HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends/Scalp Sealing Challenge 5/1/11- 8/31/11

Mixed up a henna/amla paste with aloe vera juice, castor oil, vegetable glycerin, molasses and a dropper of tea tree oil.
Been Using the last bit of my Enso Marshmallow & Moss Serum to Seal. I do have a back-up of this tho'.

IDareT'sHair - I'm does this stuff smell?

I'm very picky about scents & I wish these companies would put descriptions of the scents right along with the ingredients b/c the scent is VERY important to me - if I love the product but hate the scent, it's OVA :spinning::nono: (sorry about the lil rant LOL)
@IDareT'sHair - I'm does this stuff smell?

I'm very picky about scents & I wish these companies would put descriptions of the scents right along with the ingredients b/c the scent is VERY important to me - if I love the product but hate the scent, it's OVA :spinning::nono: (sorry about the lil rant LOL)

NappyRina Not Bad.:look: Kinda Herbally in a way. But not strong.:look: I think it's stronger in the bottle than when you actually apply.

I don't mind the 'scent' at all. It's not fruity or musky or florally at all. It's a lightweight Herbal smell.:yep:

curlyhersheygirl Curly, what say you? I know early on you were kinda like:ohwell: Then it 'grew' on you.:lol: I know tiffers and destine2grow also uses it alot.:yep:
I Slapped some Extra Virgin Olive Oil on top of my Jasmine Avocado & Silk to Steam with.

I will use Pequi Oil with my Leave-In Dry under Dryer and then Moisturize with Claudie and use Tiiva as a Scalp Massage.
NappyRina IDareT'sHair I think different batches might vary in scent, because mine doesn't smell herbally at all. I'd say mine has a light, pleasant floral type scent with a hint of Blue Magic. :look:

I told my husband to smell it and he said it kind of smelled like grease as well. It isn't strong and the grease smell almost completely disappears once I put it on my head.
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I moisturized with some BFH Saeede Ayurvedic Scalp cream and sealed with some Hhydratherma Naturals oil and put some hemp seed on my ends.
Brownie518 How is that BFH scalp cream? That's up next on my to buy list. :)

How long have you been using it? I know it isn't touted as a growth aid, but those ingredients are awesome! Have you gotten any growth since you started using it?
NappyRina Not Bad.:look: Kinda Herbally in a way. But not strong.:look: I think it's stronger in the bottle than when you actually apply.

I don't mind the 'scent' at all. It's not fruity or musky or florally at all. It's a lightweight Herbal smell.:yep:

curlyhersheygirl Curly, what say you? I know early on you were kinda like:ohwell: Then it 'grew' on you.:lol: I know tiffers and destine2grow also uses it alot.:yep:
NappyRina IDareT'sHair it smells like camamille (sp) and hibiscus if you're familiar with those herbs. It's herbal with a hint of floral. I really like it and the scent doesn't linger.
IDareT'sHair T, how do you like that Enso Malva moisturizer? That's the anti-breakage one, right? Does a little go a long way? I just realized that it was only 2 oz. :blush:

I'm trying to decide whether I want the Enso moisturizers or more of Claudie's moisturizers. :scratchch
Just applied hemp seed oil to the length of my hair (been doing this a couple times during the week and loving how smooth my hair feels as result) and did a scalp massage with mix of coconut oil, tea tree, and eucalyptus oil.
Okay, has anyone tried Claudie's Garden Oil? If not, you need to get on it NAO!

I oil rinsed with it tonight (just got my package earlier today) and then cowashed afterwards with Hairveda Moist Condition 27/7, which I had used multiple times before with okay results. I was just using it tonight to hurry up and get rid of it :giggle:

But oil rinsing with the Garden Oil took this conditioner to a WHOLE nother level. My chronically dry hair was silky. You hear me? Sil-keee. After I rinsed? STILL silky. Put some of Claudie's Isha Hair Cream on my hair and it just glided on, all smooth-like. No tangles, nothing. Just smooth, incredibly soft. Oh my gawd. I'm bout to order up EVERYTHANG Miss Claudie sells, cuz this is just insane. I'm so excited right now and can't keep my hands out of my hair. *happy sigh*
I havent completely figured out the way I really want to do oil rinses but I am pretty sure they will be a permanent part of my regimen. Tonight I DCd, rinsed, then dipped my hair in oil and water and massage my scalp under the water. I rinsed and applied suave conditioner and rinsed. I applied oil to my ends and twisted.

With a little more experimentation with different oils I think I have a winner.
Overnight HOT last night, my Cowash the next morning was bomb! wish grapeseed oil was actually scented hehe. will cut it with almond.
I think I like the way my hair feels better when I do the oil rinse as the last step. In the future I think I will still apply a leave-in and moisturizer after the oil rinse to see how it goes. Overall, my hair feels good today. My hair has medium density and tends to be quite puffy but with the oil rinse my twist were really thin and tight like a rope. So when I took it out they were too tight for a twists out so I put the twists up into a french roll.

I think the oil rinses are going to be perfect for my hair to wear updoes and buns because it gives it weight, stretches it out and make sit more prone to lay flat.
Moisturized with Enso's Milk & Honey Hair Cream with a spot of Blue Malva Hair Lotion.

Will do a Scalp Massage with Tiiva Growth Oil
tiffers IA. Lawdy-Lawdy Ms. Claudie know what to do to them products she be makin'.:lol:

I need to go look and see if I got me some Garden Oil. One of My Cousins mighta' gifted me a bottle.:look:
@Brownie518 How is that BFH scalp cream? That's up next on my to buy list. :)

How long have you been using it? I know it isn't touted as a growth aid, but those ingredients are awesome! Have you gotten any growth since you started using it?

tiffers - I loooove the Saeede cream! I haven't been using it as a 'growth aid' but I definitely think it has helped my hair and scalp health. I especially like using it on my 'problem areas'...nape and temple areas.Its very moisturizing for me too. :yep: Definite staple for me. I've been using it all year. Not always consistently, at least once a week, but usually 2 or 3 times.