Holy Ghost Grease Sunrise products

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HoneyDew said:
This thread really makes me feel nervous about sharing info about products and methods that have helped my hair health.

p.s. gn1g, thanks sharing your experience and congrats on your hair growth.

Exactly! They did Den1 like that a while back. That is why I was leary about posting. I understand being suspicious but I have been a member on here for quit some time and I have been to all of the hair meets in my area except for one, doesn't that count for something.:look:
HoneyDew said:
This thread really makes me feel nervous about sharing info about products and methods that have helped my hair health.

p.s. gn1g, thanks sharing your experience and congrats on your hair growth.

Yes, thanks gn1g for sharing with us. I think that there are a few factors at play here. We all want to achieve our hair goals and so hearing of a means of achieving that goal gets us a bit excited. It did seem a bit suspicious and that was only hightened when you appeared to be MIA. Also, I think that it's human nature to get caught up in the excitement. I know that I checked this thread nonstop throughout the day to follow the latest developments, :look: and I don't consider myself to be a mean person. Nonetheless, as I said, I will be waiting for pictures. I have way too many products. :nono:

I hope that people do not second guess sharing in the future. Actually, I am receiving a new product in the mail this week and I plan on doing a review. I hope that everyone is kind to me for my first review. :D

Oh, and the camera that I used is a Sony Cybershot DSC-P72. The "picture" on the right is actually a straight on image taken by my camera, the image on the left is my reflection in the mirror. I didn't mean to take it that way, but when I saw how the picture came out, I felt that it best reflected how excited I was about my hair... shine and length progress.
GN1G, long time no see!

Does Sue have a shop? Where can I go to sample her products? I'd like to sample before I make a purchase. PM me if you'd prefer.

Hoping to meet you at tailbone length! :)
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Wasn't there suppose to be a link to a paypals account for this product? Does anyone have that? I tried to call but I just got a voice mail.
HoneyDew said:
This thread really makes me feel nervous about sharing info about products and methods that have helped my hair health.

p.s. gn1g, thanks sharing your experience and congrats on your hair growth.

Ps. HoneyDew for the record, my posts are not an attempt to dissuade or persuade someone to use a product (Well, except for the Mega-Tek but that's in another thread or two ;) ). My point is, the claims by the poster are by 'normal' standards a bit 'paranormal'.

It is NEVER my attempt to stifle anyone's self expression, however, if you're going to come with something as 'magnificent' as the claims here, I would expect photos and documentation. Some might say: I can tell you but better yet, let me a SHOW YOU. Like someone said, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Sharing what works for you should never be suppressed because of potential opposition or questioning. If you're coming correct, your claims will prove themselves out, if not for anyone else, they will for you.
I'm sorry but I have to share this because I'm am still confused. Can anyone help me out here that has ordered the product? Which product is gn1g actually using? Here is a series of PMs I had with gn1g which added to my confusion, and I was bothered by her third PM to me which led to having suspicion about this product alltogether:

Originally Posted by Poohbear
what is the exact name of the hair grease so i will know what to ask about when i get around to calling Ms. Sue? there's been a lot of confusion in that Holy Ghost thread and just wanna make sure i know which grease to order. thanks in advance!

1. Originally Posted by gn1g
It is not my grease, it is Ms. Sue's grease. call it "Lenzi's request". At first I was calling it added touch hair pomade but that is a different product. Lenzi's request is actually a hair growth stimulator.

Originally Posted by Poohbear
Oh! I know it's not your grease. I'm still confused... so the name of the grease that you use "Ms. Sue's Grease"???

2. Originally Posted by gn1g
The name of the grease that grew my hair in record time is called "lenzi's request".

Originally Posted by Poohbear

okay. i asked because i saw one of your last post in that Holy Ghost thread where you said Ms. Sue "called her grease after my daughter it was never on a label." I'm wondering now is there a name on the jar at all or is it just a jar of her grease recipe???

3. Originally Posted by gn1g
Pooh have you ordered the grease? I would suggest that you order it and then let us know, how about that?

Originally Posted by Poohbear
ummm, no i havent ordered it yet... i wouldn't have asked if i havent. im not trying to be mean at all. so when i call her, should i ask about the "Lenzi's Request" hair grease? Also, is there a name for this product on the jar? since u have Ms. Sue's product, I thought u would know. thats all im wondering.

She has not responded back yet. I just want a straight forward clear answer on this! I'm assuming I should ask about Lenzi's Request which she has stated in the PMs, but she just said that Ms. Sue calls the hair grease by this name and it was never on the label. :confused: And I did not like how she responded to my third PM...I guess she was frustrated with me. :(

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Poohbear said:
I'm sorry but I have to share this because I'm am still confused. Can anyone help me out here that has ordered the product? Which product is gn1g actually using? Here is a series of PMs I had with gn1g which added to my confusion, and I was bothered by her third PM to me which led to having suspicion about this product alltogether:

Originally Posted by Poohbear

what is the exact name of the hair grease so i will know what to ask about when i get around to calling Ms. Sue? there's been a lot of confusion in that Holy Ghost thread and just wanna make sure i know which grease to order. thanks in advance!

Originally Posted by gn1g

It is not my grease, it is Ms. Sue's grease. call it "Lenzi's request". At first I was calling it added touch hair pomade but that is a different product. Lenzi's request is actually a hair growth stimulator.

Originally Posted by Poohbear

Oh! I know it's not your grease. I'm still confused... so the name of the grease that you use "Ms. Sue's Grease"???

Originally Posted by gn1g

The name of the grease that grew my hair in record time is called "lenzi's request".

Originally Posted by Poohbear

okay. i asked because i saw one of your last post in that Holy Ghost thread where you said Ms. Sue "called her grease after my daughter it was never on a label." I'm wondering now is there a name on the jar at all or is it just a jar of her grease recipe???

Originally Posted by gn1g

Pooh have you ordered the grease? I would suggest that you order it and then let us know, how about that?

Originally Posted by Poohbear

ummm, no i havent ordered it yet... i wouldn't have asked if i havent. im not trying to be mean at all. so when i call her, should i ask about the "Lenzi's Request" hair grease? Also, is there a name for this product on the jar? since u have Ms. Sue's product, I thought u would know. thats all im wondering.

She has not responded back yet. I just want a straight forward clear answer on this! I'm assuming I should ask about Lenzi's Request, but she just said that Ms. Sue calls the hair grease by this name and it was never on the label. :confused:

PB, from reading the PM's between you ladies I could've told you what the answer was. She has made it clear that it's called Lenzy's Request! ;)
lovelymissyoli said:

PB, from reading the PM's between you ladies I could've told you what the answer was. She has made it clear that it's called Lenzy's Request! ;)
yeah, i clearly see that now, but what's the name on the label??? i'll just call and ask her. ;)

I'm done!!! :cool:
:rofl: Oookkkaayyy!!!?!!

I must say that this is all rather suprising! After all the products that people have come on here raving about, gn1g gets raked over the coals because she doesn't have pics??!! I've seen a lot of posters post about what a product did for them, how it grew their hair, etc. without pics and no one questioned them like this, Geez! :confused: All I gots to say is, I'd betta see ALL these questions being thrown at EVERYONE who raves about a new product, not just select people. :lachen:

So what if she is affiliated with it? We've never bought another posters stuff before without knowing it? Isn't those kinky-curly and Avika products made by one of the members on here??? Either that or the friend of a member? How many people know that? Heck, sweetpeadst could make it for all I care. Isn't the MAIN thing is that you like what it does for your hair??

Can't ya'll call and talk to the woman if ya'll so concerned? Usually scammers don't answer questions. :rofl:

For the record, I'm not ordering the grease, but not because of these claims.

I just don't see the big deal? (and yes, I've read the thread)
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TigerLily said:
:rofl: Oookkkaayyy!!!?!!

I must say that this is all rather suprising! After all the products that people have come on here raving about, gn1g gets raked over the coals because she doesn't have pics??!! I've seen a lot of posters post about what a product did for them, how it grew their hair, etc. without pics and no one questioned them like this, Geez! :confused: All I gots to say is, I'd betta see ALL these questions being thrown at EVERYONE who raves about a new product, not just select people. :lachen:

So what if she is affiliated with it? We've never bought another posters stuff before without knowing it? Isn't those kinky-curly and Avika products made by one of the members on here??? Either that or the friend of a member? How many people know that? Heck, sweetpeadst could make it for all I care. Isn't the MAIN thing is that you like what it does for your hair??

Can't ya'll call and talk to the woman if ya'll so concerned? Usually scammers don't ask questions. :rofl:

For the record, I'm not ordering the grease, but not because of these claims.

I just don't see the big deal? (and yes, I've read the thread)

i think main thing that has ppl questioning on top of questioning is like lanecia said...when u say a product is so spectacular that it is filled with the holy ghost ppl r gonna ask u a bunch of questions and wonder about the credibility of each detail....

also with the products like akiva and kinky-curly..those products were on websites before hand and u could go order and view...with secured payments and there were not ''holy ghost'' claims :ohwell:
TigerLily said:

I must say that this is all rather suprising! After all the products that people have come on here raving about, gn1g gets raked over the coals because she doesn't have pics??!! I've seen a lot of posters post about what a product did for them, how it grew their hair, etc. without pics and no one questioned them like this, Geez! :confused: All I gots to say is, I'd betta see ALL these questions being thrown at EVERYONE who raves about a new product, not just select people. :lachen:

That is so true...I've noticed that some people don't even get posts answered {if someone answers its only one or two} in the hair section if they don't have pictures and if they aren't "popular" {myself included which is why I don't start new threads in the hair section or anywhere else really [I just chime it from threads already created]}. I have bought many products without seeing any pictures including Surge and MTG that got so many raves...however I have now seen pictures AFTER I've bought the products...that's just me...I admit I have questions about this product but I will get them answered if I decide to call the lady {she is obviously willing to answer any and all questions} who makes them and then I will decide if I get this product...if it works... great...if not then it's not the first time I've wasted money on hair products.
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SVT said:
GN1G, long time no see!

Does Sue have a shop? Where can I go to sample her products? I'd like to sample before I make a purchase. PM me if you'd prefer.

Hoping to meet you at tailbone length! :)

Well, hello there neighbor:) .
No she doesn't have a shop. The first post I posted concerning this product stated that it is a homemade concoction.
lovelymissyoli said:

PB, from reading the PM's between you ladies I could've told you what the answer was. She has made it clear that it's called Lenzy's Request! ;)

Private Messages(PM) are meant to be private. I hope that you did get gn1g's permission to post her private messages to everyone. If not, I think that was disrespecful.

I understand the concern about gn1g's interest for promoting this product but does it matter what name is on the jar that she has? :kiss: She stated what product she was raving about. (noi)

I'm waiting for more than one person on this board to see results before I jump on a new band wagon.
Keen said:
Private Messages(PM) are meant to be private. I hope that you did get gn1g's permission to post her private messages to everyone. If not, I think that was disrespecful.

I understand the concern about gn1g's interest for promoting this product but does it matter what name is on the jar that she has? :kiss: She stated what product she was raving about. (noi)
Yep. Why try & stick her out like that? Call Sue & ask her anyway.
I'm going for it!...I called Sue and inquired about this Holy Ghost product (Nice lady by the way, and she sounded elderly, really truthful, and spoke very openly and plainly, clearly showing me that she has nothing to hide...works for me!)....and then I bought it! I am mailing my check tomorrow morning and I will definitely let you all know what happens. There goes my Product Buying Hiatus!
why are you even tripping abotu what name is or isnt on the label. this isnt a product sold in stores. Ms. Sue is whipping this grease up herself, so maybe it's gone through a couple of names. gng1 even said the lady had a bunch of recipe;s that were unnamed that she could name after another person so...
Ok ladies...

Love, peace, and "hair grease" (literally) :-D

Nah, really....lets cool out just a little...we got our own production of Conspiracy Theory going on here, LOL.

Yes, the "Holy Spirt" claim is definitely quite a serious claim to make... and I'll leave it at that.

I do suggest, at this point, because quite a few people have already put in orders, for those that require more "evidence" hold out a bit to hear feedback from those members or just contact the source directly regarding questions that we need further clarification on than the explanations and information currently provided by the members here.
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I spoke DIRECTLY to gn1g on the phone today and we came to the conclusion that she should not even come to this thread anymore trying to defend this 'cause obviously some of ya'll are so concerned with protecting the 'integrity' of the board and what not, and that is fine.


But when an "investigation" starts up, that's when things have gotten out of hand. IMHO

She has decided that for those of us who have ordered, that WE can see what it does. But in the meanwhile, I don't see anything else that needs to be discussed in regard to this.
the producvt probably doesnt have a label. and i believe whebn you call it lenzi's request, the lady will know what ure talking about. when did this thread turn into this????
TigerLily said:
:rofl: Oookkkaayyy!!!?!!

I must say that this is all rather suprising! After all the products that people have come on here raving about, gn1g gets raked over the coals because she doesn't have pics??!! I've seen a lot of posters post about what a product did for them, how it grew their hair, etc. without pics and no one questioned them like this, Geez! :confused: All I gots to say is, I'd betta see ALL these questions being thrown at EVERYONE who raves about a new product, not just select people. :lachen:

So what if she is affiliated with it? We've never bought another posters stuff before without knowing it? Isn't those kinky-curly and Avika products made by one of the members on here??? Either that or the friend of a member? How many people know that? Heck, sweetpeadst could make it for all I care. Isn't the MAIN thing is that you like what it does for your hair??

Can't ya'll call and talk to the woman if ya'll so concerned? Usually scammers don't ask questions. :rofl:

For the record, I'm not ordering the grease, but not because of these claims.

I just don't see the big deal? (and yes, I've read the thread)

FOR REAL!!!!! Dang, it's grease not bone marrow or a heart/lung machine.....it isn't life or death. Whether or not people decide to buy it based on the information that they've received is their business. It's their money, their time and their scalp. I don't see the big deal, either. :ohwell:
miracle said:
FOR REAL!!!!! Dang, it's grease not bone marrow or a heart/lung machine.....it isn't life or death. Whether or not people decide to buy it based on the information that they've received is their business. It's their money, their time and their scalp. I don't see the big deal, either. :ohwell:

word on that
miracle said:
FOR REAL!!!!! Dang, it's grease not bone marrow or a heart/lung machine.....it ain't life or death. Whether or not people decide to buy it based on the information that they've received is their business. It's their money, their time and their scalp. :ohwell:


:bouncegre :bouncy: :bouncegre :bouncy: :bouncegre
miracle said:
It's their money, their time and their scalp. I don't see the big deal, either. :ohwell:
You've said a "mouthfull" with that statement...as for myself I cannot wait to talk to Ms. Sue to get my questions answered.
deedabug said:
i think main thing that has ppl questioning on top of questioning is like lanecia said...when u say a product is so spectacular that it is filled with the holy ghost ppl r gonna ask u a bunch of questions and wonder about the credibility of each detail....

also with the products like akiva and kinky-curly..those products were on websites before hand and u could go order and view...with secured payments and there were not ''holy ghost'' claims :ohwell:

That's exactly why they should call and ask for themselves, instead of passive aggressively calling people shiesters...and if the 'holy ghost' claims are throwing people off, then why even bother? :ohwell:
Poohbear said:
I'm sorry but I have to share this because I'm am still confused. Can anyone help me out here that has ordered the product? Which product is gn1g actually using? Here is a series of PMs I had with gn1g which added to my confusion, and I was bothered by her third PM to me which led to having suspicion about this product alltogether:

Originally Posted by Poohbear
what is the exact name of the hair grease so i will know what to ask about when i get around to calling Ms. Sue? there's been a lot of confusion in that Holy Ghost thread and just wanna make sure i know which grease to order. thanks in advance!

1. Originally Posted by gn1g
It is not my grease, it is Ms. Sue's grease. call it "Lenzi's request". At first I was calling it added touch hair pomade but that is a different product. Lenzi's request is actually a hair growth stimulator.

Originally Posted by Poohbear
Oh! I know it's not your grease. I'm still confused... so the name of the grease that you use "Ms. Sue's Grease"???

2. Originally Posted by gn1g
The name of the grease that grew my hair in record time is called "lenzi's request".

Originally Posted by Poohbear

okay. i asked because i saw one of your last post in that Holy Ghost thread where you said Ms. Sue "called her grease after my daughter it was never on a label." I'm wondering now is there a name on the jar at all or is it just a jar of her grease recipe???

3. Originally Posted by gn1g
Pooh have you ordered the grease? I would suggest that you order it and then let us know, how about that?

Originally Posted by Poohbear
ummm, no i havent ordered it yet... i wouldn't have asked if i havent. im not trying to be mean at all. so when i call her, should i ask about the "Lenzi's Request" hair grease? Also, is there a name for this product on the jar? since u have Ms. Sue's product, I thought u would know. thats all im wondering.

She has not responded back yet. I just want a straight forward clear answer on this! I'm assuming I should ask about Lenzi's Request which she has stated in the PMs, but she just said that Ms. Sue calls the hair grease by this name and it was never on the label. :confused: And I did not like how she responded to my third PM...I guess she was frustrated with me. :(

That's REAL WRONG of you to post PM's on the forum. You've shown just how trustworthy you are. :ohwell:
Tigerlily and Miracle, I agreee with u. Like it has been said a million times on this forum and even a newbie like me knows 'what works for one might not work for another' Sad but true.

we are all in a quest to find better products that work for OUR hair. And yes there will always be spectism at first because we have no photos and not many have used it. But that is a RISK we take for OUR hair. If u want further proof then hold up until some members post photos then we can all be happy and raving. I dont even know when this thread turned so messed up. GN1G came to the forum to clear up the questions and from wot i can see we were all happy or (not) until POOHBEAR posted her PM here. Now that is very wrong Poohbear, i know u want answers but call Ms Sue who makes the product. Nobody is forcing anyone to have over some money for any grease, just remember that.
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