How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Hi Everyone! How are things going? Just thought I would checkin. Okay so, I thought that the spirulina was making me a little tired so, I cut it out. I went about a week without it. I was still a little tired. I decided to switch my Chl to Earthwise. I was taking SN. Bingo! That is what it was. I just started I will keep you posted! I also have decided to add an organic spirulina to my daily mix. I remember Spirulina did give me a boost of energy! I still see that my texture is somewhat looser and little baby hairs are popping up everywhere. Still going green (barely because I am only taking 6g the pills are too much money). My skin looks bright and also I noticed my eyelashes are thicker and longer. I am also taking my liquid multi. 1/2 the regular dose. Have a great week and congrats to those who are having positive results with themselves and converting others! To those who are not seeing significant results they are there, even the smallest of results count for something! When you briefly forget about it, then look again you will be surprised! Take care everyone and do not forget your daily chl! Sorry so long!
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ok, here is a few things i've discovered...

finding long threads on LHCF eventually leads to me buying something. :ohwell: I spent the last two weeks reading that LONG henna thread.

Just when I read the last page and get started on my henna I come by this page. i think I will pace myself on reading this one though. I did catch the fever in the first few pages and placed an order for chlorella yesterday.

I ordered now foods brand a lb of the podwer. Then after reading a few more pages I learned I should have ordered a diff brand. I don't even see CGF mentioned in the description of the now brand.

Has anyone used the now foods brand? and results?

I have to try it since I paid for it i just wanted to know if worked for others.

maybe there should be a post with LHCF wonder products. Things that had people talking for 300+ pages.
How many other ladies have seen better results and prefer Earthrise over SN?

My cycle is now 2 wks late. I'm still concerned.
Hey ladies! Just wanted to check in. I have LOST 7 pounds!! I'm attributing this to Chlorella because unfortunately I have not been eating well or working out. This week I decided to throw out my bad food and get on track with veggies and raw foods. I am so motivated now to eat healthy. I will also start walking three times a week.

My acne scars are fading away slowly but surely. My hair is showing great improvement. Areas such as my crown and nape (which are significantly shorter than the rest of my hair) are catching up with the other sections. I am so happy!! I will be taking this for the rest of my life.:grin:
Ok. There's no way that I can read this whole thread but I have a few questions:

Did anyone experience a very late menstrual cycle?
If you did and when it did come, was it shorter and a bit lighter?
Did anyone experience a very late menstrual cycle?
If you did and when it did come, was it shorter and a bit lighter?[/quote]

Hi! My cycle came on time this month and, it was shorter. Not that light but, I think it only lasted 2-3 days. Usually I am 5-7 days.
Whew, I'm not the only one.

My cycle is 15 days late and hasn't arrived yet. One thing chl is teaching me is that everyone's body is different. We all have different symptoms, but the same great rewards.

Congrats on the hair growth and weight loss. I'm petite and thick. Definitely would say I'm hourglass, but no weight loss over here. I lost 3 to 4 lbs initially and it stopped after that. Dang!! I exercise too. Yesterday I did four miles. I'm just lamewnting out loud. Oh, I'm back to breakouts again. Feel like I had a mountain atop my forehead. Ha!

I'm leaning towards more, green and healthier foods.

Once again, my mom is going strong w/chl. She's on her way up to 3 grams. I'm so grateful that she has something that works for her. Everyday she tells me how great she feels.
QUOTE=prettyfaceANB;7407529]Ok. There's no way that I can read this whole thread but I have a few questions:

Did anyone experience a very late menstrual cycle?
If you did and when it did come, was it shorter and a bit lighter?[/QUOTE]
I have a question about the people drinking nettle tea and using the rinses. I noticed my head is itching a lot! I just hennaed but I never got the itchies in the past. Could the nettle be causing a growth spurt which is leading to the itchies?


For the ladies with late cycles I just found this about nettle:

<<Nettle taken internally MAY alter the normal menstrual cycle in some women. Therefore, it may not be a safe herbal formula for women that are attempting to become pregnant, are already pregnant or are nursing. >>
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I have a question about the people drinking nettle tea and using the rinses. I noticed my head is itching a lot! I just hennaed but I never got the itchies in the past. Could the nettle be causing a growth spurt which is leading to the itchies?

:yep: Yes Miss JJ, that started happening to me about 5/6 weeks after I started drinking nettle tea daily. I welcome the itchies, I know its growth, definitely not lice!!
Hi, Ladies!
I'm just updating. I have been taking CHL now for almost four weeks and am feeling great! My nails definitely feel stronger and I lost 4 lbs even though I don't eat like I should. I am now making an effort to eat better (I do great during the day, but at night the carb monster attacks and I cave :nono:.) I've upped my dosage from 9mg to 12mg.
My daughter has terrible acne and is now interested in trying the paste on her face (she can't swallow anything and she isn't interested in drinking it). She went back to school, but she will update me on this.
My hair is also growing in on the edges, so I am grateful for this. I will be trying the nettle tea (drinking and rinsing) and judging from what I read here, I am on the right path! :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Scorpimini14720
Ok ladies, I have been taking CHL & Spirulina for 6 weeks now and I need to know what I am doing wrong? (Yay for me for being consistent!!!)
In the beginning I didn't notice any major detox symptoms. I had eye boogers and that was it. I had a great energy surge on the 3rd or 4th day. My BM's have been regular, 1-2 sometimes 3 a day. My problem is, as I read through the posts, there are many women who have had weight lost (I am working out, eating well and still the same weight with CHL & Spirulina), no significant detox symptoms (no colds, achy body, headaches), nails are white & hard but haven't gained any length (ladies are cutting their nails every week), hair is filling in, growing or getting thicker (haven't noticed a change in growth or thickness or filling in), boost of energy (sometimes)...:wallbash:
There are probably a few more but I can't recall at the moment and I don't want to sound like a party pooper. I am taking 7-9 grams of CHL & 5-6 gr of Spirulina in a green shake in the am. I blend spinach, alfalfa, kale, cilantro & banana or apple with honey & coconut oil. Of course my shake varies depending on what I run out of. I work out 3-5 days a week and I have 4-6 small meals a day although the weekend I may cheat, but I don't over do it. How come I am not benefitting like you ladies????:perplexed

It sounds like your health is already at optimum level. Be happy!!!!
Sorry, don't know how to do the quote thingy yet...
January Noir, thank you for replying, although I don't agree. I can stand to loose a good 10 lbs and I just started on my healthy route this year so I don't believe that I am there yet. :nono:
ONelove, I also experienced a shorter cycle, 2-3 days as opposed to 4-6 days. I didn't have any cramps nor was I moody.:rolleyes:

Yodie, I see you haven't lost weight either. Do you mind if I ask your measurements and how much you are trying to lose?
No. I see alot of people drinking it. Whats it for? This thread is just too long.

Guess chl is the culprit then. Nettle tea stimulates hair growth.

I'm 5'3" and I wear size 8. I weigh 148. I definitely need to lose (number wise)
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ok, here is a few things i've discovered...

finding long threads on LHCF eventually leads to me buying something. :ohwell: I spent the last two weeks reading that LONG henna thread.

Just when I read the last page and get started on my henna I come by this page. i think I will pace myself on reading this one though. I did catch the fever in the first few pages and placed an order for chlorella yesterday.

I ordered now foods brand a lb of the podwer. Then after reading a few more pages I learned I should have ordered a diff brand. I don't even see CGF mentioned in the description of the now brand.

Has anyone used the now foods brand? and results?

I have to try it since I paid for it i just wanted to know if worked for others.

maybe there should be a post with LHCF wonder products. Things that had people talking for 300+ pages.

When I first started I used the NOW foods brand initially and it worked just fine. However I have noticed that the Source Naturals brand mixes much better with my juice, and it seems to have given me better benefits. I don't know if the benefits are due to the length of time I've been taking chlorella or from the brand switch. Ultimately, it seems like it was a pretty good brand though.
Hey ladies I've been on chlorella for a while thanks to this thread and my poo has been green:grin::grin::grin:. But lately it has turned back to brown. What does this mean. I've already increased the doseage but it's still brown. Can some one help.:wallbash:
Thanks, this help somewhat. But, what do i do- -just do something even though I absolutely do not feel like it? I currently walk two miles a day at work (two laps around the bldg is a mile) but this is not enough to get the scale moving. I have seen a few pounds (3.7 so far) and I credit chlorella with that and it doesn't seem to be giving me added energy yet.

I've been reading up on spirulina so I may go ahead and try it in conjunction with chlorella. I have no illnesses that it could contradict.

Hey girl, I'm sorry I have not answered your question. I've not been up here in a week or so. I would start by walking. Make yourself walk like 15 minutes a day for like a week. The next week, add five minutes to each day and work it up to 20. But by week 2, you should add some ankle and wrist weights. Then after that, you should keep adding more. Walking is the best and easiest way to start a regimen, and then you can start like going to the gym or something and doing a circuit or treadmill/elliptical training. But the aforementioned routine is the best way to get started... .
Hi ladies. I have been taking 6-7 grams of Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella for about a month. I have been sick for 3 days with a stomach virus and was unable to take it for 2 days. Do you think I can just start back at 6 grams or do I need to start low at 3 or so? Thanks for all of the information and advice.
Hi ladies. I have been taking 6-7 grams of Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella for about a month. I have been sick for 3 days with a stomach virus and was unable to take it for 2 days. Do you think I can just start back at 6 grams or do I need to start low at 3 or so? Thanks for all of the information and advice.

I wouldn't think you'd need to start low after 2 days. I've done the same on at least 3 occasions now and just resumed my normal dosage again.
I've been lurkin' since the beginning, but have taken CHL since the second week. I'm so glad to see my being late can be attributed to the CHL. I was lookin' at my husband real strange upside his head.:lachen:
Whew! That's a load off.
Ok ladies, I have been taking CHL & Spirulina for 6 weeks now and I need to know what I am doing wrong? (Yay for me for being consistent!!!)
In the beginning I didn't notice any major detox symptoms. I had eye boogers and that was it. I had a great energy surge on the 3rd or 4th day. My BM's have been regular, 1-2 sometimes 3 a day. My problem is, as I read through the posts, there are many women who have had weight lost (I am working out, eating well and still the same weight with CHL & Spirulina), no significant detox symptoms (no colds, achy body, headaches), nails are white & hard but haven't gained any length (ladies are cutting their nails every week), hair is filling in, growing or getting thicker (haven't noticed a change in growth or thickness or filling in), boost of energy (sometimes)...:wallbash:
There are probably a few more but I can't recall at the moment and I don't want to sound like a party pooper. I am taking 7-9 grams of CHL & 5-6 gr of Spirulina in a green shake in the am. I blend spinach, alfalfa, kale, cilantro & banana or apple with honey & coconut oil. Of course my shake varies depending on what I run out of. I work out 3-5 days a week and I have 4-6 small meals a day although the weekend I may cheat, but I don't over do it. How come I am not benefitting like you ladies????:perplexed

First congrats on eating healthy. Second, you need to give it time. Chlorella works in everyone's bodys in different ways depending on what's needed.

Another possiblity to consider: It seems to me like your shake is a meal replacement with the banana and apple. You need to see it as that, and maybe take one of your other meals out. HTH
I've been lurkin' since the beginning, but have taken CHL since the second week. I'm so glad to see my being late can be attributed to the CHL. I was lookin' at my husband real strange upside his head.:lachen:
Whew! That's a load off.
:lachen: Thank goodness I read that here last week. I was expecting Aunt Flo to be late because of that. I'm only 2 days late but I would be freaking out since I'm pretty regular.
I was loving these when I spent some time in FL last year! Now I'm stuck on the Naked Green Machines, but they're pretty expensive. They're just so yummy. I'm gonna dilute to stretch as alot of the other ladies have done.

I keep asking y'all to dilute for more than one reason:
1. It's more economical
2. It helps with weight issues. Too much juice=too much fruit. You want to have a balance and there's tons of fruit in an 8 oz glass.

So if you add water, it tastes just as good :lick:(and it really does. I wouldn't say it otherwise. I hate it when someone says something and it doesn't work out! You can adjust the taste by adding more juice as needed for it) and it also lowers the sugar content. Instead of the consistency of a smoothie, it'll have the consistency of juice. HTH!
Well, I've only been taking CHL for 3 weeks so I guess it's too early to see any more change in my skin appearance...I'm SO IMPATIENT!!! :look: I want to be able to wear light to no makeup at all by June, so I'm literally scrutinizing my skin for any sign of improvement.
As for my diet, I don't think I can do more about. I eat fresh fruits and/or veggies at every meal, my sweet tooth has quieted down so sugar isn't the issue anymore, I don't eat a lot of carbs either, I limit my consumption of red meat to a bare minimun (only when my momma cooks it...:lick:), I eat mostly chicken, eggs (no more than twice a week) and fish, in other words, my diet is as balanced as it's ever been! I'm gonna have to be more patient I guess :ohwell:...I think my body and my skin in particular take a while to metabolize anything but the wrong stuff.
I'll PM you in a while!

I know it takes patience. The only other thing I'd suggest is organic foods without chems and pesticides. But we do what we can.

Your skin will be glowing soon. It took two months, but I look years younger and when I say years I mean it. I'm not just talking taunt skin. I

Benefits I'm talking :
looks smooth,
and completely even.
Pores seem smaller,
Skin even feels smoother.

It looks silky like and there's a rosy glow under it even though I'm a light brown color. I don't even look tired, and I always have before w/ my autoimmune condition.

So when I say give it time, believe me you will be smiling really soon. This stuff is the truth.:grin:
How many other ladies have seen better results and prefer Earthrise over SN?

My cycle is now 2 wks late. I'm still concerned.

You might want to check in with the doc. You could have something else going on that could affect your system. I would definitely check. Otherwise maybe you just skipped one. It's odd, but at least you know you're not pregnant.:yep: (I remember your previous post)