packets). I have to take four of the packets per day. I also ordered the Source Naturals powder online since that's more economical. I followed the advice of Yodie and LD and bought a green drink to mix it with and I am also using the water to dilute it. This makes taking it really easy. Thanks for the suggestions.

I posted progress earlier on the egg shake board since I've been using that for 24 days now. This is my first week on the super dosage of chlorella so I'll be looking for the benefits. I know that I will get some soon. I've been on chlorella for over a year, but only on a small dose and not as consistent.

Please be careful drinking this if you are experiencing uterine pain. If you are not having any adverse effects then please disregard this warning.

I stopped drinking nettle tea a while back for the same reason. The first time I thought it was just that time of the month and I was having cramps. A few times after there was a time where the uterine contractions became so intense for me that I had hot flashes, chills, vomiting and weakness. It happened very quickly and lasted for about 20 mins. The last time I was close to calling 911 because I though I was going to pass out.

If it works for you then keep reaping the benefits of the tea, but if you have cramping and contractions then please reconsider drinking it.
Speaking of cycles, I'm in peri-menopause. Haven't had a cycle since September 08.
Guess what came today?

That's exactly what happened to me this month :spinning: . And (TIA) it was very light but lasted 7 days (instead of the usual 5). It was so light I wasn't sure what was going on.:blush:
MANNNN!!!! I have really missed LHCF and especially been asleep on CHL, I can benefit from all of the great things this stuff is doing for everyone. I'm not overweight, but definitely toning and needing to work on the sweet cravings. DH, my bf, her dh and I are going to Miami in May and we're working hard to get fit for bikini season. As well, I just started bcps because my periods were so long, painful, heavy, and the PMS was unbearable. Well, with most of those issues corrected, my face has all of a sudden found "acne haven" at the age of 31!! I rarely had pimples as a teenager and now the hormones are sending me into puberty again at its worst.

I am glad to say that since I've been working out, I drink water ALL DAY, EVERYDAY and am very regular, no issues with constipation. My diet has become much cleaner, but the PMS streak I have now has me binging on chocolate and saying I'll just work it off tonight with an extra 10 minute workout. I need Chlorella in my life asap, please detox me!! I'm just browsing the pages, b/c its so much info so I'm sure I missed it, but can someone tell me the benefits of Spirulina? Is it just a good energy source?

Very soon to be "Geauxing Green"
I will definitely do this starting tomorrow...thanks for the tidbit! I'll keep you posted on how it works out. LD, I know you are doing a mostly raw you juice your veggies and fruit or do you just eat them prepared in meals/alone?

I noticed that in January when I completed a Daniel Fast-no caffiene, processed foods, meat, dairy, bread for 10 days - my body felt at its absolute best. My ezcema cleared up, I lost 7 pounds and I just felt wonderful.
I juice sometimes but mostly prepare my veggies, or buy them as there are some good places here.:yep:
Hi all!
I've been trying to keep up with this thread, but I'm just wondering when does the fatigue wear off? Ugh, its got me feeling sleepy and out of it. Right now I'm taking 1 1000mg pill a day. Has anyone else experienced this?

:yep: I was verrrrry tired and irritable and sometimes aggressive for a couple weeks at 8 to 12 grams per day. I drank plenty of water and got plenty of sleep until it passed. Now I feel awesome! I noticed that every time I ate something particularly heavy for lunch, I felt like I would pass out for 3 to 4 hours. So I stopped eating many heavy meals.

A couple days ago I woke up and just had to go to the gym, I felt so great. I'm clearer at work and have so much energy that I can go go go from 5 in the morning til midnight.