Poll: the bible

Which laws of the bible does your church follow?

  • The Old and New Testament laws, commandments and teachings

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Only New Testament laws, commandments and teachings

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Old Testament laws, commandments and teachings

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • other...please explain.

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
We believe that the old testament has meaning and we can learn from it... but the laws in the old testament were written for the jews... the new testament is written for Christians.


I disagree respectfully. The Brit Hadasha was written to Jews and everyone gentile who would come to belief in the Jewish Messiah. To the Jew first, I Romans, 16. Is not the letter to the Hebrews, to the Hebrews? Not to the Gentiles. Jews following this new sect became "christians" over time but were absolutely Jewish. They worshipped in the synagogue until a time when they were kicked out, which Jesus predicted. Christianity is a succession of Judaism. It's the fulfillment, not the replacement. G-d's covenant with Jews has never ended. This is absolutely why I am not protestant, because the succession is quite visible in the sacrifice of the Mass.

There will come a time when all people follow the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We don't all agree now on who the Messiah is, but one thing is certain...when the triumphant Messiah comes, we will all be one, under One Messiah, who is unequivocably...Jewish. To Jews, it means when He comes at all...and to christians, it means the Second Coming. That Second Coming is the triumphant installation...for lack of a better word for it.
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We believe that Bible - the Old and New Testament- are for our edification. Only the sacrificial/ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross but the moral law of the Old Testament stands.

When Christ was on earth, there was no New Testament. He lived by the Old Testament, as did those who God inspired to writing the New Testament.

From the New Testament, spoken by Jesus Christ...

So since Christ was the fulfillment of the law and instructs that we live by it, how can we say that we are not bound by it? We are supposed to follow His example. Also, if the Old Testament is so irrelevant, then why do so many of those same churches tithe or encourage tithing?

I am sometimes confused as to why christians think they don't follow the "old" testament. It's not old, it's continuous. Isn't the church based upon the Law of Moses? The 10 Commandents? Jesus never changed one iota of the law. Sacrifices....hmmm....they still practiced them after Jesus. It was over time that some things ceased...but then again....it was transformed through understanding about what it was...communion. But through actually consuming His flesh and blood. It continues on at every mass throughout the world.
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The new testament doesn't support the old testament. The new testament replaces the new testament. If sacrificial and ceremonial laws of the old testament were nailed to the cross with Christ, that means they die and are no longer valid.
The ten commandments are no longer even in effect. However, similar moral laws are given to us in Romans as you mentioned in your post.

Our offerings in this time, should be free will offerings, not tithes. Tithes is a mandation of what you should give... offering is you giving according to that which you have been blessed and comes from a different place, your heart, versus you feeling you have to do it out of necessity.

Whew! If that's the case, I will no longer consider myself a christian. I couldn't imagine Jesus never having followed the law, through example...for all the followers throughout the ages. I'm pretty sure the church follows the 10 commandments.

Now I realize...this was from 2007. Who brought this thing up? LOLOL.
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This is what I believe also... to only think the New Testament laws are for us today and the Old Testament doesn't/can't apply to us today is to believe only half of what God says...for the BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD. From Genesis to Revelation.

Titus 3:9 "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain"


We believe that Bible - the Old and New Testament- are for our edification. Only the sacrificial/ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross but the moral law of the Old Testament stands.

When Christ was on earth, there was no New Testament. He lived by the Old Testament, as did those who God inspired to writing the New Testament.

From the New Testament, spoken by Jesus Christ...

So since Christ was the fulfillment of the law and instructs that we live by it, how can we say that we are not bound by it? We are supposed to follow His example. Also, if the Old Testament is so irrelevant, then why do so many of those same churches tithe or encourage tithing?
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