Home alone

That's exactly what I was thinking. Her sister is always complaining about it but she doesn't see an issue. Her husband who she is separated from and lives in another state dislikes it. When he tells her she needs to respect herself and her kids, she calls me crying. She calls him when the kids are not being respectful and she gets mad when he doesn't come to her rescue. He tells her, they are acting up because she is never there. Therefore, they are doing what they want.

If her ex-husband really cared, he'd sue for custody. She's not a mother. She's a trollop.
Wow. I hope for the 18 year old's sake that none of the kids are a problem. If I had to take care of my brother like that, I would quit. I hope she comes to her senses soon before something bad happens.
Oh wow..that is so sad! I think of that all that time and I tell her that. When I was dating and didn't have children, the most I spend the night out was on weekends. During the week I was at my place, getting up working and coming back home! I pray nothing ever happens to my god children! Her and hubby are seperated but not divorced. He doesn't want the divorce and he moved away. I thought that was weak of him to relocate to another state, because he couldn't deal with his emotions. He left behind 5 children like it was all or nothing. I have little respect for him, because his children still needed him. He couldn't have her so he left like a chump.

There isn't a man on earth that will make me spend nights away from MY children! I think they both may be insecure and needy. She defines herself through a man and it's sad. Out of 7 days she may spend two or three nights there. Before they were together every night! Either at his house or hers and I thought that was a bit much. I hate to call her because he is always right under her. You can hear dude talking, she's always laying under him. It's just really a sad case, that she is fighting so hard to keep him. She won't even cook dinner for her own kids, she leaves it up to them to find something. Let that neegrow want something, she in the kitchen like Aunt Jamamma!

I am married and do not spend that much time under my husband. I have my own identity and life besides the one we have together. She chalks it up to me not be very affectionate and lovey dovey. Girl bye!

If these were my God children I would be calling the authorities - or at least I'd threaten to do so. Who is cooking for them; making sure they get to school on time; checking their homework,; and so on?

I could not be friends with a person like this.