Holy Ghost Grease Sunrise products

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What's so amazing is that as soon as I saw that gn1g had the courage to post about this product (I ordered the product a few days before she posted this thread), I just knew that things would turn sour in here.

Not everyone has the ability to take photos and post them online. Has it gotten to the point that we need to have a rule that says that you can only post about a new product that you like if you have pictures?

Some people have already ordered the product, including myself, and some will post pictures of their progress. Just give it some time for us to try the product and see if we like it. We will definately come back and let you know.

Again I post...for the last time in this thread... It was NOT my intention to start a riot or bring out the mob mentality. I most sincerely apologize if I were the cause of the 'mass hysteria'. I'll chalk it to up PMS since I can't have chocolate or anything sweet, or carbs...pretty much anything right now! :mad: :lol:

I will apologize for HOW my questions may have been posed, I do not however apologize for my questions cause and things I see that make me go :confused: . I merely had some questions, few of which were answered to MY satisifaction, that is MY problem, I'm cool with that ;) . As I posted previously, should I have a change of heart, I would openly say so, my pride wouldn't take a hit at all.

So, PLEASE, can we agree to disagree and call a truce? If you want to get it, go for it! If not, just take your $10 and go the nearest Starbucks, you know they're everywhere!

Either way ladies, it's a choice to purchase, not a mandate.

HHG everyone!

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