How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
You know soy is not my friend either. I have horrible reactions to it. Only the fermented kind I'm okay with in small doses. So that's a good observation...possibility. I take almond milk instead of soy if anyone is avoiding milk give it a try.

doesn't sound like lactose intolerance to me--lactose intolerance affects the digestive system; milk allergy or sensitivity is what could cause breakouts though. How long have you been using soy milk? It could possibly be the soy milk. Have you ever experienced this reaction to milk before in your life or is this new? Are you using a new product on your face?

The thing is I used to drink cow milk all the time until 3 years ago and my acne used to be way worse than now. I stopped soymilk for a few weeks to see if there would be any difference, but the acne remained the I don't think soymilk is the culprit.
I don't recall having any reaction until my teen acne and my mom would have me drink it every day when I was a little girl. :wallbash: :whyme:
Alright, let's see how it turns out next month. I'm gonna have to steer clear of any dairy to see if there is any improvement.
CHLORELLA RESCUE ME!! (I talk to my little pills, yup)
ive just bought my Chlorella in tablet form and im going to start taking it today. It says to start off with 1 or 2 tablets a day and work up to 4 if necessary. its 550mg. Whoohoo i cant wait to reap the benifits!!
ive just bought my Chlorella in tablet form and im going to start taking it today. It says to start off with 1 or 2 tablets a day and work up to 4 if necessary. its 550mg. Whoohoo i cant wait to reap the benifits!!

Welcome aboard njerannce! :grin: What brand did you go with? Where did you purchase?
Welcome aboard njerannce! :grin: What brand did you go with? Where did you purchase?

well i was going to order the source natural brand but i dont have a credit card ( i dont trust myself with one!) so i couldnt go on with the purchase. But i found another health food store in my city centre so im taking the health aid brand. The sales assistant was reeling off all the benefits of taking it and in my head i was thinking "my girls on LHCF have already converted me". So yeah, im having something to eat now so il pop my first pill afterwards!
well i was going to order the source natural brand but i dont have a credit card ( i dont trust myself with one!) so i couldnt go on with the purchase. But i found another health food store in my city centre so im taking the health aid brand. The sales assistant was reeling off all the benefits of taking it and in my head i was thinking "my girls on LHCF have already converted me". So yeah, im having something to eat now so il pop my first pill afterwards!

Cool, well hope you start seeing the benefits you're after. Just be consistent, make sure you're taking in more healthful food, water, and exercising alongside chlorella and I'm sure you will. :yep:
ive just bought my Chlorella in tablet form and im going to start taking it today. It says to start off with 1 or 2 tablets a day and work up to 4 if necessary. its 550mg. Whoohoo i cant wait to reap the benifits!!

Congrats on your decision to go GREEN! Have fun on your journey! Drink plenty of water, and remember we are here to help. Yeah GREEN!
Hey ladies I've been on chlorella for a while thanks to this thread and my poo has been green:grin::grin::grin:. But lately it has turned back to brown. What does this mean. I've already increased the doseage but it's still brown. Can some one help.:wallbash:

I'd like to know too. my bm used to be a definitive green. now it looks brown. :ohwell: i'm at 9g a day. should i increase my dosage? tia
I've been taking this for a few days already and I already feel more energized. I have been taking 3 tablets a day. I haven't been able to take my usual afternoon nap after class. Yesterday I was so frustrated because I really wanted to sleep but I wasn't tired!! lol. This morning I actually woke up before my alarm, which never happens!
I'm starting to understand why everyone is freaked except Yodie and I. Mine came late, and actually I said a few days but it was more like a week now that I think about it. However I didn't care because even though I have a SO, I'm abstinent (much to his detriment:lachen:and annoyance, even though he's trying to understand my religious views and be patient), so I didn't freak out. So even though I have a boyfriend and all my friends were like hmmm where's your period?, I was like unless something miraculous happens put those quizzical eyebrows down people!

With that said, I do think if it's over a couple weeks, just getting checked (for anyone who is that late) for other stuff is a good thing. That way you won't worry and can settle your mind. Then you just know chlorella is working in it's own way.

So did it go back to your normal cycle or is it still coming "late"?
I am just checking in again. I am not sure if I am seeing hair growth on my head, but it sure does seem like I need to shave more often than I used to. I am already a hairy person, but the speed my body hair is growing in at seems werewolf like, lol.
I've been taking this for a few days already and I already feel more energized. I have been taking 3 tablets a day. I haven't been able to take my usual afternoon nap after class. Yesterday I was so frustrated because I really wanted to sleep but I wasn't tired!! lol. This morning I actually woke up before my alarm, which never happens![/quote]

This is a regular occurence for me now! I have much more productive mornings, even following late nights where I feel like I could do with a lie in the following morning.
I am just checking in again. I am not sure if I am seeing hair growth on my head, but it sure does seem like I need to shave more often than I used to. I am already a hairy person, but the speed my body hair is growing in at seems werewolf like, lol.

yeah me too:grin: i never waxed in my 25 years of life, i done it two weeks ago, looks like i may need to next week again!!!
Hi all!
I've been trying to keep up with this thread, but I'm just wondering when does the fatigue wear off? Ugh, its got me feeling sleepy and out of it. Right now I'm taking 1 1000mg pill a day. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi All,
Still keeping up with the CHL and Spirulina (Source Naturals) powder and tablets but I am dealing with fatigue it seems on the regular now. I am up to 5 g but the funny thing is, the fatigue is off and on. This week has not been a good one because I am too tired to work out, but at work I seem just as energized as all get out. Last week I was able to work out every single day! The fatigue just comes and goes. Also, my stomach feels sluggish and funny all the time. Any suggestions? As for improvements, they are as follows:

I can't believe I still have fingernails, they usually break off. They are not that long but they are thickening up and slightly whiter.

I have not put on deoderant in 2 weeks! I was using and organic deoderant prior to CHL but it seemed to bring out the funk so I quit using it but now I don't need anything!

Skin is getting clearer and clearer and clearer, I love the CHL mask!
Hair definitely has a looser curl definition and is soooo very soft like cat fur.

Had a lingering toothache that mysteriously dissappeared!

Appetite is definitely decreasing in spurts that is, some days I eat normally, other days I don't want anything but still very slow weight loss. Also, I am happiest about the cellulite on my thighs, it is definitely going out the door!
Daughters hair went from shoulder length in January to Armpit length as of this last weekend after only 3 weeks on the product plus nettle hair cream that I make. Her hair is so dense and thick I am scared of it! Also, her skin looks like a porcelain doll! No joke only just a tad darker of course, she is very light skinned.

That is my report for now, I hope I don't sound like it is not working for me, that would be far from the truth. :yep:
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Hi all!
I've been trying to keep up with this thread, but I'm just wondering when does the fatigue wear off? Ugh, its got me feeling sleepy and out of it. Right now I'm taking 1 1000mg pill a day. Has anyone else experienced this?
Yeah, it's one of the detox symptoms. It wears off in different time periods as each person is an individual. Some people don't get fatigue, some do. It will go eventually though so just push through it if you can.:yep:
I've been taking this for a few days already and I already feel more energized. I have been taking 3 tablets a day. I haven't been able to take my usual afternoon nap after class. Yesterday I was so frustrated because I really wanted to sleep but I wasn't tired!! lol. This morning I actually woke up before my alarm, which never happens![/quote]

This is a regular occurence for me now! I have much more productive mornings, even following late nights where I feel like I could do with a lie in the following morning.

Whoaaaa maan!! I need this! I'm buying some ASAP! You betta believe it!
I am still fighting this stomach virus and have been home from work all week. I haven't been able to take anything all week because of this virus.
I just wanted to chime in and say I no longer need coffee in the mornings. In fact I don't even have a taste for it. I used to get caffeine headaches if I didn't get my coffee but not anymore.
Thursday mornings at 8 am, I have the most boring class in the world. Like EVERYONE is just sitting there trying to figure out how not to fall asleep!:lachen: I'd stopped taking my chlorella/spirulina mix for a couple of days ... I started up again last night. This morning I woke up at 6 am ... it wasn't nearly as hard as it normally is and I didn't fall alseep in my class, even though I'd had all of 4 hours of sleep! It's 10.30 am at the mo' and I'm sitting here going over lectures etc, not a hint of sleepiness ... I definately feel a lot more energized! Chlorella, Spirulina or placebo effect? :look: Sure hope it's the first 2!:yep:
Okay, I'm taking the powder form. I thought I was supposed to go to the bathroom more often. Not experiencing extra energy or anything. For those who do the powder, how may teaspoons do you mix in your drinks?
Started with 5 instead of 10 tablets today...I have PCOS and deal with all of the usual symptoms. Does it help with balancing hormones and everything else that PCOS brings along. I have been taking Spirulina since last FRI. It has done wonders with my painful Ovarian Cysts.
Daughters hair went from shoulder length in January to Armpit length as of this last weekend after only 3 weeks on the product plus nettle hair cream that I make. Her hair is so dense and thick I am scared of it! Also, her skin looks like a porcelain doll! No joke only just a tad darker of course, she is very light skinned.

Congrats on all the benefits. Please share info on your nettle cream. Sounds yummy.
LD, you may have been right. I weighed myself this morning. The scale has increased three pounds, but my pants are all looser on me.