HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 2011

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Please count me in! It's nice to be w/ others on this bandwagon, helps keep one accountable and I say the more the merrier!!!

I've been doing my own HOT challenge weekly for the past three/four weeks with EVOO and the results have been absolutely amazing! I can't understand why I waited so long to start doing this. My hair is thickening too which is a great benefit!

I'll continue to use EVOO weekly and will gradually implement coconut oil and castor oil.

Great challenge OP!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I am new to LHCF and I would like to join this please. Yesterday I ordered some castor oil and I also have the Hot Six Oil, coconut oil and olive oil. I will use these interchangeably. Also what exactly is an oil rinse if you don't mind me asking?

I read the oil rinse thread and from what I understand is if you put oil in your hair, rinse it with water, then follow up with conditioner (this is the key) then that is an oil rinse. So you could be doing a dc or cowash. Otherwise it would just be a HOT. I turn my HOTs into oil rinses. I do this by doing a HOT then rinsing with water, then cowashing.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Baggying tonight with a little Vatika Frosting. Will not use heat cap.

Will depend on Body Heat to heat things up.:yep:

But Wash Day (Friday) I will do a HOT under Heat Cap with either EVCO or Kukui Nut Oil.

*note to self* must pick up some Olive Oil in February.:sekret:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I dont use hot oil...I pre poo with-out heat..Is that OK?

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Its only Tuesday, :ohwell: and I can't wait until Saturday so I can try the oil rinse.:lick:

If I thought I could shampoo my hair and do an oil rinse in twists I would try it. Uh but I"m way too scared that my twists will frizz up into some amazing fro. So just have to wait.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Did a 1hr HOT tonight using the last of my mix. I added some EVOO to it since I bought a new 1Liter one for cooking and hair.

I added what I didn't use for my HOT in my cowash conditioner and it left my hair super soft.

Loving the results of HOTs.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I'm in. I like doing hot oil treatments, oil rinses with Coconut oil.I've been doing so for 3 months and my hair loves it!!! I seal my hair with cocosta oil. So count me in.:yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

oil rinsed with a blend of oils infused with herbs yesterday, detangled, acv rinse. Used a turbie twist to absorb excess water. Applied kimmaytube leave-in to edges and ends, lift roots with k-cutter and set the afro free :lachen:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

great thread IDare! and you know i love oils, so i am IN!

recently i got some evoo, lots of jars and "cooked" several herbs and powders into infused oils such as:

lavender, fenugreek, hibiscus, burdock root, maka, amla, brahmi, rosemary, nettle, horsetail, hot pepper, garlic, and He-Shoo-Wu,

then i put several of those in an appliactor bottle with some jbco.

i oil my scalp with that and love the tingle from the hot pepper!

i also do the oil rinses with sunflower oil in the shower and can't imagine doing an overnight dc (i always do it on dry hair) without my oils!

oils are keepers!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I'm in...

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Subscribing to this thread, because I have more oils than I know what to do with them...heck, I'm still trying to figure out why I purchased mustard oil...darn PJ.:look:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

It's okay to work Your Oil Plan any way you want to/need to. Especially if it's beneficial to Your Hair.

Don't forget to 'Share' tho' because you may be doing something someone else can benefit from.

Oil On Divas!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Off the top of my head I know I have the following oils:

Tea Tree
Mustard Oil (huh???)
Wonder 8
Hot 6
Wheat Germ

And I know I'm forgetting some. I really need to slow my roll.:look:

Not sure about what to do with all of them, but I'm thinking I'll probably combine some of them and add a little sulfur to the mix and see how my hair likes that.

I've been pre-pooing with olive or coconut oil before my wash. I like to seal with Amla oil. I would like to give oil rinsing a shot (but first, I'll need to read through your posts about that method), and I haven't truly done a good hot oil treatment in ages.

I'll definitely share whatever reggie I come up with.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I forgot to add:

Grapeseed and JBCO to my list.:look:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Count me in. I want to get rid of some of the oils I have sitting around the house. Will be using up the MTG first. It stinks but I just can't get myself to waste money.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Subscribing to this thread, because I have more oils than I know what to do with them...heck, I'm still trying to figure out why I purchased mustard oil...darn PJ.:look:

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Gonna oil up my hair with some Vatika Frosting (love the way it smells) in preparation for my wash day tomorrow. Or, I may wait till Saturday to wash since I'll be off, hmmm. We'll see how I feel.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate HOT or oil rinsing into my reggie. I think I may have a game plan.

DC under steamer
Rollerset/Detangle with Leave-in

Does this look right? Or should I rinse with the oil after the DC
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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate HOT or oil rinsing into my reggie. I think I may have a game plan.

DC under steamer
Rollerset/Detangle with Leave-in

Does this look right? Or should I rinse with the oil after the DC

if your hair doesnt have that much build up why dont you try oilling and rinsing before the shampooing
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I use pimento oil last night it for stimulating the scalp and wash out it wasn't to bad. Sealed with JBCO, will use vatika tonight.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Count me in on this one. This will help with my plan to use up all these product I have sitting around by May 1. I have been adding oils to the conditioners that I don't love and it really has made a huge difference.

For this challenge I will be doing hot oil treatments once a week. I have: Hot 6, wheat germ, argan, safflower, castor and coconut oils to use up. If I stick to the plan Feb-April they should all be just about gone.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I made a new HOT mix (heavy on the Ceramide oils):

Grapeseed 2oz
Wheat Germ 1.5oz
Rice Bran 2oz
Hemp Seed 1oz
JBCO 2oz
a lil Avosoya for the fragrance

I will add a lil (<0.25oz) of this to my Henna Friday (this will be new). I will also do an oil rinse after I rinse the henna and before I DC.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Wow, we all have alot of oils and I don't know why I have some much either, but there is some good recipe mixture posting here. thanks!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Happy Hair Growing!
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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

What I love about this Challenge is that we all just jumped right in and got started with our HOTs, Rinses, Scalp Oil Conditioning and other methods.:grin:

We didn't need no Official Date to start. I like Challenges that manage themselves with minimal effort.:yep:

You Ladies are Wonderful! Thanks for all the Tips, Recipes and Findings.:yep:

Keep those discoveries coming.:yep: Good & Helpful information.

You Ladies are All Doing Great! Here's too 'Less Oils' Shiner/Healthier Hair by May 1st.:blowkiss:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I'm in, but I only CW/wash every other week...My hair has always loved oils, grease (pomade), and serums...In fact, I can't live without them. Plus, I just found a new, reliable EO and natural product supplier...and I love AyurNaturalBeauty (but not the shipping cost). So I will be purchasing and experimenting with more oils, herbs, handmade soaps, etc., and natural ways to take care of my hair and skin. :lick:

Oil Rinse:

*African Royale Hot 6 Oil (contains: olive oil, canola oil, wheat germ oil, sweet almond oil, safflower oil, castor oil, sesame oil, vitamins A, E, & D, cyclomethicone...and a variety of herbs). Purchased at any BSS or variety store. I use this oil because I get the benefits of diff types of oils w/o having to buy each one individually.

*Africa's Best Herbal Oil (used alternately with the above).


*Queen Helene Cholesterol HOT (2 tubes)
*Pink Oil Moisturizer Self-Warming HOT (1 tube)
*Queen Helene Olive Oil/Shea Butter HOT (1 tube)
*EVOO/Dabur Vatika Oil (coconut oil base) applied to hair.

Scalp Oiling/Oil Apps to Hair:

*Ancient Formulae Mahabringaraj Oil (has strong, herbal smell but I like it...)--for oiling hair and HOTs...also added to oil mixes

*Dabur Vatika Oil--for oiling hair and HOTs...also added to oil mixes for more viscosity.

*Sulfur 8 Medicated Scalp pomade (yellow jar).

*My own MTG mix (African Royale Hot 6 Oil, Dabur Vatika Oil, Mahabringaraj oil, lavender EO, peppermint EO, sage EO, rosemary EO, tea tree EO, eucalyptus EO, sublimed sulfur pwdr.)

*Tingling Growth Oil

I alternate these oils every other day or every 2 days...depending on how quickly they are "absorbed." I have each in an applicator bottle, and I apply to my scalp and edges while my hair is braided and especially after each CW/wash. I keep my hair braided in 2 braids, which makes application very easy.

End Sealing:

*Allways Super Lite Indian Hemp pomade

*Coconut Oil pomade

*Castor Oil/Shea Butter pomade

*Smooth 'N Shine Silk 'N Shine Heat Protect Straighten Polish with exotic oils (applied to hair and ends whether dry or damp to give slip and protection).


Seriously, I could go on and on about my love of oils and herbs, but I need to get in the kitchen and fry some chicken for dinn before it gets too late...:lol:
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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

oiled my scalp the other day in preparation for a shampoo and DC

ETA: Used my olive miracle growth oil
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Seal my Moisturizer in tonight with Hairveda Avsoya Oil.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I'm lurking in again -- I chicoro prepoo and love it! I know someone posted the link for this in an earlier post. I also seal with kimmaytube's leave-in and love that also. This is a good way to use up some oils (for me). After I run out of the oils the mixture calls for, I MIGHT experiment with subbing in some different oils to rid myself of them. I want to try Amla and Vatika. :look:

Gonna oil up my hair with some Vatika Frosting (love the way it smells) in preparation for my wash day tomorrow. Or, I may wait till Saturday to wash since I'll be off, hmmm. We'll see how I feel.
Is this better/same as evco. I've seen the two compared before don't understand how they are alike/differ.

I made a new HOT mix (heavy on the Ceramide oils):

Grapeseed 2oz
Wheat Germ 1.5oz
Rice Bran 2oz
Hemp Seed 1oz
JBCO 2oz
a lil Avosoya for the fragrance

I will add a lil (<0.25oz) of this to my Henna Friday (this will be new). I will also do an oil rinse after I rinse the henna and before I DC.
How did you determine the oz's to use?
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

If its not to late I would love to join... Thank you will post my oils later :)

I oiled my scalp w/ brahmi and amla oil. today